Showing posts with label art. Show all posts
Showing posts with label art. Show all posts

Wednesday 28 September 2011

Deviant Art for Deviant Days (or something like that)

Hello again! Less than a week since last time – blimey!Well, here we are, almost October and it's blazing here in London like a chubby teen's well-whipped backside. What a deviant, you are probably thinking, even applying spanking metaphors to meteorological phenomena. But the weather has been pretty deviant in recent years, so why not? And talking of deviance (a gossamer-thin link at best) having finished with the commissioned piece I was writing I have at last begun to turn my attention to exploring photo manipulation and computer art, albeit in the evenings as I am presently tied up earning a crust in the daylight hours.

All of which brings me to (there's a link in the sidebar somewhere I'm sure, listed under 'Useful Resources' ). It's a great vein of inspiration waiting to be explored. As a starting point try these examples drawn and produced by 'Jogbol' (not to worry, you legal minded types – I have the artist's permission). What I like about these images is the plethora of tales that pop into the imagination, partly because of the built-in uncertainty of the context, by which I mean the lack of background detail. By focusing on the subject and the more immediate surroundings greater scope is opened up for what I would call 'personalised imaginative embellishment' (Ok; fantasizing – if you must!). Anyway, if you like what you see just click on the artist's name to visit and then surf from there.

As for that commisioned work, in case you were wondering; I am pleased to be able to tell you that, from the feedback I have recieved thus far, the client seems happy – even delighted - and is apperently enjoying the piece, which is what it's all about! I have to say I was somewhat releived. It turned out to be not at all easy to avoid drifting into my own areas of interest and those other areas I have grown more accustomed to accomadating in my writing over the years. For the latter reason I had become a little concerned towards the end that I might not have placed sufficient emphasis on the client's more specific personal interests. All in all though, it turned out to be a rewarding and inspiring experience! Bye for now!

Tuesday 30 November 2010

Toilet-Seat Spanking Humiliation, A Couple of Blogs to Explore and Some PicasaWeb Album Additions

You are probably wondering where I’ve been to again, it being close to a week since my last update. Well I had planned one for last Friday or Saturday but the best laid plans… well, more about that later, for those that are interested (see below). Harking back to that ‘Toilet Seats and Domestic Discipline’ thing I wrote up on Sunday 21st November, I remembered seeing a really nice suitable photo set somewhere out there in Web-Land once, featuring the absolutely edible Rosaleen young (I think – though I might be wrong). I think it realy sums up the posibilities inherent in the situation being discussed - think institutional-style discipline intorduced in the home environment. So on Friday I did a little trawling around and here it is (left). Of course while out hunting, as is often the case, I got sidetracked by a couple of interesting blogs.

The first isn’t actual strictly speaking a Blog at all as such, other than in name, as I can’t link to it via my blog listings and so you can find it listed under ‘Useful Resources’ in the right-hand sidebar or click on its name here (highlighted in blue). Entitled; Michael Masterson’s The Spanking Blog it is a spanking photo studio site with loads of free spanking galleries for you to investigate (I didn’t have time myself on my visit – but I’m going back later). The other I came across was Spanking Porn-blog which can be found in the sidebar blog listing in the conventional manner. You can also go see it for yourself directly from here, as above.

The other two pics are just gratuitous, yet stimulating, examples of spanking art I came across while reorganizing my files recently – I hope I haven’t posted them before; my apologies if I have. The first (right) is by ‘Walldo’, the other I don’t know – perhaps someone out there can tell me as I’d like to see some more!

Yesterday I got stuck working away from home, so could work on the book but had no WiFi access for the day. Today I’m hard at it once again and even I hope to do a little prelim work on the design of the book cover later – something that excites me greatly!

I was actually quite industrious yesterday – despite being away from home - and very nearly finished the last chapter of the new book, which I have now put in place in book form (although I shall have to do a little more to it shortly, when I finish this). Despite this and despite returning home late (near midnight) I managed to update my PicasaWeb albums (right-hand sidebar) adding more scanned catalogue pics to the 1960s – 1970s Alexandra workwear album and creating a whole new album entitled Prison Uniforms that concentrates on prison uniform dresses. The problem regarding PicasaWeb deleting certain spanking art folders from my assemblage some time ago – notably the work of Hobbs / Thorn I am working on circumventing by way of creating a public DropBox folder that I shall then post a link to here. If that works, and within the limitations of the storage space available, I shall create folders of all sorts of scanned and / or downloaded stuff that has inspired and fired me up over the years for you to explore and that I have archived.

It's bloody snowing here now, freezing - I thought global warming was supposed to take care of all that. The good news is that it helps put me off going to the pub for a while. I'm saving that up for closer to Christmas. Not Christmas itself, though, as my other half doesn't drink much and so I try to abstain and instead get my kicks by going for food that I would not ordinarily allow myself. We are going to be off to a nice (I hope) hotel in Ascot, where the famous Royal Ascot horse race course is and not far from Windsor and the Thames; might even try a little fishing on Boxing Day.

Or a more negative note: I have a chest infection that has gone on for weeks and that seems to gradually ease off only to worsen again after each visit to the gym. The upside (I suppose) is that, what with the inclement weather and my hacking cough, I am confined to the home today and so after a brief blog update will be hopefully getting a lot done towards getting this book thing finished.

On the subject of the blog: I went away for the weekend to the ‘Other Half's’ place - as always - and although it would be difficult to do much towards finishing the book while there I nevertheless intended to get a blog update posted. Accordingly I took all source materials I would need with me on a data stick.

I arrived to find a hysterical woman journalist / lecturer (namely 'The Other Half') and a computer that had fallen over and that now displayed unblinkingly the dreaded Windows blue screen, a hole batch of hexadecimal memory addresses and error codes and the information that it had ''performed a dump - mmm, nice! (a little too much information there, on all sorts of levels - taking a 'dump' can have a whole different meaning here in London). She had tried to transfer some work she had completed onto a data stick... and down it had gone - just like that. Further investigation showed the hard drive to be so full as to barely allow Windows to operate (she only has 512 Mb of RAM). I used the Windows disk cleanup utility, compressed some files and off it went again... only to fail to download and install a Windows update a few hours later. The cause? Insufficient disk space - the free space was down to a couple of hundred megabytes again. Interestingly, thinking back I seemed to recall that earlier in the year when last I had checked there had been about 15 Gb of free space on that drive, and she only deals in text , a few still pics and PowerPoint presentations, things like that and nothing flash either. Obviously I suspected a virus of some flavour. I trawled through the hard drive looking for some overly enormous usage some place - and found it! Symantic Norton antivirus: in the programs, common, directory a directory labeled Symantic was 15Gb in size! Closer inspection showed the culprit to be the virus signatures folder which was bulging at the seams with 12.8 Gb of signatures, temp files and the rest.

To cut a long story short; the thing seemed unstoppable. I would tell it to empty its temp cache, and it would - only to fill it up again almost immediately. I reduced the disc space allowed for Norton's temp files, but to no avail. Then, while still investigating the problem and having again freed up disc space by compressing old files, Norton proudly announced that it was trying to update and would I kindly make more disk space available to it on the hard drive as it was having a little difficulty (or words ti that effect)... Ahhhh! Poor thing!

That was it: I knew then it had to die... Die!... DIE!!!! ARRRGH! Not so easy to kill off though - it is an antivirus program after all! I had first to stop it loading on start up it turned out. So off I went to the registry and pulled out its plug. Then it was back to the Windows Add / Remove utility, a gun to its head BANG it was dispatched.

I'd always hated Norton, right from the start. It took up too much memory and would slow her ancient (2002) computer to a snail's pace. To be honest, though; originally her machine had run quite happily with 256 Mb RAM - even with Norton - until she'd had added the latest version of Norton, a few years back. Then it had ground practically to a standstill and a little investigation soon showed that Norton itself was taking up 128 Mb for its own use. Thus I upped the memory to 512 Mb for her (she didn't want to spend much - she's of Scottish ancestry; I'm sure you understand. Ha! Ha! No offence meant to any of you from the other side of The Wall, you must understand – that of Hadrian's constructing of course). I have now replaced Norton with Avast, which is the antivirus I run here, cleaned up the registry and optimized Windows - and of course defragged the hard drive (which is a tale in of itself - never bother with the Windows XP defragmenter tool is my advice; it's crap, deeply crap!). Now her antique machine is razor sharp (for its vintage). Of course it lacks the punch of my brace of 10,000 RPM Raptors configured in RAID 0 (though strictly speaking that shouldn't be called RAID at all as neither drive is redundant - far from it). Bye for now!

Saturday 25 September 2010

An Apology from the Central Department of Dodgy Links

What can I say? Flushed with the excitement of the moment - and a little too much ale - I neglected to put in the link from the illustration at the top right of my last posting to the artist's site. Suffice it to say that I have now remedied the problem and a click on the aforementioned pic will whizz you straight to his site. As a little compensation, here is an intriguing little number from that great doyen of spanking art, Paula Meadows (Lynne Paula Russel - a link to her site can be found over in the right hand sidebar, listed under 'Useful Resources'). The question is whether or not the young lady's outfit qualifies as a form of specialized punishment dress and thus part and parcel of her discipline. Is it intended to facilitate / augment corporal punishment or humiliate or is it just part of some rather edgy in-vogue fashion and worn by choice. If the latter, then the question becomes; should it be allowed or should the caning be closely followed by her being handed her new school uniform? By the way; for any who might be interested, despite the time of year it is sunny and bright here in London and I'm sitting out working in the garden - I wonder how long this will last? I am going to award myself one more day out in the pub next week, the proviso being that in that day I get the final outstanding part of the new book finished - the section wherein one luckless young thing receives a visit in the institution in which she has become incarcerated from her guardian and that formidable hellion woman's tame lawyer: there are some papers to be signed and the ever-present threat of the cane is there overshadowing events... Yum!

Thursday 23 September 2010

Art, Liberty Bodices, Discipline and Crashes

Hi peoples, init. I know, I know, yet another week gap. But I have been hard at it in the background, bashing away at the new book. There is so much written, one year in, that that I am considering rearranging the work into two distinct volumes – for clarity of storytelling rather than for any financial advantage; I get very little out of this financially anyway. Almost everything is now written to some degree or other, except for a couple of short scenes and one major scene that will likely take me a day. I could of course simplify by leaving out some of the descriptive scene-setting stuff. But as I have said before: the whole aim, when I first set out down this path, was to try and create some form of spanking literature - incorporating discipline / submission, humiliation, petty rules, restrictions and uniforms and multiple other disparate fetishes, as long as they could be fitted within the framework sensibly – having proper scene-setting, character development, dialog and all the rest, set out within some plausible premise, just as one would expect to find within any other genre one might come across on the high-street bookshelves. Wow! What a long sentence! Better wait to get your breath back.

In the interim I came upon a site run by an illustrator with some rather out of the ordinary imagery for the genre. I particularly liked the artist’s rendition of what appears to be a good old-fashioned liberty bodice on the girl in the first drawing (above) - very imaginative if set in the modern period… and a garment you will encounter a character being put in within the new book, as luck would have it. Little details such as the puff-sleeved blouses worn by the girls in the second illustration all add to the atmosphere of restriction and discipline, while the third is just perfect for all those that like the idea of drill impositions (bottom). The artist sells his work commercially - and I don’t ordinarily promote commercial sites outside of the couple that I am an affiliate of - but I urge you too check out his stuff. You can find his work on (click the pic at top left or check out the blog listing in the right hand sidebar).

One other thing that has held me back was that on Monday – a day I had planed to set aside a little time to update the blog, I suffered a major computer crash that resulted in my having to reload Windows from scratch - with all that goes with that!!!! Luckily the book stuff is spread in duplicate between two computers and occasionally backed up on to CD. Also luckily I had backed up a lot of other stuff on to an independent drive on the same computer back in July – but I lost anything I had downloaded to my various illustration and inspirational collections throughout August. The worst hit potentially was the voice recognition software I use, as one has to train it to one’s voice – not too bad, as it only takes around 15 – 20 minutes – and it learns through experience and correction, improving in accuracy as one uses it. This latter aspect at first seemed disastrous, as I had been using it practically none-stop for two years and it had gone from being quite unreliable to being pretty good at interpreting my voice over that time… Then I discovered that I had backed-up its ‘user files’ a few months back and so was able to reinstate its vocabulary to a point when it had already become quite competent. In short I lost around a day and a half in total but am now up and running again – touch wood!!!

Thursday 4 June 2009

A Quick (very) Blog Update

I have today removed the link to the Lynn Paula Russell site (Paula Meadows, as was ) from my sidebar's 'Useful Resources' list as during a routine check I found the link to be broken - yeah I do stuff like that: a bit anal isn't it? However I will shortly be adding a Picasaweb album with as much of her stuff as I have - I guess that broken link has finaly given me the impetus I needed. Keep an eye on the Spanking ArtWork Albums list in the sidebar on the right. I have also rearanged the resource list a bit so that all the artwork links are bunched together and I have just added a link to the blog list for an interesting spanking blog I have just come across called SPANKEDHORTIC (just click to visit - or see sidebar).
Incidently, Flickr is sometimes worth a visit: For example I just found a nice collection of pics entitled Spanking Fun (click to view). If you try to download / save any, though, they come up as 'Spaceballs' which means the pics are protected. Why folks choose to do this I have no idea - I thought that the rationale behind Flickr was to share images. However it is quite easy to get around this limitation, or security measure or whatever it is: From 'File' in your browser window (in Explorer at any rate), choose 'Edit with Microsoft Word'. You then have a Word page with the image embedded and can then edit out all of the other stuff you don't want and work from there.

Thursday 7 May 2009

Another Blog to Check - While I Get on With Volume 2 / 3

Hi peeps: If you always enjoyed the stories they used to have in those old classic Janus magazines of the past (as I did) and gloried in the artwork of Lynn Paula Russell (Paula Meadows, as was then) you could do far worse than visit Uncle Peter's Spanking Stories ( click, or see the sidebar blog list). By the way, the marvelous little Paula Russell drawing on the left I just couldn't resist - even though it didn't actually come from that particular site. it evokes a question that was broached in volume 1, is visited from an institutional perspective in volume 2 and will be dealt with in more detail in volume 3 - wherein a strict governess, steeped in Victorian mores to the point at which to her and her charges the modern world might as well not exist, brings to bear her own unique approach to the subject. That question is of course: within a strict disciplinary framework, should masturbation ever be allowed - and if not how should it be controlled or curtailed? Indeed, under certain circumstances, is there a case one could make for masturbation to be not only allowed but actively encouraged, perhaps seven enforced under strict supervision? Of course there are chastity belts and other such physically restrictive measures that could be applied (and were, historically). But with in a hospital / institution environment or even under the guidance of a suitably qualified and skilled governess, as I envisage, there is much scope to think about approaches to aversive tactics or the subtle use of association (perhaps through the provision of suitable books, magazines and images - the perusal of which might be enforced or left up to the young lady herself - or indeed, through psychologically therapeutic means such as guided imagery) to mould and sculpt her ideas and predilections. Well, what do you think? Any ideas out there?
See y'all later when I've got a bit more done - Wicked Uncle Garth.

Sunday 3 May 2009

A New Art Link (Bondage) by Coco & a Little Bit of Stranger than Fiction Inspiration

Hi folks; Its a so called 'Bank Holiday' here in the UK which basically means a few folk get Monday off of work (those lucky enough to still have jobs that is - unlike yours truly). It used to mean practically every one got the day off but nowadays a lot of folk still have to work - just as they now do on Sundays and every other day of the week (and year, before long, I'd wager!). Mind you; if that means the pubs are kept open, then I'm all for it! (but pubs are going down like flies too - crushed beneath the heel of the credit crunch). I was hoping to go to an antiques fair at Alexandra Palace today, but got dragged instead to help run a stool at a car-boot sale in Hertfordshire - a sort of casually arranged bric-a-brac sale usually held in a field wherein folk sell their old junk brought in their car's boot (automobile trunk - for all you State-side people). Now I'm back to the final stages of proofreading, while still considering whether to split volume 2 into two books - and if so - how much extra work, and thus time, that would entail. If I can do so, sensibly, inside one week, then I may still do so - as long as the split ends the first and begins the second part in a sensible way; and a way that makes the story enjoyable to follow on without confusion.

Meanwhile; I have just been sent a new link (for which, much gratitude) to the excelent bondage art of Coco (click on artwork above or on the title highlighted in blue to link - or check out the sidebar resource list over on the right). And on the subject of 'truth stranger than fiction' (and something that should come as a source of inspiration for 'Judith's Aunt' - a contributor from a while ago now and from whom we have heard little of late...hint, hint... as regards the disciplining of her niece) no sooner did I add a little descriptive work to a section of volume 2 dealing with a form of shame-dress discipline (you will see what I mean if and when you read it) then I came across the following text...And I thought I was being so imaginative!
"We sometimes wore itchy woollen combinations, which were reall

"We sometimes wore itchy woollen combinations, which were really uncomfortable, with sleeves down to the wrist, and our Liberty bodices were fastened with buttons to our knickers, so that meant unfastening them every time we went to the lavatory! On top of the petticoats we wore cotton frocks in summer, or kilts in winter, and sometimes these long shapeless jersey dresses. I had a navy coloured reefer coat and we had to wear laced ankle boots because my mother believed they helped to strengthen the ankle. But my older sister made such a fuss about them, we stopped wearing them in the end. I had a straw hat for summer and a velour winter hat." "Many young teenage girls were still [kept in] corsets [then]: "[That] was before roll-ons and corselets became popular, and [teenage girls had corsets that hooked up at the side. We wore two pairs of knickers, with navy blue bloomers on the outside and a white cotton 'liner' on the inside and at school we wore a black alpaca tabard pinafore over our uniform dress. We had house shoes for indoors, and lace-up shoes outdoors and on Sunday we wore patent leather house shoes. {A tabard seems an interesting idea - lots of possibilities there! But I'm not sure about alpaca, though - Garth}

"At home we wore these ghastly knitted dresses, they were absolute horrors with a belt threaded through round the hips, just where we were fattest, at a time when we were at our least shapely anyway. These dresses were knitted for us by somebody, and they had absolutely no shape whatsoever, and we hated them." Quoted and adapted from

Thursday 15 January 2009

BaredAffair-Archive2:More of Roger Benson's Art - A Link From an Anonymous Contributor

Hi folks, just a quickie today as I am hard at work on the last bits of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 (as I said I would be).

An anonymous contributor (the same one? who knows - he / she is anonymous) has sent in another link to a story purportedly by Roger Benson and featuring his artwork, including one or two pics I haven't seen before, which is a rare thing.

He / she writes: " Another story with some "judicial" content may be found at URL

There's a single PDF file in this directory, which is the story".

(You can also click the image above to go straight to the groups home page)

This turns out to be a secondary or annex group to to the BaredAffair yahoo group featured in my last post. The story basically follows on from the reformatory story outlined in my last post and follows the girls after their release. I like the idea of the retention of some part of their reformatory uniform for a post reformatory probation period which is an approach - without giving too much away - I have used regarding one of the characters inhabiting INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 whereby a special uniform has to be devised to keep her psychologically 'connected' to the institution after she is granted a short respite and a temporary release from the residential experimental psychology trial she has been enrolled in. Rest assured; she might be residing in the 'outside' world but she is still anything but free, indeed she will be kept under a very tight rein indeed - as you will come to appreciate in volume 3 - a strict governess, Victorian discipline and up-to-date psychological manipulation will see to that! Another interesting facet was the appraisal and measurement of a girl's vital statistics and intervention by way of a weight-loss diet (of sorts - very vague) and the prescription of very full and thick rubber knickers to aid in hip and bottom reduction. Once again it reads like a sketchy version of something I have lined up in volume 2, wherein we see the hospital's dietitian go to work on one of the hapless girls and come to appreciate how little control these young ladies have over their lives; they maybe clinical trial volunteers but that doesn't mean they have any say in the matter, nor can they just walk out - very much the opposite. Think what could be done with a lithe young thing, proud of her figure and with ambition built around the Royal Ballet, who's rationale in the first place was to gain enough financial independence through her 90 day participation in this experimental psychology trial to combat her guardian's objections and follow her dream - but that was 18 months ago!

In any case it is worth perusing the BaredAffair yahoo group's file sections, both 1 and 2, generally; there is a regularly (up to 2007 anyway) posted spoof pro-spanking magazine that incorporates many interesting illustrations - again, some of which I haven't seen before.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Addendum to my Last Post - A Link to More Roger Benson Art

Yes I know I still have to complete my last posting, but I still have some computer issues, relationship problems (mostly in my own head - I think I'm going slightly mad...must keep off the booze...have to keep of the booze........ok then, just one more pint). Most of all I am trying to motivate myself to get volume 2 finished (so near, but so far).

The Botox ideas that were sent in got the juices flowing again...but then I had another (possibly alcohol-induced) emotional crash. Yesterday I again got going, albeit transcribing from notes that I had already written but in so doing I started to slowly get back into it. Until I really get going I am going to concentrate on the book. Once I have built up a bit of momentum / enthusiasm I will be able to put more energy into this site. I have promised myself not to drink until I get Volume 2 onto Lulu at least, so I have some impetus to get it done, even if initially it might have a temporary cover so as to save time. I have to do the cover art (if you can call it that) myself and as I can't afford to buy royalty-free images and I have to be aware of copyright restrictions, I have to build up the images from my own photographs and stuff I can create myself - and I can't afford to employ a model, to get that all-important erotic aspect to the imagery. Any one have any ideas how I can get the final cover to look exciting (in terms of its likely readership) and illustrate something of the ideas within?

And now for the real reason for this post:

An anonymous contributor added this comment to my last post which you might have missed so I thought I'd flag it up here:

"There is a defunct Yahoo group called "BaredAffair-Archive1" that contains a PDF that purports to be the story that accompanies these picture. The PDF file contains the pictures. Go to URL and look for the file ArtOfSpanking_byRogerBenson.pdf."

I know it involves the hastle of signing up for yet another yahoo group but it is well worth the trouble - let me know if you have any trouble getting to it and I'll fix up a proper link. The story the correspondent refers to is pretty good and it is surprising how many parallels there are to some of the events in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 (especial as regards the school desks, some will notice) even though I have never seen it before and so doubt its authenticity / purported antiquity somewhat. I was particularly pleased to to see the amount of effort and importance placed on dealing with admission procedures (complete with illustrations) which is an area often missed by many authors. I would liked to have seen a bit more by way of descriptive prose as regards the cutting of their hair etc but overall, give or take one or two inconsistencies (the girls are in the reformatory for a couple of months, yet somehow their hair grows back), the only real disappointment was the brevity of their sentences. As regards to the latter; I would like to have seen a year, minimum. At one stage the judge that has sentenced them visits them in the reform school towards the end of their sentence (they haven't been told the length, which is a very nice touch) and I was getting all excited imagining that he was just about to extend / restart their sentence under some pretext. I remember reading a similar thing once (in Blushes I think ) where the sentence (unofficial of course, nothing to do with the real legal system) was at least a year, but with no maximum tariff, ie it could, and would, be extended on a whim.

Monday 12 January 2009

Roger Benson Links ( to be completed later)

Some of my favorite reform school images by Roger Benson.

He illustrates step by step an entire admittance procedure in this set. Click on left hand pic to view the set on K.Taia's excellent spanking art site and then click on reform school when you get there.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

New Album Opened, Future Blog Plans and a Couple of Pics

Having run out of hand-written work to dictate into the computer, by far the most efficient way for me to work, volume 2 is very much on the backburner today. I don't have a lot of time today but what I do have is going to be dedicated to improving and updating the blog layout. I've made a start by creating an album dedicated to spanking magazine covers (see the sidebar).

A lot of these I've actually pinched from an online second-hand sales site where somebody is apparently selling off their entire 40 years worth of collecting, but quite a few I have in my collection and so it has saved me a hell of a lot of time scanning them myself. In terms of the covers shown so far I don't think I have anything in my collection that is not displayed. However I do have quite a few issues of Blushes, Whispers, New Uniform Girls, Strictly Uniforms and Uniforms International in my collection, as well as quite a few books, not yet shown but that I will be scanning and uploading at a later date.

This sort of thing I see as conserving for posterity as these old magazines and books are becoming rarer and rarer and so the more people that download and save them to their hard drives and other places the less chance there is of them disappearing forever - the seems little in the modern world that comes up to their standard, particularly when it comes to their often very imaginative and inspired letters pages. When ever I go to antiques fairs or boot fairs I am forever searching for old magazines and even newspaper articles pertaining to our interest.

It doesn't even stop there, my first working incarnation was as an electronics engineer and I have interests in amateur radio and vintage equipment so I have quite a few old radio and television magazines lined up ready to be scanned in. For example, I have some television and radio enthusiast magazines that amongst other things outline how to build your own equipment and that date back to the 1930s, almost to the dawn of television itself. Obviously these are destined for another blog and/or website.

Going back to this blog for a moment, I'm going to split up the resource list in the sidebar to provide for a separate list of interesting and relevant Yahoo! groups that I've come across in my travels - a good example is one that I found only yesterday and that deals with impositions and the writing of lines as a form of discipline. Unfortunately the latter requires certain profile information and a few lines about why one wishes to join the group (I really hate that sort of thing, why do they bother). I have a couple of profiles that I use and I inadvertently entered the wrong one, so I'm probably going to be rejected. But the groups out there are not restricted simply to spanking / caning; they can be quite imaginative and eclectic while still being relevant to the stuff I write and the general issue of discipline, with little thought anyway.

I intend to list them by name and / or content rather than the full URL as I think that is more informative and useful and one only has to click on the link to go straight to the YahooGroup concerned in any case.

The picture at the top left is a something that I picked up from the blog that I outlined yesterday; you will have seen it before from a different angle (from one on my magazine scans in fact) but what I love here is the little school desk and the suitably browbeaten expression that the young lady wears – as well she might given her age juxtaposed with the way she is dressed and obviously treated (that little desk says it all - clearly sweated over through many, many hours of tedious and repetitive line writing).

As regards to the designs of physical exercise school leotards that I was discussing a right about yesterday; some kind contributor (who wants to remain anonymous) has send me the picture on the right. One had to exercise a little imagination but I think you can understand the advantages of adapting this to the design of a leotard gusset - the problem lies in retaining the otherwise modest styling of the rest of the garment. I envisage the thing as being absolutely traditional, give or take the use of modern fibre types perhaps, other than that single feature (it is that juxtaposition between modesty and exposure that I think makes it so exciting – and humiliating to the wearer). Therein, of course, lies the problem; if the whole thing was devised as some sort of fetish wear and manufactured in perhaps PVC or latex in its entirety it will be self solving but as envisaged one has to deal with the problem of combining the qualities of these materials (or others with these same qualities) with more traditional fabrics - it comes down to the problem of bonding one material to another but I have at least one solution in mind I can't tell you much more without giving away too much of the plot.

Tomorrow I will be back to work in on completing volume 2 of INSTITUTIONALISED; hopefully the day will be as sunny as today is (we have clear blue skies in London at the moment) and I intend to visit several hostelries (pubs), pint, notebook and pen in hand - I'm hoping to fit in the Spaniards in,, in Hampstead at some point; it is wood panelled and historic and conducive to the imagination.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

A Nice Yahoo Group to Try and Some More of Hardcastle's Work Added to His Album

Having lost most of the weekend bogged down with attempting to book a Christmas holiday (it was going to be five nights in Rome now looks like being more like three nights in Windsor, albeit white opposite the castle) today has been completely dedicated to filling in the gaps in volume 2. I'm currently working on a series of flashbacks that illustrate something of Lavinia's life with the woman that she calls her aunt prior to her semi-voluntarily incarceration in the experimental research unit. It had been quite hard work because I have quite a lot of time to make up on, what with my recent computer problems etc, but it has not been without compensation in the form of some interesting discoveries made on the Internet while researching one or two details - the most fruitful, strangely enough, coming to light while researching some aspects of dress design and fabric handling (don't ask). Anyway, as a result of all this I come across a really quite excellent YahooGroup:

The Academy for Difficult Girls (just click to access and join) or click on link in the resource list in the sidebar. The best part is actually the files section of which I can particularly recommend the stories in Adventures at the Academy (I) and (I I) but is worth perusing all of the folders for stories: subjects covered include enforced diaper use, enforced age regression, orgasm denial (lots) supervised potty training for young adults and even what I would describe as de-education (i.e. young women learning to forget how to read and write for example). And, of course there are lots and lots humiliation ideas and possibilities - there was a lot to explore, and I've probably spent far too long this evening doing exactly that, I don't think I have ever spent so long on one group.

On another tack, I've just this minute added a whole bunch of Hardcastle illustrations, that I came across this afternoon on one of the Yahoo groups I was perusing, to the Hardcastle scans and downloads section of Spanking ArtWork Albums (see sidebar) - the most interesting of which to my mind is the story from Janus about the 22 year-old woman forced back to school and to take the role of a 17-year-old (see top left, click to enlarge - the rest is in the spanking artwork album for Hardcastle). While I was at it I just couldn't resist posting up another example of the great man's work; the deportment training he illustrates here always gets me going and one can easily imagine some suitable adaptation of it taking place as part of the regime imposed on one of the three small groups that constitute the institution's residential experimental psychology section - the Schoolroom Group regime would seem to be the most accommodating for this sort of training, I would think. One that I've added has had a particularly interesting caption added to it. (Click here) very much up my tree.

As for the photo I posted in my last entry; I had intended to begin to relate the real life story of a girl that my wife of the time and I had staying with us in the mid to late 1980s and the pic was to have been an attempt to illustrate something approximating to an early incarnation of what my came to call the girl's house uniform (sometimes, home uniform). I'm a bit too hard pressed to do it justice at the moment (although I have alluded to the relationship once or twice previously) and so when I get around to it I'll remove the pic and reuse it as and when (it's a 1960s Sainsbury's uniform by the way). As for the immediate future; I'll be tackling the stutter / stammer induction theme soon - I can think of little that would undermine a young woman's self esteem more, so demoralising. Of course, having never been tried in an adult (and never likely to be in peer reviewed, ethics committee-monitored mainstream research) it is experimentally irresistible and a project perfectly suited to the more discreet (not to mention secure) environs of the institutions research unit. I have some nice ideas (one of which I am surreptitiously testing with my partner) but more are always welcome - how would you go about it?

Monday 17 November 2008

Another Bondage Art Source, a Bit of Mouth -Soaping and a Bit More on Dress Discipline

I have just added a new art link to the resource list in the sidebar: Art by Paul Alazar (click artist's name, the illustration on the right or go to the side bar to view). I know one pic would have done but the first I couldn't resist as the pose is so reminiscent of the well trained schoolgirl pic I posted a few days back. The second is near perfect for a scene I have in mind for INSTITUTIONALISED vol 3, just imagine an attached tray or table top: "the perfect highchair for the recalcitrant teenager" you're probably thinking. You're also thinking "a bit of adult baby play - how cliched is that?"...


And you'd be right, of course - if that was all there was to it...remember there is an inheritance at stake and I for one can't see how a harmless bit of AB fun and games is going to help secure that. The third drawing just made me think: it could almost be Susan or Lavinia over their respective 'aunts' lap - it has to be the latter girl actually, looking at the hair colour and even then one must take into account that Lavina's hair was still waist length when she was living at her aunt's. The woman could never quite bring herself to cut it, despite the positive effect that would likely have had on the girl's discipline. It would have broken her heart to have marred such beauty and that of the girl too - which is exactly why the institution's staff don't share such qualms.

Now as much as I hate to dredge up an old subject yet again, in my research for volume 3 (I know, I know...I haven't even finished volume 2 yet - still, one must think ahead in this game) I came across a neat little story incorporating shame-clothing(a sailor -suit dress) enforced adoption of a juvenile persona and mouth soaping (hmm...some interesting ideas there!). For the life of me I couldn't dredge up a decent sailor-suit dress depicted on an adult then I came upon this little number and all the buses came along at once, so to speak - the company that supplies this little gem should be the hub of the shame / punishment dress empire (in fact it caters to those Japanese Goth types - Elegant Gothic Lolita or EGL if you must) (Click on the photo to go shopping for the miscreant in your life).


Actually there is a certain woman out there with whom I have been corresponding by email who would be benefit from this treatment (you know who you are...yes, you there...the woman in that 'high-powered' business suit).
There is even an entire 'school wear' section - how about this as a basis for a school uniform (front and back views - I'm starting to sound like a fashion writer, this is supposed to be a pervy fetish blog)

I realy do love the badge detailing - of course it would have to changed to a suitable school badge. My opinion, given our purpose, is that it would benefit I from a slight redesign: I would suggest making the bodice open-sided, doing away with the elasticated ruching to the rear, having it button fastening at the shoulders and shortening the skirt slightly. Perhaps, just perhaps mind you, I would consider replacing the belt with either an elasticated ball-clasp fastening purse-belt or, alternatively, replacing the buckle with a button fastening arrangement with two buttons to the front - I think that would give it a more 'uniform' look and there is that tedious fiddly-buttoning aspect to it (it might also be criticised as being too pretty in it present incarnation). Then there are the knickers to go with it (from the same site) or if you should want that they peek out from beneath that school skirt or dress you have her in - how about these (right)? Perhaps replacing the leg ribbons with ribbons in the school colours or to match the dress or skirt. They have everything anyone thinking of introducing a little dress-discipline into their young charge's life could desire (as you will have no doubt guessed by now, I have somewhat fallen in love with this site).

How about putting your recalcitrant little 18 year-old in this little number - it would make a fine base to design a school uniform summer dress around, with a couple of modifications, don't you think. Perhaps shorten the skirt a little, put a matching ribbon in her hair - and some nicly vivid and throbbing wheals laid out across her backside!

To get an idea of what could be achieved with a little bit of thought and imagination check out the left shot of the two pics here (I don't think it would be fair or legal to pinch the photos from the site).


(adorable indeed!).

How about a nice school pinafore?

How perfect is this? The final photo of this set fair makes one want to reach for a length of the old rattan - she wouldn't be able to sit down for a week if she was mine!!
Actually there is a whole bunch of this stuff on Deviant
if it is your bag - and it is fast becomming mine, it has to be said!

Oh...and that story...its only short, unlike the blog post it has spawned - it is called Alice's second chance, Alice's second childhood (just click to read) by someone called Derry. I bet you thought I,d forgotten - nah!

Tuesday 11 November 2008

New Albums Added, Art by Anton and Art by Katoh Kahoru

As promised in my last post (albeit somewhat delayed, it now being the early hours of Tuesday morning here in London) I have now added an album of Art by Anton and added 1 pic to the Thorn album.
I have also added a set of art by Katoh, it s from a book called A Titanic Orphan but that's all I know - I think I have the entire set but if you have more please post 'em because they're deliciously cruel. The same goes if you know where I can find the book - although to my mind those drawings have a tale to tell in their own right. One has only to note the presence of that bedpan-like receptacle in the left-hand picture here or what I would taketo be snap-on rubber pants (suggestive of diaper wearing perhaps?) worn by the girl in the right-hand illustration ( Not to mention her general demeanour and obvious distress) to realise that the nature of the disciplinary pressure brought to bear on these girls goes far beyond the cane, the strap and their demeaning juvenile uniforms. Of the latter I would say that the artist both imaginatively and admirably communicates the feeling that, despite the initial juvenile impression, what we are really seeing is a small group of young women, suggested by the maturity of their full and rounded buttocks to be of anywhere between 17 and 19 years of age - more importantly he is showing us that in our first appraisal we are in fact observing the effect of a carefully crafted 'look' and an equally carefully structured disciplined environment calculated to reinforce the demeanour required what their carers for whatever reason. And having not read the book, frustratingly I have no idea what that might be. But whatever the ultimate aim, if an element of docility, submission and/or dependency is required then this series of illustrations would seem to suggest a well thought out way to go about it. Of course the disciplinary virtues of bedpan usage, enemas and suppositories, incontinence pants, absorbent towels and diapers I have previously extolled at some length in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1, albeit there in an institutional environment wherein I think it is best suited and most easily imposed. But saying that, I can well imagine that under the right governess and in a suitably conducive domestic environment, a young woman such as Susan or Lavinia (two characters introduced in volume 1) having been released after having spent several months, or perhaps even a year or so, under institutional hospital or asylum discipline could quite easily and advantageously be placed under what I would describe as dependent regression training.
By the way, the links for these new albums are listed in the sidebar under the title: Spanking ArtWork Albums.

Sunday 9 November 2008

New Album Created: Art by Thorn

As promised two posts ago I have created a new album to hold the wonderfully expressive artworks by Thorn that I have come across in my travels. I am at my girlfriends place today and thus working on my laptop; I have one or two more illustrations of his on my main computer that I will add later in the week and there are probably more to be uncovered out there in web-land and I'll be adding them as and when. There are quite a few artists out there who are able to put over the impression of physical pain and suffering, but In my opinion nobody quite captures the shear humiliation of blameless punishment, the innocent punished merely for the enjoyment of others and in full possession of the knowledge of that fact, than Thorn...enjoy!

See sidebar for link under: Spanking Artwork Albums

Thursday 6 November 2008

Admission Proceedings (Postponed) and Some More Useful Bondage/Spanking Artwork Links

Today's posting was going to be on 'admission procedures' and it will probably still develop that way eventually, when I add more, later today. But first of all there are more urgent issues to deal with: the spanking and bondage artwork section of the resource link list in the sidebar has become sadly denuded, as I have mentioned at the last couple of posts. Today I spotted that the link to the artwork of Thorn no longer works and so I have now removed it also. This is a real shame because I've noted several folks coming here searching for his work and in addition he is one of my favourite artists of the genre - it's all to do with the implied innocence of his victim's and the way that he manages to capture the humiliation and suffering in their expressions; all very exciting and most inspiring, he really manages to bring out all those darkest cruellest fantasies that lurk in the dark corners of the subconscious. Unfortunately, although I've had a little search around on the web (I'm a little short of time as I'm trying to complete volume 2 and get well into volume 3, so I can't afford to spend too long on this) I have yet to locate a satisfactorily complete grouping of his work on any one site. Because I'm so time-impoverished at the moment I have decided that the easiest and quickest thing for me to do is to upload the collection I have obvious work into one of my online albums. This I expect to be doing roughly mid-evening today, after I return from the gym (its legs-night tonight), and the link will then become available in the sidebar under the section labelled Spanking Artwork Album Links.

Meanwhile as an emergency stopgap, here is a list of links to the work of various artists available on that Russian website I spoke about in an earlier post. It's pretty difficult website to negotiate unless you really are we all going or understand Cyrillic script and the links to various artist’s work that appear at the tops of the pages tend to do so randomly and without any discernible pattern. I think I've pretty much trawled all I can from that particular site at the moment and one great thing that I did come across was that Paula Meadows (Lynn Paula Russell) illustration that I talked about in the last posting - it's at the top of this entry, click on it to go to a couple of pages of her work. Have a read through my previous posting about it and see if you share my sentiment - I think it is the presence of the nurse that ultimately cements it altogether and tells the story.

When I have a little more time I will be putting all of these links, properly labelled and categorised, into the sidebar resource list - probably later today - and when I do I shall remove those links from this posting. It will free up a little for me to have a bit of a ramble about admission procedures later on this evening. Meanwhile I've got me some careful detailing and styling work to do on Lavinia's home uniform (figuratively speaking of course; it's a piece of quite difficult descriptive writing). It's a bittersweet confection of her aunt's own devising - and that woman is a stickler for all those tiny little details. (Art by Remy) (3 D rendered bondage) (Robert Bishop) (Paul Alazar) (Ferdinand Vogel Steel)

See you all later,


Wednesday 5 November 2008

An INSTITUTIONALISED 2 Update, Some Problems with My Spanking Artwork Links and a Solution

Hi again, folks:
Most of yesterday (Tuesday) was spent chopping backwards and forwards between the final two chapters of volume 2 - provisionally entitled Police Camera Action and An Imposition Of Uniform - working simultaneously on both as the ideas came. They're not the final two chapters as will appear in the book, you must understand - those are both virtually completed and have been for some time, although they don't even have provisional titles at the moment. An Imposition of Uniform, in actuality, comes somewhere in the centre of the work, while Police Camera Action fits in between that chapter and the last two chapters. An Imposition Of Uniform is not really a full, standalone chapter as such but rather is the centrepiece of a chapter and it is told in flashback, relating the life of one of my characters, Lavinia Vitesse, before she got talked (coerced would perhaps be more accurate) into volunteering to reside in a private hospital’s secure psychiatric wing as clinical research subject.

Moving on, I have been back in the gym and an beginning the process of fighting back to full fitness and also put aside a little time to search around the Internet for things to inspire me. Talking of the latter, I came across a nice little site that appeared to be Russian but was chock-full of all sorts of corporal punishment, discipline and bondage artworks and drawings by such as John Willie, Bishop, Paula Meadows, Ashley et al. I will be posting links to each artist's work in the resource list in the sidebar in the very near future and I may add a couple of pictures to this posting later in the day with links to the relevant pages.

All of which turns out to be very timely because when I went to check my list of art resources in said sidebar - to compare the content (I try not to duplicate resources and content) - I found that many of the links that connected via a common site no longer worked as that site appears to be down or no longer exists. I have just this minute removed all the broken links from the resource list and I shall endeavour to find sources for any artist whose work I cannot find on the aforementioned Russian language site. For starters and to get you into the site here is a typically cruel Ashley illustration - there are three pages of 'em there (a lot of his stuff used to appear in the old Justice Magazine in the 1970s/80s, incidentally). Simply click on the drawing on the left to view Ashley's work or the one on the right to view Cato's drawings and then you can find your way around the rest of the site when you get there, although I will be posting up individual links to each artist's work that is featured there because quite a lot of it has inspired my ideas in the past and undoubtedly will continue to do so in future. Keep your eye on the sidebar. Incidentally, the site is called bdsm on line and has a Russian URL (the home page address is but I can't help wondering if there is an English-language version out there somewhere hidden away. But who cares anyway - pictures paint a thousand words whatever language and there is a wealth of art work, gratis and for nothing - grab 'em while they're hot!

Tuesday 12 August 2008

New Art Links Added & Some Inspirational Illustrations

Just got back from the gym to find that...Yes, the phone company has finally fixed my line (Bugger me sideways with a sharp stick) mind you, it has taken them long enough!

I have just added a whole series of links to various artists works that I consider particularly inspiring for one reason or another:
Of these, the trio below by Kato Kahoru particularly took my eye; it is almost as if they were drawn purposefully to illustrate INSTITUTIONALISED volume 3 ( if only I could afford such luxuries as employing an illustrator) so close are they in flavour to a series of events I have planned. I must admit to particularly favouring the girls' uniforms depicted by the artist.

Not that my scribbles deal with period pieces, nor have historical settings - I prefer to set my plots in the modern world. But part of the plot development I have in mind is likely to involve certain characters finding themselves apparently flung back into the past (No, I'm definitely not talking time travel here).

I have also added a link to a Yahoo Group catering for all you who have enjoyed, or would like to know more about, those fine magazines of the past - Blushes, Whispers and New Uniform Girls - that I for one have been much influenced by and have so often mentioned.