Showing posts with label Links list. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Links list. Show all posts

Thursday 6 November 2008

Admission Proceedings (Postponed) and Some More Useful Bondage/Spanking Artwork Links

Today's posting was going to be on 'admission procedures' and it will probably still develop that way eventually, when I add more, later today. But first of all there are more urgent issues to deal with: the spanking and bondage artwork section of the resource link list in the sidebar has become sadly denuded, as I have mentioned at the last couple of posts. Today I spotted that the link to the artwork of Thorn no longer works and so I have now removed it also. This is a real shame because I've noted several folks coming here searching for his work and in addition he is one of my favourite artists of the genre - it's all to do with the implied innocence of his victim's and the way that he manages to capture the humiliation and suffering in their expressions; all very exciting and most inspiring, he really manages to bring out all those darkest cruellest fantasies that lurk in the dark corners of the subconscious. Unfortunately, although I've had a little search around on the web (I'm a little short of time as I'm trying to complete volume 2 and get well into volume 3, so I can't afford to spend too long on this) I have yet to locate a satisfactorily complete grouping of his work on any one site. Because I'm so time-impoverished at the moment I have decided that the easiest and quickest thing for me to do is to upload the collection I have obvious work into one of my online albums. This I expect to be doing roughly mid-evening today, after I return from the gym (its legs-night tonight), and the link will then become available in the sidebar under the section labelled Spanking Artwork Album Links.

Meanwhile as an emergency stopgap, here is a list of links to the work of various artists available on that Russian website I spoke about in an earlier post. It's pretty difficult website to negotiate unless you really are we all going or understand Cyrillic script and the links to various artist’s work that appear at the tops of the pages tend to do so randomly and without any discernible pattern. I think I've pretty much trawled all I can from that particular site at the moment and one great thing that I did come across was that Paula Meadows (Lynn Paula Russell) illustration that I talked about in the last posting - it's at the top of this entry, click on it to go to a couple of pages of her work. Have a read through my previous posting about it and see if you share my sentiment - I think it is the presence of the nurse that ultimately cements it altogether and tells the story.

When I have a little more time I will be putting all of these links, properly labelled and categorised, into the sidebar resource list - probably later today - and when I do I shall remove those links from this posting. It will free up a little for me to have a bit of a ramble about admission procedures later on this evening. Meanwhile I've got me some careful detailing and styling work to do on Lavinia's home uniform (figuratively speaking of course; it's a piece of quite difficult descriptive writing). It's a bittersweet confection of her aunt's own devising - and that woman is a stickler for all those tiny little details. (Art by Remy) (3 D rendered bondage) (Robert Bishop) (Paul Alazar) (Ferdinand Vogel Steel)

See you all later,


Tuesday 12 August 2008

New Art Links Added & Some Inspirational Illustrations

Just got back from the gym to find that...Yes, the phone company has finally fixed my line (Bugger me sideways with a sharp stick) mind you, it has taken them long enough!

I have just added a whole series of links to various artists works that I consider particularly inspiring for one reason or another:
Of these, the trio below by Kato Kahoru particularly took my eye; it is almost as if they were drawn purposefully to illustrate INSTITUTIONALISED volume 3 ( if only I could afford such luxuries as employing an illustrator) so close are they in flavour to a series of events I have planned. I must admit to particularly favouring the girls' uniforms depicted by the artist.

Not that my scribbles deal with period pieces, nor have historical settings - I prefer to set my plots in the modern world. But part of the plot development I have in mind is likely to involve certain characters finding themselves apparently flung back into the past (No, I'm definitely not talking time travel here).

I have also added a link to a Yahoo Group catering for all you who have enjoyed, or would like to know more about, those fine magazines of the past - Blushes, Whispers and New Uniform Girls - that I for one have been much influenced by and have so often mentioned.

Friday 8 August 2008

A Few New Useful Links & Resources: Women's Work Uniforms - And Something of A Manifesto

I am now staying with friends while I await my local 'phone company to 'pull their finger out' and...deep intake of breath... GET MY DAMN LINE FIXED!!!

Today I'm adding in a few new useful links and resources, these dealing with women's work-wear and uniforms. I'll also probably be adding in some more pics later.

There will be similar lists from time to time covering other subject matter that, while not exhaustive, will be updated as time passes. Anything you see in light blue can be clicked on to go straight to the resource concerned and I am gradually building up a network of such hyper-links throughout the blog.

The aim is to build a multi-fetish resource hub around the inspirations and influences behind the INSTITUTIONALISED series as it grows beyond the paltry single volume it at present consists of. The idea is that this blog will one day blossom into a full-blown website for discipline aficionados of every flavor. But more than that; my vision is of a network of resources and discussion points and of an interplay of ideas based around an ever growing-body of literature; sprouting from the INSTITUTIONALISED series as the core, but flourishing from the pens of others more talented than I and nurtured by mutual inspiration, to build an entire body of multi-fetish literature, imaginatively branching and evolving - challenging and extending even the most entrenched classics of the CP, bondage, D/S, S&M, Mind Control and other related genre.

In short: the aim is, in the context of these genre, to reach the same standards of character development, story telling and (dare I say it) literal quality, as one would expect from any decent novel taken from the library or purchased from a reputable book store, but also building in a new dimension of interaction between writer and reader - a more personal relationship.
  • The Travel Trunk (Commercial site stocking Waitress, maid and nurse uniforms, many retro styles, as well as caps, aprons and other accessories. The sell all sorts of other stuff, often not at all related in any way that I can understand; such as swim hats and teapots - whatever! So, quite an oddly-eclectic mix and you have to poke around a bit, but its well worth checking out for the uniform pics etc.
  • Yahoo Group: Maids Archive (Maid's uniforms, often erotic. All in all, pretty good but be aware there is some cross-dressing / sissy stuff posted from time to time. You have to register and then access the pics by email)
  • Yahoo Group: English Working Women (This group is the hub for a whole series of groups - don't be put off by the rather dowdy pic on the front page. I have contributed many of my catalog scans to their various folders and it would take days to work through it all: everything from nurses and maid's uniforms to the nylon overalls and shop assistant dresses of the 1960s and just about everything in between - a great resource, particularly for doing manipulations.