Showing posts with label haircutting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label haircutting. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 July 2024


 I tride to make a sort of school badge. It was supposed to be embroidered on her blouse but I couldn't make it  work: It just wouldn't show up, so I put a small version on her tie.  It would show up on a gymslip or summer dress bodice though...Trust me! I'm working on it

The reason her hair looks so hacked about is that the disciplinarian hired to care for her never like the girl's waist-length hair in the first place, was jealous of it and now uses it as a form of discipline in addition to the strap and the cane, hacking a bit more off each time the girl steps out of line in the slightest possible way

Tuesday 18 June 2024

In A Church-Run Home And Workhouse For 'Wayward Girls'...

 ...The sort of place where a young woman might find herself and can be kept out of the way with no questions asked: The main problem I have with this one is that the top button has been left unfastened - and surely that would never be allowed; the AI has put nice bars on the window though!  I do think their hair is far to neat also and should look sort of roughly hacked and raggedy

Here the hair is better - and the top button is correctly fastened but the uniforms aren't so goodand don't have that nylon sheen, which for some reson I think is important...dunno why! I actualy got this one by specifying 'in a 1960s workhouse'

I had a go at removing a bit more of her hair here but I'm not sure it has really worked and I think it now looks a bit too tidy


Wednesday 10 June 2009

A Reader's Contribution and a Note for Judith's Aunt

I am now back from my short Sojourn to Clacton and the surrounding areas of Essex - of which more another time. For now though: Hands up all those that remember the correspondence that started with the publication of the reader's contribution entitled; A well Deserved Regime (just click to view) way back in January of this year. Although not directly related to my writing it nevertheless made for some interesting reading and led to several other contributions / comments. Well another anonymous comment has now been posted up attached to "Another Note from Judith's Aunt and a Comment from yours truly" (click to read) and as is my habit I reproduce it here - those of a sensitive disposition where such matters are concerned are reminded that the 'child' being discussed here is a young lady in her late teens and refers to her treatment / regime rather than her chronological age.
"Dear Judith's Aunt I thoroughly approve of your discipline of Judith and I appreciate your open mind in being ready to consider suggestions on how to develop it further. That is why I also venture to add some thoughts and proposals of my own for your consideration. I would greatly appreciate your comments on them, and of course also Judith's comments on her experiences if and when you choose to implement any of them. To begin with I wonder if it is any longer appropriate for the child, as I shall refer to her, to occupy a room of her own with a window and the opportunity to day-dream when gazing out of it instead of concentrating on her duties? Perhaps there is a basement in your house with some space - it need not be large nor have a window, a small cell just large enough to incorporate her wooden bed and a potty next to it is perfectly suitable - where the child an be moved. I would also recommend her bed to be provided with a thin mattress covered with a waterproof rubber sheet. I wonder about the child's hair. Given her very infrequent showers and the filthy condition her hair will be in most of the time, I think that for reasons of hygiene you might want to consider a new haircut for the child, leaving her with only a short buzz or even a bald head, which should then normally be at all times covered with a bonnet she could make for herself from the same gingham material as her school uniform. I also note that you have not said anything about her bra, or even if she wears one. Here you might want to consider providing her with a plastic or rubber bra, which would serve as a continuous humiliating and uncomfortable reminder of her status and discipline. To accompany such a bra you could also make her wear matching waterproof knickers, with her sanitary pad inside them of course. You have very properly imposed a rule of silence for the child, so that she will speak only when spoken to. You could also take steps to ensure that this rule is respected. While some might think that a gag is the obvious answer to such a need I don't agree with this. A gag should only be used as a specific punishment when the child's behaviour has called for it. When this is the case I would recommend something akin to a scold's bridle or branks, as such a head harness will not only silence her but add further to her discomfort. For everyday silence a pacifier is much more useful, but I would limit it's daytime use only to situations where the child's behaviour has called for her to be treated in a more infantile way than usual. But having the child suck on a pacifier during the night is quite alright and can become a source of comfort for her and allow her to sleep better. Another situation where a pacifier can be used for control purposes is during her corner-time, when the child could suck on the pacifier connected with a short chain to the wall. Her hands can then be attached behind her back making it impossible for her to move away from position during the corner-time without the pacifier falling. If you have small basket or pouch attached to corner somewhat below her mouth, the pacifier will fall into at and it will be impossible for her to put it back in her mouth without the use of her hands should she let it drop. My preferred recommendation for keeping the child silent is to have her keep a suitably-sized rubber ball in her mouth at all times, to be taken out only when she has been specifically told to answer, and for her meal times. This will be a constant reminder for her and can be used when taking the child outside in public. No-one will notice but the child will be acutely aware of it and it will be amusing to note her discomfort and anxiety should someone address her. It should make her want to keep as close to her aunt at all times, so that the adult can answer on her behalf. Most people will put the child's awkwardness in such situations down to some disability or retardedness, which will only add to her humiliation. Finally a word about her toilet habits. It is quite right that she has to ask for permission every time she wants to use the toilet, but I feel that the use of an adult toilet should only be allowed for responsible people and not such children as Judith, whose only use for an adult toilet is when she cleans it for her elders and superiors to use and when she empties her own potty which she must use for all her needs. yours Angel"
All of this got me thinking and to put in my penny's worth - I wonder if old fashioned 'combinations' might not find a place in the girl's wardrobe (see drawing on left, above). An undergarment in which the knickers are combined with a bodice - with all the attendant inconvenience that entails - and that which could perhaps be modified to include a latex or polythene lining - Garth.

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Travel Plans and the Fruits of a Bit More Research (A Little Forced-Haircutting / Institutional Head Shaving)

Yesterday I made a modest start on the 'in-betweeny' / fill-in / prequel volume thing that I spoke about last time. I was going to give myself a bit of time off from this sort of thing but I'm in something of a buoyant mood, boiling over with enthusiasm and besides the majority of it already exists in one form or another. And that is another reason for my enthusiasm; quite a lot of the writing dates back a couple of years or so, deals with ideas I had then regarding subtle techniques of humiliation, the imposition of shame clothing and uniforms in the domestic environment, CP and mind control, the later including the deliberate induction of phobias in order to stifle a young girl's spirit - within the latter there are also hints of the encouragement of dependency on her therapist, on the gentle but insidiously-addictive sedatives she has been prescribed and on the woman into who's arms she has ironically fled in order to escape the clutches of her guardian.

My writing style - such as it is - has evolved somewhat since creating much of this body of work - necessitating a bit of alteration and rewriting here and there - but quite a lot of effort and imagination was expended on it so, as you can imagine, I am quite keen for it to see the light of day in some form. Quite a large chunk would not fit in with the proposed volume 3 in any logical way and the parts that would (most of which were originally intended for volume 2 and a couple for volume 1) would have necessitated flashback scenes, something I am keen to avoid from hereon in. Over time, through correspondence generated by way of my blog, I have also accumulated a fair few ideas suggested to me by various folks, some of which - for example covert treatment by way of the application of small doses of Botox in order to reinforce in a girl's mind the fear that she is developing a speech defect thus rendering her more amenable to the negative suggestions and psychological manipulation of a speech therapist - would have most easily sat within the first two volumes or within a prequel but I believe will work just as well in the format I propose. For the time being this volume I have provisionally entitled INSTITUTIONALISED B: Schoolroom Discipline and the Chastisement of Lavinia.
Now, as there is a forced-haircutting scene as part of institutional hospital discipline - as well as the surgical placement of an intimate prophylactic device designed to curb masturbatory habits (loosely based on a Victorian device that actual existed), but that's another story - I have been looking around for suitably inspirational pictures. In addition to a couple of YahooGroups, of which more next time, I came across a nice little source of such scenes as pertaining to main-stream cinema. Click on the first two pics above to link - or see sidebar.
As for yours truly: I am probably going to be off to a village just ouside of Clacton (on Britain's east coast) later today to sepnd a few quiet days taking in the countryside, drinking in country pubs (and, of course, the Clacton Weatherspoons on the seafront). I'm taking my trusty note book, so by the time I return I expect to have knocked up a well thought out and concise book description to go on Lulu for volume 2 and the foreword that will be nessesary in order to link this next volume to the two previous in a suitably logical manner and make clear its positoning along the story arc. Bye, bye for now...Garth.

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Hairstyle Discipline

As any who have read this blog in the past will know, I tend to do much of my writing in various houses of public refreshment. Yesterday's temporary office was the historic Spaniards Inn, in London's Hampstead Heath. The 'other half' had gone shopping in Hampstead proper and was then planning to tour Kenwood house, a nearby historic country house, leaving me free to indulge my passion for real ale. The pew-like seating and dark wood panelling are conducive enough to writing, far more so than my usual venue, but somehow I just seemed to lack that drive. I guess in my mind's eye I had had the idea of a pleasant afternoon sat in a sunny pub garden - the reality was somewhat different, my dream scuppered by freezing temperatures and the idiotic choice of a cap-sleeved top and shorts (I should really know better by now what the word summer actually means here in Britain). Having dragged myself back inside a settled myself down to drag him away for a passport renewal form and reading and out of date copy of New Scientist (something or other about the Large Hadron Collider).


Anyway, enough rambling, let's get down to business and some more thoughts that occurred to me (after a good few beers) concerning the wonderful subject of forced haircutting - a subject that I would much rather refer to as hairstyle discipline, from the point of view of its context so far within the pages of volume 1 of INSTITUTIONALISED and the plans I have for its inclusion within the pages of the subsequent volumes. Out of the blue (and the beer glass) it came to me that there are at least three distinct categories of writing on the subject to be seen on sites such as the haircutting story archive et al.

  1. Consensual (not my thing at all)

  2. Punishment haircutting / shaving

  3. Procedural haircutting / styling.
The latter I would include under that heading so beloved by those letter writers once published within the pages of Janus, that of admission procedures. Psychologically of course the point of such admission procedures, as proposed by those more imaginative 1980s correspondents, is to delineate the change in status from free woman to one constrained by institutional rule and regulation - as if to further clarify that retrograde step from woman to 'girl'.


Few initiations can have so great an impact as the imposition of some standardised, regulation hairstyle - and in that requirement to conform, perhaps in colour as well as in actual styling, one has succeeded in disrupting part of the very framework of her personality. Put her in the uniform of your choice, one suitably diminishing of status, and the effect is completed - a thorough demolition job carried out on both her self-esteem and confidence. Such a definition, that of procedural hair styling, I would say could be most aptly applied to the scenes depicted within the pages of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 but nevertheless I imagine a more diverse approach evolving as the series progresses, and to punishment generally. And as I have in volume 1, I intend to reach further afield than the mere physical in terms of curbing those hapless wenches unfortunate enough to have found themselves incarcerated within the unit. I also have ideas to extend this approach into the more domestic scene and as in volume 1 not all the action is going to be restricted to institutionalised environment of the research centre. Various sources have informed this approach, not least of which the aforementioned haircutting story sites, but in going beyond the usual head cropping, buzz-cut and head shaving scenario (or not as far, depending on your viewpoint) once again those wonderful spanking magazines of the 1970s and 1980s have had their part to play.


The couple of pictures presented here I found particularly stiring to the imagination, although I'm not sure from which publication I have scanned them from (I'm guessing you can see a pattern appearing here in my disorganised life). I'm sure I have others scattered around somewhere, possibly from scans and hidden away in various files, and as I come across them I will post them up. The point here, as far as I'm concerned, is that there is no actual haircutting depicted but nevertheless the atmosphere of domination is palpable, the discipline implied, obvious. Thereis an outside chance that these particular pics originated from within the pages of Justice magazine (a 1970s spanking magazine, anyone remember it?) But the chances are that in actuality the source was one of the Blushes, Whispers, New supplement et al stable.