Showing posts with label Female Prison Uniforms. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Female Prison Uniforms. Show all posts

Saturday 7 September 2024

The St Geraldene's Religious Re-education Centre Uniform Dress


Complete security, total isolation from external contact and ouside influences is guaranteed here at St Geraldene's. Our service is the ideal way to remove the troublsome woman, girl or recalcitrant teen from society whether temporarily or on a more long-term basis. If the former we ask for a minimum of two years and what will be returned to you will be a totally indoctrinated, completely docile, husk of who she once was.

Tuesday 18 June 2024

In A Church-Run Home And Workhouse For 'Wayward Girls'...

 ...The sort of place where a young woman might find herself and can be kept out of the way with no questions asked: The main problem I have with this one is that the top button has been left unfastened - and surely that would never be allowed; the AI has put nice bars on the window though!  I do think their hair is far to neat also and should look sort of roughly hacked and raggedy

Here the hair is better - and the top button is correctly fastened but the uniforms aren't so goodand don't have that nylon sheen, which for some reson I think is important...dunno why! I actualy got this one by specifying 'in a 1960s workhouse'

I had a go at removing a bit more of her hair here but I'm not sure it has really worked and I think it now looks a bit too tidy


Tuesday 5 September 2023

Private Prison Diciplne...An AI Aproach

 I can't say much today...Too little time...But I'll write some stuff later as a comment

Monday 4 September 2023

More AI Image Experiments...Prison Girls

 I had been experimenting with generating more adult school uniforms and gave the AI a little more free rein and it suddenly generated this...And my first thought was "hmm...that looks more like it might be a prison uniform" And of course that concept wouldn't nessesarily be at odds with the kidnapped young women theme I've been playing around with of late. This might be a much later stage and in a different part of the building wherein  a small private prison has been constructed now that it has been decided not to send them back to their families at all. I'd imagine perhaps four small windowless cells, a work room, which is where they are here, learning the prison rules, but usualy they'd be engaged in making bespoke hand made prom dresses and so on - just like they might once have worn - and a medical room furnished with all the equpment nessesary to ensure plenty of deep red faces...There's even a woman wearing a prison wardress uniform to help ensure the girls are completly immersed in their new lives...I don't know what it is but I just love how frumpy those uniform dresses are...I also like the idea that now that they can't say, or even remember, their own names they have become just numbers. I imagine that by this point they have seen the fake newspaper with the headline saying that the police were no longer searching for them since they are presumed dead and that has pretty much broken their spirits

Actualy this image is the best parts of three similar, but faulty, images the AI produced all photomanipulated together