Showing posts with label 1950s Bri nylon work dress. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 1950s Bri nylon work dress. Show all posts

Tuesday 18 June 2024

In A Church-Run Home And Workhouse For 'Wayward Girls'...

 ...The sort of place where a young woman might find herself and can be kept out of the way with no questions asked: The main problem I have with this one is that the top button has been left unfastened - and surely that would never be allowed; the AI has put nice bars on the window though!  I do think their hair is far to neat also and should look sort of roughly hacked and raggedy

Here the hair is better - and the top button is correctly fastened but the uniforms aren't so goodand don't have that nylon sheen, which for some reson I think is important...dunno why! I actualy got this one by specifying 'in a 1960s workhouse'

I had a go at removing a bit more of her hair here but I'm not sure it has really worked and I think it now looks a bit too tidy


Tuesday 22 November 2022

Hi Folks I'm Back!

I'll explain where I've been at a later date but for now I'd like to dip my toe back in the water with this little offering: I've been messing around with colourising some images from the world in which the INSTITUTIONALISED books were set - whch basicaly could beany time between the late 1950s and the early 1970s (you can largely make up your own mind)  - and awful lot of the best originaly being in black and white (strictly speaking, grey scale). The rationale is simply because my next publication shall largly be pictorial. There will be SOME text, to set the scene and / or explain what is going on, when there might be some ambiguity and I'm trying to put over a specific idea, but on the whole it will largely be left up to the reader's / viewer's imagination to interpret, which I think can br quite enjoyable. The work will be in two parts: The first part will be roughly as linear as I can make it. The second part will be a collection of various manipulations I have created over the years, including a body of work I did with, and for, Roger Benson. Some of these you will have seen before on here, a good few you will not have: Either way it will be the first time an entire collection of my manipulations will have been available all in one place.