Showing posts with label behaviour modification. Show all posts
Showing posts with label behaviour modification. Show all posts

Monday 9 September 2024

Caroline-To-Bella Lady-To-Maid


Just When You Thought Dr Swanley's Girls Couldn't Be Placed In Any More Stringent Bondage...

 ...Dr Swanley's inventive and creative mind comes up withan improved design 'posture correction' device...Yet another raw AI image...Took a long while to get but then all I've had to do is add some text and crop it a bit


Wednesday 24 July 2024

Postural Correction And Speech Modification For Lady To Maid Reeducation And Conversion

"Our orthopedic posture correction harneses are adjustable to keep the shoulders pulled back to thier fullest, enforcing a smart attentive posture with a ramrod straight back and chest thrust forward - ideal for any situation where face slapping is to be used as a mathod of behavioural correction. Alternatively the harness may adjusted to pull and hold the shoulders forward creating a round-shouldered and slightly stooped posture and additionaly the harness connects to the collar at the rear and can be pulled back, enforcing a rearward tilted head, or pushed forward by an optional adjustable rod, enforcing a low bowed head. The latter, combined with the stooped rounded shoulders posture has proved ideal for helping a girl aquire the required submissive mindset. The integral throat microphone within the collar can be set to detect the slightest whisper and can be used together with our optional genital and anal electro shock device for clasical Pavlovian conditioning"

Monday 8 July 2024

Wednesday 3 July 2024


 I tride to make a sort of school badge. It was supposed to be embroidered on her blouse but I couldn't make it  work: It just wouldn't show up, so I put a small version on her tie.  It would show up on a gymslip or summer dress bodice though...Trust me! I'm working on it

The reason her hair looks so hacked about is that the disciplinarian hired to care for her never like the girl's waist-length hair in the first place, was jealous of it and now uses it as a form of discipline in addition to the strap and the cane, hacking a bit more off each time the girl steps out of line in the slightest possible way

Sunday 23 June 2024

The Toyntanen Take On The Education And Rehabilitation Of Miss Caroline Drake, Inspired By The Lady2Maid Blog

 I just love the idea of forced regression for some reason which was so well done in the above tale...I'm still yet to create the kind of childish outfits poor caroline has to wear, as described in the story though but I think I might br getting close....

I think I'm going to have to use a whole lot more photo-manipulation work and less AI art generation if I'm to be succesful.

Please leave a comment...I'm getting lonely out here...Plus I need to know what any of you think of this stuff...What bits you like - and what you don't. I'm quite thick skined you know!

Thursday 9 May 2024

Some More Cruel And Unethical 'Hypnotherapy'

 These figures you'll have seen before, but here I'm attempting to use them in a different way.  I've not time right now to fill you in on what I've been up to in my personal life (bloody disaster!) but as regards this sort of thing: I've been experimenting with combining AI generated stuff with Photoshop-style photo manipulation techniques...For example, creating some stuff using my AI platform, perhaps combining the best bits from two or three AI images, before then using the result as a source material (or 'seed') to feed to the AI...and so on, and so forth...I'll try explain more next time. I've zillions of AI generated images saved on my computer (and even more on my phone) as source material / inspiration, so ;et's see where all this leads. 

As for today's offering: I'm intrigued as to what you folk think might happen - or would like to see happen - to our unlucky pair next?...Also...where are they?...Who are they?... Who has managed to engineer their predicament, and why?...Are they the only two girls involved or are there others?  You get the idea I'm sure,,,Should be fun!