Wednesday 19 November 2008

A Brace of Story Links and a Woman Disciplined by E-mail

I have to keep my posting ultra short today as I have already wasted most of a day that should have been dedicated to putting the finishing touches to volume 2 in having to correct the lackadaisical attitude of a certain female correspondent of mine who for the moment shall remain nameless. She is a woman in her late 40s who has voluntarily admitted to me that she can envisage herself all tightly buttoned up and squeezed into an undersized school uniform and it is a sentiment with which I couldn't agree more judging by the lack of clarity in her writing. I would ordinarily be loath to criticise any one's use of English , particularly as I am dyslexic and prone to grammatical slips myself, but this apparently is an intelligent businesswoman and so I have to conclude that, in this case, lack of clarity equals lack of care - and so, in my book, lack of respect. Yes, I can imagine her squeezed into a tiny school uniform all right - and a more ridiculous sight than a middle-aged woman shoehorned into a gymslip, high buttoning stiff-collared blouse, laced topped ankle socks and Mary Janes I can hardly imagine. But it is an image made all the more piquant for that element of ridicule - and all the more effective for dealing with her behaviour. With a little bit of thought applied to the design of that uniform - and imposition of a suitable regime to go with it - I think I can guarantee that after a few weeks she would be left without even the teeniest shred of self-confidence let alone arrogance. And I think I have just glimpsed the tiniest hints of arrogance between the lines in some of her e-mails, despite her humble tone. And therein lies the roots of the work that has taken so much of my time and trouble today - designing and outlining a suitable course of discipline and impositions to cure her of that streak and reinforce that part of her that clearly strives so hard to submit and yet is so reluctant to properly kneel to authority.
Suffice it to say that she reads this blog and I know that she will recognise herself being discussed- and if she finds that fact humbling, well, so much the better.
On a slightly different tack, others come across a couple stories on MrWhacker's site that most clearly illustrate the wonderful sense of humiliation that so often was evoked in the pages of Whispers and Blushes in the 1980s. If the humiliation and hypocritical exploitation of vulnerable young ladies is your thing then give them a try and let me know what you think.

Monday 17 November 2008

Some Uniform Regulations

As an addendum to the posting before last; I have come across while researching for the final outstanding parts of volume 2 of INSTITUTIONALISED a list of uniform regulations which I thought some of you might be interested in. It is actually quite useful to visit the site if you are likely to read vol 2 or 3 as there are illustrations of a couple of anachronistic garments that many of you won''t as yet be familiar with and that may have their part to play in some form or other in our heroines lives at some point - wait and see. I have also added Mr Whacker's blog to the blog list - lots of stories and pics from Janus, whispers, Blushes et al and some writing by Richard Manton.

Uniform regulations

School liberty bodice

School undervest

Mr Whacker

In my view one of Richard Manton's finest reformatory works - taken from Janus but here on Mr Whacker's blog: The man with the Goldern Rod

Another Story I've Come Across in my Travels

I have just found a nice little bit of bondage / slavery / caged-girl story (and a new blog) and I do like to get my fill of girls in cages. Its the best place for them, even if I do tend to keep mine in cells - padded and otherwise - and securely locked and barred hospital wards (literally speaking of course) but nothing really beats a nice cramped little cage (it's just that it doesn't fit with my particular story arc that I'm developing at the moment...unless somebody has some good ideas to incorporate one into the INSTITUTIONALISED story thread. The tale is called The New Pet by DragonMage (read it here - click title - blog link in blog list on sidebar) and I should be able to sort out a suitable caged girl pic later...but then I am still looking for a suitable mouth-soaping pic for the article that I posted up (well I found one, or rather, to tell the truth, I was sent one - thanks go out to Anon 5. I'm not sure of the artist's identity though - I can't read the signature. Personally I'd prefer to see something slightly smaller if anything - she shouldn't have the room to stretch out her legs - and with a litter tray beneath a barred floor to catch her waste. Better still, to my taste, is a straitjacket, a tiny windowless padded cell and a perpetually repeating nursery rhyme (the type of treatment one comes across in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1) or random electronic beeping, perhaps sounding every two to three minutes - a kind of modern take on the old Chinese water torture).

Its on a nice imaginative little blog called The Lair of the Dragon mage (click to visit) and there are a number of areas of departure from the old tried tested bondage / spanking blog format. For instance there are articles involving orgasm denial and control and the use of hypnosis to achieve a kind of virtual bondage - imagine, if you will, the sheer unadulterated frisson of a woman in reality free to move yet convinced through post hypnotic suggestion that her arms and ankles have been immobilised and forced thereby to retain her position while her bottom is spanked. you can read that bit here (click).

Another Bondage Art Source, a Bit of Mouth -Soaping and a Bit More on Dress Discipline

I have just added a new art link to the resource list in the sidebar: Art by Paul Alazar (click artist's name, the illustration on the right or go to the side bar to view). I know one pic would have done but the first I couldn't resist as the pose is so reminiscent of the well trained schoolgirl pic I posted a few days back. The second is near perfect for a scene I have in mind for INSTITUTIONALISED vol 3, just imagine an attached tray or table top: "the perfect highchair for the recalcitrant teenager" you're probably thinking. You're also thinking "a bit of adult baby play - how cliched is that?"...


And you'd be right, of course - if that was all there was to it...remember there is an inheritance at stake and I for one can't see how a harmless bit of AB fun and games is going to help secure that. The third drawing just made me think: it could almost be Susan or Lavinia over their respective 'aunts' lap - it has to be the latter girl actually, looking at the hair colour and even then one must take into account that Lavina's hair was still waist length when she was living at her aunt's. The woman could never quite bring herself to cut it, despite the positive effect that would likely have had on the girl's discipline. It would have broken her heart to have marred such beauty and that of the girl too - which is exactly why the institution's staff don't share such qualms.

Now as much as I hate to dredge up an old subject yet again, in my research for volume 3 (I know, I know...I haven't even finished volume 2 yet - still, one must think ahead in this game) I came across a neat little story incorporating shame-clothing(a sailor -suit dress) enforced adoption of a juvenile persona and mouth soaping (hmm...some interesting ideas there!). For the life of me I couldn't dredge up a decent sailor-suit dress depicted on an adult then I came upon this little number and all the buses came along at once, so to speak - the company that supplies this little gem should be the hub of the shame / punishment dress empire (in fact it caters to those Japanese Goth types - Elegant Gothic Lolita or EGL if you must) (Click on the photo to go shopping for the miscreant in your life).


Actually there is a certain woman out there with whom I have been corresponding by email who would be benefit from this treatment (you know who you are...yes, you there...the woman in that 'high-powered' business suit).
There is even an entire 'school wear' section - how about this as a basis for a school uniform (front and back views - I'm starting to sound like a fashion writer, this is supposed to be a pervy fetish blog)

I realy do love the badge detailing - of course it would have to changed to a suitable school badge. My opinion, given our purpose, is that it would benefit I from a slight redesign: I would suggest making the bodice open-sided, doing away with the elasticated ruching to the rear, having it button fastening at the shoulders and shortening the skirt slightly. Perhaps, just perhaps mind you, I would consider replacing the belt with either an elasticated ball-clasp fastening purse-belt or, alternatively, replacing the buckle with a button fastening arrangement with two buttons to the front - I think that would give it a more 'uniform' look and there is that tedious fiddly-buttoning aspect to it (it might also be criticised as being too pretty in it present incarnation). Then there are the knickers to go with it (from the same site) or if you should want that they peek out from beneath that school skirt or dress you have her in - how about these (right)? Perhaps replacing the leg ribbons with ribbons in the school colours or to match the dress or skirt. They have everything anyone thinking of introducing a little dress-discipline into their young charge's life could desire (as you will have no doubt guessed by now, I have somewhat fallen in love with this site).

How about putting your recalcitrant little 18 year-old in this little number - it would make a fine base to design a school uniform summer dress around, with a couple of modifications, don't you think. Perhaps shorten the skirt a little, put a matching ribbon in her hair - and some nicly vivid and throbbing wheals laid out across her backside!

To get an idea of what could be achieved with a little bit of thought and imagination check out the left shot of the two pics here (I don't think it would be fair or legal to pinch the photos from the site).


(adorable indeed!).

How about a nice school pinafore?

How perfect is this? The final photo of this set fair makes one want to reach for a length of the old rattan - she wouldn't be able to sit down for a week if she was mine!!
Actually there is a whole bunch of this stuff on Deviant
if it is your bag - and it is fast becomming mine, it has to be said!

Oh...and that story...its only short, unlike the blog post it has spawned - it is called Alice's second chance, Alice's second childhood (just click to read) by someone called Derry. I bet you thought I,d forgotten - nah!

Friday 14 November 2008

Therapists, Metronomes and School Uniforms Doth the Good-Girl Make (with a good dose of the cane, of course)

I am a bit short of time today as I have a lot I want to get done on INSTITUTIONALISED vol 2 before I have to leave for the weekend, I hope to get more story outline sketched out in rough while I’m away – I have a lot of fresh ideas brewing for volume 3 which I want to get down on paper as quick as possible, these things have a habit of evaporating as rapidly as they manifested, and I need closure to the ‘Police, Camera, Action’ (a provisional title) chapter of vol 2 that I have spoken about before. The point is that I won’t have access to a computer for the next couple of days or so which means that anything I do write will then have to be transcribed, so today I am going to be concentrating on putting the finishing touches to the chapter to which I have given the working title of ‘An Imposition of Uniform’ (a crude early fragment of which I have previously posted) - as much as possible at any rate, bearing in mind that I don’t really like writing direct to the computer.

I am cheered though, in that much of the ‘dogsbody’ work has been done - the basic descriptive stuff, the scene setting, the general day to day story framework and development and those parts that I like to think of as ‘linking prose’, by which I mean those stretches of text and dialog that glue together the various events occurring. What I am left with is the detailed description of the young lady’s ‘home uniform’ that that her aunt has put her in at that point in her life, basically a school uniform but very much of that woman’s own devising, both inappropriate and anachronistic in its styling.

As I have said before; the woman is a stickler for traditional values, an admirer of the styling of a bygone age and possessed of an agile mind, suffering no shortage of imaginative and innovative talent in the area of design and having an eye for detail that would be the envy of many a fashion designer. Stir all this together with a very thorough grasp of feminine psychology, the woman having been involved in psychiatric nursing in an earlier incarnation, and the prospect becomes an exceedingly exciting one – I for one am near shaking in anticipation…and I’m writing the thing. But, you see, I don’t think of myself as responsible; I like to let the character take on a life of her own, I have to bow to her decision and her agenda; and the uniform is very much part of a greater agenda – but exactly what that is we have to wait and see…one gets the impression that it is something lurking in the mind of the girl’s guardian as much as anything. I have already done a little towards this part, as I have said before, but I have denied myself the pleasure of its completion – today I have the lion’s share to write; its my little reward to myself for having trudged through all that hard to write, but very necessary, groundwork!

I also have to polish the scenes where the girl visits her therapist and also where her aunt begins to act as the therapist’s proxy at home and we first begin to examine not only her aunt’s agenda but also her therapist’s motives with a critical eye when we learn something of the content of those treatment sessions. Again it is partially written and again I have held back on its completion to relish the anticipation and to dangle as a carrot before my eyes whenever the work ethic began to lapse - a bit like a nice day’s drinking, and even better if I can combine the two of course (and I can be at my cruelest after a few pints of the finest real ale).

Talking of which, you probably well understand the picture I've placed at the start of this post, up there on the left - it is just something that I find wonderfully evocative of that domination / submission chemistry that develops between an experienced and skilled governess and her charge, given the right conditions. I imagine, also, that you can see the rationale behind the next pic lower down, the girl at her desk - it came from a 1970s set published in a mainstream men's mag, Men Only I think it was, but i might be wrong - either way it went a long way to fixing my particular interests and thus guiding my writing (its as much in her eyes as in the archaic uniform she she has been put in). But you're probably at a bit of a loss as to why there is a metronome depicted over on the right. Well, when Lavinia was staying in her aunt's cottage, one very similar to this always took pride of place on her bedside table. You see, the girl always had seemed to be troubled with anxiety and this, with her aunt's cooperation, was her therapists solution. Any steady monotonous sound has a tendency to induce relaxation, whether the ticking of a watch, constantly falling drops of water or the sound of a softly beating heart. A simple pianist’s metronome fits the bill well enough and in addition it is one of the devices her doctor has been routinely using to teach her relaxation techniques to help overcome her ‘problems’ – and so its introduction into the home makes good sense. It has been shown that subjects can be put into a hypnotic trance by conditioned reflex alone, even in the absence of the therapist, by the sound or sight of a particular device if a patient has been repeatedly hypnotised by verbal suggestion in its presence or by its use.

The above idea can be extended even to the setting of the room alone – and so the rationale behind the doctor’s home visits is revealed, particularly as the girl has been categorised by her therapist as being a somewhat refractory patient at this point in time. And this is something I shall have to address as I write - how this initial resistance is overcome is almost a tale in itself... But already it becomes clear why her aunt is keen to advocate rigidly prescribed bedtimes, why regular afternoon naps, always involve sending her up to bed at stroke of the clock and exactly at particular time, why always the same long soft cosy nightdress is waiting and why the household routine is so set in stone and ritualistic - at least as far as the girl is concerned… and of course there is a certain ritualistic and routine element to the adoption of a uniform for the girl too, if you think about it… one thing leads to another one which reinforces the first - that's how I like to think about it. So you can see; you can rest assured that this is not going to be a case of 'doctor swings a nice shiny pocket-watch and...her-presto...all is magically changed' (I hate that...and to me plausibility is everything - it is one of the reasons that I started writing my own stuff. These things take time and patience and so I shall have to lavish similar time and patience to make it work in the written world).
By the way, if you are at all interested about the theory behind all of this was a very interesting book you I consider consulting called: Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis in Medicine, Dentistry, and Psychology (William S. Kroger and Michael D Yapko). It is available for viewing on Google books so go check it out and learn all about another little facet of Toyntanen's little world of discipline, submission, fetishism and punishment.
As I said, I’m a bit short of time and so I wasn’t going to make a blog entry today (and I generally don’t over the weekend in any case) but the number of hits has been rising of late and yesterday the hit rate was up by near-on 60%. I have absolutely no idea why this should have been but in the light of all those extra eyeballs I figured had to make some effort. So I thought I’d direct you to a story I read recently and fell in love with (with a few provisos). Why? Because it is probably the only kidnap / bondage tale I have ever come across that has broached the subject of sleep deprivation and introduced the concept of psychological punishment – two aspects that I have written into the INSTITUTIONALISED series; there are a few examples of psychological punishment written into INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 - probably one of the best examples is the part that the punishment-rhymes’ story snippet (just click title to read), that I have published elsewhere and previously on this blog, was taken from.
I also like the suggestion made quite early on by the girl's captor that, although a ransom has been demanded of her farther, even if he pays it, the girl he is going to get back is going to be very different to the one that was snatched (Yum, Yum, Yum!!!)…then he goes and ruins it a bit, for me anyway…but you can probably guess by now the sort of outcome I’d have liked to see. Anyway, it is well worth the read, it is called The Mayor’s Daughter’ (just click to link) and comes from a nice little bondage story site I have discovered called 'utopia stories' (again, just click to read or check it out the sidebar resource list).
On a slightly different tack; I have discovered a site absolutely loaded with rubber, plastic and spandex / Lycra fetish pics and all free. It is called (as usual, just click to read or check it out the sidebar resource list).
Bye,bye for now...Garth

Thursday 13 November 2008

How the Dodgiest of Design Work Can Inspire A New Direction…And A New Rubber Fetish Orientated Blog Link Added.

While undertaking a bit of desk research for my other half (a fashion journalist, as I have mentioned before) I recently came across this result of the collaboration between the dress designer Marc Jacobs and contemporary artist, Richard Prince. Of course I'd seen it many times before (I was actually at the show, but I don't like to name drop) but I had kind of forgotten all about it... although to tell the truth the collection did make quite an impact on me at the time.
If one was to mentally remove that rather silly-looking face mask and replace the hat with a rather old-fashioned looking wimple-style headdress (and chuck the handbag of course - that has no place in institutional setting)... well, what an intriguing thought... would it work in the context of the psychiatric wing’s experimental suite? I have invoked plastic and rubber as part of the garb of the unit’s clinical trial volunteers, primarily in the form of the girl’s bloomers and knickers, in volume 1 of INSTITUTIONALISED and the nurses in charge of the girls routinely wear white or transparent plastic pinafores and aprons over their uniforms, depending on the task at hand. But could you envisage a nurse dressed such as this; perhaps regarding with a wry smile a pair of tautly bent chubby and rounded velvet soft buttocks, bared of their customary thin latex or PVC covering, the garment hanging and sagging heavily from between the girls well spread knees, while flexing a thin plastic wand of a cane near for circle between her latex gloved hands? Well, it couldn't happen in volume 2 - the stage has very much been set there now - but as for volume 3... well, who knows? Does it work, would it work? What you think? Let me know.

And on the subject of PVC, latex et al I retrieved this particular little snap from The Rubber Betty Blog (see blog list or click the blog name here). If it does not look too exciting at first sight, persevere - there is a hell of a lot of stuff there if you can be bothered to spend a few minutes digging around. It's a lovely little site for those into the rubber fetish, particular if you're looking for vintage pictures (it's not really my bag but I know it is for many of you from the feedback I've had in the past. I have not really got much in the blog list for the PVC and latex lover - I think this blog will be the first, pretty much - but trust me I am searching around all the time and will add more as I come across them, plus blogs catering for other related fetishes.
My vision has always been that the resources made available through my blog should closely fit with the story arc of the institutionalised series as it develops - but that does cover a wide swathe of interests and that was always my intention in my story telling, while never losing sight of the underlying themes of domination, discipline and corporal punishment…and while hopefully retaining that all-important element of plausibility of course.

Tuesday 11 November 2008

New Albums Added, Art by Anton and Art by Katoh Kahoru

As promised in my last post (albeit somewhat delayed, it now being the early hours of Tuesday morning here in London) I have now added an album of Art by Anton and added 1 pic to the Thorn album.
I have also added a set of art by Katoh, it s from a book called A Titanic Orphan but that's all I know - I think I have the entire set but if you have more please post 'em because they're deliciously cruel. The same goes if you know where I can find the book - although to my mind those drawings have a tale to tell in their own right. One has only to note the presence of that bedpan-like receptacle in the left-hand picture here or what I would taketo be snap-on rubber pants (suggestive of diaper wearing perhaps?) worn by the girl in the right-hand illustration ( Not to mention her general demeanour and obvious distress) to realise that the nature of the disciplinary pressure brought to bear on these girls goes far beyond the cane, the strap and their demeaning juvenile uniforms. Of the latter I would say that the artist both imaginatively and admirably communicates the feeling that, despite the initial juvenile impression, what we are really seeing is a small group of young women, suggested by the maturity of their full and rounded buttocks to be of anywhere between 17 and 19 years of age - more importantly he is showing us that in our first appraisal we are in fact observing the effect of a carefully crafted 'look' and an equally carefully structured disciplined environment calculated to reinforce the demeanour required what their carers for whatever reason. And having not read the book, frustratingly I have no idea what that might be. But whatever the ultimate aim, if an element of docility, submission and/or dependency is required then this series of illustrations would seem to suggest a well thought out way to go about it. Of course the disciplinary virtues of bedpan usage, enemas and suppositories, incontinence pants, absorbent towels and diapers I have previously extolled at some length in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1, albeit there in an institutional environment wherein I think it is best suited and most easily imposed. But saying that, I can well imagine that under the right governess and in a suitably conducive domestic environment, a young woman such as Susan or Lavinia (two characters introduced in volume 1) having been released after having spent several months, or perhaps even a year or so, under institutional hospital or asylum discipline could quite easily and advantageously be placed under what I would describe as dependent regression training.
By the way, the links for these new albums are listed in the sidebar under the title: Spanking ArtWork Albums.