Showing posts with label hypnosis. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hypnosis. Show all posts

Thursday 23 May 2024

Moving On:One Girl's Progress

 Moving on... from yesterday's post...Yep! Yesterday, just 24 little hours in our world...but how long in sweet Amelia's world? The uniform dress was something the AI art platform cooked up but I had to photo manipulate it a bit because it was a bit messy. I also made her a bit bustier because we all know Amelia is not as young as she's been made to look...That is part of the fun!  Once again I've been influenced and inspired by that 'Lady To Maid' 'Caroline Drake' reeducation storyline (see the link I posted)but I've been trying to take some of the ideas a tad further (not that any hypnosis ideas were incorporated into that tale...hmmm...perhaps there should have been?)

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Another Thing The AI Just Spat out...

 ...while prompted to create something different entirely.  This must be simply be one of the most hypnotized-looking girls ever.  Just look at that blank expression on her face!  She looks completly and hopelesly lost...completly helpless. I simply hate how she's dressed though.  I ran the same prompt loads of times but never got that same expression on her face again.I can see that I'm going to have to get The Gimp to work on it.  Anybody got any ideas or requests regarding how she should be dressed??? I might not be able to make it work, but I'll try!

Sunday 19 May 2024

Thursday 9 May 2024

Some More Cruel And Unethical 'Hypnotherapy'

 These figures you'll have seen before, but here I'm attempting to use them in a different way.  I've not time right now to fill you in on what I've been up to in my personal life (bloody disaster!) but as regards this sort of thing: I've been experimenting with combining AI generated stuff with Photoshop-style photo manipulation techniques...For example, creating some stuff using my AI platform, perhaps combining the best bits from two or three AI images, before then using the result as a source material (or 'seed') to feed to the AI...and so on, and so forth...I'll try explain more next time. I've zillions of AI generated images saved on my computer (and even more on my phone) as source material / inspiration, so ;et's see where all this leads. 

As for today's offering: I'm intrigued as to what you folk think might happen - or would like to see happen - to our unlucky pair next?...Also...where are they?...Who are they?... Who has managed to engineer their predicament, and why?...Are they the only two girls involved or are there others?  You get the idea I'm sure,,,Should be fun!

Saturday 2 September 2023

More On Those Three Kidnapped Young Women

 SO...I'm still playing with AI image generation although this particular image is largely photomanipulation and only the heads arms and hands are AI generated...The arms, hands and heads are from an AI image sent me by a friend while the faces were generated by the AI platform I am using... The glass block widow I put in because the possibilities are so interesting...If it is really thick it is going to be just as secure as a barred window while not allowing any kind of meaningful view of the outside world and quite soundproof while still allowing some natuaral light in, but probaly not so much that the light can be turned off...BUT... It might be that the glass block wall is actualy just that - a wall. This could be anywhere in a house or other building, perhaps a loft or even a large basement split up into a series of rooms...The glass block walls, illuminated from behind and with that illumination periodicaly faded and brightend - and the room lights kept on 24 hours a day - would quickly destroy any real sense of the passage of time 

Friday 18 August 2023

Sexual Reorientation?

 No time for words. I need to get down the pub. Last night's beer is wearing off!!!!

Thursday 10 August 2023

The Next Stage

 I'm becoming under the impression that these sessions have been going of for quite some time now, perhaps twice per day, with the woman bringing the girl year by year to the present and all the while reinforcing the ideas she is trying to plant. The girl's actual age of course is somewhere between eighteen and twenty-one I'd say

Wednesday 26 July 2023



I’ve been playing around with this image for some time now and I think I've pushed it about as far as it will go, especially as regards extracting a storyline from it . There are two versions here: One version has a slight glint to the pendant, the other hasn’t. Please let me know which you think is best – or does it make no difference? The girl is made up from parts of three different AI generated figures provided me by one Angela Fox which I’ve then photo-manipulated together to form a sort of pleasantly busty chimera girl. Then I’ve bunged some headphones on her and so on. The hypnosis idea just came to me because of the way some of these AI generated figures have a strangely blank look or / a strangely mindless-looking smile – all very odd, but capable of yielding some interesting things.   


 The storyline which for some reason suggested itself to me as I worked is that there has been a multiple kidnapping – three girls from different families and even different parts of the country. I like the idea that the girl thinks her family are refusing to pay.... that concept actually developed from something an online friend said.  I like the idea that all three young women are in the same boat but are not allowed to talk to each other so they know nothing or very little of each other’s backgrounds and circumstances, a very strict rule enforced by the cane and the strap.


Obviously they can have no contact with the outside world to ensure they can be kept in secure captivity with no risk to their captors but I also imagine they have been kept entirely isolated from the outside world in terms of having no access to TV, radio or newspapers etc so. they have no idea about what is going on beyond what they are being told, and a lot of that is largely to manipulate their young minds. All three are feeling completely crushed since they firmly believe they have been let down by their respective families who have refused to pay a ransom, although it has been paid a long time since.


There are no clocks or watches and thus after eighteen months incarceration they have completely lost track of time and have little or no idea how long they have been in captivity. They have had everything taken from them when they were captured - all personal belongings, watches, phones (obviously), even clothing, the latter replaced by being supplied with drab, rather childish and old-fashioned  school uniforms. They are kept occupied, day-in, day-out, by tedious repetitive written impositions sitting in total silence and caned or spanked for the slightest infraction.


I suppose the questions requiring tackling are: Why is all this happening to them, why haven’t their captor / captors released them, since all three ransoms have long since been paid? How long do you think the girls are going to remain incarcerated, what effect is all this having on them and what kind of condition will they be in when (or even, if) they are returned to their families? 


I can't help but think the deliberate induction of agoraphobia to be an excellent method of keeping a once-rebellious or arrogant uppity teen under lock and key. It is not as ‘science fiction’ as some might think. Existing phobias can become linked and associated with new circumstances or objects creating a new phobia and, as incredible as it may seem, studies have been carried out, albeit in the distant past, exploring exactly that, and not in a particularly ethical way either!  But as always I worry about plausibility: Could something such as decision making eventually become phobic through various treatments.


Perhaps a young woman is presented with several rows of buttons and told to 'choose now'  and if she doesn't 'choose now' she receives an electric shock so she has to make a choice and press a button...Sometimes she’ll be greeted by some little reward as a result. At other times there might be a mild electric shock and at the same time she is presented with an image of a particularly nasty-looking spider. Now I’d imagine all this to be pretty much random, so as our attractive young  lab rat can't learn the pattern of which buttons are safe to press and which are not…hmmm!…


Come to think about it...Maybe she is allowed to learn the pattern and then every so often it is suddenly changed. Or perhaps a button pressed twice in a session might provide a reward on the first occasion and a shock on the second occasion. It might even transpire that a reward might be provided on two - or even three occasions - and then suddenly that same button pressed yet again provides a shock. Over time she comes to associate having to make a choice or decision with something nasty happening, and particularly with her pre-existing phobia... And this idea might be then be reinforced during one-to-one therapy sessions through discussions with a therapist under the guise of helping her, or maybe hypnosis and – especially, I feel -  by means of encouraging false memories to develop…perhaps some imaginary childhood event wherein her chronic indecisiveness led to something horribly unpleasant happening  to her.

Thursday 27 November 2008

A New Link, More Therapists (A Unique Humiliation: The Deliberate Induction of Stuttering) and a Little Mouth Soaping

As some of you may have guessed from the piecemeal and disjointed nature of my last posting (which I've now sorted out and reorganised), plus the fact that as of this morning it had remained unfinished since Sunday, I have again been plagued by computer problems. I like to be able to report that I have now fixed the problem but as it would take me time to get hold of a new power supply - and probably the best part of a day to pull out the computer, disconnect everything and change it over - having got the thing working I'm getting as much writing done as I can. It's a trade-off between the speed at which I can get volume 2 polished-off and the reliability of my machine. What with one thing or another the blog was beginning to come apart at the seams so I have put aside quite a large chunk of today to smooth things out, edit out bits that are no longer relevant and insert pictures and illustrations where I have neglected to do so but where I have stated that a suitable illustration would be posted at a future date. One such relates to a posting I made a while back wherein I posted a link to a story that featured mouth soaping - if that subject is your thing then a quick glance at the resource list on the task-bar will reveal a link to a mouth soaping site I've come across (or just click on the picture to the top left). Talking of the trade-off between my completing volume 2 and other chores; I have decided to drop the subject of discipline-by-correspondence and much pertaining to that subject has now been removed from the blog. Partly this is because my correspondence with the woman concerned was taking up too much of my time relative to any inspiration and new ideas that were likely to be developed through it. There was precious little in the way of imaginative and useful feedback returning to show for the perspiration shed on my part - what it came down to in the end was one big waste of time.

Returning to mouth soaping: this was of course a traditional punishment for using ‘bad’ language or even just ‘back chatting’ it is of course likely to be experienced as something rather unpleasant and therefore ‘punishing’ in itself but I for one find it hard to envisage imposed in isolation. Rather I think of it as a secondary element, enforced within an outer-framework of discipline, itself enforced by other expedients and penalties of sufficient severity that it becomes accepted in preference, however unpleasant. Thus the holding of a bar of soap in the mouth for a given time can be considered on a par with having to retain an enema and one step above the tedious writing of lines or corner standing as having a relatively mild element of physical discomfort added to the primarily psychological aspect of the latter. In the domestic scenario (wherein I would envisage mouth soaping to most fit) and applied by a strict governess, say, the ultimate sanction is likely to be the strap or the cane or the birch-rod - primarily physical methods, then.

Yet for this to work, particularly the case were the subject is in her late teens and early twenties, a constraining sphere of pressure is required to exist even outside that of the fear of corporal punishment. Wielding the correct psychological techniques - and under favourable circumstances, shall we say - a suitably qualified governess can apply sufficient psychological pressure to overcome any amount of dissidence in submitting to corporal punishment (as we will undoubtedly see in institutionalised volume 3). However, in the clinical environment of a secure psychiatric unit such as our young ladies have voluntarily entered, we can up-the-ante so to speak: forms of actual psychological punishment can be brought to bear that will, given time, ensure that when a nurse orders her charge to bend for the cane or the strap she is always contritely obeyed. As we have seen in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1; in expert hands even a favourite childhood nursery rhyme can be turned into a rod with which to beat her - so feared that an 18 or 19 year-old woman will beg for the cane, let alone bend, tug down her knickers and grasp her ankles or bend over her school desk when instructed.

But once in expert hands of the not better ways of dealing with bad language, backchat and a defiant attitude?

Put yourself in the shoes of the guardian or stepmother of one of our two heroines; you have control over the family business, the majority of the income and collateral, but only until your young charge reaches the age of majority - a definition you are currently battling over.

Before you an argumentative and defiant young woman stands, brimming with self-confidence and a generous allowance filling her purse - gifted with a probing, inquisitive mind and able to wrap the family solicitor around her little finger, she is a dangerous thing, is she not?

Now imagine she stands there timorous, submissive, shrinking back from you with shoulders hunched defensively and continually fighting the urge to suck her thumb, self-conscious in the extreme and practically devoid of confidence. She is highly reluctant to speak, even when prompted, let alone to loudly voice accusations of embezzlement - and when she does the teeny voice and stilted, incomplete sentences tell the story. The near totally debilitating stutter that afflicts her, that renders her near incoherent and that has for so long isolated her from friends and acquaintances quickly reduces her to tears of frustration under your questioning. She doesn't seem so dangerous now, somehow, does she?

But how can one become the other, the adult become the thumb sucking dependent? The clue is in that newly-developed stutter, clearly the cause of this new childish self-conscious shyness. Psychologically crippling if left untreated, imagine her humiliation to learn that she has, in actual fact, been under treatment and that you, or rather the expert you have hired, are the cause of that debility.

Sheer fantasy and clearly impossible? Obviously so... or is it? You will remember that both Lavinia and Susan in volume 1 were notably gradually developing nervous stuttering and stammering as the story progressed and that both appeared to have something of an impediment upon their arrival - in fact on several occasions both girls have their speech patterns commented upon by staff members, a rather telling fact if one understands the psychology. As you know, to me the story line has to be plausible (or at least possible at a push) so to what degree is this aspect plausible?

Well much in the way that the institution has as part of it remit the aim of understanding the propagation progression of phobias in multi-phobic individuals by the deliberate induction of the same, in the 1930s experiments were carried out to deliberately induce stuttering in unaffected individuals. The leading light behind the study in fact put together a veritable cookbook of methodology for inducing stuttering. In the most basic terms it involved in one way or another making the subject familiar with stuttering (one way might be to engineer the subject to come face-to-face with a sufferer, for example). Then, in a therapy session in conversation the subject might be stopped at some point in her speech, where perhaps she may have stumbled slightly or there had been a minor repetition. The subject would then be warned that not only what were there signs that she was beginning to stutter but that if she didn’t work hard to improve it, she would stutter as badly as… (here the image of the sufferer used as an example would be conjured up). Advice would then be given to help avoid stuttering but that was in fact calculated to make the girl more conscious than ever of her speech. Suggestions would be made such as to take a breath before saying word if she thought she was going to stutter over it, to stop and start over again if she did start to stutter, to be aware of her speech all the time and to do anything to keep from stuttering. In addition she would be urged not to speak unless she was absolutely sure she was going to be able to speak clearly and without stuttering and to put the tongue to the roof of her mouth while thinking about what to say and considering which words she might stumble over...There is no real reason for the nurse pic, incidentally, other than that for some reason I can imagine her as the therapist working with one of our girls incarcerated in the unit - friendly smile and nicely tailored uniform - what else could you want?

One teenage girl, despite being lively, full of confidence and a clear speaker at the beginning of the study had by the therapist’s second visit become quiet and very self-conscious (doesn't that sound the perfect state of mind to have her in if one is to introduce a young lady to strict discipline). Within four months the same girl had “developed mannerisms characteristic of some stutterers, such as snapping her fingers to get a word out, had become shy quiet and withdrawn and was even writing the same word two or three times over in her schoolwork. It has to be noted that in-between the therapist’s visits the teachers, having been told how to behave and under the false belief that they were helping along a system of therapy, would pull up the girl if she stumbled over word or repeated it and make her say it again, thus reinforcing her indoctrination. In a similar vein, the teachers and staff would continually refer to her as being a “stutterer” again reinforcing the indoctrination

What interests me here is that the girl mentioned above was fifteen years old. While, as far as I can tell, a similar study has never been carried out on adults it is difficult to believe that much in terms of developmental change and psychological development will have taken place in the intervening years between the age of fifteen and the age of our heroines - late teens to early twenties - that would render the treatment any less efficacious.

Another thing that interests me here, in terms of both the Milgram Experiment and the Stamford Experiment (look them up on Google - together, they're the basis of much of what takes place in the clinical psychologist study that our girls become enrolled in) is the way in which the woman actually carrying out the study, herself having been described as somewhat timorous, having voiced her concern over the damage she was inflicting on her test subjects nevertheless continued with the study right up to the end when ordered to by her supervisor.

As for our girls; well, you will have to wait until publication volume 2 I’m afraid (not long now - I hope) to find out what has been going on there. PS: now I come to think about it, it's tantamount to psychological gagging - vary nice, very subtle (I like subtle).

Friday 14 November 2008

Therapists, Metronomes and School Uniforms Doth the Good-Girl Make (with a good dose of the cane, of course)

I am a bit short of time today as I have a lot I want to get done on INSTITUTIONALISED vol 2 before I have to leave for the weekend, I hope to get more story outline sketched out in rough while I’m away – I have a lot of fresh ideas brewing for volume 3 which I want to get down on paper as quick as possible, these things have a habit of evaporating as rapidly as they manifested, and I need closure to the ‘Police, Camera, Action’ (a provisional title) chapter of vol 2 that I have spoken about before. The point is that I won’t have access to a computer for the next couple of days or so which means that anything I do write will then have to be transcribed, so today I am going to be concentrating on putting the finishing touches to the chapter to which I have given the working title of ‘An Imposition of Uniform’ (a crude early fragment of which I have previously posted) - as much as possible at any rate, bearing in mind that I don’t really like writing direct to the computer.

I am cheered though, in that much of the ‘dogsbody’ work has been done - the basic descriptive stuff, the scene setting, the general day to day story framework and development and those parts that I like to think of as ‘linking prose’, by which I mean those stretches of text and dialog that glue together the various events occurring. What I am left with is the detailed description of the young lady’s ‘home uniform’ that that her aunt has put her in at that point in her life, basically a school uniform but very much of that woman’s own devising, both inappropriate and anachronistic in its styling.

As I have said before; the woman is a stickler for traditional values, an admirer of the styling of a bygone age and possessed of an agile mind, suffering no shortage of imaginative and innovative talent in the area of design and having an eye for detail that would be the envy of many a fashion designer. Stir all this together with a very thorough grasp of feminine psychology, the woman having been involved in psychiatric nursing in an earlier incarnation, and the prospect becomes an exceedingly exciting one – I for one am near shaking in anticipation…and I’m writing the thing. But, you see, I don’t think of myself as responsible; I like to let the character take on a life of her own, I have to bow to her decision and her agenda; and the uniform is very much part of a greater agenda – but exactly what that is we have to wait and see…one gets the impression that it is something lurking in the mind of the girl’s guardian as much as anything. I have already done a little towards this part, as I have said before, but I have denied myself the pleasure of its completion – today I have the lion’s share to write; its my little reward to myself for having trudged through all that hard to write, but very necessary, groundwork!

I also have to polish the scenes where the girl visits her therapist and also where her aunt begins to act as the therapist’s proxy at home and we first begin to examine not only her aunt’s agenda but also her therapist’s motives with a critical eye when we learn something of the content of those treatment sessions. Again it is partially written and again I have held back on its completion to relish the anticipation and to dangle as a carrot before my eyes whenever the work ethic began to lapse - a bit like a nice day’s drinking, and even better if I can combine the two of course (and I can be at my cruelest after a few pints of the finest real ale).

Talking of which, you probably well understand the picture I've placed at the start of this post, up there on the left - it is just something that I find wonderfully evocative of that domination / submission chemistry that develops between an experienced and skilled governess and her charge, given the right conditions. I imagine, also, that you can see the rationale behind the next pic lower down, the girl at her desk - it came from a 1970s set published in a mainstream men's mag, Men Only I think it was, but i might be wrong - either way it went a long way to fixing my particular interests and thus guiding my writing (its as much in her eyes as in the archaic uniform she she has been put in). But you're probably at a bit of a loss as to why there is a metronome depicted over on the right. Well, when Lavinia was staying in her aunt's cottage, one very similar to this always took pride of place on her bedside table. You see, the girl always had seemed to be troubled with anxiety and this, with her aunt's cooperation, was her therapists solution. Any steady monotonous sound has a tendency to induce relaxation, whether the ticking of a watch, constantly falling drops of water or the sound of a softly beating heart. A simple pianist’s metronome fits the bill well enough and in addition it is one of the devices her doctor has been routinely using to teach her relaxation techniques to help overcome her ‘problems’ – and so its introduction into the home makes good sense. It has been shown that subjects can be put into a hypnotic trance by conditioned reflex alone, even in the absence of the therapist, by the sound or sight of a particular device if a patient has been repeatedly hypnotised by verbal suggestion in its presence or by its use.

The above idea can be extended even to the setting of the room alone – and so the rationale behind the doctor’s home visits is revealed, particularly as the girl has been categorised by her therapist as being a somewhat refractory patient at this point in time. And this is something I shall have to address as I write - how this initial resistance is overcome is almost a tale in itself... But already it becomes clear why her aunt is keen to advocate rigidly prescribed bedtimes, why regular afternoon naps, always involve sending her up to bed at stroke of the clock and exactly at particular time, why always the same long soft cosy nightdress is waiting and why the household routine is so set in stone and ritualistic - at least as far as the girl is concerned… and of course there is a certain ritualistic and routine element to the adoption of a uniform for the girl too, if you think about it… one thing leads to another one which reinforces the first - that's how I like to think about it. So you can see; you can rest assured that this is not going to be a case of 'doctor swings a nice shiny pocket-watch and...her-presto...all is magically changed' (I hate that...and to me plausibility is everything - it is one of the reasons that I started writing my own stuff. These things take time and patience and so I shall have to lavish similar time and patience to make it work in the written world).
By the way, if you are at all interested about the theory behind all of this was a very interesting book you I consider consulting called: Clinical and Experimental Hypnosis in Medicine, Dentistry, and Psychology (William S. Kroger and Michael D Yapko). It is available for viewing on Google books so go check it out and learn all about another little facet of Toyntanen's little world of discipline, submission, fetishism and punishment.
As I said, I’m a bit short of time and so I wasn’t going to make a blog entry today (and I generally don’t over the weekend in any case) but the number of hits has been rising of late and yesterday the hit rate was up by near-on 60%. I have absolutely no idea why this should have been but in the light of all those extra eyeballs I figured had to make some effort. So I thought I’d direct you to a story I read recently and fell in love with (with a few provisos). Why? Because it is probably the only kidnap / bondage tale I have ever come across that has broached the subject of sleep deprivation and introduced the concept of psychological punishment – two aspects that I have written into the INSTITUTIONALISED series; there are a few examples of psychological punishment written into INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 - probably one of the best examples is the part that the punishment-rhymes’ story snippet (just click title to read), that I have published elsewhere and previously on this blog, was taken from.
I also like the suggestion made quite early on by the girl's captor that, although a ransom has been demanded of her farther, even if he pays it, the girl he is going to get back is going to be very different to the one that was snatched (Yum, Yum, Yum!!!)…then he goes and ruins it a bit, for me anyway…but you can probably guess by now the sort of outcome I’d have liked to see. Anyway, it is well worth the read, it is called The Mayor’s Daughter’ (just click to link) and comes from a nice little bondage story site I have discovered called 'utopia stories' (again, just click to read or check it out the sidebar resource list).
On a slightly different tack; I have discovered a site absolutely loaded with rubber, plastic and spandex / Lycra fetish pics and all free. It is called (as usual, just click to read or check it out the sidebar resource list).
Bye,bye for now...Garth

Wednesday 15 October 2008

A Return To The Dress Discipline Site

Yesterday was mostly spent lying on my back – I was having a hair transplant (part of my ongoing programme of self improvement). It was just a bit of filling in at the front ~ 1000 grafts in total, but boy did it take a long time, talk about boring. But with nothing else to do my mind first turned to finishing off volume two and came up with one or two inventive ideas that lead nicely into volume three while knitting together the remaining loose ends and I shall be putting all my efforts into that goal for the next few days (I’ll have little distraction as I’m barred from heavy exercise for ten days because of the surgery, so no gym visits and no drinking…and no sex).

Then my mind moved on to the ‘dress discipline discussion board I had been looking at the day before (I took another look last night – the latest stuff can be found at: Link removed ( the links to the dress discipline bulletin-board I have been discussing no longer work - it has been taken down) there are somewhere in the order of 10 pages of discussion there, ostensibly following a thread regarding the advisability or otherwise of retaining knee socks on young ladies in their late teens / early twenties if still under parental or other guardianship. But here and there the discussion has digressed to encompass quite long and detailed descriptions of various shame-dress / punishment-costumes as well as the concoction of carefully prescribed lists of rules, restrictions and impositions as a framework outline for a domestic discipline regime. Enthusiastic prose are generously lavished on the benefits of worsted pinafore dresses, bib-fronted and pleated-skirted. Thick woollen knickers irritate and abrade sensitive parts, fully buttoned round necked cardigans are over-hot yet must remain fully buttoned nonetheless and doubtless, school ties while stifling must remain tightly knotted.

Imaginative, certainly, yet I couldn't help thinking these folks are missing a trick or two here: what is wrong with some experimentation with different fabrics – latex or PVC for knickers rather than all that wool. and worsted material for example. If the intention is to instill shame and a sense of discipline what could be better suited than a pair of short-legged or medium-legged bloomer-style knickers manufactured in a suitably practical material – even if of nylon or a nice thin glossy acetate, closely fitted. And its not as if suitable, or at least adaptable, commercial products are not freely available. A quick perusal of the Internet brought up several useful examples within a few moments. Notable was this fetching rubber example by Honour:
But then there are plastic pants, frilled latex pants and even locking pants. And if you go to the foot of this page there are a couple of complete 'looks' that may be achieved with commercially available products.

Particularly intriguing in terms of possibilities is the all-in-one plastic style on the left - imagine that adapted to incorporate an integral sprung steel locking waistband!!!

Such a choice of underwear would I think have a particularly interesting effect if it were teamed with a subtle shortening of her skirt’s hemline – nothing too drastic you understand, she should be allowed to appear decent when in public (as long as she should remain standing of course). At home is a different situation entirely of course. A pinafore dress as described by the various correspondents is fine - but I’d imagine it as mini-skirted affair with an attached bib-like bodice to front and rear held up by shoulder straps, each fastening at the girl’s shoulder with a neat little row of three buttons, and with its mid thigh hanging circular knife-pleated skirt, those pleats being nicely stiffened, producing a most eye-pleasing swing around and about latex, PVC or nylon sheaved thighs.

And then again while she is at home, perhaps under the supervision of a stern stepmother, or if she is to live tied to the apron strings of a strict governess or, better still, confined to some sort of institution, there seems little reason on benefit to be derived from our limiting our pallet to that of the traditional school uniform colours nor our choice of fabric to serge, cotton or even nylon / polyester. If one is to retain the school uniform theme, perhaps for the purposes of instilling a heightened sense of restriction and of discipline, for which purposes it is admirably suited, then one is free to embellish each garment accordingly with such features as braided edging and piping and of course a school badge. Even a school tie may be incorporated into the design but of course in all these features and other forms of decoration, should ‘unorthodox’ colours and/or fabrics be chosen then that must be taken into account if the correct image is still to be achieved. Details such as button holes and pockets may be picked out and edged with contrasting stitching to enhance the look and feel of the garment as being part of a uniform (or printed and or embossed if latex or PVC are used) . Of course it goes without saying that pockets should only ever of use as a stylistic device and be of no real utility – our young miss is not to be trusted with her own money nor troubled by the possession and carriage of combs and other personal effects.

I like to envisage a soft pastel pink for the dress under such circumstances with a school badge embroidered in pale powder-blue and gold thread over the left breast and repeated at a jaunty angle at its skirt’s hem. The knickers would be lent a pinkness to their hue, despite being their being in actuality white, by the soft flesh beneath. The dress I can imagine as being fabricated in overall-weight nylon (practical and washable - if somewhat sticky in warm weather) but could just as easily be of a suitable fabric so as to match the knickers, be they latex, PVC or what ever and would be worn over a nylon school blouse of pastel pink and powder-blue stripe having a high-buttoning stiff collar neatened by a traditional looking school tie but in pink with powder-blue and gold diagonal stripes.

Her hair – corn gold of course – would be kept tightly French plated and brought down to either side as a pair of little stubby pigtails, each tied in a bow of broad pink and blue striped nylon ribbon to match her uniform. Finally the whole confection would be topped off with a traditional school straw boater adorned around its crown by a ribbon matching those in her hair that hangs down to at the rear as two tails to her mid back.

Imagine the scene if you will – all of this, the sharp pleats of that little skirt stiffened and running down and out from the tight trim little waistband at 45 degrees to swing stiffly at mid thigh, well out from the fullness of her thighs. Glimpse beneath that abbreviated hemline the bewitching sight of taught fleshy globes. Her well rounded bottom cheeks sheaved as closely as to have completely lost the thickened latex or PVC seam deep within the cleft between to only emerge at the front at the very top of the deeply defined and detailed declivity outlining her femininity there. And if she should have recently tasted the cane then what could better display and detail those swollen wheals then thin skin-tight white rubber. Then below, long coltish legs flow down to meet little pink anklets, their frilled and lace decorated tops prettily turned down, a little bow in contrasting powder-blue decorating each to the rear. Then at last our eyes come to rest upon the shoes: Mary Janes in a shiny patent light blue or pink plastic (never leather).

To return to the correspondence on that particular message board for a moment; it can not be said, I think, that any of the aspects of the design I would advocate and the characteristics lauded by those correspondents are necessarily mutually exclusive. In answer to the case put for the wearing of coarse woollen knickers for example I would point out the endless possibilities inherent with the provision of interchangeable knickers-liners which could in principle be of any manufacture one might desire while retaining the special advantages of the latex or PVC outer garment. Besides, in an institutional environment, depending on the type of institution wherein the young lady is being detained, it is easy to envisage that the regulation knickers she would be provided with might well be likely to incorporate internally some system or other designed to secure an absorbent pad or towel in place.

Designed to deal with the needs of patients to whom incontinence has for one reason or another become troublesome, for example, the securing straps or bands within such an undergarment could equally be pressed into service to hold in place a wide variety of pads and towels having an almost infinite set of different textures and other characteristics. Every thing from the intolerably-pleasant caress of a lover's velvet tongue to the equally intolerable yet infinitely more diabolical prickle of coarse velvet could thus be made available for her to experience – imagine, if you will, a towel having the surface qualities of glass-fibre roof insulating material for example. Should she have been unlucky enough as to have found herself somehow or other and by some twist of fate consigned to a place habitually used to dealing with the disturbed, unstable or otherwise handicapped she might well find that the same locking waistband mechanism that safeguards those poor souls from their unknowing tampering is just as efficient at preventing tampering with the rather special punitive measures applied to her. Imagine, then, the truly fiendish torture that I would call the unscratchable itch – best kept to such a institutional scenario this one, a place wherein the proper medical restraint measures can be put in place and applied in conjunction. A few thousand candida spores finding their way somehow into the perfect incubator that is the hot damp environs of a pair of rubber or latex incontinence bloomers and you have a case of thrush producing truly sanity-endangering irritation and discomfort. Yes, best kept for the caged-bed, humane restraints, the straitjacket, padded room and professional supervision.

Even if a girl has not been in such a way institutionally confined one can still imagine a governess under the right circumstances, perhaps an ex-psychiatric nurse and chosen for that fact, and having the girl under her roof with cart blanch over her, having access through old contacts and other channels to such resources. And perhaps to others too. I imagine a woman almost permanently garbed in the old-fashioned navy-blue uniform dress she once wore on the ward, at least when alone with her charge, a leather tawse hanging from her white Petersham ribbon belt with its ornate silver butterfly clasp.

Upstairs the girl's bedroom is as plain as anything a puritan might have imagined: an old hospital bed takes up most of the space. This having barred sides, one side presently lowered to the floor, the lockable hinged top, swung back and leaning against the plain white wall. The white plastic mattress has strewn upon it a well-worn assortment of medical restraints, ankle cuffs at the bottom, a broad abdomen strap crossing at the centre and having attached wrist cuffs to either side and a strap to secure the forehead lies across the pillow. At this end of the bed the one object that might seem to lighten the mood,taken in the context of its usual late teen occupant only deepens the foreboding, asking more questions than it is willing to give answers. A curving metal bracket holds a child's mobile, a simple circle of sparkling silver stars – illuminated by two small strobe lamps, these mounted on the bars of the bed end, one to either side, it shimmers and flickers and holds the eyes with jaw-dropping fascination as it turns.

Just beyond the bed's foot thick 'blackout' drapes have already been drawn across a small window, whitewashed in any case lest the girl should waste her time sky-gazing and daydreaming when she should be turning her attention to her impositions and protected by vertical steel bars, both inside and out, lest she should feel the least bit insecure. This is where a somewhat over-plump girl is presently easing herself into her night attire, rolling skin-tight latex over curving hips. Folded neatly on the the only other pieces of furniture present, a child's combined school desk and bench seat, is an abbreviated and juvenile little green and white school dress.

It is just coming up to two o'clock in the afternoon and most of her old friends would now be on their way back to work from lunch, those not presently at university that is – for her, though, it is time for her afternoon nap. Her governess, looking as implacable as ever in her hospital uniform, is standing impatiently by the bed, is all that is needed, the command needs no words, not after so many months in charge of the girl. not with the help of her little toy glittering away so soothingly, her little secret as she calls it, not to mention the promised kiss of her tawse – and the girl has felt that once today already.

Friday 19 September 2008

Inspiration is Where You Find It (2): Mind Control, Phone Boxes, Catalogues, Friends Reunited (And Another Bit of Penny's Punishments Too (From Janus)

My eyes are still a little problematic so for a while text will be a bit sparse, but as I have said in the last few posts; I will go over these posts again with updated text, labels and explanations etc once my vision settles down and will then post links to the updated pages. So for now mostly pics. First I thought I ought to post the rest of the pics from that classic photo-story, Penny's Punishments, that I scanned from Janus. I had intended to do so, partly for the sake of completeness and partially to provide some sort of pictorial content while writing was being such a strain. In so doing it occurred to me that there is another tale to tell, unwritten yet embedded within these pictures - to my mind there is a tale within a tale here if one looks deeply enough. Now that I'm thinking about it I do remember it occurring to me at the time and that it was something that fired my imagination ; as it does so still now, looking at them again through fresh eyes.

On the surface, for the time it was a fairly standard Janus spanking / caning / discipline photo story ( click on the link above or here to read more of the outline), but I like to feel that there is a more sinister undercurrent. Particularly in the pyjamas scene, but also to some extent in the following two pictures, the girl has this strangely emotionless look about her, expressionless, blank; even at the time, being relatively youthful and largely unaware of the mind control story genre, I thought she looked sort of...well, hypnotized, for want of any better description.

The impression I received was that, although not eluded to in the text, her guardians had more of a hold over her than might be explainable by the threat of a caning from time to time...Soon after, I came across the works of Victor Bruno wherein, at least in his 'private boarding ' reform school' tales, the use of hypnosis (and even brainwashing) was alluded to -although sadly, never elaborated on beyond expounding on the various benefits in keeping the hapless inmates of his various institutions under control.

And there you have it; notwithstanding one or two other influences that I will discuss at a later date, my interest in mind control, especially in the use of hypnosis, was born. What with my frustration at the lack of detail included in the Victor Bruno novels and then having later come across, first the Erotic Mind Control Story Archive ( click to visit) and then story ideas put out on various newsgroups by Acid Tony (under more than one name I think - click to read) you can, I'm sure, understand the strong element of psychological control and punishment, of various forms and levels of subtlety, that weaves its way through INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1. I have never viewed this element as any replacement for good old-fashioned corporal punishment but rather as an adjunct to it - much like Acid Tony, I see each being in support of the other.


While on the subject of hidden meaning and inspiration here are a few scans of a couple of pages from a very mainstream 1980s fashion catalogue (below). At the time I thought of her as the perfect mistress figure, a couple of steps up from the governess so to speak, perhaps the haughty guardian of some hapless browbeaten girl. Later she was to become (as part of an amalgam of characters, along with certain other influential models and pictures) the model for the character of Lady Madison Daisy Bartlet as appears in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 (click to read extract on this site).

More hidden content: At one point in my life I worked as a cycle dispatch rider in the West End of London and would often throughout the day have occasion to visit a phone box or two. There were always plenty of cards advertising various 'personal services' and from time to time one would catch my eye. This example led me to search for and explore all sorts of medical fetish literature that I didn't know even existed at the time; I wanted to know just what these procedures might consist of. More importantly I wondered just how such procedures might be applied to the young ladies that by then populated the stories and fantasies that, in the absence of suitably imaginative published literature, I was beginning to concoct for my own amusement by this point. These tales existed only as bare bone fragments of ideas that this stage, but as I learnt more about this new world new storylines evolved and necessarily became more complex in order to incorporate techniques and procedures that I was learning about. All sorts of devilish torments came and went in my imaginary tableaux - the ideas that would one day grow into the INSTITUTIONALISED series were beginning to take root. Incidently, a nice collection of such cards can be viewed at Mike's Spanking Booth (click to visit).

Monday 4 August 2008

Hypnosis and Denial of Orgasm

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Tuesday 8 July 2008

An alternative title: Dark Meanderings of a Darker Mind

INSTITUTIONALISED, volume 1 (see link in sidebar on right if you haven't already read it), was originally to have had an entirely different title and a far darker look, in more ways than one!
It's probably difficult to make out here but the nurse's uniform incorporates a three-tailed tawse hanging from the belt; painstakingly created by yours truly. Another lies meaningfully across the top of the school desk. The green object at the top left-hand corner, underneath the word, dark, is supposed to be a gymslip, minus its wearer of course; it's not really as I envisaged in the storylines but it was the best I could manage at the time.

To the right is an earlier rendition minus the cell bars; here there is also incorporated an American style 'jumper' and a traditional crook-handled school cane (lying across the jumper). In addition the nurse holds a cane hanging from her wrist where her hand rests on her hip. The web structure was supposed to represent the sprung trap (cheesy, I know). The basic group of figures got retained as the cameo style logo used on the back page and also the title page of the current version of volume 1 and will also be used throughout the series.

Introduction and welcome message

Welcome, one and all, to the official


blog and discussion site

The home of Garth. P. ToynTanen, his ideas and, it is hoped, yours!

This is the place to learn more about the author and what makes him tick,to learn more about the influences and inspirations behind the INSTITUTIONALISED trilogy (more likely tetralogy, if all pans out)

This is most definitely NOT the place to discuss anything of a paedophilic nature;the author does not condone paedophilia in any form and where the term 'girl' is used it is as a derogatory term intended to apply to any young woman stripped adult privileges in one way or another.

If you are an aficionado of literature dealing with young ladies undergoing strict discipline, of the imposition and enforcement of petty rules and restrictions, of strict and humiliating uniforms and the enforcementof the same through the judicial application of the cane, the tawse, the riding crop etc as well as less orthodox, psychological methods...then this is the place for you!

This is particularly so if you tend to favour the imposition of discipline within the institutional environment, although there is much to be said also for the more domestic environment if suitably enclosed, secure, and isolated from prying eyes and interfering moderates: Given the right situation and a well chosen and imaginative governess, much can be achieved in curbing a young lady's spirit.

From the outset the idea behind the project was always to go beyond the traditional world of corporal punishment portrayed in the works of authors such as Victor Bruno, Richard Manton et al ( has much as I admire their work) and to attempt to incorporate more of a psychological aspect, both in terms of examining the mindsets of the protagonists, of the disciplined and of the discipliner both, and in terms of the approach to discipline and correction. Corner-standing, impositions such as the writing of lines or rote learning and strictly decreed postural requirements, such as having to sit for long periods with back straight and hands flat on the school desk; all these have their part to play. So feel free to discuss your own view of what discipline means and how it should be introduced to a young lady or young ladie, also how it might relate to the storyline of volume 1 (if it indeed does) or how it might fit into future volumes (or indeed the sort of thing you would like to see included).

It was also decided at the outset that the storyline should incorporate other fetishes interests that, while being strictly speaking outside my own sphere, nevertheless seemed appropriate in many ways as being amenable the imposition of restraint and of control. Various forms of bondage were an obvious inclusion of course, but then there are such subjects such as enforced diaper use, leading inexorably to the inclusion of plastic and latex rubber knickers, bloomers, pants etc. And then there are the uniforms, of course; the latter open to all sorts of discussion, from the physical aspects, the type of fabrics, nylon, serge, the underwear, girdles, corselletes, corsets, stockings, you name it, to the psychological effect on the wearer, whether submissive or assertive depending on the role.

And as all these aspects of control unavoidably involve changes to the psyche the inclusion of certain forms of mind control to the story-arc seemed most appropriate (indeed the entire project was originally stimulated by a series of mind control story ideas published on one of the newsgroups, of which more later). Thus aspects of sensory deprivation, hypnosis, NLP and even the deliberate induction or intensification of certain phobias can be introduced in order to wield control over a young lady; the latter approach while being particularly suitable in the institutional environment is not impossible to initialy introduce within a more domestic scenario.

So you see, there is much that can be discussed here, practically without limit, much that can be incorporated into the continuing story arc; your imagination is the only limitation, within the bounds of what can be logically incorporated in a sensible manner of course.
  • What do you like, or dislike, or indeed hate, so far?
  • What would you like to see incorporated in the story arc to come?
  • What were your interests vis-a-vis the discipline and control of young women?
Let your imagination rip!!!