Thursday 20 August 2015




It's a pleasant mid-April day in 1959 at Maydith College and April Barrett, 19 - anxious about impending final exams - is hurrying from the College Library to a class.  The girl carelessly allows her skirt to get caught in the heavy library door and it gets pulled off with humiliating consequences!  As it happens, Professor Percy Pecksniff is about the enter the library (to diligently pursue his research on 18th century chamber pots) and gets a most enjoyable eyeful.  In a small community like Pleasantown, Mrs. Barrett soon learns about her darling daughter's unsavoury public appearance.  The discipline-minded older woman promptly schedules a punishment session for the hapless April.

The session will take place in two day's time, on an afternoon when Mrs. Barrett's housekeeper is off.  The good woman invites two of her closest friends from The Bridge Club - the imperious, ash blonde Mrs. Helen Steel and Mrs. Emily Goodly, a prissy, plump matron.

 April is required to wear the same attire she had on during her unsavoury "public display". The tearful girl is required to hold her skirt up around her waist with her hands behind her back, displaying her girlishly plump, succulently shapely, skimpily-pantied bottom, off-white elastic garter belt, ripely-rounded bare upper thighs, and tautly-suspendered stocking tops.

April is then required to make twenty tearful tours of the large, luxuriously-appointed living room, holding her full but shapely stockinged legs tightly together and taking very small steps - one pump directly in front of the other - as if she were walking a chalk line!  Each time she passes her Mother, she must pause, head bowed in contrition and sobbingly stammer out her grovelling apology for careless skirt control and beg for appropriate punishment. April's enforced mode of locomotion and her glossy, tight fitting pumps with 4 and 1/4" spike heels emphasized the jouncy mobility of her ripely rounded, skimpily pantied, superb behind, much to the silent pleasure of three pairs of eyes that were glued to the unhappy, tearful girl's pitiful predicament!

When the "Punishment Parade" is finally over, Mrs. Barrett seats herself upon a sturdy, armless, wooden chair and takes up a glossy black, oval-shaped, hard-backed wooden hairbrush from a nearby side table.  April is then ordered over her Mother's capable knee, her panties taken down, and then made to feel 60 brisk, slowly spaced hairbrush smacks on her ripely curvaceous bare buttocks and succulently rounded backs of her upper thighs where they are bare above her stocking tops.  Needless to say, the sobbing, shrieking, pleading, and promising girl also receives a strict lecture on skirt control from her Mother.

When the spanking is finally over, a sobbing April is required to remove her skirt and panties entirely and is then marched by her Mother (her two lady friends following) out to the utility area of the secluded back garden and made to deposit the garments in a trash can.  As April's Mother observes, the garments have been "sullied" by unsavoury public exhibition and must therefore be disposed of.

Back in the large, imposing house, Mrs. Barrett announces that she will now take April up to the third floor bathroom -- the specially equipped bathroom where disciplinary enemas are administered!

"May I be of assistance, Grace, dear?" Helen Steel enquires with a cold smile.  "Thank you, Helen, dear," Mrs. B. responds pleasantly, "but I believe I can handle this myself.  Do enjoy another cup of tea during my absence."

Mrs. Barrett follows her tearful teener up the two sets of stairs leading to the third floor
bathroom, her eyes glued to April's shifting, jiggling, and prettily-reddened ripe curvaceous buttocks and upper thighs.

One in the bathroom, April is ordered to lie face down on the sheet covered, hard white metal table.  April obeys at once, crossing her shapely, stockinged ankles instinctively like a well brought up, demure girl should.

Mrs. Barrett then produced a plump-bulbed rectal thermometer, lubricates it with Vaseline, and inserts it in April's ultra-sensitive bum hole channel.  The girl emits a tear choked little gasp.  April's tear-wet cheeks burn scarlet with the humiliation of a big 19 year old in nylons and heels having her temperature taken like a small child.  Mrs. Barrett leaves the thermometer in April for a good five minutes knowing only too well the effect it has on the girl.  After it has been removed, April is ordered to spread her legs.  While the girl tearfully gasps and squeals, Mrs. Barrett now administers a lengthy rubber gloved Vaseline lubrication of dear April's girlishly tight, ultra-sensitive bum hole channel. 

Mrs. Barrett then prepares a pitcher of 30 ounces of lukewarm water well charged with Ivory Snow soap flakes.  The good woman then takes her funnel to which is attached a length of red rubber enema tubing, the end of which is rounded, hardened rubber.  Then, slow half inch by slow half inch she inserts 6" of tube in her darling daughter's succulent, well-smacked bottom. April tearfully whimpers and gasps throughout the process.  For her it is as if some horrid snake were exploring her most intimate anatomy.  Insertion complete, April is ordered to once again cross her ankles "like a properly brought up young lady".

After she has cleaned and removed her red rubber glove, Mrs. Barrett picks up the funnel with her left hand, the pitcher with her right, and very slowly begins to pour the milky solution into her darling daughter.  Poor April's succulent buttocks spasm involuntarily as this is being done to her. Needless to say, Mrs. Barrett pauses periodically during the procedure to lecture her daughter on the importance of skirt control!  It takes over 7 minutes to fully administer the enema.

When the pitcher is empty, Mrs. Barrett removes the tube quickly and replaces it with the well Vaseline-lubricated, hard rubber retention plug.  April emits a poignant squeal of anguish as the awful plug is thrust into her.  Mrs. Barrett now pats April gently on her well-smacked, well-filled bottom and says, "Lie quietly, dear, and let the solution do it's good work inside you.  I shall return in 30 minutes."

Thirty minutes later, having fortified herself with tea and pleasant chat with her lady friends, Mrs Barrett return to the 3rd floor bathroom.  She helps April down from the table, escorts the girl over to the toilet, bends her over slightly, a pulls the retention plug out, eliciting another anguished squeal from poor April.  Seated on the toilet, April tightly squeezes her plump little bum hole with irrational shame.  The pressure becomes unbearable, unstoppable!  A humiliating surge of sudsy, stool-laden water is deposited in the toilet bowl.  The finishing touches include Mrs. Barrett wiping her darling daughter clean like a small child, inserting a cotton wool plug in April's bottom and, finally,
requiring the girl to don a pair of full-cut but skin fitting, shiny black rubber panties.

April is then taken downstairs and made to parade around the room 7 times to "model" her "post enema costume"!  Helen Steel offers amusing comments such as "How chic!  Her panties match her pumps!" Parade concluded, April is made to sit on the hard, armless wooden chair used in her hair brushing, cross her legs like she would "at a Sorority Tea" and, still choking back tears, politely and deferentially answer the many questions Helen Steel and Emily Goodly have for her!

Q1 What was the worst part of the punishment ordeal for dear April?

Q2 What was the second worst part of the punishment ordeal for dear April?

Q3 What was the third worst part of the punishment ordeal for dear April?

Q4 In a situation like this, who would you most like to be?

Q5  After an experience like this, do you think April would start wearing tight skirts ending 2" below her lovely rounded, nyloned knees?


Q6  Should April be required to write an abject letter of apology to Professor Pecksniff  and tell him she was strictly punished for making such a disgraceful display of herself?


Q7   When April's successful businessman father, Henry Barrett, returns home at 6PM, should April be required to join her Mother and Father without the benefit of a skirt as an object lesson in discipline?


Q8  Do you think Professor Pecksniff became sexually aroused at the sight to poor April's dire dilemma and later "relieved himself"?


Q9  Would there be merit in Mrs. Barrett, after completion of the enema, tying her delectable daughter's wrists behind her back, tying the girl's ankles, and blindfolding her so she could really concentrate of the effects of the enema solution working inside her?


Q10  If you had witnessed April's "Punishment Parade Performance", would you have been tempted to say to yourself, "Any teener girl who wiggles her big, naughty bottom like that deserves everything she gets and more!"


Tuesday 18 August 2015

Female Masturbation Aversion Therapy - A Result of a Poll Result

This one came about as a direct result of the two polls I recently carried out here – the one on the control of female masturbation and the one regarding mouth-soaping - and sort of represents an amalgamation of the two outcomes within one image. > It also represents my frustration in never being able to find a mouth-soaping image featuring any kind of institutional background or nurse or governess figure.

The lower (right) image is the nurse’s name tag or badge I created for it and hopefully the lettering looks as if stamped into the metal (I DO try!)

Miss Swanley is of course a character from one of my books / novels - ON BECOMING SUBJECT TO MISS SWANLEY’S METHODS (click to see on LULU, if you haven't already) - my first and only foray into fem dom (although a girl is involved too) which involves amongst other themes the deliberate twisting of a young man’s sexuality and blackmail.

So, it turns out (though the poll has a few more hours to run) over half of all respondents really go for the mouth-soaping thing and the vast majority of the rest like it even though they might prefer other punishments, which I imagine would be the cane, strap, or a good hand spanking.  But of course this is not necessarily a mutually exclusive kind of thing.  For instance I can imagine mouth-soaping going together quite nicely with a caning or spanking under certain circumstances – as a sort of adjunct to the discipline and control aspect, if you catch my drift – just as it might fit with corner standing or deportment training. 

For example it is common for penalty strokes to be awarded for braking position or even crying out, and a further stipulation might be that a bar of soap be retained in the mouth throughout.  It could be examined after and extra punishment awarded if impressions of the teeth can be seen for example.

An interesting twist on this latter theme might be the girl who, refusing to buckle to the imposition of strict discipline enforced by corporal punishment, has had to go without meals or has been kept on a highly restrictive diet for some considerable time in order to break her initial resistance to submitting to the cane (which of course will then be used to further break her to other forms of discipline and control, such as being put in a uniform and / or placed in domestic service and so on).

In terms of the control of female masturbation, I was not at all surprised to see so many coming out on the side of enforced absolute abstinence – and the use of the cane is ALWAYS  expected - but what DID surprise me was the overwhelming interest in forms of toileting restrictions / toilet training as forms of enforcement and that there was so little interest in psychological methods.  The latter is a bit of a disappointment to me as it does interest me to such a large degree.  So on the grounds that perhaps it was the concept of PURE psychological intervention and methodology (ie, in total and absolute isolation from other physical methods, such as chastity devices and corporal punishment – which was never what I meant) that put respondents off, I have included such an element in the narrative within the image above.  Please let me know what you think.     

Wednesday 12 August 2015

An Entertaining Punishment - And a mouth-Soaping Poll


You would not BELIEVE the amount of time I’ve waisted concocting this thing today, just trying to get that bloody cane to look better.  Talk about obsessive - compulsive syndrome.  Why? Who knows?  I was supposed to be working on finishing off my new book but thought this would just take 20 - 30 minutes or so!  I should have known better!  AND it still isn’t right!  But the other thing to try to get right was that belt – I don’t know why, but I seem to have developed a ‘thing’ about those elasticated crepe nurse’s belts.

The subject is something that has been close to my heart since first reading it being discussed in the Reader’s Letters pages of Janus magazine back in the 1980s and also in the novels of Victor Bruno.  That subject is the concept of punishment handed out purely for the benefit and enjoyment of a third party, especially while that person looks on, a smug, satisfied smile on his or her face.  It has a lot in common with the concept of blameless incarceration, discipline and punishment I have written about before but is subject to strict limitations as far as I am concerned and is entirely divorced from the sort of hard-core suffering depicted in horror / gore movies and so on, such as in the Saw franchise, which just leaves me cold.  But the concept of some pretty, well developed nubile young thing having her bottom tanned with a thin, pliant length of rattan or pliable whippy folded leather belt just because someone finds it exciting is… well…exciting.  Don’t you think?

I’ll be discussing the results from the poll I set a while ago regarding the control of female masturbation next time, when I return from the little trip I’m going on (see below).

By the way, I’m setting out to cycle from London to Clacton (Essex) on the East Coast in a few minutes - a good test for my new knee joint (well, it’s over a year old now – so NOT so new).  Check the comments section of this post for updates on my progress, coz I can update that easily from my phone.  I’ll be taking my laptop and hopefully doing more towards finishing one of the three books I’m working on, taking into account the results of the masturbation poll I set in one particular case. 

Needless to say; if you are in the Clacton area and fancy a pint let me know - either as a comment here or via email - and I can be in the Clacton Wetherspoons opposite the pier later today or tomorrow afternoon, all being well. 

And talking about the new books, I want to ask a question, or rather I want to appeal for a little help, for inspirational purposes.  Perusing the Internet I have come across many images of mouth soaping, but never in an institutional context, always home / domestic and NEVER in the hands of a uniformed nurse or governess.  So does anyone out there have in their collection such an image, photo or artwork? I have considered creating such an image but it is proving difficult to bring together the various elements in a convincing, realistic way.  Perhaps I should ask if anybody is actually that interested in mouth soaping - after all, I need to know it is worth writing about; and my last big poll has already informed me that the sort of psychological punishment I often glory in is not that popular... Hmmm... So here's a poll! 

Do you find mouth soaping an exciting topic / plot element

Friday 7 August 2015

Kathy Anne Feels the Back of the Hairbrush - A Roger Benson Poll...

...written, formulated and produced by the man himself (with a little judicious editing by yours truly).  

This is one of my favourite images of his (though not my MOST favourite - THAT honour goes to an illustration that lacks overt evidence of corporal punishment entirely.  Anyone guess which one that might be?  Come on; they're all out there on the 'net, it just needs a little detective work.  Why not send in a link as a comment, and we'll see who out there knows me best! 

Incidentally, for some weird reason - which I can't put my finger on (perhaps it has something to do with the era depicted?) I much prefer this in the original monochrome.  Anyone out there feel the same way?  I know what I'll do - I'll tack on a question of my own, right at the end, and you can let me know.  

Finally: I have to say I've been delighted at the response to my female masturbation poll, but somewhat surprised at the preferences voiced thus far - of which more next time.


When Mrs. Goodchild became President of the Pleasantwon Bridge Club -- in addition to already being President of the Ladies Aid Society -- she knew she would have to create some time saving strategies to cope with her busy schedule!

One of these was requiring her pretty, shapely curvaceous 18 year old daughter, Kathy Ann, to report for her spankings with her buttocks already bared for discipline!

Naturally, at her grown up age, poor Kathy Ann found this considerably embarrassing - but not, as far as Mrs. Goodchild was concerned; to Mrs Goodchild that was simply part of the punishment!

In the picture we can see a tearful Kathy Ann, bare from the waist down except for her off white garter belt, sheer nylon stockings, and tight fitting, glossy white patent leather spike-heeled pumps, retreating to her room -- taking those tiny, "owww, I can barely walk" steps a freshly spanked girl in high spike heels always takes!

Kathy Ann's misbehaviour was forgetting to run an important errand for her Mother and for this she has just spent a most uncomfortable 15 minutes over Mother's knee being lectured while Mr. Hairbrush made his disciplinary point on Kathy Ann's girlishly plump, ripely curvaceous, prettily reddening bare buttocks!  Despite her darling daughter's sobs, shrieks, pleas, and promises, Mrs. Goodchild administered the strict hairbrushing she had determined was necessary.  A Diligent Disciplinarian indeed!


How many hairbrush smacks should Kathy receive?

Does Mrs. Goodchild sometimes give her darling daughter a disciplinary enema after a spanking?

In a situation like this, who would you most like to be?

Question 4.      
Why does Kathy Ann wear ultra-sheer, tautly-suspendered nylon  and tight fitting, glossy patent leather pumps with 4 and 1/4 inch spike heels?

Question (4)

Option 1
Because all the pretty, shapely girls do.

Option 2
Because she knows they make her full but shapely legs look even more luscious and that the spike-heeled pumps cause her girlishly plump, ripely curvaceous, tightly-skirted bottom to jiggle and sway with each step, attracting the lascivious looks of male personages.

Option 3
Because she wants to excite and inflame her handsome and muscular boyfriend, Lance Thicker, so on Date Night he will slurpingly tongue kiss her and feel her up as a prelude to the good, hard seeing to the naughty girl so greatly desires. 

Question 5.
 When you look  at Kathy Ann's girlishly plump, succulently shapely bare bottom, do you think she deserves a nice, strict disciplinary sentence at the Greystone Reformatory for Naughty Girls where she will be of the "receiving end" (heh heh) of many corporal punishment sessions?

Question (5)

Question 6
 If you think that Kathy Ann SHOULD be sentenced to the Greystone Reformatory For Naughty Girls, do you think she should -- in addition to corporal punishment -- be made to undergo other bizarre and exotic punishment ordeals such as the gravel topped stool, the slowly dissolving menthol suppository in her bum  (with a hard rubber retention plug to prevent its expulsion), or the full-cut but skin tight white cotton panties impregnated with hot mustard.

Question (6)

Question 7
When you look at Kathy Ann's girlishly plump, ripe, curvaceous bare bottom, which of the following would be your strongest preference?

Question (7)

 Option 1
Get the Vaseline out and give her a nice, long, hard bumming tied over the back of a sturdy chair.

Option 2
Give her lower right buttock a pinch that would really make her squeal and jump.

Option 3
Kneel down behind her and lick and kiss her smooth, pale, ripe, curvaceous buttocks all over.


Do you prefer this image in colour or monochrome (B & W)

Monday 3 August 2015

Control and / or Curtailment of Female Masturbation - A Poll and a Chance to Add YOUR Ideas!

Those of you who know my work will recognise that discipline and control are central themes and that the control and manipulation of sexuality have been touched upon as themes several times in the past.  Well now's your chance to influence one of the new pieces I am working on by way of a series of polls,  At the moment the polls themselves are over in the right hand sidebar while the explanations to the asterisk marked response options and so on are set out below in the central text, but tomorrow I shall move them over here in the main text area (I'm too tired at the moment - my Internet connection / phone line has been down and only just come back on - so I'm keen to get something going again - but on the other hand it's 01:30 in the morning; and I'm knackered!).

The next poll will.another one of Roger Benson's, to help with last minuet changes and fine tuning to his book - just as this one is to help me finalise certain sections of one of my new publications (but also to aid plot development) - and should appear here later tomorrow (Tuesday) or early Wednesday at the latest; so keep your eyes open. Ta!

Given a domestic setting, should masturbation be:

Similarly, given a CLINICAL / INSTITUTIONAL setting, should masturbation be:

*         I would differentiate between ‘supervised control’ and ‘supervision’.  By ‘supervised control’ I allude to a situation in which the young lady is not only under close supervision but may also have to observe certain stipulations such as to move her fingers to a certain rhythm or at a certain rate, follow a certain pattern or perhaps be ready to cease and abstain on command prior to culmination and likely under the detailed scrutiny of a person close at hand and able to intervene should non-compliance be encountered.

**        The term ‘ad libitum’ merely means ‘as much or as often as she likes, without outside interference.

***      By ‘observable’ in this context I mean that (as above) she is allowed to masturbate as much or as often as she pleases but that perhaps her door is always left open or perhaps there are surveillance cameras present which may or may not be recording every moment.  Even a bell attached to her bed and mattress or a baby monitor installed in her room may come under this category in enforcing the need for absolute quiet and / or stillness if her private fumblings are not to be brought to the attention of all and sundry.  

****    The term ‘encouraged’ might mean what it says, simple words of encouragement from a close confident or perhaps a councillor of some kind if within an institutional setting.  Alternatively the term might allude to more insidious methods, such as ensuring within her quarters or living space the opportunities for mental stimulation are kept to an absolute minimum – no books, magazines, television or radio and with social contact minimal or nonexistent, that sort of thing, or if literature is allowed to be present there is a high degree of erotic content (which may be subtle / ‘romantic’). 

The latter may be any safe, quiet, private (apparently), comfortable and undisturbed– yet mind-numbingly boring – space or environment wherein masturbation becomes the only outlet and stimulation for the senses.  Even a situation wherein a girl is made to live under an oppressive disciplinary régime under which her every waking moment is subject to restrictions, stipulations and petty rules may qualify for this category if extreme enough and if she is then given sufficient privacy and freedom at night.  And there is no reason all or any of this might not be combined and reinforced by a few reassuring words given by the right party or visits to a councillor and so on. 

Would your answer or response be likely to differ depending on the type of institution?(* see text)

 *       I.e. would your answer depend on whether the institution was penal, educational or clinical / psychiatric, whether it is a legitimately sanctioned establishment such as a government reform school, what we might call a 'semi- legitimate institution' such as a charity run home for the protection of young women in moral peril (of the church 'industrial school' model) where high walls and barred gates vouchsafe and encourage the development of all manner exploitative behaviours, or somewhere totally illegitimate and unsanctioned such as a small private - and extremely secure - 'care home' where an errant wife, or intractable stepdaughter or legal ward might so easily find herself 'put away' no questions asked in return for a regular monthly 'donation'?


Given that under right circumstances and / or psychological reinforcement ‘encouraged’ masturbation

*          I.e. her hand or hands begin to involuntary stray under inappropriate conditions such as when seated in front of the councillor, at her desk or in front of witnesses.

**        Uncontrollable in terms of her self-control – she now masturbates furiously in front of all and sundry, given the opportunity – obviously the behaviour (as always) is still eminently controllable by using physical means to enforce abstinence.    

Again would your answer or response be likely to differ depending on the type of institution?

If the behavior is to be ‘enforced’ in some way, should refusal be met by:

Additional to the above

*        This can mean switching to bedpan use (initially private, then supervised if refusal continues) if ordinarily allowed to use the toilet or to nappy (diaper) use if the bedpan is her usual method.  This would always be an incremental behaviour modification intervention method whatever the start point.  By this I mean that if usually she is allowed privacy for toilet use, for instance, that privacy would be curtailed in the first instance - perhaps through the bathroom or stall door being kept open or removed – then, if refusal continued, close supervision on the toilet would be introduced, then bedpan use in private, then bedpan use under close supervision, then bedpan use under close supervision but positioned in front of a mirror - and so on -  at first being allowed to wipe her own bottom, then having to submit to having it wiped for her or to go without cleaning.    

Actually, it would be interesting to see what level of degradation our quiet, bookish, modest and shy young thing would need to be brought down to before she would submit to masturbating herself under close supervision, not to mention the effect this final surrender would likely have on her delicate psyche and fragile self-esteem.

**        May be used in isolation or in conjunction with the above punitive intervention, but ALWAYS including a strong humiliation component to the proceedings  

***      (see the INSTITUTIONALISED series – can’t remember which volume; sorry!  And also my book: VICTORIAN GOVERNANCE IN THE AGE OF FREEDOM)

If masturbation is to be ENTIRELY prohibited how should abstinence be enforced?

*         By physical methodology I refer to anything that in effect mechanically removes temptation, from mittens on hands and restraints at bedtimes to chastity belts and similar devices. Obviously the surgical removal of the clitoris is an abhorrent process but a similar – but reversible – effect can be had by surgically embedding the offending bud in a tiny vanadium or platinum wire cage sutured into place with tiny wire loops, and I include such devices in this category.

**       By psychological methodology I mean techniques ranging from simple verbal shaming to the deliberate induction of what I would term ‘pre-orgasmic’ or ‘pre-culmination’ anxiety via aversion therapy, negative reinforcement and every station in-between.  

Saturday 25 July 2015

Under Private Secure Domestic Psychiatric Care - Enforced Weight-Gain


 "Right!  You have two minutes to finish-up that high-calorie weight-gain meal, young lady - then it's the cane!

Yes, private secure domestic psychiatric care: enforced weight-gain – an interesting concept! 

I saw this picture - and this is what popped into my mind, partly because there has been so much interest in the forced weight control thing I wrote a while back (sorry I've not answered all your comments. I will, given time - that was what I was going to do today, but then this popped up and I got side-tracked.)  

Actually in a way it's an extension of a concept that I have been toying with for some time and have even broached to some extent in some of my books - including a couple unfinished and yet to be published.  The concept of the governess whose control slowly extends and becomes more and more restrictive until she comes to dominate her charge's life to such an extent that the régime comes to resemble something more akin to psychiatric care than disciplinary training.   

I imagine the woman perhaps coming to habitably wear a nurse’s dress and apron and insisting her charge wear pyjamas for longer and longer periods of the day while restricting her charge to smaller and smaller regions around the home and more and more treating her like a mental defective, all the time working on getting her charge to become ever more psychologically dependent on her by various means.  Perhaps at early stage she might allow the girl into the garden, a quilted housecoat worn over her pyjamas, as long as she submits to holding her by the hand, before at a later stage demanding the girl submit to being pushed in a wheelchair if she is to earn that particular privalige, then restricting her to the upper floors of the house – and so on and so on...

Charlotte had returned home from her first semester in college to find a woman in a nursing uniform dress waiting for her, bars on her old bedroom’s window and it, and the small group of rooms around it, furnished like a small hospital department.  The disciplining had started immediately, without her given pause for breath – off with her clothes, on with hospital-style pyjamas; and three nights without sleep, until she submitted to bending for the cane…  It's three months on - and there's still a little fight left in the girl.  Imagine the 'conversation'

"You have two more minutes to finish your high calorie weight-gain intervention meal, young lady, then it's the cane - one stroke for each two grams left!  No, you can stop that right there – you KNOW my rules; you are to speak only when spoken to; and even then, unless you’re asked something specific, I only want to hear ‘yes, nurse’, ‘no, nurse’ and ‘thank you, nurse’. You’ve just earned yourself two strokes of the cane across your bare bottom – AND your toilet privileges are revoked; you’re going straight back to close-supervised restricted bedpan use and toileting discipline.  I want no protestations, no arguments.  Yes I know you were normal weight – slightly above, actually – and there’s plenty of flesh around that big fat bottom and those pendulous breasts DO look as if they are trying to escape from your pyjama jacket, but your guardian wants to see you put on more weight.  And she’s paying my wages… so… 

Oh my! Look at that! Time’s up! And there looks to be a fair bit in that bowl. Right! Out of bed – and go stand on the scales facing the mirror, hands on head, while I fetch my cane… and weigh the remnants! Then you can drop you pyjama bottoms and touch your toes, right under the camera up there in the corner – your guardian LOVES watching your bottom bounce – oh, and don’t forget those extra two strokes for talking!  You know… I think there’s STILL too much ‘sparkle’ about you. I wonder if it isn’t time we increased your sedation – yes, I think I will! And after your chastisement we’ll pop you back in bed - and you can have a nice long nap under heavy sedation until your next meal.  

 What was that? A prisoner – in your own home?  Don’t be silly! For one thing, it’s not YOUR home any more – it’s your legal guardian’s. For another, I know there are bars on the windows and I’ve had them whitewashed so you can’t see out – but that’s all for your own protection.  I suppose your striped pyjamas DO look a little like a prison uniform, but I’m not a guard, I’m here to care for you. I am a psychiatric nurse – and I was hired to keep you under private psychiatric care, until you come of age. And that’s YEARS off yet!  Oh 18 has come and gone, I know, but we’ve opted to accept 21.  Don’t you remember signing the papers? It wasn’t that long ago. Well you’ve got nearly another 3 years in my care to look forward to – and as far as I’m concerned you’re mentally incompetent, just like it says embroidered on the breast pocket of your pyjamas, and I’ll tailor my care accordingly… 

AND you’ve just earned yourself ANOTHER extra two strokes of the cane AND a thorough mouth-soaping for talking again"

Friday 24 July 2015

A Second, Follow-up, Miss Copy Typist Poll From Roger Benson

The Miss Copy Typist poll has been generating some interesting responses and so here are some poll questions which have been suggested by Roger Benson referring to Miss Copy Typist – see the illustration in the previous post (below).  

All polls are now open!


After receiving her nine stroke caning,  a sobbing and sorrowful Miss Nineteen was made to stand in the corner with her hands, fingers laced, behind her neck.  How long should she be made to stand in the corner?

Poll 1

After her corner time, Miss Nineteen should be marched to her room by her strict Auntie. Here, she would be required to remove her off-white, elastic suspender belt and replace it with a powerfully elasticized off-white, open bottomed girdle and hook her nylon stockings up.  Auntie deliberately required the girl to buy the girdle (with her own money) one size too small.  Therefore it is distressingly tight and compresses Miss Nineteen's well caned bottom most uncomfortably.  How long should the girl be required to wear the girdle?

Poll 2

As  lesson in discipline, should a thoroughly humiliated and repentant Miss Nineteen not
be permitted to wear a skirt for the rest of the day?

Poll 3

When she was finally allowed to retreat to her room and lie face down on her bed, what would Miss Nineteen do?

Poll 4

Option 1           She would enjoy a good cry.

Option 2           She would reach back with her soft hands and cup her tightly girdled, well caned buttocks.
Option 3           Her impressionable teenage mind would drift to her naughty boyfriend and she would begin to play with herself.

Research has shown that the corporal punishment of the girlishly plump, ripely curvaceous bare buttocks of teenage girls can cause the girls to become sexually aroused.  So that they do not have the opportunity to console themselves with illicit manual manipulation, would be it be prudent for the Responsible Adult Guardian to tie the girl's wrists behind her back when she is unsupervised in her room?

Poll 5