Tuesday 11 August 2009

A Little Moving Picture Entertainment from Regulation Knickers.com and a School Summer Dress Reminiscence / Ramble

As my stated aim has always to keep this blog / site as primarily non-commercial (other than shamelessly promoting my own writing of course) I am currently only hosting one affiliated commercial site - although I may consider featuring one other at some future point should I come across something of genuine interest and value to my readership. Nevertheless today I was perusing the Regulation Knickers.com site (just click to visit or see the featured banner in the sidebar to the right or the other, larger one, at the foot of the page) in search of inspiration and found it in the form of a bottle green gymslip. Now admittedly you will have seen it before on this blog, albeit worn by another girl but I thought it a great excuse to feature a short movie offering for a change (only the second time I have featured moving content). It is a shame it is not worn by the girl being spanked but - while risking sounding a little too much like an advert for Regulation Knickers - it is a brilliant example of the combination of authenticity and imaginativeness that I find so stimulating about their stuff.
One thing about their photos and films that never fails to catch my imagination is their incorporation of uniforms not only for the girls but often for the dominant character as well. The latter often well illustrates how the use of the different features that go to make up a uniform can be used to underline an authoritative / assertive role and 'air' - thus bolstering the self confidence and self esteem of the wearer - just as unusual detailing and juvenile features incorporated into the uniform of the girl serve to humiliate, belittle and undermine her confidence, thus underlining the required obedience and docility required of her. That juxtaposition serves to increase the psychological aspect of the domination of a girl's will in a synergistic manner - if she found it difficult to stand up for herself before, dressed in her humiliatingly childish school uniform, how much more difficult will it be for her to stand up to a dominant, stern governess dressed in the authoritative uniform of a hospital matron or ward sister of old or perhaps to a woman garbed almost as if to be a prison officer? Actually Regulation Knickers seem to be linked to the folks behind the old Disciplinarian site and who used to publish the magazines, Strictly Uniforms and Uniform International and they once featured (around 10 years ago now, I think) the most deliciously humiliating school summer dress ever to grace a well developed late-teen girl - green candy stripe, puffed shoulders, button through with short flared skirt, nicely fitted bodice with high-buttoning 'Peter Pan' collar and a plastic, buckled belt emphasising the waist, you get the picture? I have featured a couple of the pics from the series in a much earlier post (click HERE, or why not check through the blog archive and see what ells you may have missed?) In my eyes it just required a school badge with a suitably humiliating 'mission statement' as a motto embroidered on the breast pocket to be perfect (perhaps a long sleeved version with stiff buttoned cuffs and a button fastening belt of the same fabric as the dress might have something a little more going for it, but not much - hands up who thinks I'm just being 'picky' !) Incidentally; if I was to feature another commercial site, I'd love to feature Lupus Pictures / Rigid East - I love their stuff - but for now this is as commercial as I'm getting. Bye for now, I'm off to see Harry Potter at the IMAX, Waterloo tonight with the 'little woman' and I have to get to the gym and then get ready (grooming takes a little longer at my age).

Monday 10 August 2009

A Little Snippet of Something

...for the immediate, there would be some respite - but for how long? How long would it be before that tormentress in nurse’s uniform, that inquisitor in rustling navy blue polyester, with that customary whiff of carbolic and disinfectant she always carried about her, would return, rattan or plastic switch in hand – or indeed, leather strap or tawse or perhaps even the fine-fronded martinet, this to be taken to the tender soles of her feet? By way of the lack of that certainty she would be forced to punish herself, psychologically – it was a deliciously subtle little mental torment and one expertly purpose-crafted to help her on her way down Matron’s chosen path for her. The one certainty was that at some point the woman would return and then she would be upended over her lap, skin-tight hospital-issue rubber knickers peeled back and the sweat-glistened drum-taut globes of her plump backside would be spanked with a latex-gloved hand or strapped with the heavy-leather tawse. Or perhaps, instead, she would be bent across the plastic mattress of her hospital bed, obliged to keep her arms folded tightly across the small of her back and her heels from the ground, with the promise ringing in her ears of a punishment repeated in its entirety should her posture falter in any way or should she tense her buttocks as her caning progressed from the upper slopes of her nether-cheeks, down the rear of her thighs to the sensitive flesh at the backs of her knees and then back again. And she would be in tears of course, well before the end, whether she be spanked across the woman’s knees or strapped or caned across her bed or the little school desk and chair combination she was obliged to work at - Matron always broke a girl to tears, it was just her way, it was good for discipline.

Just a little snippet of something I have just been writing (not yet proof read) - yes I know it's just more of the same, by which I mean there will seem little progression from INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2, but there is a good reason for that, which I will share with you later because I have to go out now.

Friday 7 August 2009

A confession and Another Blog to Visit

I have to confess to having been in the pub all week since my return - but I have still managed to come across this new blog for you to look at. This is not the position I prefer to picture nurses in - in my writing the nurse invariable plays the dominant role - but her backside sure does look good with her bent over in that uniform. The blog is called YEOWCH, just click to visit or check out the blog list in the sidebar.

Wednesday 5 August 2009

Back home... to The Great British beer Festival... And a Couple of sites to Visit

Hi folks, the good news is that I'm back in Britain again; I actually returned yesterday but went straight in the pub as one does. The bad news is that I have very little time to write much today as I'm off to the Great British beer Festival at Earls Court, London but I've scribbled a few notes for tomorrow's posting and I have quite a few interesting scanned images built up from before I went away which I will be putting up and discussing over the next couple of days or so. So it's bye bye for today but I will speak with you all sometime tomorrow...Cheers!!! By the way; I have been sent a link to a new spanking blog or site you might like to check out - called Spanking Photo Blog just click the pic on the right (pinched from the site, I hope they don't mind) to link. Actually, while you're at it, you might like to visit Reformatory Admissions, a great French language site i just came across while perusing the aforementioned blog. Simply click on either pic below to visit (pinched from the site - but they have pinched a couple of mine in any case ie from the scanned gymslip spanking series I recently put up, as you will see... Not that I mind of course - we all do it out here in the fringes of blog-land).

Friday 24 July 2009

Spanking in Crete? (And the Rest of that Gymslip / School Knickers Punishment Photo' Set)

Probably not, unless the room maid falls down on her job - who knows? In short: I'm off to Crete - Agios Nikolaos to be more exact. I am Leaving tomorrow morning and will be away for eight or nine days thereafter, but I'll be staying at a friend's place for the rest of today and tonight so I guess this will be the last posting for around a week and a half or so, what with one thing or the other. I'm hoping to get some writing done while away, so I'll let you know on my return. Now for the rest of that photo' set I have been baning on about (see above) sorry if the layout is a bit rough and ready, but I am in a bit of a rrrrush! The holiday is all a bit 'last minute, you see...I mean really last minute!!! The pics are not too brilliant, I know, and a bit tame in today's world; but nevertheless at least I can be sure you wont have seen them before... Or at least I'm 99.9% certain - let me know. And how often do we get to see those great old baggy school knickers! Actually I have just discovered a few more of this set but i am not going to try to add them right now - I have had enough trouble trying to arrange these! Since 'upgrading' to Explorer 8 I have had nothing but trouble with the formatting on Blogger. Any ideas?

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Matron's School Uniform Inspection Enforced by her Leather Paddle Discipline

I'm off to London Zoo in a moment with the kids (the cost is positively ruinous - but the cost of not doing so is even more so, albeit only in terms of my deteriorating mental health!). Meanwhile here are a couple of pics I came across while doing my scanning a while back and that I think open up all sorts of imaginative pathways in terms of story construction - have a go and see what you can come up with. The continuation of that knicker inspection spanking / caning set, that I mentioned last time, will have to wait until tomorrow or Thursday as it would take me longer than I have time to spare to load up the pics right now - sorry!

Monday 20 July 2009

INSTITUTIONALISED 2: A new Title and Blurb / Description

Thanks to all those who wished me happy birthday by text and email. Yesterday went well in Camden - although the pub was in actuality called 'The Ice Wharf' not 'The Ice House' as I mistakenly wrote last time. I managed to get all three of my daughters together in the same place for the first time; all a bit emotional all round, especially as my eldest had never before met my youngest! I do feel a bit 'weird today, though. so yes, I probably will have yet another hair of the dog day - one last time... perhaps I'll get some stuff down on paper as well though, for the first time in ages. I have been at least a little productive today - I have just made some changes to the extended version of the INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 title and subtitle as it appears on Lulu. This to make it more visible to those search engines that mainly analyse the title - such as lulu's. I also took the opportunity to rewrite the blurb or book description as it appears on the Lulu site page for similar reasons - hopefully, indirectly this will make INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 more visible also! Volume 1 is piratically invisible to Google at present so gets few hits.

The Title:

INSTITUTIONALISED 2: Spanking, Caning & Humiliation, Confined in the Workhouse: Being an account of the imposition of strict discipline, humiliating uniforms, the cane, tawse and martinet on a group of young ladies in a Long-term Residential Clinical study

The Blurb or Book Description on Lulu:

Two young women - each coincidentally having an inheritance at stake and a grasping, manipulative stepmother holding the purse-strings - have been talked, cajoled and manipulated into joining a privately financed, residential medical research project. Initially signing up for 3 months, isolated within a secure hospital psychiatric wing in a world of petty rules, straightjacket's, bedpans, plastic knickers, diapers, restrictive school uniforms and drab prison dresses, each has now served that term several times over; one bristling under a strict boarding-school regime, the other under prison discipline. Overseen by strict nurses, a stern, cane wielding hospital matron & a female psychiatrist, manipulating her young charges by the deliberate induction of phobias, each has been browbeaten into extending her stay. Elsewhere a girl awakens, ostensibly following a car crash – by why is she restrained behind bars on a locked ward? Why does she recall the sting of the tawse, not the twisting of metal?
Later (or tomorrow) I'll post up the second part of that old gymslip spanking picture series I have scanned in and presented a few postings ago - for original posting click HERE.