Tuesday 11 November 2008

New Albums Added, Art by Anton and Art by Katoh Kahoru

As promised in my last post (albeit somewhat delayed, it now being the early hours of Tuesday morning here in London) I have now added an album of Art by Anton and added 1 pic to the Thorn album.
I have also added a set of art by Katoh, it s from a book called A Titanic Orphan but that's all I know - I think I have the entire set but if you have more please post 'em because they're deliciously cruel. The same goes if you know where I can find the book - although to my mind those drawings have a tale to tell in their own right. One has only to note the presence of that bedpan-like receptacle in the left-hand picture here or what I would taketo be snap-on rubber pants (suggestive of diaper wearing perhaps?) worn by the girl in the right-hand illustration ( Not to mention her general demeanour and obvious distress) to realise that the nature of the disciplinary pressure brought to bear on these girls goes far beyond the cane, the strap and their demeaning juvenile uniforms. Of the latter I would say that the artist both imaginatively and admirably communicates the feeling that, despite the initial juvenile impression, what we are really seeing is a small group of young women, suggested by the maturity of their full and rounded buttocks to be of anywhere between 17 and 19 years of age - more importantly he is showing us that in our first appraisal we are in fact observing the effect of a carefully crafted 'look' and an equally carefully structured disciplined environment calculated to reinforce the demeanour required what their carers for whatever reason. And having not read the book, frustratingly I have no idea what that might be. But whatever the ultimate aim, if an element of docility, submission and/or dependency is required then this series of illustrations would seem to suggest a well thought out way to go about it. Of course the disciplinary virtues of bedpan usage, enemas and suppositories, incontinence pants, absorbent towels and diapers I have previously extolled at some length in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1, albeit there in an institutional environment wherein I think it is best suited and most easily imposed. But saying that, I can well imagine that under the right governess and in a suitably conducive domestic environment, a young woman such as Susan or Lavinia (two characters introduced in volume 1) having been released after having spent several months, or perhaps even a year or so, under institutional hospital or asylum discipline could quite easily and advantageously be placed under what I would describe as dependent regression training.
By the way, the links for these new albums are listed in the sidebar under the title: Spanking ArtWork Albums.

Monday 10 November 2008

A Story I Found and Illustration Album Update Details

Hi folks
I've been working diligently away today on the completion of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 (I'm starting to doubt I'll ever complete it, but then again at about this time last year I was having similar doubts regarding volume 1). Of course there's always research to be done and usually Google turns up trumps - and today was no exception - but the downside is that it never fails to distract me at the same time. Today I needed information regarding the handling of latex in the manufacture of items of clothing - in this case knickers and bloomers, the details don't really matter - in terms of the manufacturing techniques available, stitching, gluing whatever; you get the idea. Anyway, amongst the disparate and eclectic mix of stuff that Google threw up was a story, in Lord knows how many parts (about 54 think), from the BDSM library, entitled; The Prisoner.

Primarily a fem-dom tale involving the imprisonment and humiliation of males at the hands of females (not my thing at all) the three sections that I came across via Google feature a departure from the main thread and involve the arrival of a pair of female prisoners. There are a couple of nice long scenes of verbal and psychological humiliation and humbling and their uniforms, while far removed from the type of thing I envisaged the girls wearing in the institutional scenes of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 in which the emphasis is much more on a kind of medical / asylum form of incarceration, nevertheless make imaginative and humiliating use of the properties of latex in the design and realisation of the women's underwear. Click the part numbers below to read my favourite bits, or the story title, (above in blue) to read the whole thing in its entirety (if the fem-dom main storyline is your bag - or if it doesn't detract too much from your enjoyment).
In the next hour or so I shall be adding another couple of illustrations to the Artwork by Thorn album collection and starting another album for the Artwork of Anton (look in the sidebar under ‘Spanking ArtWork Albums’ - by the time the Artwork by Anton link appears I will have updated the Thorn collection).

Sunday 9 November 2008

New: Spanish Language Spanking Blog Links Added

Since I am not at my desk and can do little toward actually writing today, I have been perusing the net for inspiration (and further artwork links / pics to replace those I've lost). Having recently received a number of hits from South America I have started looking around at Spanish speaking blogs and sites. And guess what? There is a whole untapped (from my point of view) world out there, which is great because I have been learning Spanish on and off and I'm not very good at it, but this could just be the impetus I need and it satisfies that exploratory urge of mine at the same time: what will I find? What new ideas are there? Its a whole new world. To get you started there is Spanking en Espanol; well worth a visit, just click on the pic above that I nicked from it (I hope they don't mind!). Keep an eye on the side bar - I shall shortly be adding a series of Spanish language blog links and perhaps a whole section of Spanish language spanking and discipline related resources.

Meanwhile why not try this other one (click on right hand pic); it has an extensive archive worth searching through - and don't be put off if Spanish isn't your thing; pictures work in any language...and then God gave us BableFish.

I'll be working on finishing INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 for most of the rest of the week and hope to bring you a proof extract soon - keep your eyes peeled!

New Album Created: Art by Thorn

As promised two posts ago I have created a new album to hold the wonderfully expressive artworks by Thorn that I have come across in my travels. I am at my girlfriends place today and thus working on my laptop; I have one or two more illustrations of his on my main computer that I will add later in the week and there are probably more to be uncovered out there in web-land and I'll be adding them as and when. There are quite a few artists out there who are able to put over the impression of physical pain and suffering, but In my opinion nobody quite captures the shear humiliation of blameless punishment, the innocent punished merely for the enjoyment of others and in full possession of the knowledge of that fact, than Thorn...enjoy!

See sidebar for link under: Spanking Artwork Albums

Friday 7 November 2008

Admission Procedures

As I think I've mentioned a couple of times recently, I have been looking through some old copies of Janus and particularly the letters pages in the ideas that various people put forth regarding what they termed as admission procedures. Some of the letters were quite ingenious and demonstrated quite deep psychological knowledge and understanding on behalf of the writer. This sort of thing very much inspired my writing of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 and continues to inspire me as I approached the completion of volume 2 and begin to trundle through the pages of volume 3. I thought I'd sketch out some of my thoughts on the subject. Obviously this whole field pertains to institutional discipline but say in that certain aspects, such as intimate shaving, could be just as applicable to a girl being placed for the first time into the hands of a strict governess; she might well institute such a procedure, with advantage, as an introduction to her authority and regime... which is good enough reason to drop in a nice little illustration I came across recently (see left).

Upon arrival any luggage carried should be sequestered as should mobile phones, MP3 players and the like. The type of institution I envisage, being run on very professional clinical grounds and presenting the aspect, externally at least, of a private hospital, all smiling and efficient smartly uniformed nurse's, would provide for a very disarming atmosphere for a young lady to be delivered into. Most people are quite used to being asked to turn off mobile phones and other electronic equipment when in a medical environment and with not even private medical establishments being totally guaranteed free of crime these days, an offer to keep safe these items while she undergoes a preliminary medical examination and completes any documentation etc that she might need to sign would almost certainly be accepted. She can be told that luggage will be stored for safekeeping or under different circumstances the ploy might be that it will be brought later to her room for her. Either way the tactic is to separate her as rapidly as possible from anything pertaining to her old life. The girl's first impressions of the establishment are important here in getting the ball rolling; she should be greeted by staff having a friendly smiling aspect but having also an air of efficient institutional professionalism. The staff uniforms or important here; from the outset she should not perceive them as other women but rather as nurses, staff nurses, hospital sisters and of course the matron - this brings into play the notion of socially conditioned compliance, the way that all of society learns to relate to representation of authority. Similarly her processing should appear well oiled and efficient; once started she should feel as if moving along an unstoppable conveyor belt -there should be no time for reconsideration, reappraisal or objection but rather she should be led rapidly deeper and deeper into the system.

Clothing should be relinquished as soon as possible - the provision of a standard hospital examination gown is perfectly adequate at this point. A side room off the main vestibule would provide the perfect situation for a changing room but should offer no other facilities than the minimum, perhaps a small bench on which to sit to remove shoes, a coat hook, a hanger for her blouse or T-shirt or whatever and, of course, a disposable paper examination gown.

A tray should be laid on the side to receive jewellery, her watch, hair clips and pins if worn and similar items; the pretext of taking a shower will usually be enough to ensure compliance at this stage so avoiding an overly premature adoption of an authoritative stance - it is preferable at this point that staff retain that friendly, reassuring tone, persuasive rather than forceful, yet at the same time are assertive enough to just maintain the momentum.

The shower itself should be sited elsewhere in the hospital and well away from the vestibule and other public areas. In this way there is a finality to her separation from her belongings and clothing, psychologically she has unknowingly stepped over an invisible line separating her old life from her new.

Once in some remote part of the building dressed only in a disposable paper gown and surrounded by smartly uniformed staff she would be at a truly massive psychological disadvantage.

The showering would be followed by her drying herself of course; a small towel, little more than a face towel, should be provided for this and this will be the ideal moment for the reappearance of the nurse that has accompanied her. She would then redress in an examination gown but not the one she had initially been wearing, that will have been already disposed of. Once again a disposable paper gown is perfectly adequate but it should differ in some way from the one she had initially been given; it doesn't matter really how it differs so much as that she should notice - perhaps it will be printed with the hospitals badge or coat of arms or whatever - the point is that it is yet another message received that she is now well separated from the world outside (I quite like the idea of the use of the words, psychiatric wing or psychiatric ward in this context - perhaps even secure psychiatric wing, just for the additional impact of that lovely word... secure.

Then it would be off to the examination room: the first few procedures would go ahead with her wearing the gown then would come a time when it would have to come off, perhaps for a breast exam or even a full-blown mammogram. She would undoubtedly place it to one side, expecting to replace it later, but would they see the nurse seemingly absentmindedly screwing it up and disposing of it in a rubbish chute. This would now be the perfect point to address the problem of body piercings, should she have any, and also to move on to such aspects as addressing her hygienic intimate shave - and this should be careful, detailed and include both the anal and vaginal areas. Now not only has she lost all those external personal trimmings that had defined her personality in the outside world but also she is being changed physically to suit her new life. This should be the first time that the staff begin to adopt an authoritative tone with her; at first couched almost as requests but gradually and quite subtly taking on more and more the aspect of orders (indeed this change can be very gradual, perhaps occurring in over a timescale of days). The momentum should be kept up here; perhaps a vaginal douche followed by a highly detailed intimate exam then an enema and/or suppositories - other procedures continuing to keep her occupied while waiting for their effect (perhaps this is a good time for her institutional haircut - see left) – before her first experience of the anal speculum. All in all it should be a deeply humbling and traumatic experience; by the very end some sort of uniform will have been delivered for her (the type of thing can be left to the imagination but as I see it would depend on the nature and operation of the institution in which she is to be detained) and without pause she should be hurried into it and then out into the corridor and off to her cell.
Those that have read INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 will know the sort of thing that I envisage here but I've recently had sent to me a lovely pic (I am uncertain as to its origin and will remove it immediately if it infringes anyone's copyright) that is very nearly perfect other than I would consider it a little over-furnished. The tables or desks or whatever they are on the left would have to go, the girl is going to have no use for those; I wouldn't envisage books, magazines or writing materials being allowed anywhere near the area in which she is being detained, let alone in her room. In addition, if it was left to me I would go for a simpler colour scheme. although I understand the artist's use of the green to delineate the floor and other features, and the door would be plain and unadorned - indeed it would be difficult to discern against the white of the walls, once closed.

If all has been carried out correctly it will be only now, as the heavy and securely locked door closes behind her, that the girl will really begin to take stock of what has just happened to her, of her new situation and of her new life. Only now, sitting on the side of a hospital bed surrounded by four blank white walls in a claustrophobically small room with bars across its window, both inside and out, and perhaps dressed in something approximating to a prison uniform will she begin to grasp implications of some of the terms in the documentation she has just signed. Perhaps the period was somewhat limited, perhaps the legal extent of their control over her during that period is also limited to some degree… but then again perhaps there will be other documentation to sign, at a later date, documentation that might extend the period of her stay and tighten their control over her, documentation perhaps requiring the persuasion of the cane or of the leather tawse to receive her signature... and then?

Thursday 6 November 2008

Admission Proceedings (Postponed) and Some More Useful Bondage/Spanking Artwork Links

Today's posting was going to be on 'admission procedures' and it will probably still develop that way eventually, when I add more, later today. But first of all there are more urgent issues to deal with: the spanking and bondage artwork section of the resource link list in the sidebar has become sadly denuded, as I have mentioned at the last couple of posts. Today I spotted that the link to the artwork of Thorn no longer works and so I have now removed it also. This is a real shame because I've noted several folks coming here searching for his work and in addition he is one of my favourite artists of the genre - it's all to do with the implied innocence of his victim's and the way that he manages to capture the humiliation and suffering in their expressions; all very exciting and most inspiring, he really manages to bring out all those darkest cruellest fantasies that lurk in the dark corners of the subconscious. Unfortunately, although I've had a little search around on the web (I'm a little short of time as I'm trying to complete volume 2 and get well into volume 3, so I can't afford to spend too long on this) I have yet to locate a satisfactorily complete grouping of his work on any one site. Because I'm so time-impoverished at the moment I have decided that the easiest and quickest thing for me to do is to upload the collection I have obvious work into one of my online albums. This I expect to be doing roughly mid-evening today, after I return from the gym (its legs-night tonight), and the link will then become available in the sidebar under the section labelled Spanking Artwork Album Links.

Meanwhile as an emergency stopgap, here is a list of links to the work of various artists available on that Russian website I spoke about in an earlier post. It's pretty difficult website to negotiate unless you really are we all going or understand Cyrillic script and the links to various artist’s work that appear at the tops of the pages tend to do so randomly and without any discernible pattern. I think I've pretty much trawled all I can from that particular site at the moment and one great thing that I did come across was that Paula Meadows (Lynn Paula Russell) illustration that I talked about in the last posting - it's at the top of this entry, click on it to go to a couple of pages of her work. Have a read through my previous posting about it and see if you share my sentiment - I think it is the presence of the nurse that ultimately cements it altogether and tells the story.

When I have a little more time I will be putting all of these links, properly labelled and categorised, into the sidebar resource list - probably later today - and when I do I shall remove those links from this posting. It will free up a little for me to have a bit of a ramble about admission procedures later on this evening. Meanwhile I've got me some careful detailing and styling work to do on Lavinia's home uniform (figuratively speaking of course; it's a piece of quite difficult descriptive writing). It's a bittersweet confection of her aunt's own devising - and that woman is a stickler for all those tiny little details.

http://www.bdsmonline.ru/g_voge.htm (Art by Remy)
http://www.bdsmonline.ru/g_3d1.htm (3 D rendered bondage)
http://www.bdsmonline.ru/g_bish1.htm (Robert Bishop)
http://www.bdsmonline.ru/g_alaz1.htm (Paul Alazar)
http://www.bdsmonline.ru/g_steel.htm (Ferdinand Vogel Steel)

See you all later,


Wednesday 5 November 2008

Inspiring Illustrations; I Search for a Paula Meadows Pic and Find a Source of Fine Bondage

Hi folks

I've at last again been visited by my muse, after an extended period of lacklustre drive during which my writing pretty much stagnated for while INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 is coming along apace. I have to transcribe onto the computer the stuff I wrote while out yesterday but I have so many new ideas buzzing around inside my head at the moment that I can't wait to again put pen to paper. What this all means is that I am fairly loath to interrupt the creative process while all is going so well so as far the blog is concerned, for while I'm going to restrict myself to updating links to various picture resources. Although this does mean of course that I will have to take time out to search the net I can do so in very short bursts, particularly as I've yet to fully trawl through the Russian website I reported earlier. But having said all that, part of what has reinvigorated my writing is having revisited the work of some of those great artists out there many of which were responsible in one way or another for inspiring to write in the first place; you know the sort of thing, you see a picture or a series of pictures and wonder…what is going on there, really? What is really been said?

In terms of the crystallisation of the ideas that eventually became INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1, at least in so far as the institutional scenarios depicted, one of the most informative works for me was an illustration by the great Paula Meadows, as was, that I had in my collection as a scan but have somehow mislaid. Basically it involve a young girl being punished in a very sparsely furnished, spot-lit and very institutional looking chamber - one just knew by looking at it that even after the miscreant is finally removed from that very secure-looking room she will be no less under lock and key. There is no ‘outside’ here for her, just layers of security nested matryoshka*-like. Unseen, but written into the atmosphere of the picture, as least as far as I was concerned, the feeling that here was a secure chamber residing within a high security area, itself residing within some high walled secure institution… it's all in that feeling of hopelessness again.

Anyway, thinking back to that image has got the creative juices working again and since I feel I have to dredge up some artwork links any way, I am hoping to rediscover the aforementioned illustration on one of my, necessarily short, exploratory expeditions… be assured that you will see it here just as soon as I can get my hands on it.

Meanwhile I've come across in a source of bondage images should bondage be your thing as it is mine, albeit not as an end in itself. I'm not really a bondage fetishist per se, you see; all those complicated arrangements of ropes, chains and things, taken in isolation, do little for me.
For me there has to be some story to it, there has to be some purpose; it might be that it has become necessary to secure a young lady for her caning. Then again perhaps she is in diapers; there is a first time for everything and what better way can there be to get a young lady over this personal barrier. None of this is to deny, of course, that there is a place for bondage as a punishment in itself… perhaps the miscreant, detained in a secure ward in any case, has earned herself a few days restricted to her hospital bed, lying in silence in nice comfortable padded medical restraints, the heavy white curtain kept drawn around 24 hours a day.
You see, to me bondage is something I equate more with an institutional environment; it seems more plausible there and to me plausibility is everything. It rarely works for me if depicted in a domestic situation, although under certain circumstances it might be plausible for a set of medical (humane) restraints to be seen fitted to a bed - but even then I would imagine it to be a hospital style bed brought in for the purpose and kept in a room suitably adapted and decorated, perhaps then the miscreant, if money is no object, even benefiting from having her own live-in nurse to minister to her care. Anyway, I've chosen an image that works for me from the aforementioned site... as usual just click on the picture to link to it and check out what they've got (and it is quite a lot - around 120 pages I think; blimey O'Reilly!!!).