Showing posts with label forced hair cuts. Show all posts
Showing posts with label forced hair cuts. Show all posts

Wednesday 3 June 2009

Travel Plans and the Fruits of a Bit More Research (A Little Forced-Haircutting / Institutional Head Shaving)

Yesterday I made a modest start on the 'in-betweeny' / fill-in / prequel volume thing that I spoke about last time. I was going to give myself a bit of time off from this sort of thing but I'm in something of a buoyant mood, boiling over with enthusiasm and besides the majority of it already exists in one form or another. And that is another reason for my enthusiasm; quite a lot of the writing dates back a couple of years or so, deals with ideas I had then regarding subtle techniques of humiliation, the imposition of shame clothing and uniforms in the domestic environment, CP and mind control, the later including the deliberate induction of phobias in order to stifle a young girl's spirit - within the latter there are also hints of the encouragement of dependency on her therapist, on the gentle but insidiously-addictive sedatives she has been prescribed and on the woman into who's arms she has ironically fled in order to escape the clutches of her guardian.

My writing style - such as it is - has evolved somewhat since creating much of this body of work - necessitating a bit of alteration and rewriting here and there - but quite a lot of effort and imagination was expended on it so, as you can imagine, I am quite keen for it to see the light of day in some form. Quite a large chunk would not fit in with the proposed volume 3 in any logical way and the parts that would (most of which were originally intended for volume 2 and a couple for volume 1) would have necessitated flashback scenes, something I am keen to avoid from hereon in. Over time, through correspondence generated by way of my blog, I have also accumulated a fair few ideas suggested to me by various folks, some of which - for example covert treatment by way of the application of small doses of Botox in order to reinforce in a girl's mind the fear that she is developing a speech defect thus rendering her more amenable to the negative suggestions and psychological manipulation of a speech therapist - would have most easily sat within the first two volumes or within a prequel but I believe will work just as well in the format I propose. For the time being this volume I have provisionally entitled INSTITUTIONALISED B: Schoolroom Discipline and the Chastisement of Lavinia.
Now, as there is a forced-haircutting scene as part of institutional hospital discipline - as well as the surgical placement of an intimate prophylactic device designed to curb masturbatory habits (loosely based on a Victorian device that actual existed), but that's another story - I have been looking around for suitably inspirational pictures. In addition to a couple of YahooGroups, of which more next time, I came across a nice little source of such scenes as pertaining to main-stream cinema. Click on the first two pics above to link - or see sidebar.
As for yours truly: I am probably going to be off to a village just ouside of Clacton (on Britain's east coast) later today to sepnd a few quiet days taking in the countryside, drinking in country pubs (and, of course, the Clacton Weatherspoons on the seafront). I'm taking my trusty note book, so by the time I return I expect to have knocked up a well thought out and concise book description to go on Lulu for volume 2 and the foreword that will be nessesary in order to link this next volume to the two previous in a suitably logical manner and make clear its positoning along the story arc. Bye, bye for now...Garth.

Tuesday 23 September 2008

Corselletes, Corset Discipline & Institutional Hair and Fingernail Cutting

Today's posting was going to be one of those explanatory things - this one dealing with the corselet (corsellete), a garment that crops up in description several times in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 and will undoubtedly do so again along with corsets, corset discipline and other associated subjects in the subsequent volumes. I don't have time at the moment to post up any explanatory illustrations as I am hard at work on volume 2 and the writing is coming along quite nicely today so I don't want to interrupt my flow as it were. I have located some interesting articles and a suitable website to visit however and those links are posted below.

On a completely different tack: while looking around a forced-hair-cutting story site last night I came across what I think is a really great storyline, or at least has the potential to be so if it was to be continued by the author. It is called Industrial School Days by Harry Standing and is easily one of the best things I've ever read incorporating the hair cutting (and indeed fingernail cutting) theme. The tale has quite a lot in common with part of the INSTITUTIONALISED storyline in that the main character hasn't really done anything to justify her incarceration (so I guess it has a certain affinity with those so-called ‘blameless punishments’ so beloved of the 1980s Janus letters pages correspondents), secondly (and this part I love), despite being placed in ‘care’ initially just for the weekend it becomes clear that this period is likely to extend to 21 days and it is hinted that such a period could possibly be extended, quite legally, perhaps indefinitely (I certainly hope so). She has done little wrong, she is really there at the whim of others. Finally, the tale is based loosely on the existence of, and the exploitation that allegedly occurred in, the Magdalene Laundries or asylums of Ireland (See also the 2002 film written and directed by Peter Mullan entitled: The Magdalene Sisters, click to view trailer), a little bit of history that went a long way in influencing the direction of my writing in the INSTITUTIONALISED series. Click on the title above to link to this story.

Hopefully I will be returning to this post later today or early tomorrow when I will post up the relevant illustrations etc.

Corset article 1
Corset article 2
Corset article 3
Corset design resource site

Saturday 16 August 2008

Forced Haircutting Again Raises its Beauteous Head

Yesterday I did indeed, as planned, spend pretty much the whole day in various houses of public refreshment in the Turnpike Lane / Hornsey area of north London. to be honest I didn't get as much writing done as as I would have liked to have but I did manage to progress some part of a particularly twisted little chapter that I have been working on for some time now - I can't say much about the plotline about giving it all a way but it is probably the most diabolical piece of nastiness I have come up with to date and I have only been lavishing the love care and attention on it that it deserves, even if the effort is hopelessly disproportionate to the space it will likely finally come to occupy in the book.

Also yesterday I related how the day before I had swapped comics with an old schoolfriend in a public in Hampstead (The heath, North London). Anyway, he 'phoned me yesterday to give me the wonderful news that he had lost my entire (nearly complete) collection of Viva vendetta comics (graphic novels as I prefer to term them)... the...'ing wanker!!! ... I hope he doesn't read this - and besides, there is nothing wrong with wanking now and then - just don't make the pages sticky. What's most irritating is not so much all the lovely dosh ( money, or drink vouchers if you must) that somebody on Ebay would undoubtably have paid out for them but rather that I had intended to scan in and post up the delicious little scene in which the heroine has all her lovely hair cut off, and in a wonderfully institutionalised scenario too.

The forced haircuting scene is something I been investigating recently; although it features in two or three places in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 (and forced hair-dying, too). I intend the subject to play a more central role as volumes 2 and 3 develop (along with one or two more unusual ideas such as the fitting of teeth braces, as a form of humiliation rather than for any true orthodontic purpose). With the loss of my books I have been forced to hunt around on the web for the relevant pictures... and I have come up with these, taken from the film that was made of the V for Vendetta series a few years back.

I just love the institutional background and the sheer horror on the young woman's face. I have to rush out today but at a later date I'll be putting up links to the sources of these pictures and others like them that I've come across.

Thursday 31 July 2008

Real Ale, Enforced Hairstyles and a Little Tube of Super-Glue

Who's been a naughty boy, then?
Well, what can I say! A hot day here in London..and another day spent in the pub and little to show for it! Ironically I got joined by others and a very social occasion it became. But they weren't like-minded folk and so little inspiration arose and even less writing. The piece I posted from Janus yesterday morning sat festering in my mind and more than one little gem sprouted through in the mist of ale...I can feel a suitably cruel haircutting scene coming on - I'll probably be back in the pub today and hopefully something will manifest itself. I did tell the 'other half' of the scene with the super -glue bottle depicted in volume 1 and she, at least, was suitably horrified - I wouldn't have it any other way!

It is funny, though, how little (nothing at all, really) has been written in the forced-haircutting literature regarding glue or enforced dying of hair. There is shed-loads of stuff about women having their heads shaved for one reason or another (and quite a lot about permanent depletion through electrolysis or chemical/drug means) but very little about the discipline aspect.

Personally, I love the use of hair ribbons to put a young women in her place; a young lady in her late teens, or even early twenties, made to keep her hair in pigtails and tied with suitably childish bows - paired with the correct dress code it's hard to beat! Its true one cannot keep an eye on her day and night and those ribbons can come out - or can they? One or two little drops is all it takes...just one or two drops!...believe me, I've been there, done that - you wouldn't believe the tears...!