Showing posts with label enforced hair cutting. Show all posts
Showing posts with label enforced hair cutting. Show all posts

Friday 28 June 2024

Time For A Restyling Session...

Hey, I finally got some mittens sorted out. This was inspired by that Caroline Blake Lady2Maid storyline again of course, which is what I'll be employing those mitts for. I only put them in this pic because the AI, in its wisdom, created the girl without proper hands and I didn't want her to be disabled, poor thing...Of course with those mitts permanently on her she effectively IS disabled: She can't even wipe her own bottom, the poor thing (that sort of thing is something I think the writer might have made more of). Although there is some haircutting in the story it is more of a restyling job...I think here it is likely to be something a little more drastic. I'm quite enamoured with the idea of a short boyish cut with a side parting. I'm not sure why - it only works for me if a girl starts out with really long hair, the longer the better. This pic has parts taken from from 3 different AI runs plus quite a bit of stuff scraped from the internet.

It pretty much took all day, so please do tell me what you think, even if you hate it!


Tuesday 18 June 2024

In A Church-Run Home And Workhouse For 'Wayward Girls'...

 ...The sort of place where a young woman might find herself and can be kept out of the way with no questions asked: The main problem I have with this one is that the top button has been left unfastened - and surely that would never be allowed; the AI has put nice bars on the window though!  I do think their hair is far to neat also and should look sort of roughly hacked and raggedy

Here the hair is better - and the top button is correctly fastened but the uniforms aren't so goodand don't have that nylon sheen, which for some reson I think is important...dunno why! I actualy got this one by specifying 'in a 1960s workhouse'

I had a go at removing a bit more of her hair here but I'm not sure it has really worked and I think it now looks a bit too tidy