Sunday 23 June 2024

The Toyntanen Take On The Education And Rehabilitation Of Miss Caroline Drake, Inspired By The Lady2Maid Blog

 I just love the idea of forced regression for some reason which was so well done in the above tale...I'm still yet to create the kind of childish outfits poor caroline has to wear, as described in the story though but I think I might br getting close....

I think I'm going to have to use a whole lot more photo-manipulation work and less AI art generation if I'm to be succesful.

Please leave a comment...I'm getting lonely out here...Plus I need to know what any of you think of this stuff...What bits you like - and what you don't. I'm quite thick skined you know!

Saturday 22 June 2024

For whoever it was who wanted to see plastic pants

Yet another image inspired by that Lady-To-Maid 'Caroline' strory... I think this could be Caroline and a cousin perhaps?  I do think these two look too defiant. The question is: Will they feel quite so defiant after a few days?

It's such a shame the hair is so different...So, perhaps Caroline and her two cousins?  They look deliciously contrite, especialy the one on the right, who I think might be Caroline / Bella herslef and who I think has just had a thrashing with the cane or strap or both - perhaps for using 'grown-up words'?



Tuesday 18 June 2024

In A Church-Run Home And Workhouse For 'Wayward Girls'...

 ...The sort of place where a young woman might find herself and can be kept out of the way with no questions asked: The main problem I have with this one is that the top button has been left unfastened - and surely that would never be allowed; the AI has put nice bars on the window though!  I do think their hair is far to neat also and should look sort of roughly hacked and raggedy

Here the hair is better - and the top button is correctly fastened but the uniforms aren't so goodand don't have that nylon sheen, which for some reson I think is important...dunno why! I actualy got this one by specifying 'in a 1960s workhouse'

I had a go at removing a bit more of her hair here but I'm not sure it has really worked and I think it now looks a bit too tidy


Sunday 16 June 2024

One More Peg Down - Many More To Go?

 I've been hard at work using my AI art platform creating images to eventualy put together as my take on that Lad-To-Maid 'Caroline' tale I've come to love so much mostly concentrating on the Caroline to Bella reeducation / brainwashing aspect but thought I'd digress for a moment and post an image the AI came up with while I was prompting it for something else entirely.I can't quite decide if she's dressed in PVC or latex. I was prompting for PVC  because the AI doesn't like latex for some reason and prompting for it produces 'unsafe images' warnings but I think it all looks a bit 'latex' to me. here's a link to that story by the way for those who haven't yet read it...  Lady-To-Maid

Thursday 13 June 2024

Poor Bella! Another Post Based On That Delicious Lady-To-Maid 'Caroline' Tale

 Does she desrve it? Just you wait until to you meet her former self...Yep I've had a bash at recreating the young, snooty Lady Caroline herself - and unlike most of my 'Bella' recreation attempts I think the results will speak for themselves...Watch this space!