Showing posts with label psychological domination. Show all posts
Showing posts with label psychological domination. Show all posts

Thursday 23 May 2024

Moving On:One Girl's Progress

 Moving on... from yesterday's post...Yep! Yesterday, just 24 little hours in our world...but how long in sweet Amelia's world? The uniform dress was something the AI art platform cooked up but I had to photo manipulate it a bit because it was a bit messy. I also made her a bit bustier because we all know Amelia is not as young as she's been made to look...That is part of the fun!  Once again I've been influenced and inspired by that 'Lady To Maid' 'Caroline Drake' reeducation storyline (see the link I posted)but I've been trying to take some of the ideas a tad further (not that any hypnosis ideas were incorporated into that tale...hmmm...perhaps there should have been?)

Wednesday 22 May 2024

Another Thing The AI Just Spat out...

 ...while prompted to create something different entirely.  This must be simply be one of the most hypnotized-looking girls ever.  Just look at that blank expression on her face!  She looks completly and hopelesly lost...completly helpless. I simply hate how she's dressed though.  I ran the same prompt loads of times but never got that same expression on her face again.I can see that I'm going to have to get The Gimp to work on it.  Anybody got any ideas or requests regarding how she should be dressed??? I might not be able to make it work, but I'll try!