Wednesday 23 September 2015

The Mental Hospital Discipline Dress or Gown: As Excellent Around the House as in Institutional Incarceration

This is one in a range of institution-issue female patient dresses with prominently printed diagnosis labels. The latter is an innovation aimed at informing and thus influencing the attitude and responses to her and of those she may come in contact with, in addition to her care-givers themselves, ensuring she encounter consistent reactions and constant reinforcement of her mindset as a mental patient while at the same time acting as a constant reminder to the patient herself of her psychological shortcomings and limitations thus helping to overcome denial and quell rebellion before it has a chance to develop.      
This female patient dress is inspired by the INSTITUTIONALISED trilogy by yours truly. Garth P. Toyntanen, (click author’s name / book title to visit / see)
I'm presently uploading more stuff like this to my Pinterest account incedently 'Institutional Discipline, Uniforms & Strict, No-nonsense Nurses' (click to visit) The dress or gown features an internal molded latex phallus based on a mold taken from an actual penis, elastic  nappy (diaper) positioning and restraining straps in the gusset area and prominently printed diagnosis label on the frontage.  This particular version with the internal phallus or dildo is intended for domestic use prior to - and in preparation for - long term care home or mental hospital incarceration and requires an especially adapted nappy featuring an aperture to accommodate the aforementioned appendage.  The latter, incidentally, can be formed from a mold taken from the man of the house if required.  The appendage can be rear mounted for continual anal penetration or front mounted for vaginal penetration or indeed the outfit can be supplied with two, mounted fore and aft to allow both orifices to be simultaneously filled, although since the dress is primarily designed to accommodate a nappy (diaper) and for enforced nappy use within a care home or other institution the rear penetrating version is not necessarily recommendable.  In addition, in a domestic environment worn around the home, the man of the house may well prefer the nappy be left off during her waking hours, partly to allow for easy and continual visual inspection / supervision but also to allow for the slaking of his masculine needs when the desire so awakens within him and two versions possessing a rear opening for this purpose are available, one with a zip fastener strategically positioned over the bottom area and one with an elasticated circular opening.  
Also, now that I am no longer doing work for Roger Benson - don't ask, it wasn't pretty (anyone wanna see the email?  Hands up at the back there!) - I'm open to commissions (you know the sort of thing - you see a picture and it's GOOD but it's not quite 'there' (with me it's usually the surroundings but often it's silly stuff like a wristwatch where no wristwatch has a right to be (God!  That sounds WEIRD! ) or a tattoo (I HATE tattoos - although...  Hey, didn't I feature tattooing in one of my books?)  For example on the new revamped cover I recently created for INSTITUTIONALISED VOL 2 I features a nurse photo someone sent me years ago - but I had to remove her nail varnish first... it's these little things sometimes - don't you think?). 
One last thought - I'm quite getting into Pinterest; so if you have a Pinterest account let me know and I'll feature a link here over in the left hand sidebar (there IS only one, so quite why I insist on keeping saying 'left hand' I don't know - perhaps I just like the sound of my own voice!  Hang on! I'm writing, not talking; ok strictly speaking I'm typing; my voice recognition stuff has died on me, principally coz one of my kids has trashed the microphone, but you get my drift I'm sure; and did you know - I mainly think in pictures...  I thought everybody did... no, really!  God, it must be really naff not to be able to walk in a room, look around for a bit, then visualize it from any angle - I thought everyone could do that, or at least I did until I studied organic chemistry and the subject of chirality came up and the same people asked the same question week after bloody week...  err... you just turn the molecule around in your head - don't you?  Sometimes it pays to be dyslexic!)  Well, the sun is out - and so am I... Well, I'm going out at least...  See Ya!

Tuesday 22 September 2015

A Stinging Bottom - and a Full Tummy: OR: Burning (Her) Ambitions

Sometimes a young woman - especially one in her late teens -may possess ideas and ambitions above her station, hopes dreams and aspirations which - if she should be allowed to continue to entertain them - could conspire to make her headstrong and intransigent and encourage her to take on airs and graces incompatible with her coming to terms with having been placed in care and impede her in her adjustment to the necessary curtailment of certain personal freedoms and previously enjoyed privileges and status which institutional life inevitably brings with it.

 If she is to be helped and freed from forever hankering after life outside the care home and aided in refraining from perpetually struggling against the routine, stipulations, restrictions and discipline that are a necessary part of the smooth running of any such residential institution it is necessary that  the subject be brought to heel in the first instance by way of an intervention having the goal of illustrating and demonstrating to her the self-deluding futility of these fancies and fantasies.


Tuesday 15 September 2015

Roger Benson's Greystone Reformatory - An Introduction and Poll by the Man Himself


The Greystone Reformatory for Naughty Girls was, in effect, an elite correctional facility for the pretty, shapely curvaceous teener daughters of rich personages living in the Pleasantown area.

The Reformatory was located in a Gothic building in a scenic but very secluded area some 40 miles north of Pleasantown.  It’s interior, however, had been completely updated in keeping with the spirit of the modern minded 1950s.  The girls’ cells and the Reformatory’s many Punishment Rooms were models of efficiency and perfect hygiene.  In fact, at Greystone, no expense had been spared to make it the blueprint for an institution dedicated to the correction of naughty teener girls!

The Punishment Rooms were where the girls were made to undergo many beneficial “correctional ordeals”, many of them inspired by the bizarre and exotic devices and procedures found in Irving Klaw’s famous “Bondage Serials”, drawn by such masters as Eneg (Gene Bildrew), Eric Stanton, Ruiz, Mory, and many others.  (Mr. Klaw’s products are available from his Nutrix Company, located at 35 Montgomery Street inJersey City, New Jersey).

The inmate “enrolment” at Greystone seldom exceeded more than 10 teener girls and only the prettiest, most shapely girls were accepted.  The girls’ parents paid very high fees to have their darling but naughty daughters corrected at Greystone so the girls wouldn’t be exposed to the undesirable “riff raff” at the State Reformatory.  Greystone also received large donations from certain personages who favored strict discipline for naughty girls and enjoyed receiving certain exclusive 8 mm films , photographs, and tape recordings from Greystone. 

Greystone was directed by Superintendent Ella Baines, a handsome, athletically built woman in her late forties.  Miss Baines held advanced degrees in psychology and adolescent correction.  She was ably assisted by a large staff of professionally trained, discipline-minded Matrons, and Greystone’s lesbian sadistic medico, Dr. Elaine Fenton, an attractive, strongly built blonde much feared by the hapless teener inmates!

Girls incarcerated at Greystone were never allowed to have visitors but they were permitted – in a very controlled way – to correspond with their parents and their boyfriends.  Needless to say, this correspondence was very carefully monitored and managed by each girl’s Senior Supervisory Matron!

We’ll soon return to “Adorable April’s Introduction to Greystone” but, for a slight change of pace, let’s explore and express our opinions on some very interesting correspondence!



August 3, 1959

Mr. Rodney Long,
4000 Ridge Road,

Dear Rodney,

I’m afraid your darling girlfriend, Lorna Jane, didn’t do very well in  Deportment Class yesterday.  Her essay on “Ten Ways to be a Good Girl” received an “F” grade from the instructor, Teaching Matron Curtly!

That means dear Lorna Jane is going to have a “hot date” this coming Saturday night –involving my glossy black, oval shaped, hard backed wooden hairbrush and her girlishly plump, succulently shapely bare buttocks and the ripely rounded backs of her thighs where they are bare above her stocking tops.  I expect she really enjoyed it when you felt them up!

But I digress!  After she has had her sixty smacks and is blubbering like a naughty six year old instead of a big 18 in tautly-suspendered, ultra-sheer nylon stockings and tight fitting, glossy black patent leather pumps with high spike heels, should I give her a nice 30 ounce, warm, soapy enema?  Naturally, the Vaseline slimed, hard rubber retention plug will be put in her afterward so she can enjoy lying face down on the hard, white metal enema tableand feel the enema solution working inside her. It must be somewhat uncomfortable, judging from the way the girls sob, gasp, and whimper during the 30 minutes they are plugged.  Teaching Matron Curtly said it would give her a good opportunity to think about her deficient essay and ways of doing better next time!

It’s up to you, Rodney, dear.  I’m sure a big, accomplished boy like you can decide what’s best for darling Lorna Jane’s “inner bottom”.  Naturally, I’ll require her to read your letter in which you make your decision.  And, of course, if you decide Lorna Jane’s for the enema tube, I’ll require her to write a nice, long, newsy letter telling you all about what it was like!!


Bessie Stockwell (Miss)
Senior Supervisory Matron 



August 5, 1959

Senior Supervisory Matron Bessie Stockwell
The Greystone Reformatory for Naughty Girls

Dear Matron Stockwell.

Gosh, Matron Stockwell – thanks ever so much for your letter of August 3rd.

I’m really sorry to learn that Lorna Jane did so badly on her essay for Deportment Class but I understand the importance of high standards and Teaching Matron Curtly’s concern that her professional standards are met!  Personally, I think we do best when we are really challenged!  I really admire Teaching Matron Curtly’s high standards!

I’m so sorry that dearest Lorna Jane’s pretty, girlishly big bottom is going to have to get spanked but poor work has to be corrected!   I’m sure she’ll do better on her next essay! I have really thought a lot about your suggestion that darling Lorna Jane also be given a nice warm, soapy enema!  I guess it will be a bit uncomfortable for her but, as Teaching Matron Curtly wisely says, it will give her a chance to think about her poor essay work and finding ways of doing better in the future.  So I think for these beneficial reasons, darling Lorna Jane would really benefit from a nice long enema session! 

I know Matron Stockwell will make you read this letter, Lorna Jane, dearest, and I want you know how much I adore you and how I only want what is best for you.   I know that the enema will cause you some discomfort but I know it will help you get the most benefit from what is going to happen to you if you really concentrate your thoughts on your essay work while you are getting it! (Both the spanking and the enema!)  And I will be thinking about you, dearest, and how the Matrons at the Greystone Reformatory are only doing what is best for you!

I really look forward, dear Matron Stockwell, to the next letter you make Lorna Jane write to me!  I hope it will be really newsy and contains all the details and I can’t wait to read how darling Lorna Jane felt while she was being spanked and then getting an enema!! I’m
sure the corrective measures will help her to learn her lessons and produce good work that will please you all, including Teaching Matron Curtly!!

Yours most respectfully,

Rodney Young III



August 10, 1959

Dearest Rod,

Thank you so much, dearest, for writing to Madam Matron Stockwell and recommending that I get a nice soapy enema as well as a spanking for my poor work in Madam Teaching Matron Curtly’s class on Deportment.  They were both awful (although in very different ways!) but I just have to admit that I was a naughty girl to write such a poor essay and that I deserved strict punishment for my shortcomings.

Madam Matron Stockwell is with me right now helping me to write this letter and I am ever so grateful to her for all the interest she takes in me and the things she does to me to help me atone for my naughtiness and become a good girl who has paid her debt to society.

Madam Matron Stockwell came to my cell at exactly 8:00 PM on Saturday night and when I heard the key turning in the lock of my cell door, I immediately got to my feet and stood with my arms at my sides and my head bowed in contrition. 

I just couldn’t help gulping when I saw that Madam Matron Stockwell was carrying her glossy black, oval shaped, hard backed wooded hairbrush – the very hairbrush Madam Matron Stockwell had promised me a date with!

And, golly, Rod dearest, just as Madam Matron Stockwell promised, it surely did turn out to be a “hot date”!!

I had to take my tight, short sleeved sweater off (the one with my Reformatory number humiliatingly stenciled on its back) and also take off my tight skirt and then hang both garments up carefully in my little closet.  This left me bare except for my skimpy, black and white striped cotton bra and panties, off-white, elastic garter belt, tautly-suspendered, ultra-sheer Teen Queen “Tan Temptation” nylon stockings, and tight fitting, glossy black patent leather pumps with 4 and ¼ inch spike heels.

Madam Matron Stockwell then seated herself on my hard, narrow, pillowless Reformatory cot and ordered me to go over her knee!  Then she took my panties down until they were below my stocking tops, firmly gripped me around my curvaceous waist, and warned me that she was about to commence my Execution – words which I surely dreaded!

I got 50 slowly spaced hairbrush smacks on my girlishly plump, succulently shapely bare bottom and 10 on the backs of my ripely rounded thighs where they were bare above the tops of my stockings!  Golly, Rod dearest, did that awful  hairbrush ever sting and burn – just like it always does!  Did I ever sob, shriek, plead, and promise but Madam Matron Stockwell just calmly continued administering the strict discipline a naughty teener girl needs!!

When the spanking was finally over (and there were times when I thought it never would be!), Madam Matron Stockwell let me remain over her knee for five minutes while I did my best to get my girlish blubbering at least a bit under control.  Then Madam Matron Stockwell, in a pleasant but no-nonsense tone of voice – ordered me to get up and take my panties right off and put my sweater back on. Then Madam Matron Stockwell handcuffed my wrists behind my back and announced, “You’re for The Enema Chamber, young lady!”

As Madam Matron Stockwell  marched me to my dreaded destination, my poor b..bottom throbbed and burned so much that I could only take those tiny “Oww, I can barely walk!” steps a freshly-spanked girl in high spike heels always takes!  My spike heels really clicked on The Reformatory’s concrete floors and I could just tell that my girlishly big, well-reddened bottom was wiggling shamefully.   Madam Matron Stockwell said you’d probably enjoying watching me!  I just about died of humiliation when I heard that!!  Then I blushed as red as my b..bottom when Madam Matron Stockwell went on to say, “But it’s probably just as well the dear boy isn’t here.  He’d likely have a very embarrassing accident in his pants.”

Golly, Rod, dearest – not only did I blush scarlet when I heard that, I gasped out loud.  Madam Matron Stockwell just smil


Q1. Do you think Lorna Jane deserved strict discipline for poor essay work?

Q2. Which aspect of her discipline do you think Lorna Jane found most distressing?

Q3. From the correspondence, what is your impression of Matron Stockwell?

Q4. Do you think Rod remained faithful to Lorna Jane while she was in Gresytone?

Option 1: Yes

Option 2: I think he quickly found another pretty, shapely girl to keep him                        entertained during Lorna Jane’s absence.

Q5.  Do you think Rod felt deeply sorry for poor Lorna Jane or actually sexually enjoyed
        reading about what was happening to her at Greystone (including the exclusive
        photographs kindly sold to him by Matron Stockwell)?

Question 5

Q6.  When Rod casually mentioned to his Father that Lorna Jane had written him
        about being so worried about her second impending strapping and begged that
        he might speak with Magistrate Meecher about giving her a reprieve, what do
        think his reaction was?

Question 6

Option 1:  “Yes, son.  I’ll do everything I can.”

Option 2:  “The little bitch needs regular correction strappings on that girlishly big ass of hers!”

Q7. Do you think Lorna Jane’s second strapping was reprieved by Magistrate Meecher?

Q8.  If you think Lorna Jane got her second strapping do you think Rod told
        her – when they were back together again – a long story about how he pleaded
        with his Father to help so Lorna Jane would use her mouth on him as an
        act of deep gratitude?

Question 8

Q9. In this situation who would most like to be?

Thursday 10 September 2015

At Last: A New Cover For INSTITUTIONALISED Vol 2 - and a New Version of the CORPORATE RAIDER Roll-Playing Game

Hi Folks!  The sun’s out here in North London so I’m in a more positive mood today – in the mood to get things done.  And I’ve done a lot in the last few days anyway - despite the overcast conditions that have been prevalent and the shortening days, which always gets to me – especially in terms of the new book, for which I’ve had many inspired new ideas (although a fair few of these may find themselves in a separate work). 

One of the issues I have begun to address is the collapsing sales via LULU. In order to try to get around whatever problem it is which LULU has introduced while ‘improving’ their service I have decided to re-publish some of my volumes (since this has done the trick in the past – dunno why), starting with re-uploading the text file for INSTITUTIONALISED Vol 2. 

I decided to take the opportunity to update the cover of this volume, specifically in an attempt to improve the depiction of the strict dominant nurse with her cane, since I have always been dissatisfied with the somewhat ragged appearance of this element (though I love the image itself) and my skills in photo manipulation have improved so much since the original publication date of 2009 (yes it WAS that long ago!), no doubt due in no little measure to all the work I put in on the, presently sidelined, comic book project, but also the captioned and manipulated images I have created for Tumblr and the work I have been doing collaborating with Roger Benson on his new book over the last couple of years (new poll coming soon, by the way – probably tomorrow!). 

I’d really, REALLY like to know your opinion on this, so please let me have your feedback.  Also – should I redesign any of the other covers?  And if so, which ones – and what elements should be included / excluded?

Also, I have been contacted by the author of the roll-playing game – CORPORATE RAIDER –  about a new update.

Announcing a new updated, a massive third follow on to the previous game CORPORATE RAIDER 3  And it gets even nastier, even darker. 

Click on either game name above to link and visit the new updated verson – and don’t forget to tell your friends!!!  I’ll be putting a permanent link in the sidebar soon, too – so there’ll be no excuse for not joining in, if roll-playing games are your ‘thing’!

Monday 7 September 2015

Punished for the Entertainment of a Third Party?

‘Her future no longer lay in further education – she accepted that now.  She wasn’t up to it, psychologically speaking. She’d never been up to it from the perspective of her psychological make-up – nor from the standpoint of her native intelligence, either – she just hadn’t realised it before, hadn’t been able to face up to it, her limitations, had been trapped in… what was it the doctor called it?  Denial?  Delusion, denial – call it what you will; it was something the doctor had FORCED her to face up to, to come to grips with, and continued to.  Delusion and denial were dealt with by a firm hand these days – a firm hand and a wickedly pliant cane or well-oiled leather strap or sometimes a doubled-over leather belt or the thin black plastic belt the doctor wore threaded through the belt loops around the waistband of her skirt.  But one thing that truly terrified her, kept her in line if ever she fought back (as occasionally she still did) was that threat of having her ‘put away’.  And the woman could DO that, too – it was no idle threat!  She could pull strings, not only have her ‘put away’ but placed under the doctor’s own personal supervision too, even have her lobotomised!  THAT was always the threat if she refused to bend for the cane or the switch. 

She’d come straight from school, straight into this – and she wouldn’t be moving on, there’d be no further progress; she was here for keeps… unless… No, she didn’t want to think about it.’ 
Right!  Enough of that! Hi again folks!

You may be wondering why you've heard so little from me for a while, other than for the Roger Benson polls and similar I have been pasting up.  Well, we had a death in the family - an uncle (I'm fast running out of uncles - actually I've just realised I'm now COMPLETELY out of uncles!  I hadn't though about that till now) - and also I have been forced to take on a gym personal trainer course to try to supplement my income from that route once qualified (I have a master's degree in human nutrition and food science, so that's one aspect already in place - and lord knows how many years of gym experience) and the course takes six weeks, so not too long. 

I'm still hoping to get the book out in the very near future - or some part of it, if it goes out in multi-part format - before embarking on the gym instructor course though (the book I started around this time - or a bit earlier, last year).  I have had to place the book on the back burner several times over the past twelve months or so in order to finish off the Roger Benson art project (and I have to admit to having become sidetracked on more than one occasion by other projects, including a couple of shared projects which are
languishing uncompleted on my hard drives), but I'm switching over now to giving the new book utmost priority, as my need to quickly generate some kind of income, however modest, grows ever more acute. Luckily my birthday didn't cost much, since I got treated to quite a few drinkies by pub friends (which was nice) and the Clacton, Essex coast cycle trip cost very little beyond food and a few coffees and the rail fare back (I was too knackered to face a return trip - and had to hurry back for the other half's birthday) since I was able to stay with the kids and their grand parents - but things have gone REALLY pear-shaped now.

One of the problems I have encountered (beyond my bank, about eighteen months ago, advising me I had more funds available than in fact I had, which I've moaned about before) has been with the publishing site LULU from which income has all but completely dried up.  This is a state of affairs which began when they 'improved' the way they categorise book titles and the manner in which their search engine operates.  Yes, I changed the categorisation of my books to suit, but to little avail.  Looking back over the months on PayPal I can pinpoint almost exactly the point at which these changes took effect.  Now, I wasn't exactly making a fortune even then - a little LESS than I would claiming unemployment benefit here in the UK in fact - but the revenue from that source immediately dropped to one third of what it was (it was actually down to ONE FIFTH at one point, before I re-categorised my titles).  This has happened several times in the past, and the trick seems to be to withdraw each title and then republish as if new - but what a chore to have to do!  And through no fault of my own either!  It is all very dispiriting!  I just wish they would leave things alone! Trouble is - while I'm fixing LULU (a day it would turn out - I know!) I'm not getting the new book done - and vice versa.  And I've left the new book a while now too - probably TOO long - and have lost the plot a bit and need to read through it all to get going again... but I'll try!  Trouble is, I'm in a panic!

Anyone else out there experienced similar problems with LULU?

Now I've made myself depressed, too! Oh well, by for now!

Sunday 30 August 2015


It’s a warm June 1959 Saturday night in Pleasantown and April Barrett, 18, is out on an authorized date with her boyfriend, Andy Hardon, the only child of J. Philpot Hardon (and his wife Agnes), the wealthy and socially prominent Chief Executive of Hardon Industries, headquartered in Center City. The ardent young couple were enjoying each other in the back seat of Andy’s car at Lover’s Leap when, suddenly – as we can see from the picture –a bright flashlight beam alarms dear April!  But more about that shortly.

Andy, 20, is going in for law and business at McDwight University and is destined to ultimatelysucceed his Father as leader of Hardon Industries.  April is a shy and submissive girl, whose parents, Henry and Iona, are also wealthy and socially prominent members of Pleasantown society.  April is a first year student at exclusive Maydith College where the only aptitude she has displayed is an ability to paint very pretty little pictures of wild flowers and other scenery.  Her parents plan to use their considerable influence to get her a job illustrating greeting cards for Elite Cards, a well respected company in the Pleasantown area.  Then, as soon as Andy has graduated and is established at Hardon Industries, it will be wedding bells for the young couple!!

But back to that flashlight beam!  Pleasantown’s Learned Magistrate Horace Meecher, much influenced by the writings of Henrietta Murchison, National President of the Ladies League for Justice, has proclaimed a strict Judicial Order ruling “teener trysting spots” totally “out of bounds”!  “They are breeding grounds for the plague of juvenile delinquency that threatens our God fearing society!” sagely observes the wise jurist. 

To ensure compliance with his decree, Learned Magistrate Meecher summons Pleasantown’s Chief of Police, Bullard “Bull” Schitz and instructs him to ensure that his blue-coated buckos do regular patrols of such places and summarily arrest any naughty teener girls found inflaming their hapless boyfriends with their lipstick, snug-fitting attire, tautly-suspendered, ultra-sheer nylon stockings, and tight fitting, glossy leather pumps with high spike heels!

And so, Officers O’Lubbery and O’Feelery appear and a suddenly tearful and very frightened April finds herself, wrists handcuffed behind her back, in the back seat of the police cruiser!  As for Andy, he is let off with a wink and a conspiratorial smirk since he was only doing what any normal, red-blooded American lad would do in the circumstances!

Half an hour later, April is in the Interrogation Chamber located in the basement of the Pleasantown Police Station. The sobbing, terrified girl is in the charge of two burly policewomen, Bessie Belting and Olga von Straf.  Her wrists still handcuffed behind her back, April’s skirt and little panties have been removed leaving her bare below the waist except for her “date night” black elastic garter belt, tautly-suspendered, ultra-sheer, charcoal-hued nylon stockings, and glossy black patent leather pumps with 4 and ¼” spike heels.

April is marched over to a wooden counter at one end of the Interrogation Chamber.  On top of the counter there sits a rectangular plastic container, about 18 inches square and filled with water.  A sobbing April is positioned before this and her full but shapely legs are promptly secured with black leather buckling straps above her knees and at her ankles. 

While April pleads hysterically, Policewoman von Straf grips the girl’s hair firmly and forces her head downward until it is submerged in the water.   Policewomen Belting then
applies a supple, stinging leather paddle (about the size of a ping pong bat) to April’s girlishly plump, ripely curvaceous, adorable ass!  After the grinning policewomen have thoroughly enjoyed themselves, a blubbering, very red-bottomed April is permitted to sign the confession that has thoughtfully been typed up for her!

April’s parents were then telephoned and told several things:  (1) their daughter had been arrested and would be kept in custody; (2) that she had confessed to deliberately disobeying a solemn Judicial Order and had also committed gross indecency;  (3) that they should come to the Police Station at 2PM on Sunday to be interviewed by Mr. Eric Slimely – a representative of Magistrate Meecher’s office -- and, finally (4) to bring a change of clothes for April since she would be “up before the Learned Magistrate on Monday morning”.


April’s distraught parents met with Mr. Eric Slimely on Sunday.  In his early thirties, Slimely was short and tubby and had a nasty, twisted smirk.  In an unctuous voice (which revealed how greatly he was enjoying the situation), Slimely advised the Barretts that since their daughter had already signed a confession, the outcome was a foregone conclusion.  With ill-concealed pleasure, he informed the Barretts that in such situations, Magistrate Meecher’s “typical” sentence was 3 months in a Girls’ Reformatory and corporal punishment.  Speaking directly to Henry Barrett, Eric Slimely observed, “The only issue, Mr. Barrett, is whether your naughty, disobedient daughter serves her custodial sentence at the State Reformatory for Delinquent Girls or the exclusive Greystone Reformatory for Naughty Girls where the…ah...tuition fees are $600 per month.”

The idea of his darling daughter having to associate with riff raff at a State Institution filled Henry Barrett with horror and he immediately agreed to pay.  (We might point out that $600 a month was a substantial sum in that bygone era). 

Licking his fat lips and rubbing his sweaty hands, a smirking Eric Slimely said, “I’ll require the cash, in full, by 8:30AM Monday morning or it will be the State Reformatory for Miss Behavior!”


It’s a dull June morning in 1959, and a tearful and trembling April stands before Learned Magistrate Horace Meecher as the portly bailiff reads out the girl’s confession in which she admits deliberate disobedience of a strict Judicial Order, that she “inflamed” her boyfriend with her lipstick, tautly-suspendered, ultra-sheer nylon stockings and glossy, tight fitting pumps with high spike heels, and begs most humbly and sincerely to be strictly punished “according to her just desserts”.

When the bailiff was finished speaking, Learned Magistrate Meecher uttered a resounding “Harumph!” and proceeded to pronounce sentence on the hapless, sobbing teenager.  “It is the pleasure of this court, missy, to grant your wish.  Harumph!  I herwith sentence you to a three month custodial sentence at the Greystone Reformatory for Naughty Girls and, within one week of your incarceration at the said Reformatory, you shall receive 50 strokes of the Regulation Correction Strap on your girlishly plump, succulently shapely bare buttocks!   This punishment will be repeated one week prior to your release!  Take her down!!”

A muscular Matron, holding a pair of bright, cold steel handcuffs approached a sobbing, swaying, near-fainting April.  Once the girl’s wrists had been handcuffed behind her back, the Matron gripped the girl by her upper arm and proceeded to march her out of the courtroom.  In her tight skirt and high spike-heeled pumps, poor April could manage only mincing little steps.  With a curt “Get a move on, girly,” the strict Matron administered a few noisy, stinging handsmacks to April’s ripelymoulded, snugly skirted, and wiggling behind.  The many observers in the courtroom tittered and smirked with pleasure!!

Q1.  When you look at the picture of April’s ripely rounded, succulently curvaceous bare bottom in the back seat of Andy Hardon’s autocar, do you find yourself thinking “here is a girl who unquestionably deserves strict discipline!”

Question 1

Q2.  How do you think April felt when the powerful flashlight beam proclaimed the disgraceful state of her intimate anatomy?

Question 2

Q3.  Shortly after the arrests and (very brief) trials of April and certain other naughty Pleasantown girls in the “Teener Trysting Spots Crackdown!”,  Miss Pricilla Priddle – editrix of Permissive Perspectives -- wrote that the girls should have been let off with a scolding.  What is your opinion on this?

Question 3

Q4. When April was sentenced by Learned Magistrate Meecher, how do you think she felt?

Q5. In a situation like this, who would you most like to be?

Thursday 20 August 2015




It's a pleasant mid-April day in 1959 at Maydith College and April Barrett, 19 - anxious about impending final exams - is hurrying from the College Library to a class.  The girl carelessly allows her skirt to get caught in the heavy library door and it gets pulled off with humiliating consequences!  As it happens, Professor Percy Pecksniff is about the enter the library (to diligently pursue his research on 18th century chamber pots) and gets a most enjoyable eyeful.  In a small community like Pleasantown, Mrs. Barrett soon learns about her darling daughter's unsavoury public appearance.  The discipline-minded older woman promptly schedules a punishment session for the hapless April.

The session will take place in two day's time, on an afternoon when Mrs. Barrett's housekeeper is off.  The good woman invites two of her closest friends from The Bridge Club - the imperious, ash blonde Mrs. Helen Steel and Mrs. Emily Goodly, a prissy, plump matron.

 April is required to wear the same attire she had on during her unsavoury "public display". The tearful girl is required to hold her skirt up around her waist with her hands behind her back, displaying her girlishly plump, succulently shapely, skimpily-pantied bottom, off-white elastic garter belt, ripely-rounded bare upper thighs, and tautly-suspendered stocking tops.

April is then required to make twenty tearful tours of the large, luxuriously-appointed living room, holding her full but shapely stockinged legs tightly together and taking very small steps - one pump directly in front of the other - as if she were walking a chalk line!  Each time she passes her Mother, she must pause, head bowed in contrition and sobbingly stammer out her grovelling apology for careless skirt control and beg for appropriate punishment. April's enforced mode of locomotion and her glossy, tight fitting pumps with 4 and 1/4" spike heels emphasized the jouncy mobility of her ripely rounded, skimpily pantied, superb behind, much to the silent pleasure of three pairs of eyes that were glued to the unhappy, tearful girl's pitiful predicament!

When the "Punishment Parade" is finally over, Mrs. Barrett seats herself upon a sturdy, armless, wooden chair and takes up a glossy black, oval-shaped, hard-backed wooden hairbrush from a nearby side table.  April is then ordered over her Mother's capable knee, her panties taken down, and then made to feel 60 brisk, slowly spaced hairbrush smacks on her ripely curvaceous bare buttocks and succulently rounded backs of her upper thighs where they are bare above her stocking tops.  Needless to say, the sobbing, shrieking, pleading, and promising girl also receives a strict lecture on skirt control from her Mother.

When the spanking is finally over, a sobbing April is required to remove her skirt and panties entirely and is then marched by her Mother (her two lady friends following) out to the utility area of the secluded back garden and made to deposit the garments in a trash can.  As April's Mother observes, the garments have been "sullied" by unsavoury public exhibition and must therefore be disposed of.

Back in the large, imposing house, Mrs. Barrett announces that she will now take April up to the third floor bathroom -- the specially equipped bathroom where disciplinary enemas are administered!

"May I be of assistance, Grace, dear?" Helen Steel enquires with a cold smile.  "Thank you, Helen, dear," Mrs. B. responds pleasantly, "but I believe I can handle this myself.  Do enjoy another cup of tea during my absence."

Mrs. Barrett follows her tearful teener up the two sets of stairs leading to the third floor
bathroom, her eyes glued to April's shifting, jiggling, and prettily-reddened ripe curvaceous buttocks and upper thighs.

One in the bathroom, April is ordered to lie face down on the sheet covered, hard white metal table.  April obeys at once, crossing her shapely, stockinged ankles instinctively like a well brought up, demure girl should.

Mrs. Barrett then produced a plump-bulbed rectal thermometer, lubricates it with Vaseline, and inserts it in April's ultra-sensitive bum hole channel.  The girl emits a tear choked little gasp.  April's tear-wet cheeks burn scarlet with the humiliation of a big 19 year old in nylons and heels having her temperature taken like a small child.  Mrs. Barrett leaves the thermometer in April for a good five minutes knowing only too well the effect it has on the girl.  After it has been removed, April is ordered to spread her legs.  While the girl tearfully gasps and squeals, Mrs. Barrett now administers a lengthy rubber gloved Vaseline lubrication of dear April's girlishly tight, ultra-sensitive bum hole channel. 

Mrs. Barrett then prepares a pitcher of 30 ounces of lukewarm water well charged with Ivory Snow soap flakes.  The good woman then takes her funnel to which is attached a length of red rubber enema tubing, the end of which is rounded, hardened rubber.  Then, slow half inch by slow half inch she inserts 6" of tube in her darling daughter's succulent, well-smacked bottom. April tearfully whimpers and gasps throughout the process.  For her it is as if some horrid snake were exploring her most intimate anatomy.  Insertion complete, April is ordered to once again cross her ankles "like a properly brought up young lady".

After she has cleaned and removed her red rubber glove, Mrs. Barrett picks up the funnel with her left hand, the pitcher with her right, and very slowly begins to pour the milky solution into her darling daughter.  Poor April's succulent buttocks spasm involuntarily as this is being done to her. Needless to say, Mrs. Barrett pauses periodically during the procedure to lecture her daughter on the importance of skirt control!  It takes over 7 minutes to fully administer the enema.

When the pitcher is empty, Mrs. Barrett removes the tube quickly and replaces it with the well Vaseline-lubricated, hard rubber retention plug.  April emits a poignant squeal of anguish as the awful plug is thrust into her.  Mrs. Barrett now pats April gently on her well-smacked, well-filled bottom and says, "Lie quietly, dear, and let the solution do it's good work inside you.  I shall return in 30 minutes."

Thirty minutes later, having fortified herself with tea and pleasant chat with her lady friends, Mrs Barrett return to the 3rd floor bathroom.  She helps April down from the table, escorts the girl over to the toilet, bends her over slightly, a pulls the retention plug out, eliciting another anguished squeal from poor April.  Seated on the toilet, April tightly squeezes her plump little bum hole with irrational shame.  The pressure becomes unbearable, unstoppable!  A humiliating surge of sudsy, stool-laden water is deposited in the toilet bowl.  The finishing touches include Mrs. Barrett wiping her darling daughter clean like a small child, inserting a cotton wool plug in April's bottom and, finally,
requiring the girl to don a pair of full-cut but skin fitting, shiny black rubber panties.

April is then taken downstairs and made to parade around the room 7 times to "model" her "post enema costume"!  Helen Steel offers amusing comments such as "How chic!  Her panties match her pumps!" Parade concluded, April is made to sit on the hard, armless wooden chair used in her hair brushing, cross her legs like she would "at a Sorority Tea" and, still choking back tears, politely and deferentially answer the many questions Helen Steel and Emily Goodly have for her!

Q1 What was the worst part of the punishment ordeal for dear April?

Q2 What was the second worst part of the punishment ordeal for dear April?

Q3 What was the third worst part of the punishment ordeal for dear April?

Q4 In a situation like this, who would you most like to be?

Q5  After an experience like this, do you think April would start wearing tight skirts ending 2" below her lovely rounded, nyloned knees?


Q6  Should April be required to write an abject letter of apology to Professor Pecksniff  and tell him she was strictly punished for making such a disgraceful display of herself?


Q7   When April's successful businessman father, Henry Barrett, returns home at 6PM, should April be required to join her Mother and Father without the benefit of a skirt as an object lesson in discipline?


Q8  Do you think Professor Pecksniff became sexually aroused at the sight to poor April's dire dilemma and later "relieved himself"?


Q9  Would there be merit in Mrs. Barrett, after completion of the enema, tying her delectable daughter's wrists behind her back, tying the girl's ankles, and blindfolding her so she could really concentrate of the effects of the enema solution working inside her?


Q10  If you had witnessed April's "Punishment Parade Performance", would you have been tempted to say to yourself, "Any teener girl who wiggles her big, naughty bottom like that deserves everything she gets and more!"
