Wednesday 29 June 2011

Riding Along with that Jodhpur Fetish Thing

Well, what a long time it has been! And a busy time too, although I wont bore you with too many of the details. Suffice it to say that I have had to earn a crust; or rather I have been obliged to aid my ‘other half’ in earning a crust since it is she who is currently the breadwinner in our relationship. The trouble is that she is occasionally a little over zealous in fulfilling that role and a little over ambitious in the quantity of work she takes on. She teaches full-time nowadays in a London based university but still likes to hold on to some of her old freelance contacts and so is loathe to give up on taking on freelance work altogether.

Thus it was that I found myself doing a little research work which amounted to trying to uncover how many outlets certain retailers have around the world by going on their websites, utilizing their ‘store-finder’ – which generally lists stores and stockists by country and then by city – and manually counting up the total (over 400 in one instance!). No you can’t just simply ring them up (or email) them and ask, apparently – I’m not sure why but apparently that’s just not done! Besides; some of these companies don’t seem to actually know how many outlets they have themselves – in interview their representatives say one thing but their website ‘store-finder’ says something different entirely. Go figure! There we go – I said I wouldn’t bore you with the details and now I just have!

Right then: The (world’s most tedious) research is not the only kind I have been engaged in – thank fcuk (little fashion-world / dyslexia joke there). Although I had to place on the back burner for a while that commissioned piece I am writing and that I mentioned before I did find time to do a little research around certain aspects that need to be incorporated as I went along. So what did I uncover? Well did you know that there is an entire horse riding attire and jodhpur fetish literature out there? I didn’t. Obviously I knew that riding attire, riding crops and jodhpurs etc sometimes feature in D/S and S & M literature and interests but not jodhpurs as a ‘standalone’ fetish. Indeed it turns out there are several sites catering to this interest and although not directly related to my commissioned piece I have done a little exploration and have added a selection to my ‘Useful Resources’ list in the right hand sidebar. Although not by any means exhaustive, these include:’, ‘’,’ and ‘’. The latter hosts an interesting forum and both it and ‘sexyjodhpurs’ are listed alphabetically together under ‘J’ - for jodhpurs - for the sake of simplicity.

As always one link followed the next and so I added the Yahoo Group Female_Farm_Animals’ (see pic above right - I don't know who created this so can't credit him / her, but it's great) to my sidebar’s ‘Useful Yahoo Groups’ listing and ‘Thomas’s Picks’, ‘The Memories of a Strict Uncle’ and ‘Brambleberry Blush’ to my blog list (the standard one) – also to be found in the right hand sidebar. Finally: A while back ‘Scarletfanny’ added a link to her site ‘Strangelove’ as a comment to one of my postings (a bit naughty that!) which you may have missed. Anyway; I have finally got around to adding it to my blog list and you can get there by clicking on the good lady’s pic (in her school uniform, below left).

Oh! And the box of knobs and wires pictured last time is my Doepfer modular electronic music synthesiser fronted (though lost in the shadows) by my Yamaha DX7 MK II FM synthesiser that I use to control it via a MIDI to voltage / trigger converter module (for those in the know or who actually care!).

Friday 10 June 2011

Amother Excuse and a Weird Piece of Kit

I was going to to tell you all about the exciting new links I have added today. Except I'm not, because I forgot to email myself the document I'd prepared and now I'm out down the pub. The aforementioned document also contained the links I have just mentioned so that is the end of that for the time being – perhaps tomorrow? But what it was to have been about was something that came to light while doing a little research for that commission piece I mentioned last time.

Did you know that there was a specific jodhpurs fetish? Not just for horse riding gear generally or that fairly well known 'pony-girl' thing but jodhpurs in particular – not even 'riding britches' (no I don't know the difference either!). Not that the subject is necessarily connected to my client's interests - discretion is everything - but it just happened to crop up in a search I did (if you pardon the pun... crop, get it? riding crop? Oh, please yourselves!)

Well, there is quite an extensive literature it turns out and next time I shall be posting up a plethora of links to prove it (well, perhaps not a plethora). I'll also be adding a few new blogs to the blog listing, including a young lady who has added her blog link already as a comment someplace – I'm too pissed to remember where – naughty, that, but she has a nice school uniform she wears so I'll have to put that up as a focal point for a link just for the irony of it (and the fact that it looks great! Though it is typically American and she hails from South Shields – somewhere in the north of the UK apparently; but I'm a Londoner, what do I know?)

Meanwhile, here are a few shots of another of my little distractions – hands up who knows what it is,,, Yes, you at the back, there?

Looks technical though, doesn't it?

Friday 3 June 2011

Time to Sound the ‘All-clear’ and Punishment Clothing Sans Armholes

Yes at long last it is time to sound the ‘all-clear’! With the indispensable help of several volunteers I think we have finally dispensed with the last of those tenacious little typos that had somehow clung on to a few of the pages of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 3.

Partly I have been hard at that task (making the corrections that is – I am dyslexic, so there is little point of my checking through myself) and partly I have been doing some prelim research for a private commission I have received to write a bespoke piece. The latter is especially exciting as I was becoming more than a little jaded, not to mention disillusioned. Now, having been presented with someone else’s vision for a story framework, I find my self all ‘fired up’ again. Obviously I can’t say much as regards the brief, but surface it to say that even a preliminary scratching around has spawned all sorts of new ideas.

Going back to the proofreading for a moment; a very special ‘thank you’, I feel, must go out to ‘Orage’ who has proved especially diligent in this task. That is not to belittle all those others that have contributed of course, to whom my heartfelt gratitude goes out. Now, despite having now passed through several different individuals’ hands at various stages in the process, it is such an elephantine work – weighing in at well over a quarter of a million words – that some errors and stumbles may yet have fallen through the net, so if you have downloaded a copy since yesterday (Thursday 2nd June) - which was when I created the latest revision – please let me know if you spot anything glaring.

Now, in my defence as to my apparent neglect of this blog of late, I have not been quite the laggard I may appear. I have made several additions to the ‘Useful Resources’ section of the side bar and added a couple of blogs to the blog list. The trouble is that I have failed to make a note of each addition as I have been in a perpetual rush most of the time – it has been the half term school holidays and I have had to do my share of that ‘parenting’ thing – and so you will have to check through to see what has changed. I have also sourced a couple of affiliates that seem suitably appropriate for the direction this blog usually explores. Lupus Films, in particular, always seem imaginative in terms of the plotlines they develop and authentic in terms of their costumes and sets – where else can you see young girls put in button through overalls / work dresses as part of a disciplinary régime? The nurse delivering a spanking pic from SIT-Spanking could almost come out of a certain scene in the new book – at least as depicted in this shot. You can find the links in the right hand sidebar someplace. 'Spanking Shame' is another affiliate I will be adding soon (Bared buttocks at school desk, above)

As for the other half of this entry’s title; I have been playing around with the idea of dresses and blouses etc designed excluding the provision of armholes as an adjunct to certain bondage / discipline themes. I am not talking here of just sewing up the arm holes of pre-existing and commercially available garments but rather of tailor-made bespoke garments, carefully fitted and designed with the aim of making the wearer appear as if a double amputee. The question I find interesting is exactly how such designs would appear to the eye and how one might put that impression over in writing. Your thoughts, please.

Friday 20 May 2011

Typos Typos Everywhere - And Not a Drop to Drink (And a Ramble about Enforced PE and 1930s Gym Suits)

I know I have been away a while, but despite my initial euphoria on getting the book out of the way I have been feeling a little down. I hope the typos that somehow have slipped through the net have not marred your enjoyment too much if you have already read the third book but neverthe less some did get through - some multiple times such as [who's] used where [whose] would have been apropriate. Worst of all, in terms of sheer emabaressment, were those that cropped up in a couple of the chapter headings - thanks for pointing those ones out in particular, 'Orage'!! Strangly my spell check facility failed to detect anything wrong in any of my chapter headings. I did a little experimentation and lo and behold! MS Word does not flag up spelling errors where words are all in uppercase - well, at least my copy doesn't! But I bet you all knew that! All of the chapters had been previously proofread at least once before going up on Lulu but the thing is fairly big at 473 pages and I know these things get missed and most were rather minor, but when is all said and doneI am something of a perfectionist and it all gets a bit depressing. Being dsylexic doesn't help either!

Before I got all down about it I went out and about with pound note drinking vouchers and camara in hand. Having posted up some pics of where I originated, I though I put up a couple of the squaller to be found in the part of London I inhabit now (North) Just click to enlarge. To be fair this represents just one facit and in a couple of posts time I'll put up a few shots of the environs of some of the pubs I frequent in the area around Muswell Hill, Highgate and Hampstead.

The top left shot is of Turnpike Lane tube station and the empties were seen in 'The Tollgate' pub, Turnpike Lane (just for that chap who said "I don't get it. You post that you had a beer and 9 other people make comments. You publish the book we have all been waiting for, and 2 people comment"). And just to prove that, though not too active, I still read the comments sent in, here a a couple of pics for ‘Sixofthebest’ who wrote a while back... "I have always loved a naughty woman wearing a girdle, pantygirdle, suspender-belt, and stockings, when they are spanked. Thank you for this most erotic feminine underwear"... Hmmm, yum!

Meanwhile, although I had intended to shelve writing any more - at least for the present, as I need to go earn a crust - under the influence of a few beers I started rumaging through all the unused fragments on my netbook and before I knew where I was I was resurecting something I'd written around a PT / PE theme involving girls dressed in "bottle-green bloomer-style gym suits" adapted "straight from a 1930s pattern book" and under the instruction of a gym mistress resplendent and implacable in starched white blouse and skin-tight jodhpurs, cane in hand... You get the idea! I may go a head with it in my spare time just as something to post here - what do you think?

Tuesday 10 May 2011

A Little Fashion Fame - And There is a New Book Out There Some Might Find Interesting

Hi there! Unbelievably A website called Fashion Trending has used a quote from my blog - the first few lines of that 'Happy Birthday Poly' thing I wrote to celebrate the birthday of the invention of polyester under the headline: 'Women's Satin Dresses A Must Have For Any Womanly Wardrobe'. The mind fairly boggles. And this crops up on the same page as ''How Michelle Obama Is Influencing Women's Fashion' ! The snippet they have pinched off me (quote?) is: "There is something about the delicate combination of the dress of a young girl of thirteen or fourteen with the rather slender yet womanly figure and confined waist of a young lady of perhaps seventeen or eighteen – a woman in her own …" And there they leave it. So now I'm a fashion guru and trend setter... So the you are - just accessorise, girlfriend! (said in uber-camp voice with a twee shrug of the shoulders and a flicking back of the forelock - well' I can manage the last part - anyone seen my alice band?). I mean; boy! are they off course, or at least whoever it is who does their research is - it all smells of some sort of automated robotic 'intelligence' gathering thingy if you ask me.

It is a warm (-ish) sunny evening here in Londres and I am enjoying a pint in my local Whetherspoons pub, The Tollgate (crap - but cheap; there's a slogan there somewhere; must buy some shares!). Anyway, it is my first pint in just over a month and so a new record level of sobriety has been reached - three cheers for me!!!

I reckon I have earned it coz I was up working on the rear cover of the new book until 4 AM and was up working on it again, as I was still far from satisfied, at 9:30 AM. Then I had a lunchtime nap. The bloody thing's done with at last, all 473 (I think) pages. The rear cover here I have boosted up the 'Gama' a bit to better show the background image, but it will appear darker behind the blurb in the print copy.

The front cover you will have see
n before but without the title (or with an incorrectly spelled title if you were one of the 'early birds' who glimpsed it before I changed it and then buggered off to Spain).

The center image is something I created as an amalgam of images some time ago for another purpose and that has been pressed into service, horizontally mirrored and recolored, as a semi-transparent image behind the text on the rear cover. Snoozz (whom I rightly credited for the nurse and straitjacket computer-generated image I used in the posting before last, it turns out), supplied several of the elements making up the front cover and my thanks go out to him for that (though I need to revise the book text as I just realized I have not added that credit - not a problem while it is only on Lulu, but would be later if it was to go out on the e-book format!). The latter is the reason I have a team of dedicated volunteers carrying out one final round of proofreading for me - and my heartfelt thanks go out to them also; 473 pages would be a little too much for me alone! All the chapters have been proofread previously as the project has progressed through the efforts of various folk of course, otherwise...

Oh!... And it is now up on Lulu!!! Check out the link in the right hand sidebar.

Saturday 7 May 2011

New Hypno / Mindcontrol Blog List - Oh! And I Have Finished Writing!!

Just a quick update today as I am away from home for a couple of days. A big 'Hi!' to 'Wringer', 'Madmonkey' and others who have left comments or emailed me - I'll be getting around to dealing with comments tomorrow or Monday, depending on when I get back. I have had my head down slaving over a hot computer these last few days - practically non-stop and practically to the exclusion of all else. But it's been worth it. The book is finished!!! All bar the shouting (whatever that means - I've never been too sure). All that are left are little details such as getting the page numbering right (that part got all messed up when I did a little editing on holiday using OpenOfice 2 on my netbook) and that sort of thing - a bit of fiddling about, basically. Even the chapters are numbered - all 38 of 'em!! - and the problem with the front cover has been corrected. There is one chapter I want to read through again and a couple of pages or so that I hacked out but that I may now re-include (if I can make it work) now that I have a little time to spare, mostly because the piece is highly descriptive and I am sort of proud of it. I may also put together a little something to make the back cover more interesting along with the usual blurb type of thing - mostly because I enjoy the artwork side of it so much.

I could do with a little help with the final proofreading - there are over 400 pages in the thing - so if there is anyone out there willing to take on 100 pages or so, please step forward now. I'll send the whole thing out to each as a word file and with a page range to proofread / edit. The first five or six folks to email me perhaps? I don't feel I can impose on those that I have already roped in for the initial proofreading of the individual chapters, although I will send PDF versions out to all those concerned for their opinions of the finished (but probably still imperfect) product once the formating has been finalized and I have converted the files.

Changing the subject: I have now added a brand new section to my blog list specifically to house links to blogs having a strong mind-control / hypnosis content as pertaining to the world of D/S, domination and corporal punishment etc. This new section may be found between the French Language blogs and the Thumblogger blogs in the right hand sidebar - explore and enjoy. I have also added to the main blog list a family of blogs I have just stumbled across; namely 'The Pink Report', 'The Pink Papers' and 'The Pink Reviews' (all listed under 'P' for Pink rather than under 'T'). Click blog titles here to visit or check out my list in the sidebar. Despite the 'Pink' nomenclature none of these have anything to do with the Gay scene (not boy-on-boy anyway) but very much to do with the gentle art of spanking - well worth checking out!

Now, those of you that have read INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 may remember the description of the heroine's father's funeral and the streets and roads the procession passes through. If so, do you recognize anything about the two photos above? Well guess what; it was based on the area of London I grew up in - Queen's Park - and this is what it looked like (the two pics above). Anything like the imagery you had in your mind at all? I'd love to know! Bye for now!!

Wednesday 4 May 2011

Back from Spain

Hi! It’s been a little while I know but I’m back! And I’m full of new ideas, though most will have to go on the back burner for the time being while I put the finishing touches to the book. One idea that won’t have to wait too long though is an entire new subsection to be added to the blog list in the sidebar – of which more next time.

As regards my last posting, way back on Tuesday 19th of April, an anonymous contributor has commented on the punishment of a girl’s hands that is touched upon in the extract I presented then. Well, I have tried to include a little variation into the depictions of the corporal punishment aspects of the tale this time around in the new volume. I have not neglected, though, the inclusion of a modicum of imaginative (I hope) psychological torment and punishment and subtle (and not so subtle) coercion. After all; we need some sort of plausible explanation of how a late teen might be placed back in school uniform and be found on a warm summer’s afternoon crammed into a cramped school desk in a stuffy attic room fastidiously copying out lines from a blackboard in her finest copperplate hand or another might be found in a tortuously quiet ‘seclusion room’ situated in the behavioural psychology research unit of a private mental hospital, the cane lines throbbing across her behind her only company.

Even on holiday the imagination never lets up on me. While in Spain I photographed a (perfectly innocent) iron cage-like structure encasing the shuttered window of an old house. It is a common enough sight around the Marbella / Costa del Sol area and barely noteworthy to most I imagine, but in me a thousand fantasy-born scenarios open up (well, perhaps not a thousand). For instance in my minds eye I see the shutters drawn back and white knuckled hands gripping the bars, the pretty yet pale sun-denied face staring out beseechingly framed by blond curls tied in ribbons and atop the tight stiff shirt-like collar of a severe button-through green and white striped dress, perhaps some sort of identifying crest on its breast pocket. Behind, hidden in the shadows there is a female figure, a glimpse of a nurse’s starched apron, the momentary glint of a polished filigree belt buckle and the yellow flash of a length of rattan illuminated in a stray beam of sunlight. Or perhaps the young lady is in her pyjamas, despite it being mid-afternoon, the light catching and reflecting off the glassy transparent plastic buttons of an institutionally ugly and ill fitting striped flannelette garment such an attractive girl would never be seen dead in.

Well, as I say I couldn’t resist the shot, which I’ll show you in a couple of days or so, and I hope to try use it at some later date as a basis for a little artwork aimed at recreating some part of my mental processes.

Talking of oblique ambiguous yet imagination-stimulating imagery: An anonymous character sent me this thought-provoking pic (top) just before I went to Spain. I had hoped to share it with you while I was away but couldn’t find a WiFi hotspot where I was staying – not a free one at any rate. It’s what it doesn’t say that says so much. The second pic has been around on my hard drive for ages and I just couldn’t resist it – not sure if it is one of our good friend, Snooze’s, or not? As for my trip to Espana: It was a hoot... not! Although it did get much better later. We left a sunny and warmer-than-average Gatwick in the UK only to emerge under a dull grey and damp Spanish sky (chilly too!!!). Then after several (cold) showers, a couple of days later there came a thunderstorm and a deluge worthy of the film 'The Day After Tomorrow' or some such worthy and 'environmentally aware' film. Then came sunny spells and finally a couple of days or so of blue skys and sunburn.