Thursday 29 January 2009

Botox, Induced Debility, Speech 'Therapy' and Discipline

Hi folks: I just thought you might be interested in some further correspondence” that has been taking place between myself and a contributor as regards the creative use of Botox. By the way, for an excuse for the pic, see the bottom of this section.

Dear Garth, I completely agree with you that the use of a drug like Botox should be use as an introduction to some debility or to facilitate the task convincing a girl that some dysfunction must be remedied by some mean that is unappealing to her; be it shame, embarrassment, discomfort, motion restrictions, humiliation... Once a remedy is introduced, proper encouragement by the nurse or governess on how improved the girl is, can be used in lieu of Botox. Once the effectiveness on the muscles weans and the girl regains her ability, she has already been conditioned mentally to the idea that the remedy is simply part of her life and has been fully integrated into her daily ritual. Should the girl insist that she can now do without the remedy (I say ‘remedy’ but am thinking ‘brace’ of some sort), the governess or nurse would acquiesce to the girl’s request that she do without. Then over the course of a week or a month or two, small quantities could be injected gradually to the point where it could be worst that originally, until the girl ask the nurse for her brace (there I said it), this is certainly a sign that the girl is more firmly under the control of governess or nurse. I can see her now humbly asking: “I would eternally grateful if you could find my brace, I’ve looked everywhere…” Yes, she did say ‘my’ brace, after all the indoctrination to integrate it into her daily ritual, paid off!””

Dear........I found you comments / ideas re Botox very exciting indeed; especially as regards your use of the word 'remedy' – it really embodies the cynicism of the situation, the caring aid that is in actuality quite the opposite. It brings to mind yet again the 'negative therapy' handed out in that 1930s psychology experiment in which they induced stuttering in normal speakers (that really caught my imagination - as I think you have probably guessed by now – and has ironically been instrumental in holding up vol 2 as I keep returning to it). Incidentally, NewScientist (a British science mag) recently reported an experiment wherein researchers deliberately induced flashbacks (albeit mild) in volunteer subjects by showing them, repeatedly, a series of harrowing scenes – so psychological science still retains the ability to approach the unethical at times.

In this way I like to think of the term 'remedy' in the context of which we are speaking as also potentially including regular visits to the psychotherapist.”

The correspondent concerned also provided a short but very interesting, creative and inspiring vignette based on a young lady's visit to the dentist...doesn't sound to exciting put like that I suppose but the potential is enormous as I thing you would appreciate if you read it. And hopefully you'll be able to as I will be contacting the writer again soon and will ask his permission to share it with you.

Today, after my morning gym visit, I shall be settling down to write, probably in a Weatherspoons somewhere (pub)...most probably in Palmers Green or Turnpike lane, North London – although I might just be found in the Holly Bush in Hampstead later on. Pop in for a pint...I'll be the long haired-chap (some say having a passing resemblance to Slash – out of Guns-n-Roses, Velvet revolver) sitting scribbling away in the corner. Today's projects are to write a foreword setting out the story so far and linking to the present – necessary for those who have neglected to have previously read INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 – and a detailed description of the school uniform that Lavinia's 'aunt' put her in when she was staying with her. I expect that I'll probably also get sidetracked at some point into doing some more work on that psychological induction of stuttering thing that I have been going on about now for some time...this will be my little reward for having completed my day's self-set tasks – It's going to take self control, but I'm going to hold back on that – I'll enjoy it all the more in the satisfying glow of a day's work well done. Talking of the latter...the photo manip at the top of this post? The speech therapist? What do you think?

Tuesday 27 January 2009

A Really Flattering Comment and a Few Distractions

As you probably know, very few folks actually leave comments on this blog even though I do enjoy quite a thriving email correspondence, some of which I share in one form or another here. On those rare occasions that someone does leave a comment it had been my habit to reiterate it in one of my posts because for some reason or other (that I don't really understand) comments do not automatically directly appear.

It is particularly gratifying therefore to have received the following comment from

"Hi Garth, just read the first volume of your Institution book and thought it was just great. I loved the delicious detail and could just imagine what it would be like to be caught up in such a situation! Please keep going with the second volume. I can't wait to read more."

As much as I encourage negative criticism where it is due (it is always very helpful) right at this moment something like this makes all the difference - struggling as I am with a particularly complex bit of narrative (a part absolutely essential to the completion of volume 2, unfortunately) and forever sidetracked by my growing obsession with the induced-stuttering thing that has so caught my imagination in recent months (and that right at this moment I'd far rather be writing about) I have become rather discouraged of late. A comment like this means the world to me!!!

Changing the subject: The pic at the top someone sent me: I just thought it particularly evocative of the whole 'admissions procedures thing' that those old Janus correspondents used to wax lyrical about. Quite stimulating of the old grey cells don't you think? You can make up your own story around it I'm sure - but if you do, why not share it with a few friends? Nudge, nudge, wink. wink.

Friday 23 January 2009

Volume 2: Full Title Decided Upon

Today I have to admit to having spent an inordinate amount of time composing the full title that will be used for INSTITUTIONALISED Volume 2 - first sitting in Costas Coffee up on Muswell Hill (near Highgate and Hampstead) with my trusty notebook and then later at home experimenting with the Lulu publication wizard to ascertain the maximum number of characters it will allow to make up a title.

Other then sending a couple of emails I achieved little more but at least I have now decided on the full title. The extended sub title, in the style of the Victorians to some extent, probably looks a little ridiculous to the modern eye but won't actually appear on the final cover design - although it will appear on the title page inside. The only real point of it is to catch the eye of those search engines - such as the main search window on Amazon - that only (or primarily) use the book title. The idea is to make the thing more visible as even I find some difficulty finding INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1, on Amazon for example, using the main search window and the obvious sets of key words - and I know what I am looking for. Volume 1 is not very visible,except via Lulu, and has never had may hits - I am hoping that volume 2 will do better in that way and in its turn make volume 1 more visible. So, for better or for worse, here it is - a somewhat blatant attempt to use key words for internet marketing. If you can think of anything better - something that succinctly sums up the atmosphere I am trying to convey in my stuff while containing all (or as many as humanly possible) of the usual suspects in terms of keywords/search terms, then please feel free to write in...all suggestions gratefully received!

INSTITUTIONALISED 2: Spanked, Caned & Confined in the WorkHouse:

Being an Account of the Imposition of Strict Uniforms, the Cane, Tawse, Strap & Psychological Punishment on Sensitive & Vulnerable Young Ladies in a Long-term Residential Clinical Study.

Wednesday 21 January 2009

Her First Day at the Workbench - A rough and Unfinished Volume 2 Draft Fragment

Here is an unfinished INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 fragment - the middle part and end have been left out at present as more work is needed. Feel free to point out any grammatical / spelling errors, missed words and nonsensical things. i.e please help by proof reading if you have the time. Remember: I am dyslexic and need all the help I can get! Also, I am always open to storyline suggestions and ideas - even at this late stage. Don't worry about the formatting; blogger screws up the paragraph structure when I post. If you have a suitable illustration to go with this, then don't hesitate to post. Most of the book is now complete, but this is one of those stubborn parts that just won't come together somehow and I am far from happy with it in its present form. By the way; there is a little twist at the end of this section that I can't let you see - too much of a spoiler!
Her First Day at the Workbench
So this was it, her first day at the workbench. The idea laboured slowly through the cleaning sleep-deprived mire of confused thoughts, seemingly weighing down on her physically somehow, the resignation crushing her.
This was supposed to be an experiment in social psychology… she was supposed to be here of her own volition… she was supposed to be being paid for this … come to that; it was supposed to have lasted ninety days, neatly filling that yawning lonely gap between her father's funeral and her finally taking up her university placement. It was supposed to have been a lot of things it patiently wasn't.
Most of all it was supposed to be of benefit to her, psychologically. It certainly wasn't supposed to harm her in any way - and it was most definitely harming her, they could be no doubt, not even in her befuddled mind. Her stammer had progressed to the point where she was barely coherent; she stared down fixedly and continuously at her own feet, unable even momentarily to meet the gaze of the staff and nurses; she shook like a leaf, cringing like a beaten cur at the first harsh word. Worst of all, her agoraphobia had grown to the point at which she increasingly found herself glad of the enclosing walls, the safety of the barred windows and the reassurance of all those steel security grilles through which daily she would pass and that were nested around her babushka-like.
The chronic, near pathological, indecision that admittedly had begun to plague her well before her arrival at the unit - having first arisen during the time she had been living with Julia Soames, the woman she had come to call Aunt - had since developed apace. Not that there were particularly taxing demands made upon her in that way on a day-to-day basis here. It simply came down to conforming to rules, regulations and orders, behaviour greeted by warm comforting words, or rebellion and refusal and biting tongue-lashings, finger-stung cheeks or even a half-dozen slashing cuts of an expertly wielded cane delivered across bare buttocks, the back of the thighs or the palms of the hands.
As an exercise in social control it didn't disappoint. Those original ninety days had long ago elapsed – quite how long exceeded she had no way of knowing - yet she had signed up, not just for another three months but for another six. She would meekly return to her tiny cell but when ordered,; they had her standing for hours on end with her nose pressed into the corner and hands-on head; they had her contritely bending twice per day with bottom bared and grasping her ankles, waiting for that wickedly whippy cane to slash down - and all without the slightest hint of dissent or hesitation.
In close-up work table, itself, appeared far larger than it had from the other side of the bars, that floor-to-ceiling iron fence that separated the workroom from the rest of that section of the unit. A good two meters in width by very nearly four in length, its matt-white plastic top was perhaps three centimetres or more in-depth, its ungainly robustness relieved and disguised by the graceful down-curving of the edges and the gentle rounding of the corners. Any impression the girl might have first formed in her head suggesting some dredged-up memory of an innocent expanse of melamine kitchen work-surface, was quickly dispelled by the series of circular apertures punctuating the worktop at regular intervals - or more precisely, the sinister implication of what issued forth from each.
Along each side of the work table, where it formed an integral part of its structure, ran a narrow moulded plastic bench seat. A saddle-like undulation interrupted the yielding surface at regular intervals, whereupon to either side hung a white plastic stirrup and ankle cuff arrangement on a short length of stainless steel chain, suspended perhaps ten centimetres below the seat’s underside. This, then, identified a workstation, of which there were three such - arranged to each side of the workbench in a staggered format -and it was here that the eye was drawn to that sinister puncturing of the tabletop.
Directly in front of each workstation and perhaps half a meter in from the table edge the work-surface was pierced by two circular apertures, each of around three centimetres in diameter, spaced around a meter apart. From each of these issued a length of silver-link steel chain, light weight, unobtrusive and only a little less delicate in appearance than the type of neck-chain that some of these young woman would once have worn as jewellery, but effectively unbreakable nonetheless. These silvery lengths each terminated in a gracile circular-section stainless steel bangle of an appearance not unlike some fashionable wrist adornment, if not for the lockable catch; the latter presently lying open as if in guilty confession of its true nature. Ideally suited to encircle the finely tapered elegant wrists of an equally gracile young girl, yet easily resilient enough to meet the most determinedly-mounted, spirited, tantrum-driven struggle, their function was clear: these were manacles as much as bracelets.
Midway between the latter two apertures, a third of similar diameter was set further in. Perhaps three quarters of a meter from the table edge, it formed the apex of a triangle - the similarity of the glittering links lying sprawled about it evoking the notion that here was a triangle of restraint. A white, broad double-buckled collar, a pseudo-medical confection, all softly-padded leather-look plastic and humanely-concerned design, terminated the chain and lay cynically waiting to dress the neck of the detainee.
Sized to the grace the swan-necked feminine elegance of the young inmates - for such all now present certainly were, as even Susan Stringer’s sense of denial could no longer mask - superficially the collar’s appearance echoed those furnishing each girl's ‘bed’. In detail, though, it differed markedly to that fastened on her each night and that served to constrain her to her caged-bed - itself a cage within a cage, set, as it was, within the cramped little bar-fronted cage-room they rather optimistically termed her ‘cell’. There had been adaptive changes made, changes made apparent to the observant by the thin, white, plastic covered wires that threaded in an out of the silvered chain links and led down through the opening and away beneath the tabletop.
There were other clues suggesting a functional enhancement, not all immediately obvious, nor indeed necessarily visible. There was the curving horizontal bulge at the front of the collar for one thing; the throat microphone itself was hidden from view but the technically minded might well have inferred its presence… and guessed its function.
Then there were the two silvered conductive-plastic pads; positioned on the collar’s interior side wall where they were clearly intended to make contact with either side of the wearer’s neck. Easily the least obvious of the restraint collar’s appended features, as far as the eye was concerned, once fitted their function could be relied upon to make their presence conspicuous to the wearer - along with their self-adhesive siblings, soon to be placed either side of the girl’s nipples, crotch and anus.
It was a vexatious thing to the wearer, but it did ensure that a girl could concentrate fully on her work without fear of distraction - and in that way it benefited her, albeit indirectly by ensuring she did not distract others with her mindless prattle as she might otherwise have. After all, a girl’s concentration had to be absolute if she was to meet her work quota for the day… And avoid several loving kisses from the seamstress’s heavy leather strap across her bare buttocks or half dozen or so stinging cuts from matron's cane - either the pliable brine-soaked thin rattan rod she often carried, with its near pencil-thin tip, or her favourite whip-like plastic switch it mattered not… each could quite exquisitely - and quite literally - flay the tender skin from her taut buttocks and the tender back of her thighs, tattooing parallel flaming red lines of suffering with fine-art draughtsmanship.
In its way the collar was a godsend: it could save a girl from all this, save all the girls from this. It removed temptation, allowed a girl to concentrate, trained her to forget about gossip, conversation, those around her, focused her mind purely and simply on her work, internalised her whether she liked it or not - when temptation came knocking, as it surely would, the softest of whispers, the gentlest of utterances would be met instantaneously by a physiologically harmless, but psychologically chastising, electric jolt.
It was mild yet startling in its suddenness; it made a girl jump, perhaps gasp, rather than the out-and-out screaming agony that a cut of the mistress’s cane would be capable of. But the latter took time to arrange - it would entail a delay - whereas the former, quite literally a short sharp shock, could be delivered virtually contemporaneously with the action that had earned it.
Under such circumstances the mind quickly and easily associated the undesired behaviour with its repercussion and like Pavlov's dogs they learnt to curb it, whether they liked it or not. Even the brightest of them, well educated girls such as Susan herself - and there were several - were not immune. They might have considered themselves deterministic, beyond Pavlov's salivating dogs. They might, like Susan Stringer, have recognised the technique as so-called ‘fear conditioning’, might well have understood the way in which the repeated pairing of a neutral stimulus - here being the sound of the girl's own voice and the action of speaking - with an aversive stimulus - in this case the electrically-induced startle response - would eventually result in the extinguishing of that behaviour, or at least in some sort of crippling of it.
But comprehension can be a two-edged sword: to those so blessed there is given the added bitterness of futility. Her understanding of it would not protect her, would not lessen the efficacy one iota, any more than an appreciation of the minutiae of a poison’s mode of action might automatically make her proof against its toxicity - a spoonful of cyanide is no less toxic to the enlightened as it is to the naive. Could she deny the gut-wrenching urging she felt at the sound of the toilet bell, the gnawing hunger and drool that came with the clanging of the mealtime bell, or the sole-breathed yawn and heavy-headed drowsiness at the sleep bell’s ring? No? Then how could she expect this to be any less effective.
Of course to cry out under such correction, even to gasp, risked a repeat of the same chastisement. In time even the most vociferous and recalcitrant learned to silently purse her lips - even under the heavy-leather tongue-lashing of the seamstress’s tawse or with that woman's blister-forming leather paddle, multiply-pierced with one centimetre diameter holes for that purpose, kissing the tautly stretched skin of her bare buttocks.
The work-quota was inhuman, impossible to satisfy without the devotion of every single ounce of concentration to every single working moment. When a girl had sufficiently progressed in skill so that her quota was achieved easily, her target would be increased accordingly. Each and every one of them was thus kept pressed right to her limit, right up against her breaking point, day after relentless day. And Susan Stringer knew now that she would be no different; soon it would be her squirming backside bent across that table, she who would be wailing, then rearing up against the secure grip of those chains and manacles as shock begat cry begat shock.
And it would be often, all too often - and no matter how hard she tried. It had been explained to her in great and loving detail; if one, single, girl failed to meet her quota, then the whole workroom effectively had – it was a democracy of pain and punishment. Unjust as it was, exploitative as it undoubtedly was, this was her world now; the working day stretched ahead, long, tedious and arduous and would continue to do so for…How long?
It was all far too clear to her now; she was to be chained both to the bench and the seat both. She was to be used as slave labour in what was little more than a rag-trade sweatshop - one buried deep behind thick walls, iron gates and barred windows.
Despair shuddered through her at the thought, bone jarring, cold and clammy - what was to become of her? How did she ever end up here? What had she done to deserve this, what could she ever have done that was so wrong?
The answer to the first part was at this point open-ended - though of course she couldn't know it. It was at the whim, not of those around her, those immediately in charge of her, nor of the shadowy ‘researchers’ nor of the doctor that oversaw the entire project -that power resided elsewhere, outside of the unit, outside, even, of the privately-run hospital within which it resided.
The answer to the second part was; through the power of suggestion, the machinations and coercion of a most manipulative and domineering woman and the collusion of a psychotherapist, a woman that the girl had come to trust above all others.
To the third part, the question of her wrongdoing and her deservedness of punishment the answer was simple: nothing and none. She was entirely blameless, as were they all, and therein hung the most exquisite irony - she had been a blonde haired bubbling voluptuous perfection of flowering womanhood. Had she not been, then the slow dismantling of that perfection would not have held such piquancy for those that had manipulated her, those who were ultimately responsible for her incarceration and were more than happy to pay for continuance...
...She was passed a dress, a bridal gown: hand-finished in England with love, care and attention it said inside, the label itself picked out in gold thread and clearly hand embroidered. And so it would be - all that precious intricate detailing, the kind of eyesight-eroding handiwork that was guaranteed to draw gasps of awe, would have had care and attention aplenty lavished upon it come the bride's special day. The comments and compliments will undoubtedly come thick and fast; there will be admiring glances and incredulous voices struggling against a backdrop of jubilation and laughter.
“Can you just imagine the work that went into that?” someone will breathlessly enthuse. Another will excitedly gabble: “How could anyone sit working away for the number of hours that something like that must take to complete?”
Here sat six young ladies who could answer the latter question easily enough: it took discipline, strict discipline, workhouse discipline. It took the kind of discipline that could only thrive behind high walls and security fences - and then only when enforced by the threat of the cane, tawse, paddle or martinet.
It took the kind of exploitative discipline that many had believed had disappeared with the Victorian workhouse, eradicated by social reform, enlightened views and the more open social structure of the modern world. Yet it persisted here, under the guise of the enlightened application of the scientific method. Here work was carried out that was beyond economic mechanisation, work traditionally, if discreetly, confined to the sweatshops of the Third World. But how much more profitable where not only are labour costs practically zero but where certain workers actually attract income in their own right, through the sponsorship of their detention.
The seamstress's voice rang in Susan Stringer's ears. “Get that stupid head of yours down and get back to work!” Crestfallen she turned to her needlework, then froze: there in amongst the piles of shimmering nuptial exaltation - the snow-white satins and ivory silks - a label had flapped out from within a scalloped neck. A coat of arms, a swan collared in gold and chained by the neck, the very epitome of grace in bondage stood surmounted by a coronet picked out in gold thread.
This had once been the symbol of quality in bespoke matrimonial wear – and one day would again. But more poignantly, this was a symbol she knew only too well of old....

Sunday 18 January 2009

Useful YahooGroups - More Being Added (Watch Sidebar This Evening)

I am currently updating the useful Yahoogroups section of the sidebar. I have just added Women Inmates Caned - a prison / institutional punishment group - and will be adding much more this evening. Hope to see yawa'll later.

Early evening: I have just added 8 new links to YahooGroups for you to explore to the list in the sidebar. In all cases these are groups I frequent or have frequented in the past and that I have taken inspiration from. I have many links that I won't be bothering sharing with you; I am only going to list those groups that I believe to be relevant or if interest to my readership. One or two of these may well be inactive in that they have had no fresh input for a few years - but if I have listed them it is because they nevertheless hold an archive of inspiring pics and writings that you can still mine. Incidentally; It is usually best to check out both the photo' and file sections. In terms of my working through my YahooGroup list, I am only up to the letter 'C' and so there are plenty more to come...and all worth the hassle of joining to view - keep an eye on that sidebar.

Thursday 15 January 2009

BaredAffair-Archive2:More of Roger Benson's Art - A Link From an Anonymous Contributor

Hi folks, just a quickie today as I am hard at work on the last bits of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 (as I said I would be).

An anonymous contributor (the same one? who knows - he / she is anonymous) has sent in another link to a story purportedly by Roger Benson and featuring his artwork, including one or two pics I haven't seen before, which is a rare thing.

He / she writes: " Another story with some "judicial" content may be found at URL

There's a single PDF file in this directory, which is the story".

(You can also click the image above to go straight to the groups home page)

This turns out to be a secondary or annex group to to the BaredAffair yahoo group featured in my last post. The story basically follows on from the reformatory story outlined in my last post and follows the girls after their release. I like the idea of the retention of some part of their reformatory uniform for a post reformatory probation period which is an approach - without giving too much away - I have used regarding one of the characters inhabiting INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 whereby a special uniform has to be devised to keep her psychologically 'connected' to the institution after she is granted a short respite and a temporary release from the residential experimental psychology trial she has been enrolled in. Rest assured; she might be residing in the 'outside' world but she is still anything but free, indeed she will be kept under a very tight rein indeed - as you will come to appreciate in volume 3 - a strict governess, Victorian discipline and up-to-date psychological manipulation will see to that! Another interesting facet was the appraisal and measurement of a girl's vital statistics and intervention by way of a weight-loss diet (of sorts - very vague) and the prescription of very full and thick rubber knickers to aid in hip and bottom reduction. Once again it reads like a sketchy version of something I have lined up in volume 2, wherein we see the hospital's dietitian go to work on one of the hapless girls and come to appreciate how little control these young ladies have over their lives; they maybe clinical trial volunteers but that doesn't mean they have any say in the matter, nor can they just walk out - very much the opposite. Think what could be done with a lithe young thing, proud of her figure and with ambition built around the Royal Ballet, who's rationale in the first place was to gain enough financial independence through her 90 day participation in this experimental psychology trial to combat her guardian's objections and follow her dream - but that was 18 months ago!

In any case it is worth perusing the BaredAffair yahoo group's file sections, both 1 and 2, generally; there is a regularly (up to 2007 anyway) posted spoof pro-spanking magazine that incorporates many interesting illustrations - again, some of which I haven't seen before.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Addendum to my Last Post - A Link to More Roger Benson Art

Yes I know I still have to complete my last posting, but I still have some computer issues, relationship problems (mostly in my own head - I think I'm going slightly mad...must keep off the booze...have to keep of the booze........ok then, just one more pint). Most of all I am trying to motivate myself to get volume 2 finished (so near, but so far).

The Botox ideas that were sent in got the juices flowing again...but then I had another (possibly alcohol-induced) emotional crash. Yesterday I again got going, albeit transcribing from notes that I had already written but in so doing I started to slowly get back into it. Until I really get going I am going to concentrate on the book. Once I have built up a bit of momentum / enthusiasm I will be able to put more energy into this site. I have promised myself not to drink until I get Volume 2 onto Lulu at least, so I have some impetus to get it done, even if initially it might have a temporary cover so as to save time. I have to do the cover art (if you can call it that) myself and as I can't afford to buy royalty-free images and I have to be aware of copyright restrictions, I have to build up the images from my own photographs and stuff I can create myself - and I can't afford to employ a model, to get that all-important erotic aspect to the imagery. Any one have any ideas how I can get the final cover to look exciting (in terms of its likely readership) and illustrate something of the ideas within?

And now for the real reason for this post:

An anonymous contributor added this comment to my last post which you might have missed so I thought I'd flag it up here:

"There is a defunct Yahoo group called "BaredAffair-Archive1" that contains a PDF that purports to be the story that accompanies these picture. The PDF file contains the pictures. Go to URL and look for the file ArtOfSpanking_byRogerBenson.pdf."

I know it involves the hastle of signing up for yet another yahoo group but it is well worth the trouble - let me know if you have any trouble getting to it and I'll fix up a proper link. The story the correspondent refers to is pretty good and it is surprising how many parallels there are to some of the events in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 (especial as regards the school desks, some will notice) even though I have never seen it before and so doubt its authenticity / purported antiquity somewhat. I was particularly pleased to to see the amount of effort and importance placed on dealing with admission procedures (complete with illustrations) which is an area often missed by many authors. I would liked to have seen a bit more by way of descriptive prose as regards the cutting of their hair etc but overall, give or take one or two inconsistencies (the girls are in the reformatory for a couple of months, yet somehow their hair grows back), the only real disappointment was the brevity of their sentences. As regards to the latter; I would like to have seen a year, minimum. At one stage the judge that has sentenced them visits them in the reform school towards the end of their sentence (they haven't been told the length, which is a very nice touch) and I was getting all excited imagining that he was just about to extend / restart their sentence under some pretext. I remember reading a similar thing once (in Blushes I think ) where the sentence (unofficial of course, nothing to do with the real legal system) was at least a year, but with no maximum tariff, ie it could, and would, be extended on a whim.