Wednesday 17 September 2008

Do Mine Eyes Deceive or Have My Eyeballs Been Resurfaced?

Well not yet they haven't, but by this time tomorrow, all being well, I'll have taken off my horn-rims for the last time - I'm having my vision laser-corrected you see… and in London's well-known Harley Street at that! Sounds very flash, but to be honest I don't have a lot of cash so I'm having it done on the cheap -only the most basic options. Why am I telling you this? Because there might not be any more posts for a couple of days or so while I recover my wits (I'm a bit nervous you see - it's all those death rays and stuff). Ordinarily I wouldn't be quite so bothered but for one reason or other I haven't posted much since the end of last week and before that I was on holiday (vacation, if you really must). What with my last post being all about recommending a commercial bondage film site and conspicuously featuring a clip taken from one of their movies (albeit on topic-ish, being all about some sinister and exploitative asylum-like institution… and I really like those - they're the best sort) there is the distinct nature of newcomers gaining the perception of this blog being a commercial enterprise - which of course it isn't. Okay I'll admit it serves to raise the profile of my book, (or series, as I intend it will grow into in time) and I have signed up to the BondageBank’s affiliate program. But such an enterprise is unlikely to return much in a way of remuneration and, in any case, my hope is merely that it will help offset the cost of writing the next couple of volumes or so - there's very little money to be made from such a niche publication as INSTITUTIONALISED through channels such as Lulu. Indeed, following the principle that ‘one man's poison is another man's meat’ that part of the INSTITUTIONALISED series’ manifesto that states the intention to seek to integrate, incorporate and satisfy many different disparate fetishes and tastes will in all probability serve to ensure that niche status despite my intention that it should appeal to a wide swathe of interests.
That said, I couldn't resist one more pick from our friends at the BondageBank as it wonderfully illustrates an aspect of the life I imagine for the inmates that populate the experimental psychology unit central to the story arc of the INSTITUTIONALISED series; it is an aspect that will be explored in some depth in volumes 2 and 3 - the interrogation. The essential thing about an interrogation, of course, the thing that makes it so interesting in the context of S&M and D&S, is that the subject should have something to hide, something that she'd much rather not speak of. Sexual peccadilloes, deeply held and excruciatingly embarrassing feminine concerns, distasteful toiletry habits - one can easily imagine many corners to be probed that day young lady might rather keep to herself; particularly should her psychological stability be under question. I'm sure that those that have read volume 1 of INSTITUTIONALISED can think of at least one aspect of Susan Stringer’s life that might make her particularly vulnerable to such an approach. A volunteer research subject suffering from certain problems that have already put her under pressure from some to become a self-committed voluntary psychiatric patient she might well construe such interview as an attempt to further pressurise her. Imagine her reluctance to answer questions about aspects of her life that she herself has come to believe may be evidence of her own instability - could her answers be used against her, could they be used to commit her, properly commit her as a psychiatric patient?
As I read it, she is sitting there in the hands of a highly skilled psychologist. What while might they do to encourage her cooperation? How long might she hold out? And if she fails, then what, what credibility would she have then, what would her future hold then? And what might be in store for her should she fully fall into their hands?

Saturday 13 September 2008

An Exciting Site

After so many countless years searching for items depicting nurses in a dominant role in a F/f context, not to mention involving bondage and asylum incarceration, that by its absence to my satisfaction I was driven to start to write my own stuff, I have finally come across a site that ticks all the boxes. I would ordinarily be loath to recommend a commercial site but I found their asylum-based films (and a nice little movie depicting a hopelessly dominated maid in an imaginative little PVC uniform - not the usually cliched shiny black-and-white thing) stimulating in the extreme - and I'm pretty jaded. Click on either still picture to visit, or see the asylum entry at the top of the resources link list in the side bar.

Friday 12 September 2008

Penny's Punishments (from Janus - 1980s) and a Bit That Didn't Quite Make it Into INSTITUTIONALISED Volume 1

Whilst running through my old files occurred to me that one or two of you might be interested in having a taste of some of my early work that never quite made it into INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1. I had come across the following piece that I had originally intended to include in a flashback scene but that there was omitted when I decided to change the entire style of the thing. As you can see it involves a young woman called Sandra who doesn't even appear in the book in its present form and although it includes a character called Julia she is not necessarily the same Julia as Susan's ‘aunt’ of the same name - who of course plays a major role and will continue to in volumes 2 and 3.

It is written a somewhat dated style that I was following at the time but are now find somewhat ‘stodgy ’- I was trying to recreate the feel and style of certain 19th-century works but chronologically placing the story very much in the present time, or a least the recent past. There is absolutely no mention of corporal punishment in any form in this section but its threat hangs there in the atmosphere somewhere; hopefully, that air of oppression is still present, almost as if we have sat through, stroke by stroke, a lovingly delivered caning.

It is very much unfinished of course; I had a lovingly detailed description of her, that is Sandra's, entire wardrobe in mind as well as the change in her mindset as she is gradually taken through Julia’s stepwise program of progressively more restrictive and humiliating dress.

The whole section, really, was inspired by the letters to the Janus magazine as to read in the 1980s regarding the subject of punishment-dress and the various suggestions people made in the correspondence at the time. It is one of the projects I have under way at the moment, to rewrite and remodel it; this piece, and another similar but more detailed piece that I don't want to air publicly at the moment as it is too close to events occurring in volumes 2 and 3 (and far more overtly corporal punishment orientated) will become the template for a couple of sections of both new volumes, but written in the more up-to-date style that I now Favour.

Speaking of Janus magazine: while searching around I came across some scans from a classic Janus story called ‘Penny’s Punishments (see the pictures scattered amongst this posting - I will be happy to post more if there is any interest). This is one of those pieces that I guess could be categorised under the ‘unfair punishment’ banner in that it is clear that the punishers very much have an agenda beyond merely correcting their charge’s errant behaviour.

The basic premise is that too well of folks have chosen to foster this character, not because of her record of good behaviour but rather the complete opposite - they have chosen her specifically because she has built up a reputation for being difficult. The cane is in use frequently, is delivered hard and for the tiniest of infractions. I seem to remember the point being made that the girl is around years of age (the model, in reality, is probably older) which is above the age of consent here in Britain and so I guess is fine, but the storyline does still sound a little dodgy to the modern ear.

The only concern voiced in the letters pages at the time, though, was that her school skirt was somewhat too long; the consensus of opinion seemed to be that it should only just cover her knickers when standing still. This, though, was a period when Janus and other Spanking magazines could still publish photos of models dressed in what they would describe as school uniform, later the heavy-hand of censorship cracked down (even though often the very point of the story was that it was an adult being made to wear school uniform for the purposes of discipline and humiliation). Magazines such as Strictly Uniforms that came along later tended to get around any potential infractions by describing what were quite obviously various variations on the school uniform theme as ‘college uniforms’ (schoolgirls often became college girls or, alternatively, reformatory girls).

For Sandra there was to be no choice - that had always been the intention, for had not the avoidance of such decision been the entire raison d'etre for the Julia's stratagem. If not for such altruistic reasons than one would have to consider less savoury motives, motives that surely would not fit comfortably within the sensibility of a woman of Julia's status. Notwithstanding these possibilities it has to be said that in the erosion of the girl’s freedom lay some salvation; there was little doubt that symptomatically the detriment lifted with the removal of that freedom was greater than she would suffer through the embarrassment that came with her new attire.

The wardrobe’s design was a merciful one, that the door was mirrored was convenience itself, that it was so internally ensured that, once closed, the dark walnut door spared her its criticism. At least it had done so on that first day, when first she had rolled on the knickers. Full in body, bottle green in colour and of anachronistic styling, yet of some finely woven elastic man-made fibre, they had fitted like a second skin, disconcertingly conforming to every curve, even internally wherein the white thickened lining of the double gusset was moulded to fit snugly, its presence manifested externally as an at embarrassingly intimate longitudinal dimple.

Overseen by the authoritative Julia she had hurriedly buttoned the blouse. There had been no bra to be found in the collection; Julia had apologetically informed her that her housekeeper had somehow erroneously included all of Sandra's underwear when parcelling her things for dispatch to her guardian and that, for the time being, she would have to do without. This had been much to Sandra's chagrin; she was bountifully blessed of bosom, some might say overly so, even melon breasted.
Although young, having not quite yet turned eighteen years of age at this stage, she nevertheless desired some support. Some small relief had come with the discovery that the blouse incorporated inbuilt support, although tempered somewhat by the strangeness of this arrangement and the embarrassing result.
Firmly under-wired half-cups were fully integral to the blouse; the latter's seams were appropriately reinforced where ever it was required they perform the secondary supportive role of bra strap by proxy, so to speak, and the whole support structure was covered internally by the blouse's soft satin-like lining. That the lining did not extend above the supporting half cups at the front had not been immediately obvious; had it been so the consequences would have been made more obvious to her earlier, her reluctance to wear the thing made so much the greater.

The garment's oddity had been apparent the moment that Julia had passed it to her; still neatly folded and buttoned the integral cups stood upwards as if ready wrapping a female torso, the excess fabric created by the darting, so as to allow for the curvature of the wearers breasts, lay loosely behind and either side of the neat buttoning.

To one side there was visible a slight change in profile and a glimpse of colour, a flash of gold and a glimpse of green, revealed the position of the breast pocket and what had appeared to be some sort of embroidery upon it, an impression confirmed upon further inspection. This latter feature was to be a source of both puzzlement and embarrassment upon her being proffered the garment, her aunt proudly holding up the blouse by its prominently-puffed shoulders.
A classically-stylised shield, as might appear in any coat of arms and occupying very nearly the entire area of the breast pocket, was picked out in outline in fine gold thread. At its centre a device with the appearance of an open exercise book was embroidered in bottle-green, while traversing diagonally, and crossing at right angles at the centre, two crook-handled canes were detailed in yet more of the gold thread-work, the curvature of their handles matching that of shield at the left and right-hand top corners. Situated below it and following a downward arching path so as to mirror and wrap around the shield’s curving underside, two lines of embroidered text spelled out a motto in flowing italicised bottle-green: Through obedience comes learning / Through discipline comes obedience. The whole stood out vividly against the snow white, almost pearlescent, sheen of the fine satinised nylon.

The girl’s feminine curves and particularly her breasts had been Julia's greatest despair. Yet to that concern had rushed another legacy of the past; the constriction of the ironically termed liberty bodice had proved to respond well to the combined complaints of over-tight waistbands and overstretched, straining, bodices. Notwithstanding the additional requirement for stockings - the despondently hanging suspenders demanding employment, an obligation Julia had been more than happy to fulfil - she had nevertheless been more than satisfied with the solution.


Red cheeked, Sandra had dutifully, almost thankfully, squeezed into the gym slip.
Enwrapped and suitably mortified in gymslip, knickers, blouse, tie and hat, Julia considering the latter straw boater particularly attractive set against the gloss of the girl’s jet black hair, Sandra had squirmed in disconcerted bashfulness, her discomfiture complete and obvious to all: Julia would have had no less.
The pony tail had only been inevitable, obligatory under the circumstances; Julia had had the ribbon ready and waiting. No special purchase this; she had uncovered several lengths amongst the antiquated school wear. Grey with a diagonal bottle green stripe the ribbon’s oddly broad width, of nearly 6cm, initially had Julia questioning the purpose; the lengths just looked too wide for hair ribbons and the luxuriant satin sheen, although of an obviously man-made fibre, seemed at odds with being part of a school uniform. The boater had answered her uncertainty with its matching beribboned adornment, the latter terminating as two broad tails, long enough, by Julia’s estimation, to reach down to the mid point of Sandra’s back in wearing and each ending in a neatly cut V shape.

That a girl in her late teens, in truth, a woman fully blossomed, should stand so meekly, that she should so silently accept the adornment of ribbons and bows the like of which she surely could not have imagined outside of some flounced portrait of Victorian childhood is testament to the sheer dominating presence and personality of the woman into whose manipulative hands she had become so securely cradled. As for the girl herself one can only guess as to her vulnerability and as to the nature of that condition. To what extent natural reactive consequence and to what extent artifice I. leave open to conjecture. Suffice it to say that Julia soon had the girl's waist length hair neatly tied back in a ribbon of a width commanding a ridiculous oversized bow and of a length sufficient that, despite this, the excess hung as two tails ending at her mid back.

In truth Julia had wondered as to the excessive length but being loath to take scissors to such venerable and possibly irreplaceable fabric lest it one day be of further utility, she had experimented with different ways of tying beforehand; the result had been delightful in its feminine girlish sweetness, the girl transformed.
In all the gymslip had fitted well enough in that with the aid of the restrictive underlying liberty bodice – at least the skirt now fastened neatly at its waistband.
The gymslip's bodice, now benefiting both from the underpinning foundation and its own especially elongated shoulder straps, was able to encompass the girls flattened and artificially reduced bust line.
Yes, it fitted well enough, true, and yet on the girl the appearance gave the impression that somehow she was wearing a much younger, smaller girl's clothes. Even Julia, the architect herself, was amazed at the effect; the girl stood as if somehow squeezed into a much younger sister's castoffs and yet at the same time with a perfect fit. It was if a child's dress, many sizes below sufficiency, had somehow been coerced to grow, to mould itself around a mature woman's figure, albeit one of artificially flattened bust.

In particular the bodice appeared out of scale. Indeed it was only by way of the skilled alterations wrought by Julia's dressmaker that it was able to fit Sandra at all; the shoulder straps had been lengthened but it had not been possible to do anything to increase the size of the bib at the front and back. Even with the restriction imposed by the liberty bodice beneath, the front bib barely covered the vestigial swellings of her breasts; although what it did cover it did so without hint of strain or tightness.
The overall image was one of an precociously overdeveloped and overgrown young girl dressed in clothing clearly hopelessly outgrown and several sizes too small and yet somehow, magically, fitting her frame all the same.
Any pretence of adulthood had drained away. For Sandra, from that moment on until her final enclosure, surrounded about by the controlling swaddling of the institution, that image had become her life, it had become her; some precocious freak of a child-woman, to be castigated, to be controlled for her own sake
The knife pleated skirt was flared, yes, even wildly so some might say, yet not linearly. Initially upon leaving the waistband there was a curvature to the skirt that closely mimicked the womanly spread of the hips below where after the pleats flared out unabated to terminate at mid thigh. Short, yes, but more than sufficient nonetheless to cover stocking tops that, by dint of the liberty bodice’s somewhat truncated suspenders, terminated only just below the outward swellings of the girl’s chubby buttocks, the welts nestling neatly in the very shadow of the overhang. Thus attired she had been expected to totter out to greet the world or at least that limited constellation through which she now orbited.
The shoes had been Julia's niece’s own original Mary-Janes, wearable only by virtue of that relatives exceptionally large and disproportionate feet and Sandra's equally disproportionately small shoe size. But here though Julia had laid plans; the shoes she had envisaged were not yet appropriate, nor available, the cost was presently prohibitive, the design and manufacture would take time but it was the look she had decided on for the future. She had already created the design plates and had made discreet inquiries; the design she envisaged could best be described as an exaggeratedly adult high heeled version of the girl's present Mary- Janes, complete with childish T-bar ankle straps and silver buckled fastening yet enforcing a mature but sexually defenceless teetering stance, the child in the woman's body. These would be the girl’s indoor shoes and were to be introduced sometime after the introduction of the summer dress; outdoors she would be allowed her flat soled school shoes.
Julia had drawn up a timetable, there was a sequence to be followed, step by step; each new imposition would be followed up by a period of adjustment, sufficient for the girl to come to terms with it and reach some level of acceptance, before the next restriction would be introduced. She had decided to risk an element of brinkmanship: each imposition was to push the girl as close to the edge of rebellion as possible and yet be calculated to not quite sufficiently galling as to do so. The girl was to always remain within the coercive limits of the authority over her but at each stage, with each acceptance, that authority would grow still stronger; the girl would be drawn still closer into her lovingly woven web of restriction and discipline.
This was a process that had been ongoing for a long time and was to continue in this stepwise fashion. Putting the girl in uniform had been inspired, although not originally foremost in her mind; the various impositions she now had planned would constitute the next few steps in securing her hold over her.
The next stage would simply be to encourage the girl to wear her cape for the first time, possibly out in the garden, a cold day providing the pretext. After that there would be her first trip out of the house wearing the long, outdoor, gymslip - she would leave it up to Sandra whether or not to wear her cape; she already knew the answer. Then, in the home, there would be the somewhat abbreviated ‘home’ gymslip then, after a suitable period of adjustment, the frock, the bloomers and finally the shoes, those deliciously humiliating high-heeled Mary Janes she would have manufactured. The coercive shackles were already in place; this next stage would temper the steel, forge new and stronger chains, but the clinic! Ah yes the clinic! There they would forge entirely new bonds…unbreakable bonds.

Copyright (c) 2008 Garth. P. ToynTanen

Wednesday 10 September 2008

Hairstyle Discipline

As any who have read this blog in the past will know, I tend to do much of my writing in various houses of public refreshment. Yesterday's temporary office was the historic Spaniards Inn, in London's Hampstead Heath. The 'other half' had gone shopping in Hampstead proper and was then planning to tour Kenwood house, a nearby historic country house, leaving me free to indulge my passion for real ale. The pew-like seating and dark wood panelling are conducive enough to writing, far more so than my usual venue, but somehow I just seemed to lack that drive. I guess in my mind's eye I had had the idea of a pleasant afternoon sat in a sunny pub garden - the reality was somewhat different, my dream scuppered by freezing temperatures and the idiotic choice of a cap-sleeved top and shorts (I should really know better by now what the word summer actually means here in Britain). Having dragged myself back inside a settled myself down to drag him away for a passport renewal form and reading and out of date copy of New Scientist (something or other about the Large Hadron Collider).


Anyway, enough rambling, let's get down to business and some more thoughts that occurred to me (after a good few beers) concerning the wonderful subject of forced haircutting - a subject that I would much rather refer to as hairstyle discipline, from the point of view of its context so far within the pages of volume 1 of INSTITUTIONALISED and the plans I have for its inclusion within the pages of the subsequent volumes. Out of the blue (and the beer glass) it came to me that there are at least three distinct categories of writing on the subject to be seen on sites such as the haircutting story archive et al.

  1. Consensual (not my thing at all)

  2. Punishment haircutting / shaving

  3. Procedural haircutting / styling.
The latter I would include under that heading so beloved by those letter writers once published within the pages of Janus, that of admission procedures. Psychologically of course the point of such admission procedures, as proposed by those more imaginative 1980s correspondents, is to delineate the change in status from free woman to one constrained by institutional rule and regulation - as if to further clarify that retrograde step from woman to 'girl'.


Few initiations can have so great an impact as the imposition of some standardised, regulation hairstyle - and in that requirement to conform, perhaps in colour as well as in actual styling, one has succeeded in disrupting part of the very framework of her personality. Put her in the uniform of your choice, one suitably diminishing of status, and the effect is completed - a thorough demolition job carried out on both her self-esteem and confidence. Such a definition, that of procedural hair styling, I would say could be most aptly applied to the scenes depicted within the pages of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 but nevertheless I imagine a more diverse approach evolving as the series progresses, and to punishment generally. And as I have in volume 1, I intend to reach further afield than the mere physical in terms of curbing those hapless wenches unfortunate enough to have found themselves incarcerated within the unit. I also have ideas to extend this approach into the more domestic scene and as in volume 1 not all the action is going to be restricted to institutionalised environment of the research centre. Various sources have informed this approach, not least of which the aforementioned haircutting story sites, but in going beyond the usual head cropping, buzz-cut and head shaving scenario (or not as far, depending on your viewpoint) once again those wonderful spanking magazines of the 1970s and 1980s have had their part to play.


The couple of pictures presented here I found particularly stiring to the imagination, although I'm not sure from which publication I have scanned them from (I'm guessing you can see a pattern appearing here in my disorganised life). I'm sure I have others scattered around somewhere, possibly from scans and hidden away in various files, and as I come across them I will post them up. The point here, as far as I'm concerned, is that there is no actual haircutting depicted but nevertheless the atmosphere of domination is palpable, the discipline implied, obvious. Thereis an outside chance that these particular pics originated from within the pages of Justice magazine (a 1970s spanking magazine, anyone remember it?) But the chances are that in actuality the source was one of the Blushes, Whispers, New supplement et al stable.

Tuesday 9 September 2008

A Follow Up to the Strict Governess: More Scans from Janus

As promised I've taken a look through my folders of scans and come up with more from that strict governess photo story that was published in Janus all those years ago and that started me off down the whole strict governess story route in my approach to writing.


I sketched out several storylines based around these images most of which had been long lost in the mists of time but the bare bones have survived to be incorporated within the INSTITUTIONALISED series in one form or another. For example I have plans for one of the characters from volume 1 and a new character introduced in volume 2 to be placed, together, in the hands of a rather special governess for a period of time and at least part of that particular story arc is based around one of the vignettes that I spun around this photo series. (Quite what is so special about her is all tied up in how she goes about handling recalcitrant charges and the somewhat unorthodox techniques she brings into play - beyond that I can say no more without giving too much away except, perhaps, to say that her charges tend to have a somewhat dreamlike air about them).

Another inspirational spanking photo set published in Janus at around the same period was that featuring the delicious Sarah Jane in a wondrous school uniform set piece. I long ago sold that particular edition and stupidly neglected to scan it but I have just come across it on Richard Windsor's most excellent spanking photo' site. (Click on Sarah's name or pic to view the set or select link from the resource list on sidebar). She has just the look to bring out that cruel side of me; I can't think of a better candidate for the kind of psychological study outlined within the pages of volume 1, take a look...what do you think, what would you do with her??? Lets not just stop at a caning - You could find your suggestion used within the pages of the next volume of INSTITUTIONALISED.

Sunday 7 September 2008

Some Feedback from Inspired by a Strict Governess: Janus (mid-1980s)

The writer of an anonymous comment posted in response to the article, Inspired by a Strict Governess: Janus (mid-1980s), has helpfully pointed out that the issue concerned was, in fact, Janus #25. I am always most grateful for such information as some time ago I sold on much of my Janus collection and although I scanned many of my favourite segments and pictures I wasn’t so organised as to have labelled them with sensible file names indicating where each originated.

'Anonymous' goes on to say that “some of my favourite photos from that story have not been included here”. I tend to post those images and writing segments that have most inspired the ideas and plot arcs that form the foundation of my writing but I’m always happy to oblige any requests if I can and while I can’t promise that I have scanned the full story in this case (I am not at my desk at the moment and don’t have access to all my files – normal service resumes tomorrow) I will post any other pictures that I did not include at a later date. If ‘anonymous’ would write in and describe his / her faves from that story it would be most helpful – even if I can’t find them the feedback would be invaluable in identifying the kind of thing that most appeals to my readership, allowing me to more closely tailor the future direction of this blog and perhaps influencing the story development as the INSTITUTIONALISED series develops.

It’s a sort of ‘hands-up-who-wants-to-see…’ kind of a thing ('you can't always get what you want - but if you try sometimes'...).

Saturday 6 September 2008

I'm Back


I'm back!!!
I have been on vacation in Spain (for those familiar with the Costa Del Sol; I was staying at a little place called Carib Playa, situated close to Marbesa, between Calahonda and Marbella, being around 12km east of the latter). I have quite literally just walked in the door, having flown into Luton late last night.
There have been a few excellent and interesting comments posted while I have been away but it looks as if I will be kept busy for most of the rest of this weekend sorting out one or two problems that have cropped up in my absence in my private life; but it will be ‘business-as-usual’ come Monday and I will be replying to all who have left comments individually by email then. I think my favorite is this one, posted by that well-known contributor, anonymous, who writes:
"I'm always thought a cropped head to be one of the best ways to reduce a snooty female to size. Add a nice little girl's outfit, in which nothing can be hidden and we have the beginning of an obedient girl. This is especially suitable for 18 to 25 year olds."
Great stuff! And nicely targeted too. It is an approach that while eminently suitable in the domestic environment is equally applicable, with a few tweaks to costume and procedural considerations, to the type of institutional environment I envisage our girls spending so much of their time in.
For a girl while so incarcerated, that look might well come to bitterly symbolise the enforced innocence of her isolation, her near total ignorance of the events of the outside world and her powerlessness to intervene in any way as her life, future and prospects are being mapped out for her. (I make the point of saying near total ignorance here as, although knowledge of general current affairs might well be deemed unnecessary, it might be considered that her isolation does not need to be complete in every way. Indeed there are several advantages to be had in allowing a little news to filter in from beyond the institution's walls from time to time - the cancellation of a university placement through lack of response to the necessary correspondence perhaps or something of her stepmother's machinations in her absence - perhaps imparted by a concerned figure in her life - after all, she has a right to know how her trust fund is being handled.
When in the outside world there is the galling frustration of being driven past shop windows filled with the latest fashions, of observing the freedom of her peers firsthand. There is the humbling knowledge of her shaming appearance, and the throbbing reminder of the raised cane-lines decorating her behind.
On another tack; I have to admit that for one reason or another I failed dismally to get any actual writing done visa vie INSTITUTIONALISED volumes 1 and 2 but I have developed several new ideas, plot directions and deviously subtle ways by which to further humiliate and curb our, once vivacious, heroines (of which more later).

Best wishes to everyone

Garth (Now suntanned and healthy – ish)