Showing posts with label humiliation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label humiliation. Show all posts

Sunday 4 August 2024

Lardy's Lot...Diagnosed Anorexic There Was Only One Way Forward For Young Lucinda

Eighteen months in a small private psychiatric home, completely isolated from the outside world in every way, can have a drastic effect on a girl. But it's entirely voluntary - there is documentation to prove it - and she's recently signed on the dotted line for another eighteen month stint, so life there can't be all that bad, can it.

Wednesday 24 July 2024

Postural Correction And Speech Modification For Lady To Maid Reeducation And Conversion

"Our orthopedic posture correction harneses are adjustable to keep the shoulders pulled back to thier fullest, enforcing a smart attentive posture with a ramrod straight back and chest thrust forward - ideal for any situation where face slapping is to be used as a mathod of behavioural correction. Alternatively the harness may adjusted to pull and hold the shoulders forward creating a round-shouldered and slightly stooped posture and additionaly the harness connects to the collar at the rear and can be pulled back, enforcing a rearward tilted head, or pushed forward by an optional adjustable rod, enforcing a low bowed head. The latter, combined with the stooped rounded shoulders posture has proved ideal for helping a girl aquire the required submissive mindset. The integral throat microphone within the collar can be set to detect the slightest whisper and can be used together with our optional genital and anal electro shock device for clasical Pavlovian conditioning"

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Heiress Punished For Entertainment

 Yes, her aunt is still trying to get her hands on what should one day be the girl's inheritence...

By the way - I'm presently working on girls in school uniforms in orthopedic postural correction braces  ensuring they stand with shoulders well back and chests out or sit bolt upright at their desks at all times...Anyone got any thoughts, opinions or ideas?

Friday 28 June 2024

Time For A Restyling Session...

Hey, I finally got some mittens sorted out. This was inspired by that Caroline Blake Lady2Maid storyline again of course, which is what I'll be employing those mitts for. I only put them in this pic because the AI, in its wisdom, created the girl without proper hands and I didn't want her to be disabled, poor thing...Of course with those mitts permanently on her she effectively IS disabled: She can't even wipe her own bottom, the poor thing (that sort of thing is something I think the writer might have made more of). Although there is some haircutting in the story it is more of a restyling job...I think here it is likely to be something a little more drastic. I'm quite enamoured with the idea of a short boyish cut with a side parting. I'm not sure why - it only works for me if a girl starts out with really long hair, the longer the better. This pic has parts taken from from 3 different AI runs plus quite a bit of stuff scraped from the internet.

It pretty much took all day, so please do tell me what you think, even if you hate it!


Saturday 22 June 2024

For whoever it was who wanted to see plastic pants

Yet another image inspired by that Lady-To-Maid 'Caroline' strory... I think this could be Caroline and a cousin perhaps?  I do think these two look too defiant. The question is: Will they feel quite so defiant after a few days?

It's such a shame the hair is so different...So, perhaps Caroline and her two cousins?  They look deliciously contrite, especialy the one on the right, who I think might be Caroline / Bella herslef and who I think has just had a thrashing with the cane or strap or both - perhaps for using 'grown-up words'?



Sunday 16 June 2024

One More Peg Down - Many More To Go?

 I've been hard at work using my AI art platform creating images to eventualy put together as my take on that Lad-To-Maid 'Caroline' tale I've come to love so much mostly concentrating on the Caroline to Bella reeducation / brainwashing aspect but thought I'd digress for a moment and post an image the AI came up with while I was prompting it for something else entirely.I can't quite decide if she's dressed in PVC or latex. I was prompting for PVC  because the AI doesn't like latex for some reason and prompting for it produces 'unsafe images' warnings but I think it all looks a bit 'latex' to me. here's a link to that story by the way for those who haven't yet read it...  Lady-To-Maid

Thursday 13 June 2024

Poor Bella! Another Post Based On That Delicious Lady-To-Maid 'Caroline' Tale

 Does she desrve it? Just you wait until to you meet her former self...Yep I've had a bash at recreating the young, snooty Lady Caroline herself - and unlike most of my 'Bella' recreation attempts I think the results will speak for themselves...Watch this space!

Sunday 19 May 2024

Monday 4 September 2023

More AI Image Experiments...Prison Girls

 I had been experimenting with generating more adult school uniforms and gave the AI a little more free rein and it suddenly generated this...And my first thought was "hmm...that looks more like it might be a prison uniform" And of course that concept wouldn't nessesarily be at odds with the kidnapped young women theme I've been playing around with of late. This might be a much later stage and in a different part of the building wherein  a small private prison has been constructed now that it has been decided not to send them back to their families at all. I'd imagine perhaps four small windowless cells, a work room, which is where they are here, learning the prison rules, but usualy they'd be engaged in making bespoke hand made prom dresses and so on - just like they might once have worn - and a medical room furnished with all the equpment nessesary to ensure plenty of deep red faces...There's even a woman wearing a prison wardress uniform to help ensure the girls are completly immersed in their new lives...I don't know what it is but I just love how frumpy those uniform dresses are...I also like the idea that now that they can't say, or even remember, their own names they have become just numbers. I imagine that by this point they have seen the fake newspaper with the headline saying that the police were no longer searching for them since they are presumed dead and that has pretty much broken their spirits

Actualy this image is the best parts of three similar, but faulty, images the AI produced all photomanipulated together

Sunday 6 August 2023

A Bit More Humiliation


 I'm not sure at exactly what point in the storyline of our three prety kidnaped young women this fits but I'd say relativly early on. It obviously follows on from the events depicted in my previous posting - and I think that the ransom has probably already been paid by all three families - but the three girls are not yet undergoing hypnosis and the various behavioural modification and obedience training techniques they will encounter as time passes by...Perhaps they have been captive for two to three months or so, but that two to three months of unrelenting strict disciplne and hours upon hours of written impositions seated at old Victorian style school desks is already having a marked effect...By the way, I'm not at all sure those photographs are ever destined to go anywhere near the girls' families and friends...What do you think?

Wednesday 3 December 2008

New Album Opened, Future Blog Plans and a Couple of Pics

Having run out of hand-written work to dictate into the computer, by far the most efficient way for me to work, volume 2 is very much on the backburner today. I don't have a lot of time today but what I do have is going to be dedicated to improving and updating the blog layout. I've made a start by creating an album dedicated to spanking magazine covers (see the sidebar).

A lot of these I've actually pinched from an online second-hand sales site where somebody is apparently selling off their entire 40 years worth of collecting, but quite a few I have in my collection and so it has saved me a hell of a lot of time scanning them myself. In terms of the covers shown so far I don't think I have anything in my collection that is not displayed. However I do have quite a few issues of Blushes, Whispers, New Uniform Girls, Strictly Uniforms and Uniforms International in my collection, as well as quite a few books, not yet shown but that I will be scanning and uploading at a later date.

This sort of thing I see as conserving for posterity as these old magazines and books are becoming rarer and rarer and so the more people that download and save them to their hard drives and other places the less chance there is of them disappearing forever - the seems little in the modern world that comes up to their standard, particularly when it comes to their often very imaginative and inspired letters pages. When ever I go to antiques fairs or boot fairs I am forever searching for old magazines and even newspaper articles pertaining to our interest.

It doesn't even stop there, my first working incarnation was as an electronics engineer and I have interests in amateur radio and vintage equipment so I have quite a few old radio and television magazines lined up ready to be scanned in. For example, I have some television and radio enthusiast magazines that amongst other things outline how to build your own equipment and that date back to the 1930s, almost to the dawn of television itself. Obviously these are destined for another blog and/or website.

Going back to this blog for a moment, I'm going to split up the resource list in the sidebar to provide for a separate list of interesting and relevant Yahoo! groups that I've come across in my travels - a good example is one that I found only yesterday and that deals with impositions and the writing of lines as a form of discipline. Unfortunately the latter requires certain profile information and a few lines about why one wishes to join the group (I really hate that sort of thing, why do they bother). I have a couple of profiles that I use and I inadvertently entered the wrong one, so I'm probably going to be rejected. But the groups out there are not restricted simply to spanking / caning; they can be quite imaginative and eclectic while still being relevant to the stuff I write and the general issue of discipline, with little thought anyway.

I intend to list them by name and / or content rather than the full URL as I think that is more informative and useful and one only has to click on the link to go straight to the YahooGroup concerned in any case.

The picture at the top left is a something that I picked up from the blog that I outlined yesterday; you will have seen it before from a different angle (from one on my magazine scans in fact) but what I love here is the little school desk and the suitably browbeaten expression that the young lady wears – as well she might given her age juxtaposed with the way she is dressed and obviously treated (that little desk says it all - clearly sweated over through many, many hours of tedious and repetitive line writing).

As regards to the designs of physical exercise school leotards that I was discussing a right about yesterday; some kind contributor (who wants to remain anonymous) has send me the picture on the right. One had to exercise a little imagination but I think you can understand the advantages of adapting this to the design of a leotard gusset - the problem lies in retaining the otherwise modest styling of the rest of the garment. I envisage the thing as being absolutely traditional, give or take the use of modern fibre types perhaps, other than that single feature (it is that juxtaposition between modesty and exposure that I think makes it so exciting – and humiliating to the wearer). Therein, of course, lies the problem; if the whole thing was devised as some sort of fetish wear and manufactured in perhaps PVC or latex in its entirety it will be self solving but as envisaged one has to deal with the problem of combining the qualities of these materials (or others with these same qualities) with more traditional fabrics - it comes down to the problem of bonding one material to another but I have at least one solution in mind I can't tell you much more without giving away too much of the plot.

Tomorrow I will be back to work in on completing volume 2 of INSTITUTIONALISED; hopefully the day will be as sunny as today is (we have clear blue skies in London at the moment) and I intend to visit several hostelries (pubs), pint, notebook and pen in hand - I'm hoping to fit in the Spaniards in,, in Hampstead at some point; it is wood panelled and historic and conducive to the imagination.

Thursday 27 November 2008

A New Link, More Therapists (A Unique Humiliation: The Deliberate Induction of Stuttering) and a Little Mouth Soaping

As some of you may have guessed from the piecemeal and disjointed nature of my last posting (which I've now sorted out and reorganised), plus the fact that as of this morning it had remained unfinished since Sunday, I have again been plagued by computer problems. I like to be able to report that I have now fixed the problem but as it would take me time to get hold of a new power supply - and probably the best part of a day to pull out the computer, disconnect everything and change it over - having got the thing working I'm getting as much writing done as I can. It's a trade-off between the speed at which I can get volume 2 polished-off and the reliability of my machine. What with one thing or another the blog was beginning to come apart at the seams so I have put aside quite a large chunk of today to smooth things out, edit out bits that are no longer relevant and insert pictures and illustrations where I have neglected to do so but where I have stated that a suitable illustration would be posted at a future date. One such relates to a posting I made a while back wherein I posted a link to a story that featured mouth soaping - if that subject is your thing then a quick glance at the resource list on the task-bar will reveal a link to a mouth soaping site I've come across (or just click on the picture to the top left). Talking of the trade-off between my completing volume 2 and other chores; I have decided to drop the subject of discipline-by-correspondence and much pertaining to that subject has now been removed from the blog. Partly this is because my correspondence with the woman concerned was taking up too much of my time relative to any inspiration and new ideas that were likely to be developed through it. There was precious little in the way of imaginative and useful feedback returning to show for the perspiration shed on my part - what it came down to in the end was one big waste of time.

Returning to mouth soaping: this was of course a traditional punishment for using ‘bad’ language or even just ‘back chatting’ it is of course likely to be experienced as something rather unpleasant and therefore ‘punishing’ in itself but I for one find it hard to envisage imposed in isolation. Rather I think of it as a secondary element, enforced within an outer-framework of discipline, itself enforced by other expedients and penalties of sufficient severity that it becomes accepted in preference, however unpleasant. Thus the holding of a bar of soap in the mouth for a given time can be considered on a par with having to retain an enema and one step above the tedious writing of lines or corner standing as having a relatively mild element of physical discomfort added to the primarily psychological aspect of the latter. In the domestic scenario (wherein I would envisage mouth soaping to most fit) and applied by a strict governess, say, the ultimate sanction is likely to be the strap or the cane or the birch-rod - primarily physical methods, then.

Yet for this to work, particularly the case were the subject is in her late teens and early twenties, a constraining sphere of pressure is required to exist even outside that of the fear of corporal punishment. Wielding the correct psychological techniques - and under favourable circumstances, shall we say - a suitably qualified governess can apply sufficient psychological pressure to overcome any amount of dissidence in submitting to corporal punishment (as we will undoubtedly see in institutionalised volume 3). However, in the clinical environment of a secure psychiatric unit such as our young ladies have voluntarily entered, we can up-the-ante so to speak: forms of actual psychological punishment can be brought to bear that will, given time, ensure that when a nurse orders her charge to bend for the cane or the strap she is always contritely obeyed. As we have seen in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1; in expert hands even a favourite childhood nursery rhyme can be turned into a rod with which to beat her - so feared that an 18 or 19 year-old woman will beg for the cane, let alone bend, tug down her knickers and grasp her ankles or bend over her school desk when instructed.

But once in expert hands of the not better ways of dealing with bad language, backchat and a defiant attitude?

Put yourself in the shoes of the guardian or stepmother of one of our two heroines; you have control over the family business, the majority of the income and collateral, but only until your young charge reaches the age of majority - a definition you are currently battling over.

Before you an argumentative and defiant young woman stands, brimming with self-confidence and a generous allowance filling her purse - gifted with a probing, inquisitive mind and able to wrap the family solicitor around her little finger, she is a dangerous thing, is she not?

Now imagine she stands there timorous, submissive, shrinking back from you with shoulders hunched defensively and continually fighting the urge to suck her thumb, self-conscious in the extreme and practically devoid of confidence. She is highly reluctant to speak, even when prompted, let alone to loudly voice accusations of embezzlement - and when she does the teeny voice and stilted, incomplete sentences tell the story. The near totally debilitating stutter that afflicts her, that renders her near incoherent and that has for so long isolated her from friends and acquaintances quickly reduces her to tears of frustration under your questioning. She doesn't seem so dangerous now, somehow, does she?

But how can one become the other, the adult become the thumb sucking dependent? The clue is in that newly-developed stutter, clearly the cause of this new childish self-conscious shyness. Psychologically crippling if left untreated, imagine her humiliation to learn that she has, in actual fact, been under treatment and that you, or rather the expert you have hired, are the cause of that debility.

Sheer fantasy and clearly impossible? Obviously so... or is it? You will remember that both Lavinia and Susan in volume 1 were notably gradually developing nervous stuttering and stammering as the story progressed and that both appeared to have something of an impediment upon their arrival - in fact on several occasions both girls have their speech patterns commented upon by staff members, a rather telling fact if one understands the psychology. As you know, to me the story line has to be plausible (or at least possible at a push) so to what degree is this aspect plausible?

Well much in the way that the institution has as part of it remit the aim of understanding the propagation progression of phobias in multi-phobic individuals by the deliberate induction of the same, in the 1930s experiments were carried out to deliberately induce stuttering in unaffected individuals. The leading light behind the study in fact put together a veritable cookbook of methodology for inducing stuttering. In the most basic terms it involved in one way or another making the subject familiar with stuttering (one way might be to engineer the subject to come face-to-face with a sufferer, for example). Then, in a therapy session in conversation the subject might be stopped at some point in her speech, where perhaps she may have stumbled slightly or there had been a minor repetition. The subject would then be warned that not only what were there signs that she was beginning to stutter but that if she didn’t work hard to improve it, she would stutter as badly as… (here the image of the sufferer used as an example would be conjured up). Advice would then be given to help avoid stuttering but that was in fact calculated to make the girl more conscious than ever of her speech. Suggestions would be made such as to take a breath before saying word if she thought she was going to stutter over it, to stop and start over again if she did start to stutter, to be aware of her speech all the time and to do anything to keep from stuttering. In addition she would be urged not to speak unless she was absolutely sure she was going to be able to speak clearly and without stuttering and to put the tongue to the roof of her mouth while thinking about what to say and considering which words she might stumble over...There is no real reason for the nurse pic, incidentally, other than that for some reason I can imagine her as the therapist working with one of our girls incarcerated in the unit - friendly smile and nicely tailored uniform - what else could you want?

One teenage girl, despite being lively, full of confidence and a clear speaker at the beginning of the study had by the therapist’s second visit become quiet and very self-conscious (doesn't that sound the perfect state of mind to have her in if one is to introduce a young lady to strict discipline). Within four months the same girl had “developed mannerisms characteristic of some stutterers, such as snapping her fingers to get a word out, had become shy quiet and withdrawn and was even writing the same word two or three times over in her schoolwork. It has to be noted that in-between the therapist’s visits the teachers, having been told how to behave and under the false belief that they were helping along a system of therapy, would pull up the girl if she stumbled over word or repeated it and make her say it again, thus reinforcing her indoctrination. In a similar vein, the teachers and staff would continually refer to her as being a “stutterer” again reinforcing the indoctrination

What interests me here is that the girl mentioned above was fifteen years old. While, as far as I can tell, a similar study has never been carried out on adults it is difficult to believe that much in terms of developmental change and psychological development will have taken place in the intervening years between the age of fifteen and the age of our heroines - late teens to early twenties - that would render the treatment any less efficacious.

Another thing that interests me here, in terms of both the Milgram Experiment and the Stamford Experiment (look them up on Google - together, they're the basis of much of what takes place in the clinical psychologist study that our girls become enrolled in) is the way in which the woman actually carrying out the study, herself having been described as somewhat timorous, having voiced her concern over the damage she was inflicting on her test subjects nevertheless continued with the study right up to the end when ordered to by her supervisor.

As for our girls; well, you will have to wait until publication volume 2 I’m afraid (not long now - I hope) to find out what has been going on there. PS: now I come to think about it, it's tantamount to psychological gagging - vary nice, very subtle (I like subtle).

Sunday 23 November 2008

Tattoos for Punishment and Humiliation

I am still working away from home at the moment and so the rest of this post may have to be postponed until later this evening or some time tomorrow (Tuesday), Suffice it to say that yet again I have had to waste time and effort correcting my e-mail supplicant. The collection of pics here are some that I found on my laptop and will distribute around the relevant posts later - the mouth soaping pic has proved the hardest to find incidentally. Talking of hard to find illustrations: I am considering discussing tattoos, not as decoration but rather as tools of humiliation and as a form of punishment. This is something I broached in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1, if you remember, wherein the schoolroom unit's girls had to sign documentation not just giving permission but requesting that their patient number along with the hospital's name and those damming words - psychiatric unit - be tattooed on one of their buttocks. Remember we are talking ugly dense black block lettering here and applied at a 45 degree angle making the most of the area available - remember; it is the psychological impact on the girls that interests me here as much as anything. I have had the devil of a job finding suitable illustrations. However I did come across one or two suitable illustrations (see above right for example) by an artist going by the name of Dubigeon Loic (I posted a link to some of his work in a previous article). In all probability the artist intends the characters appearing on the young lady's backside to be the result of branding. While that imagery is fine in the context of fantasy sexual slavery, I think that in an institutional environment, especially one purporting to be a legitimate psychological research unit, albeit one privately run and funded, tattooing is far more likely to have evolved as a method of control. It is easy to standardise through the use of a stencil template and might seem relatively innocuous to the subject, if one is rather economical with the truth - untill she sees the result. The thing, is; in volumes 2 and 3 there is further exploration made into this area - as always I am not without my ideas, but you can never have too many so if any of you out there would care to comment or contribute - be my guest. Maybe you hate the idea, maybe you love it - please let me know.

Thursday 7 August 2008

Enforced Weight Gain: A Possible Story Thread Or Just Too Cruel?

As those of you that are regular visitors may have guessed by the paucity of posts in the last few days, my Internet connection has been decidedly dodgy. There are bursts of noise on my phone line that continually knock the modem off which is why few, if any images, accompany the posts that I have made recently. Meanwhile I've been working away on writing and now have quite a body of work for both volumes 2 and 3 and perhaps even for a fourth volume (it might seem strange working on two volumes at once but I have a lot of ideas and they don't necessarily all fit together in a linear pattern). I am I going to be staying at a friend’s house for the next few days (where they have a good fast broadband connection) while the local telecoms company fixes my line. I have just loaded up all of my old files, scans and images etc onto a DVD, which I am going to be taking with me, so I can load it all on to a computer there and get this blog properly up and running again.

Anyway for now I am mostly posting text, images take a little longer to upload and the connection tends to crash while it's happening. But once I'm working from my friend's address, ie over the next few days, I'll start posting suitably illustrative (I hope) images and start tagging them on to the big, wordy, text-rich things I have recently posted.
Enforced Weight Gain: A Possible Story Thread?
Meanwhile: as anyone out there in blog-land ever had any thoughts about the subject of enforced weight-gain? Now, I'm not thinking along the lines of the ‘feeder’ style stories wherein the author's wife, girlfriend or whatever becomes a three hundred pounds blubber-whale. (If you know where there are any suitable weight gain stories or relevant blogs, please let me and I'll add the necessary links to them - one of the things I am trying to create with this blog is a sort of multidimensional multi fetish resource node).

I am not saying that the following vignette or prospective plot development will actually make its way into any part of the INSTITUTIONALISED series, but it is an idea I've been toying with and there is a nice subtlety to the cruelty involved (if exploitative cruelty can ever be subtle). Forget canes, the tawse, martinets, chains and prison bars for a moment - think instead: food (yes, food), mealtimes, weighing sessions, measurement sessions, long hours standing in front of mirrors with hands-on head - think enforced inactivity, think agoraphobia rather than restraints.

What I have in mind is far, far crueller; imagine, if you will, a lithe young thing - always has one eye on the mirror, the other on the calorie sheet. She misses meals but never aerobic sessions; she drops pounds but never dance classes. She has already done a bit of catwalk work and quite successfully at that, but she has prodigious talent and her passion is the ballet, the Royal Ballet at that, nothing less than prima ballerina will do for her - and she has the potential to make it. She has a future place lined up at the Royal Academy of Dramatic Arts, should she wish to accept it, but her problem, as with so many aspiring young things today, is her lack of funding. She has a small regular allowance from her late father's estate but the bulk is all tied up and under someone else's control until she reaches the age of 21. Her father's intention had always been that she should gain financial control of her affairs at age 18 but having suffered a crisis of confidence (and therein hangs another interesting tale) she has fairly recently been persuaded, with some reluctance it must be said, to forego that privilege and accept the more traditional age of majority - a day that lies some five years off, or very nearly.

There is little in terms of part-time work available to her, and more importantly, that she would be willing to accept - she sees herself as flying far above such things. The sun-drenched summer months stretch ahead but that time will pass all too soon – yet that narrow window is all she has if she is to gain her financial independence, drag herself from under her stepmother's thumb and grasp her future.

She finds it hard to believe the amount on offer for just a three month residential stay in a West Country care home as part of a research project. No novel drug trials are involved, she is assured - all the work carried out comes under the general heading of behavioural psychology and involves being monitored in a ‘controlled environment’ (she is uncertain as to exactly what that means - but it sounds safe enough) and undergoing certain simple psychological tests at baseline and from time to time throughout the trial period. She understands that should she fail to complete the full three month trial she will get nothing. But the notion of spending three sun filled months wandering through the spectacular rural hospital grounds depicted in the brochure, occasionally reporting to some laboratory for a few tests, or lying back watching television in a beautifully appointed room that would put most high-quality hotels to shame, would seem to make that caveat a remote possibility indeed.

Of course, as those of you who have read INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 already know (or as those of you who've ever read any of the extracts or story ideas I have ever posted on the newsgroups etc will now) she is unlikely to see much of those balmy summer days and little of the fluffy white clouds drifting above, let alone the hospital’s lush green conifer-bordered parkland grounds. Not once she is behind the high walls and steel security grilles of that institution and safely ensconced in the protective womb of the secure psychiatric wing…

… at this point, and through discussion with the project’s supervising psychologist, enters the dietician…

(Oh my God! I can see it all, now, it's delicious - if you pardon the pun! I just hope it's not too cruel because I really like it - what does that say about me? No, I don't want to know.)

PS: if you don't know what a dietician is, or does, (and let's face it, not everybody does) just ask – I’m married to one (someone has to be!).

PPS: have dictated this using voice recognition, straight out of my head and purely for the blog. I haven't had much time to check it so it may contain all sorts of strange grammatical errors and typos. When I have a bit more time later on I'll go over it again and correct whatever needs doing as well as add some sort of suitable illustration (possibly).

Thursday 17 July 2008

I wouldn't usually post a pic twice but it just occurred to me how ambiguous this Hardcastle illustration is. Is she under spotlights or are they sun-ray lamps - perhaps a little bit of enforced over-tanning of the tits, a bit of sunburn around the nipples.

Or perhaps we view from the mirror's perspective; a nice long and finely crafted session of enforced critical self-appraisal: how beautifully humiliating. Well, she needs to get that head back up sharpish and those eyes focused where they belong! Those knickers are going to have to come off too. A few strokes of nice springy rattan should suffice; breasts, buttocks, both: does it matter?
Come to think about it, I think I can just make out a cat o' nine tails in the background, just to her left; click on it and look carefully.

Suffice it to say that my take on all of this will eventually be found somewhere within the pages of INSTITUTIONALISED volume two (be patient, its coming) (and I will be too if I keep writing this stuff much longer). From tomorrow I will be posting the occasional snippet from volume two - keep watching!
But for now,'that's all, folks' - I'm off down the pub - hooray! ...Cheers!

The art of Paula Meadows (now known as Lynn Paula Russell)

Having spent most of yesterday in various houses of public refreshment I thought I'd spend the morning transcribing some of the stuff I managed to get scribbled before I finally keeled over. I've got a bit side-tracked here by some stuff I came across in my archive. I've always loved the work of this artist and the illustration on the left in particular; it's so evocative: what is going on? What is the relationship between the protagonists? You can read almost anything you like in to it; your imagination is the only limitation. In my head it brings all sorts of possibilities to light: it was a major inspiration for volume 1 of INSTITUTIONALISED and in particular CHAPTER 1...Lady Madison Daisy Bartlett, wherein the aforementioned lady so amply demonstrates her singularly refined approach to disciplining her recalcitrant maid. Not to mention a unique solution for dealing with soiled lingerie - Oh, those damned stubborn stains!