Thursday 16 July 2015

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO ME! & Another Couple of Roger Benson Polls To Take Part In

Yep!  It's my birthday!  And for some unknown reason I am up and have been working since the unheard of - and undoubtedly unhealthy - hour of 6AM - ridiculous!!!  I'm of out to the gym next...  But then I'm drinking!!!  Hooray!!!  

If anyone wants to join me - and all are welcome - I'll be somewhere in North London; most likely the Wetherspoons branch in New Barnet (The Railway) and / or The Tolegate, the Whetherspoons branch in Turnpike Lane (coz they're cheap - and they serve good quality real ale!) but what I'll do is I'll comment on this post from time to time with an update as to where I'm at (I'm taking my Internet-savvy smart phone) so check back here and view the comments if you want to meet up. Or you can always email me of course.  I'm easily spotted in almost any background or situation (unless a heavy metal convention or reunion of old hippies) and rarely bit unless particularly hungry.

Right, down to business.  Roger Benson wants me to set another couple of polls, relating to his illustration presented in the last post (see lower down or scroll down).  One relates to one of the features of his work I personally find the most interesting, namely the fifties / early sixties styling and fashion and more specifically girdles and so on - and nothing frames a nicely rounded bottom during a good spanking like a set of suspenders and stocking tops!

in the situation depicted which girl would you rather be

Should their aunt invest in two red rubber ball gags from Silence is Golden Co. Ltd

Do the strongly elasticized bottom bands on their girdles look uncomfortable

Tuesday 14 July 2015

A Poll From The Spanking and Discipline Artist, Roger Benson

To celebrate Roger Benson's upcoming new book (which both I and Angela Fox having been helping on) and help with finalising the content and so on the man himself is putting out a series of polls.  His style of writing and written subject matter / take on things is obviously very different from my own, tending to the whimsical at times (I hope he does not mind me saying that) but in sentiment we are not so far apart - even if  I WOULD tend to put a darker interpretation on his imagery.  But that is the great thing about his work; so much of it can be interpreted in many different ways; which is why I have always been such a fan!  Enjoy! 

PS: I have not put the poll over in the sidebar this time, rather it can be found a little lower down this page, benieath the illustration and opening gambit / scene setting.  I'm not sure how well that is going to work or whether you folk will automatically head for the sidebar, but let's see how it goes!  If this works and we get a good response, so much the better, because sidebar space is a limited commodity - and I've got a whole logjam backlog of useful links to put in over there.  
It's a pleasantly warm July day in 1959 and Lorna (the brunette) and Patsy (the honey blonde), both 18, are spending the month with their discipline-minded Aunty Edna.

The girls' "Demerit Books" decree that the two hapless misses will be made to undergo a Saturday afternoon punishment session.  Aunty Edna, dressed to go downtown shopping, is with her friend -- the imperious Helen Steel.

The frightened and apprehensive girls are marched to a spare bedroom in Aunty Edna's large and imposing home.  Here, they are ordered to strip to their pink bra and panty sets, snug, off-white girdles, and tautly-suspendered and ultra-sheer tan hued nylon stockings.  Lorna wears tight fitting, glossy black, patent leather pumps with 4 and 1/4 spike heels.  Patsy's pumps are glossy white patent leather.

Each girl has her wrists snugly tied behind her back and both are gagged with white adhesive tape.  The girls are then pushed down on the bed and their shapely, nyloned ankles crossed and bound.  Both emit poignant "Mmmmmmfffffggghhhhhh" sounds as this is being done.

Aunty Edna and Helen Steel smile down on the girls, wish them a "restful time", and depart (announcing that they will be back in "a little over 3 hours").


Option 1

They lie passively on the bed, tearfully repenting being naughty girls.

Option 2

They exchange chaste "gag kisses".

Option 3

Patsy wriggles around until her back in facing Lorna's front.  She reaches back with her
soft fingers and begins to play with Lorna's most intimate anatomy.  Soon both girls are
writhing in unison and perspiring slightly. Lorna emits gag-stifled moans of ecstasy as
a violent orgasm consumes her.  The two  succulently shapely, naughty teeners spend the
next two hours giving each other orgasms until, finally sated, they lie with their bodies pressed
tightly together and gag-kissing.

Friday 10 July 2015

Scolding - A Poll! And Female Masturbation Control by Orgasm Denial Through Deliberatly Induced Guilt Anxiety and Psychological Trauma


The sharp-eyed among you may have already spotted the opinion poll I have set up over in the right-hand sidebar (at the top - you can't miss it!).  This is sort of a dry run for a series of polls based around the work of Roger Benson and intended to publicise his upcoming new compilation, so please give it a go coz I want to see if it works properly.  I'm am also going to try and embed the poll within this page itself - but that may have to wait until Monday because I have to rush out.

Scolding can be one of the most important aspects of the process of instilling strict discipline through the use of corporal punishment.  A few well chosen words delivered in the right way can do more damage than the physical sting of the riding crop when it comes to breaking down defiance – especially coming from such an expert in psychological manipulation as this girl’s guardian has had the sense to hire.

Her intention is to leave behind a crushed and shattered husk devoid of the slightest shred of self-esteem.  She knows exactly how to reduce her charge to tears without as much as laying a finger on her… But then comes the thrashing, to seal in the lesson!  Her rationale goes way beyond the imposition of discipline, aiming to dominate her charge completely, gradually over time taking control of every aspect of her charge’s life.  She does this by continuous monitoring and close supervision of every aspect of her charge’s life and by  imposing rules and regulations stipulating every waking moment of the girl’s day, from when first she rises, to the strictly enforced afternoon nap, to the girl’s childishly early bedtime dressed in especially adapted ‘tamperproof’ pyjamas designed to keep prying fingers from where a girl’s fingers have no right to go, medicated down into deep dreamless sleep. 

Her principles of education are simple: She teaches chastity, shame, dependency, compliance.  She encourages her pupil to see herself in a different, harsher light, one in which her flaws show up all the better, one in which she comes to see her ambitions, aspirations and dreams as just that – dreams.  She helps her pupil recognise her own limitations, accept that her future is likely to be a more demeaning, menial one than she might have envisaged; not a well-married lady of leisure, as once she might have fondly imagined, or filled by fame and fortune, but a future spent ‘in service’ at the beck and call of others.  Where there is self-confidence she discourages it, encouraging instead complacency an acceptance. 

Where sexuality is concerned, she stifles it, instills guilt, encouraging feelings of shame and anxiety, to the point at which self-abuse – if it exists, IF she lets it slip by – becomes a futile exercise, physical restraint is no longer required and she can rely on the girl herself to erect her own mental barriers to sexually release, psychological barriers which are far more efficacious and harder to overcome than stiffened mittens or having her wrists restrained at her waist at night.  She’s had girls in the past crying in frustration, down on their knees masturbating wildly in front of her, thrashing away madly with their fingers or plunging a vibrator or dildo in and out, all shame, all pride, all self-respect abandoned in the quest for release, as she has watched, smirking knowingly.  She has watched the anxiety building in a girl’s eyes as culmination approached, nearer and nearer, anxiety building, fear of failure, of yet another ruined orgasm, building, until at last, at the VERY last minute, excitement abating, the girl has thrown herself across the floor sobbing, wrapping her arms around her ankles, literally begging her for help – she has used it to put at least one girl in the asylum, quite deliberately!                

Tuesday 7 July 2015

Helping The New Girl Settle Down - or - Learning to be a Good Psychiatric Case

Anybody who has read much of this blog will know I have always been concerned with how to ensure compliance and submission where the introduction of corporal punishment into a disciplinary regimen is concerned.  And anybody who has ever read INSTITUTIONALISED will recognise the inferred technique in play here.  To me the story (as often the case) is all in the facial expression.

Yeah!  I know!  I should have added a downward curve to the wording over the barred gate or door to match its curvature... Perhaps later?.

Just imagine hearing THAT song over and over... er... Who can tell me which song exactly, from the reference above?  (Clue:  It's hidden in that formula - in a reworded form of course.)

Coming next... A poll - or series of polls - relating to the work of the great Roger Benson and the upcoming compilation of his work and influences, put together by the man himself, the 3D computer artist, Angela Fox, and yours truly... Garth P. Toyntanen!!!.

Tuesday 23 June 2015

Subjugation Be Thy Name - Even When it Backfires!

I have always had a ‘thing‘ about the wicked stepmother and governess subjugating her heiress stepdaughter and so on, but never really the ‘turning the tables‘ type of theme that I know certain of my readership hanker for (I’m always getting requests in my email to include the theme in my books and novels)...  But then again, I guess this is not really ‘turning the tables’ so much as ‘getting her just deserts‘? 

It's just something that popped into my head when I spotted the pic on my hard drive just now.  The pic originated - like so much stuff nowadays - on Tumblr, but I was actualy searching for a pic of mouth soaping caried out by a uniformed nurse or some such.  There are plenty of mouth soaping pics out there, but not featuring a nurse or taking place within an asylum or mental institution type environment.  Can anyone help me out here please?

 Oh bollocks!  I Just realised I spelt MIDDLE with far too many ‘D‘s!!!!!!!  AND I saved it as a JPG not as The Gimp's own format, so I can't easily change it without starting from scratch and I'm off out to the gym in a moment coz the kids are due home from school, so no time to change it now.

Wednesday 17 June 2015

A Rapid-Fire Follow-up

 Ok, so it’s the same thing twice... Well, not quite.  I decided to go with the ‘Dolly Maker‘ approach (at least I’ve got both bases covered), but now looking at it I think ‘DollyMother‘ seems best after all (although I’ve toyed with ‘Doll-Maker‘, ‘Doll-Mistress‘ ‘Dolly-Mistress‘ and ‘DollMistress‘ and even ‘Pollydori‘ after the puppet master.)

AND I couldn’t resist one more version (see above).  Dunno who first put together these pairs of figures - they’re all over Tumblr - but they’re soooo cool!  Or hot! Or…

I definitely WILL be back after the gym to write some more here...  So come back later... Better still - leave a comment!

For When The Cane Just Is Not Enough: Dollymother Behaviour Modificatioin Aids and Products

So, this is the next stage - and with the concept added to the pic that started me thinking along these lines in the first place.  In hindsight perhaps 'DollyMaker' would make for a better brand name - thoughts, anyone?  In fact, I'm off to have a go at that - before someone else does.  I'll be back to add a few more words of explanation here shortly, or with another version if successful and it proves fairly quick to do!

By the way; before I forget: It's the London to Brighton Cycle ride this Sunday, so I'll be in Brighton for a few days at the start of next week (even if I DON'T go by bike) if anyone is interested in meeting for a pint!  I always start late afternoon / early evening Sunday in the Hand In Hand pub or The Bristol Bar, both in Kemptown (I'm easy to spot) but can usually be found in one of the two Brighton Wetherspoons branches thereafter.