Friday 28 February 2014

Another Version - Another Vision

As I replied to an anonymous comment earlier today, as originally created by Roger Benson this drawing portrayed some sort of scene being played out in a college dean or tutor's office - but that was not how I saw it. So with the addition of a suitably period-style camera and stool (from another of his pictures, a diploma on the wall (created by yours truly)and a metronome adapted from a photograph, the cane in the foreground (also created by moi) and one or two other changes, the whole scene changes.

In hindsight, I probably should not have added the caption – but I couldn’t resist harking back to one of my favourite scenes from my earlier books, the INSTITUTIONALISED series (volume 3 I think it is – correct me if I’m wrong; but not TOO hard!). anyway, there is probably enough embedded in the image as it stands to put over that SOMETHING sinister is going on. Exactly what can be left up to the viewer’s imagination.  So here is another version, decked out as if a cover for that book I was handing out free up until recently.

The presence of the camera represents - and hints at (even without the caption) - one of my main interests: plausibility in spanking literature. How does one get a strapping, would-be independent late-teen or early twenties lass to docilely bend for the cane or drape herself across the knees of some authority figure, whether that be a strong-willed stepmother almost young enough to be her sister, a governess or institutional figure for a damn good spanking or thrashing? Part of the answer relies on making a start on toning down some of that independence - and replacing it with something diametrically the opposite.

Wednesday 26 February 2014

Something to Whet Your Whatsit

So the free book thing is done and gone, but here is something I have been working on - based on bits of Roger Benson's art and manips I have done from scratch.

Friday 27 December 2013

Five Days to the (FREE) release of My Latest Book - Keep Watching This Space

Yeah!  But 'latest' becauseI HATE 'newest' - such bad grammer!  And I MAY have to charge SOMETHING through certain channels - LULU, for example, levies a minimum charge; but I'll keep it to a 'peppercorn' on those channels for 'ebook' and make it ABSOLUTLY free on the Institute website as a PDF download!!!

Incidently; I'm having to be careful. here in the UK.  As you know, I have always valued what I have previously described as 'plausability' in story telling.  But the emphasis has always been on that term 'story telling' I.E, it s fiction - FICTION - that I deal with; just that it is possible, if not entirely likely, fiction.  There are one or two barriers beyond which I will not venture (no children goes without saying), for example; you will never find the descriptor, slave, nor slavery,  There may well be accounts boardering on sexual servitude, but never - ever - sexual slavery...  Not ever!  That term is never used.

And yet, in the British press, there have been of late apparenly genuine accounts of modern-day slavery - and I don't just mean among the denizens of Eastern European-run bodellos, of which many examples exist on the streets of London.  Rather I refer to bowing and scraping down-on-the-knees floor-scrubbiing domestic slavery, which may or may not come with demands for more 'personalised' services.  And there there has been lately a re-definition of the term 'abuse' within a series of public information films which seems to seek to cover the subtler approaches to control oft broached within my writing wherein the brute physicality of the strap and the cane might sometimes be eschewed for certain less physical, more psychological based, techniques.

And, more directly applicable to the current novel, there has been a revisiting of those old ideas of 'cures' for 'gayness', a concept visited, twisted and corrupted within the pages of the new book (and not everyone's 'cup of tea' - which is just ONE of my reasons for holding it back and making it available for free! The fear of rejection!  I have never written this sort of stuff before, and so risk rejection from BOTH  sides)

Thursday 26 December 2013

A Belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - The Final Countdown

Well, not quite: 

This post was SUPPOSED to have gone out on Christmas day - but then again I was supposed to have been back from my winter soijon to the Canary Islands on Christmas eve.  I don't know how many of you monitor the news from back here in the UK, but while I was away there was, apparently, a massive storm which knocked out the power to London Gatwick airport's north terminus, with the resault that the aircraft which was to have returned me to the UK at lunch time on Christmas eve from Tenerife was still on the ground in the UK at half past five in the afternoon! 

Consequently I ended up spending Christmas eve night in the same hotel I had been staying at (a good thing!) but found myself being shipped out to Gatwick yestereday, spending the vast majority of Christmas day traveling (a BAD thing - VERY!!!). 

Had I flown by one of the 'budget airlines' such as Easy Jet I'd have been there still, as Easy Jet weren't flying Christmas day.  But I'd flown Thomson - and they (as part of their 'customer service') had decided to do their very best to get their customers back to the UK 'in time for Christmas'.  Huraaah! 


But hang on...  It's Christmas day... and I'm in Gatwick (near Brighton, on the UK's South Coast) and it's Christmas day... and nothing's running, I.E there is NO transport - NO trains, NO buses, NOTHING!  So I have to get a taxi - but it's Christmas - an in the full spirit of the season the taxi drivers have thought of a number, added a bit (for Christmas 'good will'), and then doubled it!!! 

So the long and the short of it is: I was left feeling like I'd pulled my own bum cheeks apart!

But now the main (and best?) point:.

I am making my latest book ....  Wait for it.... And this should have been Christmas day - I am making my new book available FREE... yes!   FREE!  Free, gratis and for nothing....  On New Years Day!  Watch this space!!  The countdown begins!!!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Female Orgasm Denial – Queries, Solutions and Sources

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Friday 15 November 2013

Institutional Caning

Just a little something I came across for the INSTITUTE website.  I plan to start a series of movie and YouTube derived pages and thought I'd test out the concept here.  And this one has it all:  the correct, suitably institutional setting, heavy iron door and everything.  And a suitably dowdy looking inmate uniform for the girl too - very close to what I would imagine.  The only part of this scenario I don't like is the audio soundtrack reference to 'resisting arrest'; it sounds far too legal and officially condoned.  I prefer to keep the sound off and imagine some small private facility of some nature situated well beyond public, bureaucratic and official scrutiny... No courts to appeal to, no scandal to be dredged up in the gutter press...No way out...

Perhaps it is an unofficially run private workhouse based on the Victorian model or charity run home for 'girls and young women in danger of drifting into moral corruption'.  Who knows?  What do YOU think? 

By the way; the reason you have not heard from me for a while is that I am presently having a problem with my hands and fingers - possibly gym injury related but aggravated by RSI from typing and mouse use - and so I am trying hard not to overdo it.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

A Short Update - And My Having a Bit of Fun!

I have so neglected this blog of late - I know.  But in my defence, I have to say that getting the new website up to speed - by which I mainly mean that central site I have inherited, namely THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE - has taken greater effort than I first estimated; there is a lot more to it than first meest the eye!

As custodian / curator I take my inherited responsibilities very seriously - and one of my major tasks has been weeding out all those links that have withered and died over the years on the extensive links page it contains (partially completed now): Not for the feint hearted!  But I'm getting there and am very nearly in a position where I will be able to get by latest book out and get on with the comic book project.

Those of you who have visited THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE and fallen foul of the WebRing thingy hijacking their browser will be pleased to know that I have now (I think - I hope) fixed the problem... And it was MY fault, I have to admit!  I'd stuck a bit of HTML code where now chunk of HTML code should have been!  Sorry!  A teaser extract (short) from the new book will be arriving here shortly - keep your eyes open! 

Meanwhile - recently I have visited a couple of antiques and vintage fairs and have picked up some fairly inspirational old magazines dated 1953 - you just never know where inspiration will come from; in this case, mostly from the old 'foundation wear' adverts, all those girdles, corselettes and so on... There was just something about that era (and earlier), seeing a well proportioned woman in a girdle!  Not fat - just well proportioned, just enough to require some support...  A good case for a little enforced, or otherwise encouraged, weight-gain don't you think?  That pampered pet can say goodbye to those over-priced ballet lessons, spa visits or aerobics classes!