Thursday 26 December 2013

A Belated Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year - The Final Countdown

Well, not quite: 

This post was SUPPOSED to have gone out on Christmas day - but then again I was supposed to have been back from my winter soijon to the Canary Islands on Christmas eve.  I don't know how many of you monitor the news from back here in the UK, but while I was away there was, apparently, a massive storm which knocked out the power to London Gatwick airport's north terminus, with the resault that the aircraft which was to have returned me to the UK at lunch time on Christmas eve from Tenerife was still on the ground in the UK at half past five in the afternoon! 

Consequently I ended up spending Christmas eve night in the same hotel I had been staying at (a good thing!) but found myself being shipped out to Gatwick yestereday, spending the vast majority of Christmas day traveling (a BAD thing - VERY!!!). 

Had I flown by one of the 'budget airlines' such as Easy Jet I'd have been there still, as Easy Jet weren't flying Christmas day.  But I'd flown Thomson - and they (as part of their 'customer service') had decided to do their very best to get their customers back to the UK 'in time for Christmas'.  Huraaah! 


But hang on...  It's Christmas day... and I'm in Gatwick (near Brighton, on the UK's South Coast) and it's Christmas day... and nothing's running, I.E there is NO transport - NO trains, NO buses, NOTHING!  So I have to get a taxi - but it's Christmas - an in the full spirit of the season the taxi drivers have thought of a number, added a bit (for Christmas 'good will'), and then doubled it!!! 

So the long and the short of it is: I was left feeling like I'd pulled my own bum cheeks apart!

But now the main (and best?) point:.

I am making my latest book ....  Wait for it.... And this should have been Christmas day - I am making my new book available FREE... yes!   FREE!  Free, gratis and for nothing....  On New Years Day!  Watch this space!!  The countdown begins!!!

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Female Orgasm Denial – Queries, Solutions and Sources

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Friday 15 November 2013

Institutional Caning

Just a little something I came across for the INSTITUTE website.  I plan to start a series of movie and YouTube derived pages and thought I'd test out the concept here.  And this one has it all:  the correct, suitably institutional setting, heavy iron door and everything.  And a suitably dowdy looking inmate uniform for the girl too - very close to what I would imagine.  The only part of this scenario I don't like is the audio soundtrack reference to 'resisting arrest'; it sounds far too legal and officially condoned.  I prefer to keep the sound off and imagine some small private facility of some nature situated well beyond public, bureaucratic and official scrutiny... No courts to appeal to, no scandal to be dredged up in the gutter press...No way out...

Perhaps it is an unofficially run private workhouse based on the Victorian model or charity run home for 'girls and young women in danger of drifting into moral corruption'.  Who knows?  What do YOU think? 

By the way; the reason you have not heard from me for a while is that I am presently having a problem with my hands and fingers - possibly gym injury related but aggravated by RSI from typing and mouse use - and so I am trying hard not to overdo it.

Tuesday 22 October 2013

A Short Update - And My Having a Bit of Fun!

I have so neglected this blog of late - I know.  But in my defence, I have to say that getting the new website up to speed - by which I mainly mean that central site I have inherited, namely THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE - has taken greater effort than I first estimated; there is a lot more to it than first meest the eye!

As custodian / curator I take my inherited responsibilities very seriously - and one of my major tasks has been weeding out all those links that have withered and died over the years on the extensive links page it contains (partially completed now): Not for the feint hearted!  But I'm getting there and am very nearly in a position where I will be able to get by latest book out and get on with the comic book project.

Those of you who have visited THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE and fallen foul of the WebRing thingy hijacking their browser will be pleased to know that I have now (I think - I hope) fixed the problem... And it was MY fault, I have to admit!  I'd stuck a bit of HTML code where now chunk of HTML code should have been!  Sorry!  A teaser extract (short) from the new book will be arriving here shortly - keep your eyes open! 

Meanwhile - recently I have visited a couple of antiques and vintage fairs and have picked up some fairly inspirational old magazines dated 1953 - you just never know where inspiration will come from; in this case, mostly from the old 'foundation wear' adverts, all those girdles, corselettes and so on... There was just something about that era (and earlier), seeing a well proportioned woman in a girdle!  Not fat - just well proportioned, just enough to require some support...  A good case for a little enforced, or otherwise encouraged, weight-gain don't you think?  That pampered pet can say goodbye to those over-priced ballet lessons, spa visits or aerobics classes!

Wednesday 25 September 2013

The Original Institute Site Gets a New Look

strict nurse with cane
The Original Institute Site Gets a New Look - Well, sort of!  I've not had that long to work on it - and not all the links are installed or working properly - but I've made a start at putting together a new navigation scheme for the site, which as you will recall also houses the remains of my Weebly 'Beyond the Barred Window' site and the site I created for Roger Benson's artwork, based on drop-down and fly-out menus located along a bar at the top of the page.  At present this facility only exists within the index page itself (and within those pages that originated from my Weebly sit of course), where it will be bolstered by a secondary pictorial menu system, but once I get to grips with the code I plan to roll out the system across all of the site's pages while keeping the existing 'look' and extend it so that it encompasses all of the site's sub-pages and sections in the manner that it does for the Toyntanen section... I'm sure you understand!  Please take a look and let me know what you think - ta!  Just click the image, left. to go straight to the index page and play around.  Meanwhile:  I'm going 'pubing' today - I'm taking my laptop and I hope to get the new book organised and finished so that I can get back to the comic book project - I can also get my emails etc on my phone, so don't be shy!  I'll be in The Tollgate to begin with, the Turnpike Lane Wetherspoons, but I'll keep you updated by Facebook and / or Twitter in case anyone fancies joining me for a pint... see Ya!

Friday 20 September 2013

Behold! Thus Did the Phoenix Ever Rise - And: Old Enough to Marry, so what a SHAME about the Outfit!

And if that introduction leads you to think I grew up with my head enveloped in the Mighty Marvel Universe... You're SO right!  Yeah, that sort of thing was typical of those good ol' Marvel Comics titles, wasn't it.  A smidgen over a week ago I was in despair - now not so much. 

You may remember I was asking around in regard to obtaining advice, hints and tips as to where to house my Weebly-demolished 'BEYOND THE BARRED WINDOW' website and its recently conceived little sibling, devoted to the spanking, discipline and humiliation orientated 1950s - influenced art of Roger Benson.  Well - as I have said in reply to a comment recently - one of the folk I approached was the owner of 'THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE', a venerable institution of a site which has been around in one form or another since circa 1996.  It so turns out that the owner of that site had recently tired of the task of running it and had shut up shop... So... SOooo...  He has asked me if I would like to host my site using his domain / website host!!!  Well... Obviously I accepted... I mean... I was gobsmacked! 

For my part, I was - I am - loath to see such a venerable site finally sink beneath the waves.  So having thought it over (not for VERY long it must be said) I have decided to resurrect 'THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE' in its entirety, with the aim of continuing to host all of its features, while having under my hat the idea of eventually revamping its overall look, perhaps updating the navigation - once I grasp a little better the concept of how the HTML / CSS coding works (I once read a book on HTML - one of those 'For Idiots' guides - back in 1999 I think it was; I gave it to my eldest daughter... I think it is the reason for her taking up bar work... no she's not a QC!).  So I'll admit it - I was spoon fed at Weebly; all that drag-and-drop stuff makes you lazy.  Now in order to integrate my Weebly-wizard-created website within the mighty echoing halls of 'THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE' I am having to get under the bonnet (hood - you US of A types) and get my hands greasy! So my concept  - for the time being at least - is to create a site within a site, well two sites in a way, since an entire section is to be devoted to housing the work of Roger Benson.  The question then becomes how to get the site / sites recognized by the various search engines.

As regards Roger Benson: Among my vairious projects I have on the go - including finishing of a book (perhaps two) and the comic book project I have going in colaboration with Angela Fox (who has just published a new title herself on Amazon incidently - FAIRY TALE LODGE; sorry I've misplaced the bloody cover art) I am also working with Roger Benson in helping revamp some of his art, with the aim of puting together THE definitive collection of his work all in the one location.  And that location shall be within ''THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE', eventualy with intros, explanations and vairious other embelishments provided by the artist himself!  It's ALL exciting stuff!

The content from my own website I have uploaded thus far most of you will have seen before; in that way I am still very much playing 'catch-up'.  But a new section I have up my sleave will revolve around 'shame clothing' / 'punishment dress'.  Yeah, there is loads available from the cannon of TV / peticoat punishment literature, but so very little devoted to the disciplining of the female of the species, especialy in the FF and Ff arenas.  And so, among other things, I am currently colating material on that subject matter, especialy that pertaining to the world of the 1950s - 1960s (I feel there was so much more scope way back then!), thus today's offering:  I just love the way she seems to be rubbing her bottom!  Clearly there is a thouroughly blazing pair of plump bum cheeks under that skirt, and the girl old enough to marry, too!  No wonder her cheeks look as if they are as aflame as her bottom!

Oh - I almost forgot:  The best way in is probably to go to, scroll down to the bottom and click on the cell door to go to the 'What's New' page and then scroll down again untill you see one of Roger Bensons drawings (from his famous reformatory set).  Click on that and you'll be rushed to his section.  Then if you click on either of the links that mention yours truly you'll find yourself in a section of my old main website populated along the top by fly-out menus leading to all manner of delights... If you think the navigation is a bit clunky, well it is at the moment: I mean to say: I only uploaded the majority of the files last night (just over 500 MB by FTP - I left the computer running all night so, no, I don't know how long it took!)

Wednesday 11 September 2013

The Death of a Website - But the Dream Lives On!!!

It is with no little sadness that it becomes my duty to report the sad demise of my Weebly-hosted website, 'Beyond The Barred Window', in fact I am thoroughly miserable about it!  That website had come to mean the world to me - and it had been all going so well!  Then a couple of days ago I started up another secondary or annex site specifically to house the artwork and writings of Roger Benson (of whom regular readers of this blog will have heard much before) linked to the main website in various ways.  And when I finally went to bed, having been up half the night lovingly working  away on the new site and uploading all manner of Roger Benson goodies, everything was working wonderfully well - I tucked myself up with a smile on my face and feeling rather smug.  But that smile wasn't destined to last long!

I woke up the next morning (yesterday) to find not only had the new site vanished - all links to it reporting 'error 404, (basically 'page doesn't exist) - but the main 'Beyond The Barred Window' website had also vanished, some 50-odd pages, sections and sub sections.  In short both my lovingly crafted websites had ceased to exist, as totally as if they'd never been.  As if to rub salt in the wounds, I can't log in to the Weebly website creation and tool box site either - I'm locked out, my password not recognised!!!

Having dedicated several months of my life to the site, I felt - I feel - utterly powerless.  Of course I have emailed Weebly technical support, but I am not holding my breath; this has happened to other folk, it turns out, and the response from Weebly tends to be a figerative virtual shrugging of the shoulders.  In fact from what I have read on the Internet while searching for a solution / explanation the consensus seems to be that the best way of making contact with the Weebly technical support team is in through Facebook - and so I have tried that route too, so how true that consensus is remains to be seen. 

If I have infringed Weebly's terms and conditions or created some (presumably new) particularly offensive content - and had I simply been informed / warned of it by email or whatever - of course I would have removed the offending sections / content and left the remainder as is, publishing the offending material elsewhere.  But I have a feeling no human was involved in this...wanton destruction.  I fear that what has happened is that I have fallen victim to some sort of automatic anti-spamming software (as I have come across others discussing on a forum).  And this does seem the most likely explanation considering the way in which my website's disappearance so neatly coincides with my having created that second, annex, site and then set up those links between the two sites, through which I intended to provide a seamless experience to the browsing visitor (just a matter of hours previously).
By for now - I'm off down the pub; check out Twitter or Facebook to find out where, if you are in central London and fancy joining me for a pint or ten.  Then, later, I'll be at The Avenue Gallery in St James's Street at an exhibition of Sam Toff's oft-humorous work (by invitation only - sorry!) Champagne and other goodies I dare say!  But tomorrow!  Ah, tomorrow! 
Tomorrow I start work on building a brand new website - but very much NOT hosted by Weebly!!!  And hopefully, even as we speak Roger Benson is sending me more of his work for inclusion - my plan is for both he and my collaborator, Angela Fox, to have their own dedicated sections, with 'keys to the door' to allow each to edit and add to their own sections independent of me, if that is possible.  The latter aspect is why I set up a whole new site specifically for Roger Benson's work - which seems to have been what caused all the trouble... Oh well... Cheers!