Showing posts with label insiprations. Show all posts
Showing posts with label insiprations. Show all posts

Monday 25 August 2008

Inspired by a Strict Governess: Janus (mid-1980s)

This will probably be my last post for a week or so as I'm off to Spain in a couple of days (I should have been in Hastings today but I've put that trip off until tomorrow, but when I return I will be pretty much flying straight out)...Now down to business:

In the mid 1980s Janus (probably the most well known of the British spanking magazines) published a 'photo-story which, accompanied as it was by scant, if any, explanation as to the protagonists' relationship, was left largely open to interpretation. To my mind the uniform worn by the elder of the two women indicated that she was likely governess to the younger. Even at that time that was my preferred interpretation, although as I recall (and my memory may be playing tricks on me here), the suggestion in the text was more complex and involved the younger woman visiting the elder, perhaps as part of some role playing game (Games? we're not playing games here! A truly horrid suggestion!!!).

This, then is, in actuality, more an example of Janus so nearly hitting the right spot and then going on to miss the point entirely. Nevertheless it was formative to the ideas and fantasies building in my head at that point in time - and that would later inspire me to write my own stuff.
Here, in my interpretation, was an exceedingly dominant and strict woman hired by the girl's stepparent or guardian to "take her in hand". This theme is something of an undercurrent running throughout volume 1 of INSTITUTIONALISED and reemerging towards the conclusion of the upcoming volume 2, but that will really come into its own in volume 3 (wherein we will see what a governess, albeit one possessed of a rather specialised skill-set, can really achieve if given a free hand!).
At the time I could see (or fancied I could) in the girl's eyes what I would describe as the efficacy of her governess' approach in gaining control over what is, after all, clearly an independent adult woman - some of that independence has already been leeched away. Even then, though, I was disappointed by the girl's dress ; already I had in my mind that the young lady, too, should have been in some type of uniform - something befitting one occupying a more subservient station and thus balancing the equation so to speak.
In my imagination I could excuse the rather sophisticated dress she wore by invoking the assumption that ordinarily, prior to her governess' intervention in her life, she would have been customarily garbed in jeans and tee-shirt (perhaps even something of a tomboy). Perhaps, then, this was just a first step; the uniform would come later, perhaps much later - the various elements introduced stepwise, each stealing away a little more of her adult identity. I would delight in imagining how the governess, having won the first battle or battles and her charge now to be habitually found in some rudimentary form of uniform, would press on to win the war. Rules and regulations would be tightened up over time, new dress stipulations would be gradually introduced and refined and all with the same criteria in mind - to exert control through discipline and humiliation in equal measure.

This, then, pretty much goes to illustrate the credo of the INSTITUTIONALISED series as regards the character's dress, particularly within the institutional settings: Uniforms may evoke authority and bestow the right of authority upon the wearer - others may by their design, whether deliberate or otherwise, rob the wearer of status and identity, undermine confidence and eat away at self esteem and any sense of independence she might still possess.

Thursday 21 August 2008

A Girl and Her Governess - Part 1

A Girl and Her Governess
So here is the first part of the scanned magazine story I spoke of in the last post. Unfortunately I really can't recall from which magazine I scanned it from and I've mislaid the records somehow - silly me! (As always; click to enlarge and read)

Monday 11 August 2008

Some Influential Articles: Whips Incorporated - Part 1

(Click on title above to go to part 2)
Home again, home again! ...But only to find that I still have a 'phone line that sounds as if ten thousand bangers ( sausages for all you non-Londoners ) are being fried at the far end - my modem is not amused, and neither am I. Under the circumstances I'm going to be putting the majority of my efforts into finishing off the new volume - it is far too frustrating doing much involving the Internet. However, I'm not one to give up so easily, at least not entirely, so for the next few days I'm going to try to update to some extent while keeping things rather simple.

To this end, so as to combat the hugely overlong upload times I am encountering at the moment, I am going be posting scans of some of the articles / stories that have been influential over the years in developing my writing style, but in a serialised form and at a rate of a couple of pages at a time.
This first offering is s piece by the master of historical (particularly Victorian) spanking writing, Richard Manton, published in Janus magazine, I think in the mid to late 1980s. I'm not sure of artist behind the illustrations but I rather suspect the hand of Hardcastle at work here (As always, click to enlarge or click on Richard Manton's name for a listing of his books on Bookfinder) be continued...
Up-link speed willing, I will be posting the next two pages tomorrow (a single page if things are running too slowly).

Saturday 9 August 2008

Enema Punishments, Shamelessly Cruel Exploitation and A Link

(Click on title for previous letters page scan posted from Blushes et al)

Ordinarily I don't post or update at weekends; but I do try to each week day, at least once. However as I have a problem with my home internet connection at the moment I am staying with friends and using theirs and as mine might not get fixed in time for the start of the week I'm getting as much done as possible now (also it's pissing down outside (raining, that is) so there's little else to do anyway).

I just thought I'd put up another couple of magazine letter-page scans from of my extensive collection of stuff that has conspired over the years to inspire me to put pen to paper. These two are from the 'Blushes' / 'Whispers' / 'New Uniform Girls' magazine stable, published in the mid 1980s. Just click on either image to enlarge and read.

Both are suitably deliciously cruel and exploitative in tone in their own right; but it is when they are taken together that the fun really starts! There are various aspects here that were destined to inspire and, in one way or another, trigger, the creation of the INSTITUTIONALISED project. In particular the use of enema or laxatives proposed by the writer of the first letter (to left) and his concept of total control over a young lady's most intimate bodily functions, with the concomitant psychological impact that would likely bring - well, taken together with the suggested scenario rolled out in the second correspondence (to right), fertile ground indeed is provided for imagination to seed!
I just couldn't resist this pic; it so nicely illustrates both letters - I have to admit that I pinched it from Enema Photos blog - hope they don't mind - click on it to go to that blog, see more and perhaps contribute (something I'm always keen to encourage).

Thursday 17 July 2008

I wouldn't usually post a pic twice but it just occurred to me how ambiguous this Hardcastle illustration is. Is she under spotlights or are they sun-ray lamps - perhaps a little bit of enforced over-tanning of the tits, a bit of sunburn around the nipples.

Or perhaps we view from the mirror's perspective; a nice long and finely crafted session of enforced critical self-appraisal: how beautifully humiliating. Well, she needs to get that head back up sharpish and those eyes focused where they belong! Those knickers are going to have to come off too. A few strokes of nice springy rattan should suffice; breasts, buttocks, both: does it matter?
Come to think about it, I think I can just make out a cat o' nine tails in the background, just to her left; click on it and look carefully.

Suffice it to say that my take on all of this will eventually be found somewhere within the pages of INSTITUTIONALISED volume two (be patient, its coming) (and I will be too if I keep writing this stuff much longer). From tomorrow I will be posting the occasional snippet from volume two - keep watching!
But for now,'that's all, folks' - I'm off down the pub - hooray! ...Cheers!