Showing posts with label blushes magazine. Show all posts
Showing posts with label blushes magazine. Show all posts

Saturday 9 August 2008

Enema Punishments, Shamelessly Cruel Exploitation and A Link

(Click on title for previous letters page scan posted from Blushes et al)

Ordinarily I don't post or update at weekends; but I do try to each week day, at least once. However as I have a problem with my home internet connection at the moment I am staying with friends and using theirs and as mine might not get fixed in time for the start of the week I'm getting as much done as possible now (also it's pissing down outside (raining, that is) so there's little else to do anyway).

I just thought I'd put up another couple of magazine letter-page scans from of my extensive collection of stuff that has conspired over the years to inspire me to put pen to paper. These two are from the 'Blushes' / 'Whispers' / 'New Uniform Girls' magazine stable, published in the mid 1980s. Just click on either image to enlarge and read.

Both are suitably deliciously cruel and exploitative in tone in their own right; but it is when they are taken together that the fun really starts! There are various aspects here that were destined to inspire and, in one way or another, trigger, the creation of the INSTITUTIONALISED project. In particular the use of enema or laxatives proposed by the writer of the first letter (to left) and his concept of total control over a young lady's most intimate bodily functions, with the concomitant psychological impact that would likely bring - well, taken together with the suggested scenario rolled out in the second correspondence (to right), fertile ground indeed is provided for imagination to seed!
I just couldn't resist this pic; it so nicely illustrates both letters - I have to admit that I pinched it from Enema Photos blog - hope they don't mind - click on it to go to that blog, see more and perhaps contribute (something I'm always keen to encourage).

Friday 11 July 2008

An inspiring letter published in Blushes magazine (1980s)

Today's offerings are a pair of particularly inspiring (and long) letters published in the 1980s in the quite wonderful, but now unfortunately defunct, ‘Blushes’ magazine.
‘Blushes’, for those that have never come across it, tended to place a greater emphasis on the humiliation and exploitation, in various ways, of the young ladies depicted in its stories and pictures rather than merely concentrating on their caning, spanking or whatever, per se. There was also often greater emphasis placed on the imposition of strict rules, regulations and uniforms etc then was seen in other magazines of the time such as Janus, Swish, Roué et al. The first writer's comments ( left-hand scan) regarding the “dismal, watery outpourings” of the publications of the time certainly rang true in many cases, and in books and novels as much as magazines. The section wherein the writer mentions how “‘Blushes’ readers have wicked fantasies of how they might deal with pretty girls in their charge by way of CP” triggered off a whole series of follow-up letters from other readers outlining all sorts of cruelly twisted and interesting ideas, and the right-hand scan illustrates part of one such reply.

The most interesting and inspiring paragraph of the first letter, in terms of its relevance to the evolution of the ‘INSTITUTIONALISED’ series, is that wherein the writer states: “much preferable is the more hypocritical idea of a girl under[going] a harsh regime to ‘reform’ her. The humiliating uniform is in theory not so much worn for the titillation of her guardians, but as a constant reminder of her station and that she is subject to discipline" (yummm!). When I read that my imagination went into overdrive for weeks, if not months... just what might that 'humiliating uniform' consist of? Clearly, from the letters that followed, I wasn't the only one left feverishly juggling visions, ideas and possibilities.

Click on either scan to enlarge and read.