Showing posts with label Scans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Scans. Show all posts

Monday 11 August 2008

Some Influential Articles: Whips Incorporated - Part 1

(Click on title above to go to part 2)
Home again, home again! ...But only to find that I still have a 'phone line that sounds as if ten thousand bangers ( sausages for all you non-Londoners ) are being fried at the far end - my modem is not amused, and neither am I. Under the circumstances I'm going to be putting the majority of my efforts into finishing off the new volume - it is far too frustrating doing much involving the Internet. However, I'm not one to give up so easily, at least not entirely, so for the next few days I'm going to try to update to some extent while keeping things rather simple.

To this end, so as to combat the hugely overlong upload times I am encountering at the moment, I am going be posting scans of some of the articles / stories that have been influential over the years in developing my writing style, but in a serialised form and at a rate of a couple of pages at a time.
This first offering is s piece by the master of historical (particularly Victorian) spanking writing, Richard Manton, published in Janus magazine, I think in the mid to late 1980s. I'm not sure of artist behind the illustrations but I rather suspect the hand of Hardcastle at work here (As always, click to enlarge or click on Richard Manton's name for a listing of his books on Bookfinder) be continued...
Up-link speed willing, I will be posting the next two pages tomorrow (a single page if things are running too slowly).

Wednesday 9 July 2008

More from my collection of scanned classic articles and letters

Early inspiration was often to be found lurking in the letters pages of magazines such Janus and Blushes. (Click on images to enlarge)
Throughout the early to mid-1980s there was a long-running correspondence in the letters pages of the former being the most enthusiastically with the subject of so-called 'admission procedures'. This example is not complete, admittedly, but it is enough to get a flavour of the writer's insight, particularly as to the psychological impact on the hapless subject (image left).

Similarly, correspondents writing to Blushes magazine, a little later in that decade and into the early 90s, were sparing very little effort in racking their imaginations in the cause of cruel and unusual suffering. A psychological thread ran through their writings with humiliation more and more often taking centre stage and over shadowing the traditional, and frankly tedious at times, corporal punishment discussions that had been the conventional fare for so long. Here ( image right) the writer is putting forth a series of ideas for scenarios:

Again, this is only part of the letter, the rest has been lost overtime But perhaps some one else has the rest or others from the period that I have not yet seen (hint, hint). If so feel free to post.