What suddenly got me around to this line of thinking was coming across this pic just now while researching something entirely different - as is so often the case - and the dress struck me as a great jumping off point to exercise one's imagination along those lines. It is good to see something of the good old fashioned work dress persisting in this day and age but I'd have to make changes - long sleeves with tight buttoned cuffs to keep her mind on her appearance as she works, having to take care not to mark or dirty those cuffs, and perhaps a rounded collar butting at the throat rather than the open neck. What are your thoughts?
By the way I have just added two more blogs to the blog list (right hand sidebar): Spankee Finder.org.uk which claims to be “The UK's No1 spanking contact website” and The blog of one Leia-Ann Woods, a “submissive spanking enthusiast”. Just click either title to be transported straight there or check out my blog listing. I hope to see you a little later today with something about the new book - then I am off to Spain, flying early tomorrow morning. Bye!
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