Hi folks Back on the 15th of March I posted up a piece I called
'Happy Birthday Polly' (click to read or scroll down the page) which in one way or another lead to a minor discussion (see the appended comments) as to how one might deal with the overweight teenager or - on the other hand - the over-vain self-conscious opinionated stick insect forever preening in the mirror and full of overblown aspirations and ambitions. In connection with the latter '
Orage' wrote
"How to deal with the perfectly slim young thing...": quite simple since you've already dealt with that in 'Institutionalised 2': by giving her a girlish uniform, a fattening diet and having her hair messily trimmed." well to be honest this was an aspect that I only touched upon in that volume - and of course as I suggested there, under the right circumstances, and particularly within an institutional setting, it would be quite possible to manipulate the calorific content of the girl's meals to match one's aim without her being unduly alerted (other than for the effects of course, but they would take time to develop and might be camouflaged to some degree).

In fact manipulating the nutritional content of meals and keeping all else the same, the appearance, the consistency etc, is quite common in the annals of dietetic research literature. This is all well and good up to a point but eventually the fact remains that the young lady concerned would likely spot the changes being wrought and tend to try to counteract them - perhaps even subconsciously, resulting in reduced appetite. She might choose to eat more or less as appropriate and there is a limit it to how far one can increase or decrease the calorific content of a meal without it becoming something very strange indeed and the intervention being laid bare.
Obviously in an institutional setting wherein the girl's freedom has been curtailed and strict discipline is the order of the day, the overweight girl can be dealt with simply by withholding food and restricting portion size. Her hunger then also becomes a lever that can be used to further reinforced the institution's control over her through the coupling of behavioural modification techniques with food treats (but only within limits commensurate with the institution's aim). It is true, too, that under such circumstances disciplinary techniques can be invoked to bring about the changes required in the exercise and diet obsessed girl thought overly concerned about her figure, for example by insistence that she clear her plate under threat of the cane or the strap. But all this breeds resentment and that is something one might wish to avoid if in the domestic environment of perhaps even within some forms of institution under certain circumstances.

What if our young lady could be manipulated psychologically in some way to change her behaviour? Perhaps subtly, being encouraged step-by-step along the way with a loving arm around her shoulders so to speak. Food treats used as a form of reinforcement in behaviour modification might under the right circumstances and with the right encouragement become a source of comfort, perhaps to such a degree that the obsessively dieting would be catwalk model or dancer in effect becomes a compulsive eater. Driven by a subconscious compulsion that she can't possibly comprehend a point might be reached when, despite her burgeoning figure that stares back at her from the mirror, she no longer sees the point in all those punishing exercise routines she used to put herself through - and yet the choice to give up would almost seem as if her own. In that way I imagine her gradually slipping further and further under her carer's power. Mind you, one would want to control all those excess pounds and a girdle would seem the way forward (see top of

page) - fine and ideal under a nylon work dress (see right) and apron if set to work scrubbing the floor, but I wonder what would work under a school uniform. And one would definitely want to 'apply the brakes' once she'd reach one's ideal, but that in itself opens up yet more avenues for discipline.
Anyway my mind was brought back to this way of thinking having been working on a certain sections of the new book but also having come across, fairly recently, this lovely little illustration (above left) by the most talented Lynn Paula Russell (Paula Meadows as was). True it doesn't exactly tell such a tale but then again there seems little on the 'Web' that deals with either of the above approaches, other than a few short tales of 'fat camps' and husbands punishing their wives over the lack of weight loss. A quick search with the relevent search terms mostly brought up my own blog!
How subtle your analysis compared to my offhand comment! Shame on me!
"A quick search with the relevant search terms mostly brought up my own blog!":
It may be disappointing for you, but isn't it pleasant to wander off the beaten track?
Sometimes I worry about wandering too far of the beaten track, Orage! To be fair to my self though, getting away from the usual stereotyped run of the mill spanking theme and incorporating new variations and ideas did form an important part of my agenda when I started out writing my own stuff.
There are sites, discussions and literature out there dealing with the subject of enforced weight gain but they tend to focus on the extreme, with the pounds forever pilling on and on well into the realm of morbid obesity (and I for one see nothing attractive in that prospect).
What I am talking about is the relatively subtle manipulation of the subject’s silhouette – taking control of all those little life choices. Perhaps encouraging her to become a little chubbier here and there then she would by choice be to suite one’s own taste.
I am off to Spain for a week or so in a couple of days incidentally, but I will endevour to produce one more blog update before I go: I am itching to unveil a small taster from the new book and its updated cover (for which I have taken notice of email feedback from you lot out there). Oh; and it actualy has a title now - I'll be interested as to what you think.
I enjoy this scenario. I like the idea of discipline being associated with weigh-ins. The girls upon entering an institution are required to undergo a medical examination, which includes weighing and measuring. If their BMI is too high or too low, then they are set a target. Weigh-ins take place with the nurse every week, and where a girl is going in the wrong direction from her target BMI, a sound spanking is applied.
"incorporating new variations and ideas did form an important part of my agenda when I started out writing my own stuff."
And that's what appealed to all of us!
I have always loved a naughty woman wearing a girdle, pantygirdle, suspender-belt, and stockings, when they are spanked. Thank you for this most erotic feminine underwear.
Hi 'Sixofthebest' Sorry it has taken me so long to respond to your comment. Yes, there is something about those old-time foundation garments on an over-plump yet curvaceous woman. Some styles that had been 'mainstream' then would nowadays, ironically, be at risk of being viewed as 'fetish wear'. Playtex, for example, extolled the virtue of rubber in some of their girdles. I have a good few pics in my collection that I have gathered on my cyber-travels (and some scanned from old periodicals) that you would appreciate and I'll put up a couple on the blog soon - just for you. Saying that I have also come across a couple of examples of 'shape wear' - a modern variant on the theme apparently - you would like, including a style with cutaways allowing the wearer's buttocks to protrude! The mind fairly boggles, as I like to say - someone hand me a cane; bend over, that girl at the back!! And get those knickers down!
Toyntanen, thank you for your nice cordual message to me. For me the most beautiful phrase in the English language is "Naughty woman, get those knicker's down of yours, for you are going to painfully feel 'six or more strokes of a pliable stinging cane, upon your bare bottom."
This would also be a great scenarios in the home.
Hi Anon
I'd all but forgotten this post, but not the sentiment! Yeah, by 'in the home' I guess you mean as applied to domestic discipline. And that's the great thing about enforced or encouraged weight gain. No specialised equipment or surroundings are required, just a little imagination and a persuasive personality – advertising and the easy accessible prevalence of fast food outlets will do the rest. A pleasing effect on the eye of all that fresh preponderance of female flesh can be assured simply and cheaply through a visit to the local charity shop or thrift store where such items as girdles and corselettes can still to this day be acquired for very little outlay. Only this weekend, while searching for a cheap paperback to read in a nearby Red Cross shop I saw two old-style corselettes and – would you believe it (I nearly didn’t)? – a rubber Playtex girdle. If anything, thanks to the upsurge in interest in ‘vintage’, girdles and so on are actually easier to find than back in the day when my partner of the time and I had our Penny under our thumb.
A young lady should be weighed on the scale daily to be sure she's the proper weight. Her height should also be measured. If her weight is either too low or too high, she should undergo lengthy punishment sessions involving spanking, line writing, nude corner time, lectures, etc.
All households should have a Detecto mechanical height and weight scale for the weighing and measuring of ladies.
Regarding enforced and / encouraged weight gain within the home. I have only just seen this comment, Anonymouse. Not sure why it didn't get flagged up in my email. Yes. I quite agree. No special equipment is nessesary, just a little forethought, imagination and a willingness to read around the subject, do the research and possess or develop sufficint patiance and determination. And the only problem with carrying this out in a domestic scenario is the possibility of peer supported interfernce and the involvement of 'concerned' others. The last thing you'd want is somebody pointing out her weight gain or offering dietary advice and so on. You want the process to be insidious, the weight gain to creep up on her, ot better still an obsession with food and with eating to gadualy consume her.
Measuring height AND weight? Sounds like you're a beliver in using body mass index (BMI) for monitoring weight gain - and why not? But even in a domestic scenarios other indicies can be measured to estimate the efficacy of a dietary regeime, regardless of whether the goal is weight gain or reduction. For exsmple, her body composition may be monitored. Now, bathroom scales can be purchased cheaply enough nowadays capable of calculating body composition, i.e percentage body fat, lean tissue and so on by way of measuring so callerd 'bio-impeadence'. But it takes only a little research delving around in the literature (all availabe on the internet) and a bit of practice to learn to use the traditional skinfold measurement technique using callipers which has the potential to add an extra dimention of humiliation to the procedings.
I have to appologise for the spelling by the way. I am dyslexic and am using my phone without any form of spelling checker... Sorry!
The Detecto height and weight mechanical scale has always been a source of humiliation, structure, and strict discipline for me. The act of having to strip down and step up on that scale while somebody weighs and measures me.
One could do the weighing process very slowly, forcing the lady to stand very still on the scale while she is weighed and measured thoroughly and accurately.
One could hang leather strap next to scale as motivation to lose, gain or maintain weight.
Love the idea of calipers!
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