Talking off inspiration: if you remember the piece I posted recently regarding my collaboration with the Stateside computer artist, ‘Snooze’ and the evolution of a particular illustration I demonstrated as an example of the sort of thing we have been developing you will probably be interested with this, the latest incarnation of that art work - compare and contrast with the earlier renditions posted elsewhere. There are many more scenes we are working on – some far more complex and detailed - but it would spoil the fun to give any further inkling of these – you’ll just have to wait until the new book gets finished, or more specifically, the illustrated version of it.
In the present illustration the girl has just failed a written imposition set by the section psychiatrist – a most formidable, yet exceedingly clever - woman and has had her institutional pyjama bottoms taken of her in preparation for correction. The view through the door tells the viewer that this private little prison is in fact a tiny secure anteroom leading directly off of a more conventionally furnished consultation room - the regulation hospital bed provided for the inmate with its integral restraints is behind the view and so not in evidence. The white outer door beyond the bars both provides the psychiatrist’s office with the appearance one might expect, when closed, while also increasing the hapless girl’s isolation by removing from her the stimulation of the external view and providing for a high degree of soundproofing. The thick but supple leather belt carried, doubled-over, in the hospital sister’s hand, has a special relevance to the poor girl – it is something destined to make the up-coming correction all the more intolerable for the girl once the realisation sinks in! As always - all comments, ideas and what have you, will be gratefully received - bye for now!
'Orage' made the comment a couple of days ago that "the girl of the picture lacks volume. At first sight I thought it was a dirty cloth someone had discarded."
I have to admit to having accidentally deleted Orage's comment at the time while tying to post as reply of my own _ which didn't appear at all, so I'm not sure what I did. Many apologies. In my defence I have to point out that I am away from home and have been working using my netbook while sitting outside the bar at the far end of Eastbourne pier. The sun has made it a little hard to see the screen at times (and the beer hasn't exactly helped either - LOL)
As far as my comment in reply is concerned: I seem to remember pointing out that the green and white pyjama jacket is indeed supposed to present that kind of image - a shapeless rag-like flannelette institutional garment that has been worn 24 hours a day for days, if not weeks, on end by this point in this section of the story-arc. Clicking on the picture should provide a much clearer close-up view which looked pretty good to me on the large screen of my home computer before I came away, though it does lack detail on the tiny netbook screen (but then, everything does!). One thing that I have just noticed, though, is that the old cane marks across the girl's behind seem to have gone missing in this version - I think it is the way the shadows are falling in this revised version.
Judith has now completed several weeks back under school detention wearing school uniform at all times, spending every day confined in her room and making additional items of school uniform. She has been subject to severe restrictions in terms of toilet access and meals, weekly public humiliation in her uniform at Church, lengthy periods of corner time and I believe importantly, given her very compliant behaviour, a minimum of thrice weekly corporal punishment frequently in front of people other than my husband and myself. I think this period has demonstrated to her clearly that she needs to comply completely for her to see any reduction in the controls she is subject to. The shame of being beaten in front of others and the discomfort of wearing at all times, particularly though the hot weather, the thick one-piece woolen under garments she has knitted which require her to seek assistance to get out of prior to using the toilet or being caned or spanked across the behind have been constant reminders of her position. This appears finally to have enabled her to demonstrate acceptable behaviour across several weeks.
Based on this I am now trying to find her a menial job with the local council or one of it’s private contractors. Assuming this is possible then my intention is to continue her other sanctions with only minimal and slow reduction if behaviour is maintained at the required level. This means school uniform at all times when not at work (including the woollen undergarment at all times), limitations to toilet use, confinement to her room when not at work, frequent corner time and the continuation of thrice weekly corporal punishment (perhaps with less applications) but still, where possible, in front of guests. She will also continue to wear her hair cropped even when seen more in public. Given it is now summer I intend to have her wear a Gingham dress, ankle socks and cardigan as her uniform to underline that she is being treated like a school child with her uniform being changed like some of the infants she sees at Sunday School.
These conditions will last in some form for the forseeable future in the hope that with months of good behaviour Judith can be trusted to exist within a less restricted and controlled regime aided by her own self-discipline.
I am pleased to hear of suggestions which might aid her progress such as the woollen undergarment previously suggested which has been a significant factor in Judith’s improved behaviour.
Judith’s Aunt
I have just read this comment and am not sure if there is any previous items but I have to say that the sanctions you are imposing on your niece are very severe. I am, by agreement, subject to some discipline by my husband when I misbehave in certain ways. In our case the boundaries are agreed and I accept the sanctions given to me when my husband judges I warrant them – I have no doubt that they help me control some of the less desirable aspects of my personality. I have a responsible professional job and my disciplining not only helps our home life but also my career. Even with my worst transgressions I am not subject to anything like the severity or longevity of punishment described here and yet I have certainly found the sanctions imposed more than sufficient to both punish me and alter my future behaviour.
In the most severe case I was obliged to wear my school uniform (which I purchased) consisting of a green gingham dress, polyester green V-neck cardigan and ankle socks at all times at home for ten days, do all the housework, write lines and essays specified by my husband, have no television, as with Judith spend time facing a corner on occasions and I did receive six strokes of the cane and two further spankings. I was also seen in my uniform by my brother and sister-in law who were aware of our agreement but which nonetheless was a humiliating experience. The shame, loss of freedom, humiliation and physical discomfort of my punishment was more than sufficient to ensure I have not repeated my offence. I cannot therefore begin to understand the levels of humiliation, control and punishment suggested by this item.
Although you say your punsihment has been severe enough it appears from your post that you have to be disciplined periodically. This would imply that your punsihemtnis not sever enough to deter you from future transgressions. Perhaps you should allow your husband to judge whether some of the sanctions applied to Judith would be appropriate to improve your behaviour and if there use more proactively might also be appropriate?
Clare and I have certainly been able to adopt some of the ideas from this lady to our relationship. For the first time in a while Clare is being disciplined for unacceptable behaviour. We had agreed which new sanctions we would use and I have applied these with the effect of her punishment moving from being previously a short sharpish shock to a longer more thorough disciplining. For two weekends and last week she had to dress in her school uniform she described earlier when not in work. Unlike in previous times when out of work Clare has had no free time and when not performing all of the housework has either been in detention or made to stand in a corner or similar. The other learning we adopted has been increased corporal punishment. She received 8 strokes of the cane on the first Saturday, followed by a spanking on Monday, Wednesday and Friday and finally a further 8 stokes of the cane last Saturday. By Clare’s own admission she feels more deterred than previous from repeating her transgressions. The thing however which appears to be applying the greatest discomfort to Clare is the longer phase of sanctions she is now enduring. She has purchased an alternative set of work clothing – a long purple Jersey dress and a long charcoal cardigan from M&S – which she is now and will be wearing on Monday, Wednesday, Friday of each week to work. This is very different from her usual suits with trousers or knee length skirt. On these days she also wears her hair in a bun and no make-up or jewelry. This does make her look different although is probably not as obvious to others seeing her as to herself. She will continue to wear this clothing at work on these days and at all other times out of work until she has completed her final task which is to knit herself a knee length plain grey cardigan. When she has done this she will be able to dress as per usual to work but then have to wear her new cardigan at all times out of work (home and in public) for ten days. This may take some time as she has not knitted much before but the sanction is forcing her to use all of her spare time to produce the cardigan which will of course then be available for future use.
I am pleased to see that increasing the sverity and length of your wife's punishments appears to have been of benefit. I would laso like to suggest that you agree that there should be some additional review points as she carries out the current pahse of her punishment i.e. knitting this cardigan. This should be time limited to ensure she maintains focus. I would suggest that if she has not completed the task in two weeks that she be given an additional item to make or knit with a new deadling two weeks hence to have completed both. When complete she should then have to wear both items for four weeks - if she fails to complete further work can be applied. This will ensure a focus on obedience and task completion with a penalty for non-compliance which can be made more severe if necessary. I would assume that she should carry on with the work clothing sanctions you have already agreed for the extended period although these too could be made more sever if you feel appropriate by having her wear her new items all the time to work. I hope this suggestion is useful.
After some discussion Clare has accepted the need for a deadline for completion of her knitting task and sanctions for failure. She now has until 5 pm on Sunday to complete the cardigan she is making. Given her progress to date I think this is unlikely but not impossible. If she fails then she will, as suggested, have to make another plain clothing item for her use to a new deadline, wear this and the cardigan she is currently knitting for an extended period, extend the wearing of clothing restrictions to work, potentially other sanctions and have to post her full punishment herefor public consumption. She certainly therefore should at least be deterred from failing.
For your amusement and my humiliation here are the penances imposed for my failure to complete the knitting of the grey cardigan by Sunday.
a) To complete the knitting of the grey cardigan already being made and knit another identical knee length cardigan in brown wool by Sunday 14 November.
b) to wear the purple jersey dress and charcoal cardigan on two days per week to work.
c) on the other two days to wear the second hand M&S floral dress with long sleeves in orange and brown and long brown wool junper which we purchased on Sunday from the Oxfam on-line shop to work.
d)out of work & at weekends to wear either of the above outfits at all times.
e)if I complete production of the brown cardigan by 14 November to then where either the grey or brown knee length cardigan (or both) when not at work for a further 21 days
f)post my penances on the blog so as to facilitate my humiliation and enable further comment.
If I do not complete the new targets by 14 Nov. then I am to expect servere further sanctions including a further peiod in school uniform and potentially corporal punishment in addition to continuation of the public sanctions in terms of my clothes which are now in place.
I am sure like all the readers of this blog we are pleased to see Clare that you continue to be disciplined for your arrogant behaviour in not completing your agreed punishment. I am sure that having to go to work dressed more like your Granny in second hand clothing will certainly be an uncomfortable experience which you should be made to share as a further penance. You are lucky not to have received corporal punishment but perhaps this will follow if you fail to meet your new deadline. I would also suggest that you should start wearing the grey cardigan as soon as you have completed it both at home and to work.
I have failed to complete knitting of the second cardigan by the deadline and hence am to be further disciplined including this posting. However Mark and I have agreed that the wearing of “proscribed clothing” to work will no longer be part of such disciplining. Over the last couple of weeks I have not only been severely humiliated by going to work in my second hand Oxfam clothing but also this has begun to effect my work and the attitude of my colleagues. As this would be damaging to my career and hence to both of us (not just me) we have agreed not to continue this. However as I have again failed despite this humiliation I am now to endure a less all encompassing but longer and in part more severe punishment.
Complete the cardigan I am currently knitting and knit a further bottle green V neck cardigan by November 28.
During the week outside work and on Sunday wear my Oxfam outfit and the grey wool cardigan I have already completed at all times including if I go out.
On Saturday dress in my school uniform of green Gingham dress, green polyester cardigan and ankle socks.
8 strokes of the cane to my bare behind every Sunday of the punishment and a further four strokes of the belt to the palm and back of each hand every Wednesday.
If I complete the set work by 28 November at that point we will agree my further sanctions such as for how long and when I should wear the items I have made (which will be longer than the 4 weeks as previously set). If I fail again then I will receive further disciplining which may include more of the sanctions described in the piece from Judith’s aunt such as producing my own school uniform and then having to wear it and/or knitting woollen garments to wear under my other clothes, additional wearing of charity shop clothing and perhaps even enforced Church attendance.
I am sure like other site users we are looking forward to hear about the next steps of your disciplining post the Sunday deadline. Whether you complete your task or not I recommend the continuation of the more appropriate regime you have had imposed. If you are not to wear "punsihment clothing" to work then all options to implement punishments outside or unseen at work should be used. Reading the article about Judith's punishment your husband should consider having you knit woollen undergarments which can be worn at all times, school uniform at all times outside of work, punishment clothing in public - I am sure having to attend Church in a school uniform like Judith would prevent any further transgressions. Or perhaps six months in appropriately plain Charity shop clothing outside of work. I assume if you have failed to complete the second cardigan then your Christmas will be spent in detention in school uniform and the regular application of the cane.
I am pleased to say that I completed my task of knitting the second cardigan by last Sunday. I have therefore agreed with Mark my penance for failing to complete the earlier tasks on time in line with the gudinace we agreed. Thsi means no second hand clothing at work and also that the penance is time bound if I fufill the various aspects. In order to minimise the length of punishment, the severity is greater than I would have liked. Ths punishments are:
1) Wear one of the woollen cardigans I have knitted at all times out of work
2) Wear one of the cardigans to work every Friday
3) Attend our local Church on Sunday wearing either my existing second hand Oxfam outfit or the alternative I have now purchased from the same source - blue shirt, grey pinafore and V-neck grey jumper together with one of the cardigans I have knitted
4) From 5:50 pm until 7:30 pm every Friday evening do "cornertime" at home so as I consider my behaviour before going out
5) Punishment to last until 26 December and apply whoever may visit our house
6) Display my punishment on the blog and seek ideas for one further punishment which will then be selected an applied by Mark.
Hopefully this is the last time I will display my humiliation in this way.
I think your punsihment which lasts only just over 3 weeks is very lenient. You were facing 3 weeks in your new knitted garments before your last failure to complete them on time. I would therefore suggest that the additional sanction you receive be severe. I think to learn from the article which led to this position, you should be made to knit a full woollen undergarment with back closure. On completion you should have to wear this at all times for at least four weeks. As it will be hidden beneath your clothing there is no reason for this not to include your time at work. Having this available will also be useful as a future deterent. In addition since you will have to seek permission and help before going to the toilet it should curb your drinking on Friday's which appears to be the source of your poor behaviour. I think that a few strokes of the cane to your legs before Church attendance for all to see would be appropriate.
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