Hi folks; I am proud to say that INSTITUTIONALISED Volume 1 is now on iTunes - click the pic on the right to see, or check out the sidebar. I hope to see INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 follow suit in the fullness of time; I sent off the necessary files and posted the contract off to the publishers yesterday. In another bit of new, I thought you might like to know that “Behind the Barred Window” has been selected as a “Best Spanking Blog” at www.allspankingblogs.com, the directory of hand-picked, quality spanking sites - click on their button-pic, above left, or look for it in the good ol' right-hand sidebar (I don't know why I say that - I haven't got a left-hand one. I tried to add one once by fiddling with the HTML code but couldn't get it to work). The new volume is still coming along nicely with some

very interesting artwork being developed by my States-side collaborator. The last piece he sent me - which I got to see only half an hour ago - fair made my hands shake; I've got callouses and hair growing on the palms now and I'm sure my eyesight is fading. LOL, M8s - as the youngsters say. Finally, I have just this minute added two blogs to the sidebar blog list;
Dublin Paolo Spanking and
Imagine The Stories - click on either site name to visit. Oh, and a an interesting, if short, piece has just been contributed as a comment to my last posting, if you'd like to check it out - or maybe contribute something of your own...come on, why not?
Please excuse my ignorance in these matters but is it an audiobook? And in that case, who read it?
No, not necessarily an audiobook. The iTunes version is for reading as a so-called ebook on hand-held devices such as the iPhone and iPad. There is also now a version available through Amazon for their Kindle device. Saying that I believe it is possible for some of these devices to function as audio books, presumably by operating through some form of speech synthesis - but I'm not sure what happens if and when it comes to typos, and I'm sure there must be some.
Thank you, Garth. I only heard about iPhone and iPad. I understand better the Kindle device as its use is explained on Amazon.
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