The basic premise behind the illustration is that one girl is fitting handcuffs on the wrists of the other - the question you have to think about it is; what is going on... I mean, what really is going on? Does the girl who is being placed in restraints actually want to be in handcuffs or is it some sort of non-consensual bondage? if non-consensual, then the question is; has the girl fitting handcuffs in some way managed to manufacture the situation - ie is she the instigator? If so, bearing in mind that the girl being restrained does not appear to be struggling, how has she developed such control over her. On the other hand, if some third-party has instigated the scenario, then is either girl a willing participant? If this latter case the question becomes how has this come about, is the girl locking the cuffs doing so in fear of some punishment herself or has she been manipulated psychologically in some manner? A similar consideration can be given to the question of the apparent passivity of the victim (or are they both victim's?). If this latter series of scenarios are true and neither is a willing participant, then what is the rationale behind it, what is the instigator trying to achieve, what is his or her final agenda or motive? So many questions to base the framework of a story around - and we haven't even considered the location yet, a factor having a massive bearing on the storyline. The background is, I believe, left deliberately blank, partly to focus the eye on the action but also to give the imagination free rein - sometimes an incomplete framework can say much more than a fully fleshed-out picture!
By the way, while I was away I did a hell of a lot of work on the little netbook computer I carry with me. It was blazing sunshine all the way through from beginning to end (wonderful!) and the only thing better than working outside the bar at the far end of the pier (right) was setting up a little portable office for a spot of breakfast time writing on the veranda at the back of the Eastbourne branch of my favourite pub chain, Wetherspoon's (left - spot the work desk! LOL). Yes indeed! Your eyes do not deceive: It's built in an old recycled garage (bottom, right - click for a closer view)!!!
Now for a little bit of shittier news - someone, somewhere has become a little disillusioned with my Picasa Web albums it seems. Imagine my horror at returning home to be greeted by this jolly little missive:
"Please be advised that we have recently received reports that inappropriate content has been posted to your Picasa Web Albums account. One or more photos displayed in your gallery violates our Program Policies and has been removed.
Our Policies state that images displayed on picasaweb.google.com cannot contain obscenity, pornography, promotions of hate, incitement of violence, or spam, malicious code, or viruses. Please note that if you continue to violate these Program Policies, we may suspend your Picasa Web Albums account."
It would have helped no end if they had been kind enough to specify which particular pictures had been objected to and had been removed, because at this point in time I have no idea - I certainly can't see anything obvious missing and without knowing precisely the problem it is difficult to be sure to avoid it entirely in the future. I guess one thing I may have
to do is to flag up this blog as adults only as many others have done - does anyone out there know how to achieve this, only I am worried about fiddling with it myself in case I inadvertently end up deleting the entire blog or something and it has a hell of a archive built up that I have yet to work out how to back up properly, by which I mean as they complete working blog or website.
By for now, but I have to get on with some writing, of which I will tell you more next time. Safe to say, though, that barring certain working obligations, now that I am back I will be updating the blog more frequently; perhaps every couple of days or so.

Now for a little bit of shittier news - someone, somewhere has become a little disillusioned with my Picasa Web albums it seems. Imagine my horror at returning home to be greeted by this jolly little missive:
"Please be advised that we have recently received reports that inappropriate content has been posted to your Picasa Web Albums account. One or more photos displayed in your gallery violates our Program Policies and has been removed.
Our Policies state that images displayed on picasaweb.google.com cannot contain obscenity, pornography, promotions of hate, incitement of violence, or spam, malicious code, or viruses. Please note that if you continue to violate these Program Policies, we may suspend your Picasa Web Albums account."
It would have helped no end if they had been kind enough to specify which particular pictures had been objected to and had been removed, because at this point in time I have no idea - I certainly can't see anything obvious missing and without knowing precisely the problem it is difficult to be sure to avoid it entirely in the future. I guess one thing I may have

By for now, but I have to get on with some writing, of which I will tell you more next time. Safe to say, though, that barring certain working obligations, now that I am back I will be updating the blog more frequently; perhaps every couple of days or so.
flag up this blog as adults only as many others have done - does anyone out there know how to achieve this
It is simplicity itself.
Logon into your blogger account.
Click on the tab marked SETTINGS
Scroll down that page and you'll find
Adult Content? Yes No
If Yes is selected, viewers of your blog will see a warning message and will be asked to confirm that they want to proceed to your blog.
Select 'no'.
rex_talbot at yahoo dot com
Thanks for that, Rex old chap and welcome to the fold! I know you have left a number of comments previously, but what with one thing and another this is the first chance I have had to officially say hello.
While I recommend you mark this blog as 'adult' I am not at all sure that it will protect you from censorship of your pictures because the Picasa site is separate from Blogger and anyone can browse and search Picasa without ever going to this blog.
First thing you could do is use neutral names for pix you post -- if you post a picture called caning.jpg then it can be found on Picasa by searching for caning.
But maybe someone has it in for you and is making complaints. You may have to consider storing your photo's elsewhere.
If you want to see what pictures have been removed you can go thru thi sblog to see where pictures are missing.
Sorry -- in my first comment I meant 'select YES' to make the blog adult.
typo :)
I wish I had the luxury of the time to thoroughly go through the blog but I am deeply involved in writing some stuff for the new book at the moment. I just pick a few pages at random from the archive just now and found they were intact - much to my relief. Also took a quick look at see quick look at one or two of my actual Picasa Web albums earlier, and they also seemed intact, at least as far as I could tell.
Well I went through the whole blog and nothing jumped out at me as missing. Maybe they mean you need to remove it yourself. It would help a lot if they told you what they were referring to of course.
"now that I am back I will be updating the blog more frequently; perhaps every couple of days or so."
How about keeping that promise? :)
You’re right of course, ‘Orage’.; but has someone once said “many a slip ‘tween cup and lip”. It turns out that apparently I promised to help out the ‘other half’ this week and in addition I have got fairly bogged down with writing the new volume, working on what is probably the most ambitious piece of story writing I have ever attempted. I am having to rearrange a whole swathe of prose after my States-side collaborator pointed out – quite rightly – that it had become so complex and overblown is to be nigh-on impossible to follow with any certainty as to who is speaking. To make matters worse; a big chunk of today will probably be taken up sitting around in Barnet Hospital as I am taking my aged mother in to have treatment for her eyes – she has age-related macular degeneration (I think I have beer-related brain degeneration – but that’s a different story!). Although I shall be taking my netbook machine with me and shall be doing (hopefully) a little writing, I will not have internet access from there – although I hope to be near a WiFi access point later in the day and if so may be able to put together a blog update. If not…well, hopefully tomorrow – although that will make it one week (again), sorry folks! Anyone in the Barnet General Hospital area – I’ll be sitting in the coffee bar on the ground floor of the main building, if you fancy a chat.
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