Monday 29 March 2010

A Little Snipett Teaser

Howdy folks! Just sitting 'vegging out' in the Turnpike Lane Wetherspoon's (Pub). Been doing a little writing (and imbibing) to help get over what was probably my worst driving lesson to date! Anyway, I just thought you would appreciate a little teaser of what I have been working on at late. Don't be shy - let me know what you think and any ideas you have. The pics are just something I thought suitable. I know it's short but the next fragment I post will be longer... Now read on...

Watching the girl shuffling along - shoulders hunched, one hand employed hitching up her pyjama bottoms, the other hanging listlessly by her side and occasional tugging an overlong trouser leg out from under a foot – the thought occurred that the best way to proceed now might be to place the girl in total seclusion for a couple of days. Mind made up - and having arrived at the interview room – she gave the girl a hard slap on the bottom with her open palm, producing a yelp and propelling her patient towards the open doorway door.
“Come along now, back into the consulting-room you go, - that’s it, like a good little girl.”
Smiling pleasantly the doctor waited, one hand on her hip, the other holding back the heavy quilt-lined iron door, as the teenage girl shambled into the room ahead of her. The sense of triumph in her breast was almost palpable yet, sadly, she knew her elation could not be shared - indeed it was something she would have to take great care to conceal from her patient. Perhaps if she had never seen footage of the girl in a previous existence - as a self assured, self-confident young woman just coming up to her final exams, an Oxbridge place already predicted by most and a prestigious classical dance scholarship in the pipeline should she prefer - her pulse might not have been racing so, the flush less obvious around her cheeks and her breathing more measured. As it was, the stark contrast between the girl she had seen up on that screen - laughing and cavorting carelessly in her Donna Karan summer dress, her waist-length raven hair splaying out around her as she twirled - and the childishly-dependent cowed figure with boyishly-short side-parted hair shuffling unsteadily along in striped mental patient pyjamas and weeping gently, had a piquancy the effect of which she found difficult to disguise.
At one level it worried her - as a mental health professional it bothered her that she did not feel at least a modicum of compassion, let alone that she should view the scene through contemptuous eyes. She sometimes wondered if she were not, in some ways, as much a caged animal as were her charges - and equally as manipulated. But then there was that other side to her; the side that had led her to study psychology, to take up psychiatry, in a quest to rationalise her own undeniable predilections, to understand that part of her that she denied still and that was out-and-out dominant lesbian. The irony was that her denial itself was the key to understanding her personality, if only she could see it. That which roused her passion was the subjugation of her own sex and - being in denial - the guilt she laid squarely on the shoulders of the subject of that passion - especially if particularly fair of face and pleasing to the eye. The more attractive she found a young woman, the more she would seek to apportion blame and the more that attractive personality had to be curbed. This invariably resulted in still greater arousal and a burning guilt, which of course she would happily transfer to the object of her desire and which could only be assuaged by further spitefulness in retaliation. Luckily there were others who could see it, who had seen it, who had realised that here was something that might be utilised - a talent, one might say. Without the invisible guiding hand of these unknown individuals she might well have been destined herself to one day stumble around on a locked ward somewhere. Yet here she had been given free rein and thus stripped of the fear of consequence - even if not the guilt of a staunch, repressive Roman Catholic upbringing - and contrary to expectations the result had been stability and a flowering of her intellect.
Behind the reflective disguise of her black-rimmed glasses the doctor's eyes, though lacking none of their usual shrewdness, smoldered with dewy-eyed passion. The urge to upend the girl over her lap, to tug down those pyjama bottoms, to run her palms over the girl's drum-tight polythene knickers, was all but irresistible. But then again; what need was there to resist? After all, she had complete and utter carte blanc over this girl. She could draw a fingertip along the deep, sharply-defined declivity between those resilient globes, where the softly rounded elastic back seam dipped alarmingly if as if seeking to rend the girl's buttock cheeks, one from the other. She could trace around the circular outline of the cotton reel-sized rubber bung that distended and stretched the girl's sphincter - locked in place by an internal mushroom-shaped flange, its central cylindrical opening equally perfectly proportioned to facilitate the rapid insertion of all manner of suppositories or to accept the colonic irrigation nozzle. She could cup the swollen lips, clearly visible through the air-brush thin transparent polythene, feel around the coiled protrusion of the catheter and the little protruding thimble-like nubbin of the stiffened rubber clitoral hood that was there to prevent masturbation - except that it didn't, not fully.
What the latter prophylactic did do, though, was prevent culmination - it was a devilish little device, its platinum wire framework sutured into place with threaded fine wires of the same material, its internal surface lined with thousands upon thousands of fine threadlike latex strands that continually teased and tickled with the slightest movement but could do little else. She could keep the girl bent across her knee, spanking her with one hand and twiddling and rocking that little torture of Tantalus with the other, feeling the core heat of the girl's body, that young buoyant bottom, tight yet plump, desperately pressing back against her palm, the girl's hips pivoting in a psychologically damaging combination of frustration and pain. She could bring the girl close, so so close; she would keep her there, teetering on the precipice, her mind tied in a writhing, conflicted turmoil of yearning and abhorrence, confused and suggestible in equal measure and soaking up the ideas she would whisper like a sponge. She would bring the girl right to the edge, have her begging, without ever having to fear inadvertently providing the relief she craved. Then, when the girl was sobbing as much in frustration is in pain, she would push her, weeping to the floor, make her crawl to her room and have her kneel there with her hands on her head, or perhaps she might stand over her watching her frantically masturbate, soaking up her humiliation and berating her failure to satisfy herself. Alternatively she could bend the girl the across her desk, peel back the perspiration-tacky plastic of her knickers, tug them down around her knees and take the edge off her passion with half a dozen cuts or so of a nice pliant bamboo rod or, better still, a thin plaited leather riding crop. Yes, a riding crop, why not? She could almost feel it in her hands, hear it slashing through the air again and again and again, hear the girl's plaintive screams bouncing harmlessly off soundproofed walls. And she could repeat the procedure day after day, week after week, month after month; she could fixate the girl on her own bottom and on being dominated and spanked by her psychiatrist.
Indicating the girl’s usual place - the hard, straight-backed wooden chair set in front of the doctor’s desk – she gestured for the girl to take a seat. The girl sat and the woman was pleased to see her place her hands on her head without being instructed – the girl was coming along quite nicely now, she thought.

Friday 26 March 2010

Another Blog to Visit While You Wait for the Next Volume

Just in case you missed the link posted as a comment to the update before last I have added the blog; 'Grumpy Old Fart' (sounds like me - ha ha!) to my blog list in the right-hand sidebar (or you can just click on the blog title to go straight there). Despite the title it is well worth a visit - my thanks to Summertime 75 for that. As for the artwork - it is just something that I think is evocative - at least vaguely so - of the part I am presently working on for the new volume...

And now, back to the writing.

Oh! I forgot to say; I have also just added another couple of drawings to the Picasaweb album entitled: Art by Lynn Paula Russell (Paula Meadows), which can be found under the banner of 'Spanking Artwork Albums' in the right-hand sidebar....And now back to the writing...No, really!

Thursday 25 March 2010

Ideal Homes and Punishment Dress

Thanks go out to 'Orage' for pointing out to me that one of the blogs that I feature in my blog list (see side bar) - namely, 'The Beauty and The Birch' – has posted a most excellent article on punishment-dress taken from an old spanking magazine that I used to read way-back-when, entitled 'Phoenix'. Absolutely classic. I actually have that edition somewhere in the depths of my collection but I hadn't seen it for years, until today. It highlights that other function of punishment dress besides and beyond the humiliation aspect that I usually focus on in my writing – that being the facilitation and augmentation of corporal punishment. Probably the best example of this aspect was the photo set published in Blushes (or was it Whispers) many years ago that involved a reform-school caning applied over skin-tight, thin close-fitting shorts - the intimate fit further benefiting from a cord pulled taut between the girl's bottom cheeks and tied off at the waist band. A saturating deluge of water from a suitably institutional-looking white enamel jug then added that all-important je ne sais quoi. I'm sure most of you know where I'm coming from with this – I have pasted a pic from this set on this blog in the past – but to check out the Phoenix article, click here. I have the full Blushes / Whispers set in my collection and would have chucked in a couple of scanned pics here, but I am in a pub in Palmers Green (North London) using my 'Net book' and don't have access to my full files.

Yesterday I attended the 'Ideal Home Exhibition' in Earls Court, London – the (only) highlight of which was a demonstration of 3D television. It was apparently the 102nd such exhibition, which led me to wonder what innovations would have been on offer in the first few, a golden era when the concept of 'labor-saving devices' probably included girls in service, maids and the like – I shall have to investigate.
Since posting this (last night) I have come across the photo I spoke of above (see above left - obviously). I have the rest of the set in a magazine somewhere - I'll dig it out, scan and post it up if there is sufficient interest. Otherwise I shall be getting on with writing the new volume.

Saturday 20 March 2010

A Little Bit of Praise Goes a Long Way

Hi peoples!

I am working away from home today, but not too far away – just another area in North London. The good news, though, is that it is raining. Doesn't sound too inspiring I suppose but then again I am not in need of inspiration at present. I have built up quite a backlog of hand-written rough drafts that need typing up and, what with the weather, I have little urge to visit the pub and little to do to distract me from the task at hand. On top of all that; I received, yesterday, some wonderful encouragement in the form of a comment kindly posted me by a reader via Lulu. Had I been flagging, I'm sure the following would have got me up and running again – it certainly made my day. I was (and am) truly chuffed.

“So much enjoyed INSTITUTIONALISED 1 and [INSTITUTIONALISED ] 2 which I [recently] purchased. Brilliant BDSM writing.! And I have probably read the best of them. I hope there is an Institutionalized 3 in the pipeline.”

Obviously, I replied in a suitable tones of gratitude, explaining that – as those of you who are regular readers will already know – while there will eventually be an Institutionalized volume 3, at the moment i am working on a sort of combined prequel / overlap volume (title still to be finalized). Talking of which; I am still working along the cupcake / baggy pajamas / doctor's office interrogation thing I have spoken about before. I wish I could tell you more but it is one of the more imaginative (I think, anyway) sections and the risk is that by being too explicit I could end up spoiling things for would-be readers by giving too much away. I think I can risk saying that from the outset the scene has a strong undercurrent of humiliation running through it. While some aspects of the heroine's shame might seem, at first sight, fairly blatant, much more is covert and works on very many, very subtle, levels explored from a psychological standpoint. In the part I am working on today, there is a visit to a derelict open air exercise yard where our heroine learns to her horror how something once merely vaguely troublesome has become a twisted dread more confining than the bars on the windows and the medical restraints on her wrists.

PS: I hope you like the pics – just a few thumbnails from my sole affiliate account: see banner at page bottom.

Thursday 18 March 2010

A Correction

My apologies go out to all those who tried to view the Mr Tawse collection by clicking on the picture link I provided in my last posting and my thanks to ‘’Madmonkey’ for pointing out that the link didn’t work. I am usually very conscientious in testing out the links I provide – but this time I slipped up…twofold. Firstly: The picture link didn’t work because apparently the address line was to long for blogger to embed in the image (or tag the image, or whatever). Secondly: I had neglected to place the link in the right-hand sidebar ‘Useful Resources’ list that I talked about in my last posting – this I have now done. I have also reworded my last offering so as to avoid confusion to any newcomers and I have removed the embedded link from the Janus governess picture so that you can view a larger version by clicking on it. I have to rush off now – my driving lesson beckons.

Monday 15 March 2010

Slippering, Sunshine and Other Joys

Hi folks! It is a blindingly sunny day here in London and hopefully it is just as great wherever you are too. I didn't get to go to the beer Festival at Camden Town Hall in the end so I had to be satisfied by making up for it with a few beers yesterday whilst taking my mother out for Sunday lunch - it was 'Mother's Day' all mother or Mothering Sunday, as it is sometimes called. I had taken along my netbook computer and had hoped to get a few pages typed up while awaiting her arrival but as it turned out she arrived only a few minutes after I got the thing booted up - and that was that. I've only got a couple of free hours in which to get some writing done today so I'm going to go on with it in a moment and so I will keep this short and sweet for now. I just wanted to use this opportunity to tell you about a couple of blog I have just today come across and an 'Imagefap' user profile that is chock full of interesting pictures and artwork based around our favourite subject. The chap calls himself Mr Tawse and you can get to see his collection, such as the picture top left, by clicking on the link I have provided in the right-hand side bar - listed as Mr Tawse (amazingly) - under the 'Useful Resources' category (I know I have posted this pick before, but I just love it anyway). The two blogs are called 'Dr Fetish (Medfet's WebBlog)' - a medical fetish / medical restraint blog, well worth a visit and 'Simply Slippering' (does exactlyy what it says on the tin). Quite amusing, that latter one, as the other half seems to think that she invented the term 'slippering' - no, really, LOL! Now it's back to the grindstone; I'm so full of ideas that moment that something is going to go bang if I don't get them down on paper quickly. Meanwhile, click on either blog title to visit or look for the relevant link in the right hand sidebar blog roll (the Imagefap thing can be found listed under Mr Tawse in the 'useful resources list - also in the right hand sidebar ). Check out the nurse; just perfect, I pinched her from Mr Tawse's collection (well he's pinched a couple of my scans by the looks of things). She looks well worth a visit too (her site's URL can be seen on the picture - just click for a larger version). How I would love to be able to use her photo on the cover of the new book when it's finished - what could be more apt? Wishful thinking of course,!

Tuesday 9 March 2010

Yet More Pyjama Spanking - And Even a Hint of Enforced Weight-Gain

Hi folks! I'm working from home today, I have to get uploaded the substantial backlog of work that I have scribbled down in my trusty notebook wall in various pubs over the last week or so. It's true that thanks to my little netebook computer that I now habitually carry around with me, quite a lot of work already exists in various files. But the thing's battery life is limited whilst my appetite for ales not quite so and I still end up scribbling copious notes. I'm still working on the cupcake thing that follows on from the initial interview / interrogation scene which in turn is the part that involves our heroine being put in shapeless stripey institutional pyjamas, which - to turn full circle -play an interesting pivotal role in the cupcake scene.

Actually, it has been surprising just how much interest there has been in the whole pyjama concept and so, thanks to an anonymous contributor who wrote to tip me off, I have today added a link in the sidebar blog list to 'Girls Pyjama Spanking'. I couldn't resist taking a quick gander and found it to be a fascinating blog, the most recent posting featuring a marvellous little photo set based around a delectable little thing called Kami Robertson. Needless to say I also couldn't resist having a quick Google around her name looking for more examples and of course I got sidetracked, but in so doing was led to the work of an artist that I hadn't come across before called Kami Tora, see the art work above left - just click on it to see more of his work or look out for the link in the 'Useful Resources' section of the right-hand sidebar. Of course I then had to Google for a bit more of this artist's work which in turn lead to yet another diversion and the evocative little photo, below on the right - I have yet to visit the site it originated from - - in fact I dare not as I just know that I would get totally sidetracked and get absolutely nothing done for the rest of the day.

So from this point all it's back to the grindstone, although it is not all been frivolous Web surfing today. To go back to the 'Girls Pyjama Spanking' blog again, just for the moment; I came across a comment posted by blog's writer as regards the featured pyjama-clad girl saying something along the lines of how, despite one particular pair looking perhaps a little large on her, nevertheless once the girl was bent over her " perfectly round bum filled them gloriously ". Of course the depicted pyjamas are nothing like the baggy shapeless green and white stripey institutional things I envisage our heroine, in but it was that bit about her bum filling them that " gloriously" that got me thinking. There is a similarity to a certain piece of dialogue that I've been working on over the last couple of days, just something that the institution's psychiatrist mentions about wanting to see the girl in her charge " fill out those pyjamas". I've been thinking that what with the girl only possessing that one pair that the doctor has given her and being confined either to the doctor's office - where she is questioned day in day out - or the little room that leads off of it, with the minimal facilities that implies, several weeks or perhaps a couple of months in to her residency those pyjamas are unlikely to feel so fresh on. When she is informed that her guardian will be paying her a visit in addition to the humiliation engendered by her appearance she is horrified by the way that woman will perceive her personal hygiene.

By now the shapeless pyjama bottoms no longer fit quite so loosely around her waist hips and bottom and despite any misgivings she may have regarding her blossoming figure she has at least cheered by the fact that she no longer has to continually struggle to keep them from falling around her ankles - something she would find particularly humiliating in front of her hated guardian. One can imagine the relief when she is reassured by the doctor that in return for some new level of co-operation she will be rewarded with a nice fresh crisp clean pair - then comes the dilemma. The good doctor lets slip that the only pair available in the girl's size are the ones she has one - the nice new clean pair she holds up in front of the girl are a good couple of sizes too large. If she wants to wear these in front of her visitor she can but with this privilege comes a price; she must bend for six strokes of the doctor's cane across her bare behind just prior to meeting her visitor. She must also accept the equally baggy and shapeless bloomers that come with the new pyjamas and which of course, like the pyjamas, are also devoid of waist elastic or any other method of fastening at the waist. She has been told many many times that pyjama cords, lengths of elastic and the like can present a danger to psychiatric patients - the implication is not lost on her and the tedium of having to constantly walk around holding up her pyjama trousers and now her underwear keeps that thought ever fresh and in the front of her mind. She has a choice but there is a deep element of humiliation attached to either. In addition there is the bitter humiliation of the meeting itself haunting her; she is told that she is to greet her guardian pleasantly and politely, she is to thank the woman for being kind enough to visit her, she had to say how well she is being looked after in the hospital and how thankful she is for being under the good doctor's care. She also has to recite in detail the long list of ways her therapy is benefiting her - a list ingrained by hour upon hour of tedious line writing impositions under the doctor's supervision - and how at home she is now beginning to feel in the institution. The latter is not entirely an untruth given her months of isolation and almost constant indoctrination at the hands of a skilled psychologist. Throughout, she is told, she must sit up straight with her hands on her head, listening without comment to everything her guardian has to say. If given certain papers and documents to sign she is to do so without question or hesitation. The doctor is going to be present throughout the visit and any failing on the girl's part will earn her six strokes of the doctor's cane across her bare buttocks in front of her visitor and another six strokes later on, once her visitor has left, followed by a prolonged period of isolation locked in the cramped little anteroom with just the hospital bed and desk for company..And a surprisingly subtle punishment of the doctor's own devising of which I shall say no more for fear of giving too much away.

See you later, folks. PS: don't forget, the beer drinkers amongst you, that is the London Beer Festival at Camden Town Hall on Wednesday Thursday and Friday of this week, though I'm not sure yet which day I shall attend.