Monday 30 March 2015

Home Schooling: Uniform Inspection

This just sprung to mind when working through a contribution by Chris (who developed the character Miss Frobisher and having come across this pic on my hard drive while searching for the gymslip pics I pasted up last time.
While her old school chums were entering their final year in preparation for university or leaving to get jobs, get married, perhaps go travelling, she’d found herself trapped in the most stifling home schooling régime imaginable, dressed from head to toe and from the skin outwards in the fussiest of school uniforms and under the tutelage of a woman who seemed intent on taking control of every tiny little aspect of her life. Just like the tiny little speck of a stain Miss Frobisher had just detected on her heavily starched white school blouse – THAT would be two strokes of the cane, just for starters – and Miss Frobisher had already indicated that one of the seams of her fully-fashioned lisle stockings wasn’t sufficiently straight; that would be another two strokes for sure.
She turned eighteen some time back and under the terms of the will she could have inherited then. But she’s a level-headed girl, fully aware of her shortcomings - intellectual and otherwise - ,her lack of maturity and inability at present to shoulder the responsibility of dealing with such a large inheritance. When it was explained to her she could accept the alternative and more traditional legal interpretation of the term ‘age of majority’ as in ‘upon reaching the age of majority’ as meaning upon reaching age twenty-one she seemed happy enough to sign the relevant papers. She’d seemed happy enough as well to accept the idea of staying under home education rather than leaving to try to finish her schooling and go on to university like her old school chums. Mind you, she’d find that very difficult. With university places at a premium these days the entry requirements are becoming higher and higher – and she has nothing like the minimum qualifications.

Home Schooling for the Would-Be Under-Grad Applicant, the Reintroduction of School Uniform and Dealing with the Bustline - to Bind or not to Bind? Is THAT the Question?

The following probably contains so many spelling errors it isn't true, but I am away from home using my daughter's laptop and can't get the spell checker to work on this thing - bear with me, I'm sure you can work it out.  I've just discovered a hell of a lot of the content from the BEYOND THE BARRED WINDOW website didn't make it when I migrated the site to an area of Graham's THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE site.  So this is in a way a bit of an excuse for me to post up some of my fave gymslip pics that some how got lost in the move, although to be honest I was looking for one of 'em when I made this horrifying (because it had taken so long originally and had some pics not available elsewhere) discovery. 


I sometimes think we should be greatful for the modern world – from several diferent perspectives. Consider this scenario – stick with me and you'll see it's quite plausable; been there, done that... sort of anyway:

Imagine if you will it is back in the day. You are faced with a recent school leaver, some recalcitrant pouty, yet attractive, teenager determined to make her own way in the world. Ok, she's only recalcitrant up to a point – deep down inside she's a fairly quiet type; if she digs her heels in her objections are fairly easily overcome with a determined jut of the jaw, a stern attitude and sheer power of will. In other words, she's easily intimidated, she's pleasantly maluable - but perhaps not that bright.

Perhaps she left school at the first opertunity not so much because of her defiant individulistic streak, her determination to be independent and a conviction to break away, as to escape bullying, say, or because of an inability to perform well academicaly, despite not being TOTTALY dumb. Perhaps there is some sort of educational deficiency present, perhaps something easily overcome, like yours truly suffers from – dyslexia – or somewhat more difficult to deal with but still manageable, such as mild attention deficit disorder. Perhaps she is somewhat psychologicaly immature for her age, struggles with her own new-found independence, wrestles constantly with decision making, can't make up her own mind. Perhaps deep down in her heart of hearts – though she may not realise it herself – she actualy hankers for dependance, to be told what to do and when to do it.

Again, imagine if you will the decission has been made to wrest control of her life from her, for her own good, to return her to full-time education while there is still time to turn her around, pedagogicaly speaking. Now, it of course goes without saying she is above the legal age below which atendance in some sort of educational establishment or education by an acredited tutor following a state ratified sylabus is mandatory and in the eyes of the law is an adult for all intents and purposes, old enough to marry – as the hackneyed saying goes – but not old enough to know her own mind.

Through a painstaking programe of interviews, background checks and vetting you've found just the tutor you need to reintroduce a home schooling regeime, a thin-lipped young woman with just the right attitude and belief system. A suitable space in the home is easily enough found and put aside for educational purposes – and this is easily enough furnished from highstreet shops; as easily then as now; with no questions asked.

Even if it is desired to introduce corporal punishment at some point there is little problem. Bamboo canes can be plucked from the garden – you can leave the roses to fend for themselves for a while; I know I have, in the log distant past – or bamboo canes can be purchased from the local garden centre without the slightest HINT of a raised eyebrow, or you can simply fold over your belt or use your hand. And such has always been the case.

But now the stumbling block: With all going to plan thus far the decision is made to return her to school uniform. Doesn't sound too much of a problem? But imagine she is a little on the plump side; big hips, big bum; and buxom with it. In other words a very mature figure which we're setting out to try and package in a decidedly immature way. But this is where the modern world may actualy come to the rescue. Even without the advent of the internet the uncomfortable fact of the increasing prevalance of obesity in the young has meant even traditional school outfitters, supermarkets and chain stores now stock suitable items ranging up well into adult sizes. There was a time when only a good seamstress was the solution if you wanted to take her much beyond a basic skirt and blouse type of thing. Now summer dresses and even more juvanile styles such as zip-fronted pinafore dresses can be aquired from out in what we might term the main-stream marketplace. Even simple gymslip-like styles can sometimes be secured in sufficiently large sizes from such sources.

OK if you would prefer to see her in something a little more idiosyncratic like the crossover top style of gymslip I prefer to see (see illustation) you might still need it made to meassure. And there is a lot to be said for bespoke tailoring if you can afford it and you are willing to go through the trouble of having her measured and perhaps two or more fitting sessions with alterations where nessesary and so on. But that troublesome aspect might almost be worth the cost in its own right; the opertunities to extend girl's embaressment in such a situation are almost endless and only limited by one's imagination.

In the right hands her blushes will be frequent, deep and long lasting. One only has to revisit 'the fitting session' in a back issue of Janus from back in the 1980s to appreciate the possibilities. In that article it was a bespoke pair of shorts being modeled and fitted but exactly the same considerations and detailing could be applied to something as ordinarily intimate as a pair of knickers, achieving an extrodinarily snug and revealing fit without actualy being tight as such. It is only when one realises that in home schooling, if the wearing of a uniform is required for lessons and so on, the usual considerations need no longer nessesarily apply that one would have to take into account if designing a school uniform for public appearance that the possibilities really begin to present themselves.

Thus – if expense is not an issue – I can envisage two complete sets of uniform being made up. One for when out in public – because why shouldn't she have to retain school uniform on her, rare, escorted trips outdoors? And the crossover-top gymslip with the plain skirt exactly as shown is eminatly suitable Ok if you wanted to make it less unusal and likely to raise comment you could allow the wearing of a buttoned cardigan of a suitably subdued shade over the top, though this should always be V-necked to show the school tie and should incorporate contrasing piping in school colours to make it clear to onlookers that she is in some sort of school uniform – a matching berret with a school badge can make this statement clearer still.

For home wear the modified version would be worn – and this is where the tailored school knickers come into their own. At home the skirt can be made extrodinarily brief. The knickers, high-wasted short-legged bloomer stlye, would terminate with beribboned leg cuffs perhaps a little way below midthigh and fit her bottom like a glossy white second skin of thin acetate or nylon, the backseam tucked away invisibly between two bulging cheeks that rarely go one day to the next without feeling the kiss of thin resiliant bamboo or rattan. The gymslip skirt would fan out like a skater's dress might above glossy sheeved globes more like a pelmet than a skirt, its purpose to draw the eye and frame rather than cover. Similarly the open-sided gymslip bodice extending and angleing outwards to accomadate the bossom serves to exagerate and draw the eye to the prodigious deveopment she is becoming so self-consious over and that, when juxtaposed against the obviously juvanile styling of the outfit as a whole, becomes so bugiling to the viewer.

But when all is said and done regarding bepoke tailoring and the advantages to be gleened therefrom, if you can't – or wont – pay out for made-to-measure, the glorious internet comes to the rescue every time. Even that rarer cross-over bodice gymslip can be aquired, no questions asked, in sizes up to adult (see pic).

But on a different but related subject; it is obvious (though it may take time for the girl herself to come to terms with this) that it is less embarresing for the young lady if she is accepted in public as within the age range she appears to be and is dressed as rather than a much older specimen who should really be attending college who has been put back in school uniform and who is regualy having her rear end warmed (and bottom used for other pleasures one would hope – there is nothing quite like telling a girl to pull up her knickers and sit back down when she has been used in that way; and a jar of vasiline left in plain view on her tutor's desk or her own can be most salitary in reminding her of the continuous need for obediance).

In connection with this is the question of bust minimizing or breast binding, mentioned recently by someone in feedback to this blog via email. I have thought about this a hell of a lot over my years of writing this stuff and am yet to reach a fixed opinion – it changes like the weather.

On the one hand there is the satisfaction to be derived from the sheer level of control it implies. On the other hand there is the increased level of embaressement suffered by the amply-blessed young lady of her obviously grown-up biological mature figure crammed in a childish young girl's outfit.

The latter consideration brings me to sometimes feel the need to think about the diametricaly oposite approach, of deliberatly augmenting the bustline by insisting on corsetry of various forms.

A plump busty young thing with her bustlined raised and thrust out, her waist squeezed to the point of barely being able to breathe, and her bottom thrust out behind her can present a sight indeed or squeezed into a school uniform – especialy with her waist-lengh hair in braids tied of by ribbon bows.

My feeling nowadays, with the benefit of much thought and fantisising, tends towards somewhere in the middle of all this. I like the idea of the mature figure juxtaposed with the childish demeaning dress. But on the other hand I like the idea of closely controling and disciplining her, perhaps through dietary measures, which I would imagine as quite stringent (an idea which is explored in the new book to quite an extreme extent – in both directions).

So my gut feeling right now is that the girl herself should have to take the decission. Almost dying with emabaressment, her plump cheeks like beetroot every time there is a visitor or she is allowed out, she herself should ask to wear a bust reducer or binder, she herself should choose to make herself seem younger than her years by the language she uses, the way she carries herself, her submissiveness in the way she behaves and acts and so on. She should stop complaining at having her hair plaited, learn to do it herself, tie her own ribbons in. She should cease worrying over aplying makeup – banned from day one in any case - and the latest styles in the shops and what is happening in the club scene and submit to what she is becoming, to having the clock turned back, to becoming ever more dependent on her implacably dominant governess-cum-tutor, to having her sexulality re-writen and remoulded to suit and fufil that woman's needs... Oh dear – I've got carried away again, gone all breathlesss.

I stil have no internet at home, by the way. My phone line is STILL completely dead and an engineer can't come 'till Wednessday. So I'm falling further behind with my work for Roger Benson – though at present he is only asking for speech bubbles and I can clear my backlog in around an hour or two, tops.
 Mind you, there has been a 'sleep over' in Toyntanen Towers and back home is presently full of sourcepan lids (kids, for you un educated non-believers) and thus I have had to migrate to a pub (again) which I can ill afford unless I can get a book out soon, so I am reduced to scrounging beers off anyon I think owes me one, which luckily is quite a few.
The other techniquie I have seen other drunks use is to move in on the dreggs left behind by others before the bar staff remove the glasses. It never fails to amaze me how often folk get up and calmly leave behind half a pint, or even more! Oh God... Have I tumbled SO far???

Friday 27 March 2015

Admission Procedures (1)

Yeah I know those of you who regularly peruse my Tumblr blog will have seen this already but it is difficult to produce something specifically for this blog at the moment as I am having to up date it out in public and so have to use preformed content to get it done quickly and discretely.  Besides, I have two or three others lined up along the same lines I want to share with you. 
This one has little to do with the real storyline it depicts - which comes from the delicious Bars and Stripes site (if you want to see more - and it IS recommended - link to the site from the banner right down at the bottom of the page; I get some much needed cash that way). 
What it represents is my interpretation of what MIGHT be going on, in light of one of my favourite subject areas inspired by the reader's letters section of the 1980s editions of Janus magazine... Admission procedures. 
And what I love about admission procedures in terms of fantasy and institutional-scene story writing (obviously it cannot work in domestic discipline scenarios - generally at least) is the way it opens the way to the inclusion of all manner of things beyond simple caning and spanking.  Hair cutting / shaving, gynaecological inspections, enemas, suppositories, edging, cold showers and all manner of humiliations can be woven in and piled on the unfortunate heroine's pretty head. 
This is not an exhaustive list, and I'm sure you can think of more.  It is all about creating a sharply delineating and contrasting break - psychologically speaking - between the girls previous life and this new existence she is entering into.  
Those of you who visit here frequently enough will know I sometimes get a 'kick' from re-evaluating and re-interpreting what are often perfectly innocent images.  And often those images can be a fruitful source of inspiration for my own storylines - even old adverts from mainstream publications have given birth to interesting avenues to explore in the past, especial those old girdle adds.  Well this one is not so innocent, but it is still fun weaving various alternative storylines around it and putting one's own spin on it.  Don't you think?  Take a look around you as you walk through life and let your imagination out to play and see what happens.
The reason I am working away from home is simply that my home phone line is down and has been for a week and a half now, thus no home internet connection either...  I am livid!!!  It is messing up everything - including the artwork I am still doing for Roger Benson. 
On the other hand, as I have had to escort my aged mother to a hospital appointment in Edgware today; and as she doesn't mind funding me for a few pints (coz I'm broke);  and as there is a Wetherspoons beer festival on and it is always interesting to visit a new (to me) branch of my favourite pub chain; and as I require a fast WiFi connection (which they provide - gratis); it is a good excuse to explore and so today finds me in the Kingsbury (North West London) branch with a pint of 'Old Peculiar' in my mitt... 
Cheers - n - beers! 

Tuesday 17 March 2015

New Book Cover - Thoughts and Opinions Please

Hi folks!  I've just updated the new book cover design.  Not sure how well it works as it is so your opinions, thoughts and ideas are most welcome.  

As you can see, it features several elements from Roger Benson's artwork which he kindly gave me permission to use, ie the girl, stool and camera as well as a ransom note that was made in the traditional way with letters cut out of newspapers and magazines which I then scanned in to the computer and distorted to make look crumpled by being held in a hand.  

The cane is one of my creations.  Anyway, see what you think.

By the way, I am trying to contact 'Chris' who wrote a piece for this blog back in january about another piece he has written and I have been working on editing.  I have tried a couple of times to contact him by email, but to no avail.  So if 'Chris' is reading this, please email me.  Ta!

Monday 16 March 2015

A Spanking Good Pint and a Milestone - My 3ooth Follower on Tumblr!

Yeah!  Your favourite scribe has just passed the 300 follower mark on Tumblr (actually that particular milestone I passed last week - but I was too modest to say).   So (I so hate folk who start off their sentences with 'so' - it is something becoming ever more prevalent here in the UK, even on the BBC - ESPECIALY on the BBC!)...  Sorry!  Where was I?  Ah, yes!  So, does imbibing real ale and spanking mix?  Well, certainly one should not spank when inebriated, just as one should never punish when angry...  But someone seems to think so (left), seen on a bar in a wetherspoons pub (The Rochester Castle, Stoke Newington, North London N16 - I think) during that company's last UK-wide beer festival back in October last. 
The 'implement' is actually a handy device designed to aid in carrying three one third of a pint glasses in one hand and nothing at all to do with corporal punishment, unless of course one has tasked one's prettier 'other half' (prettier than me? Ha!) to fetch and carry the afternoon's refreshment and she's...and  she's.... and  she's (I can't quite bring myself to say it!)... and she's SPILLED some of the precious nectar!!!!  Oh my God - I've just come over all cold! 
It is kind of interesting that someone behind that bar (presumably) recognized the passing resemblance the thing has to a well known variation on the so-called 'paddle', innit? (as they say around here). 
Anyway; as you'll know, I'm pretty much broke and doing my best to keep going until I can get my next book out (not that the proceeds from THAT will make much difference) thanks to my bank misinforming me as to how much I am worth - and me going mental and blowing a load on 'essentials' such as booze and sun (in my own defence, I WAS deeply depressed and heading off down self-destruction ally - again!), but a friend had stood me to a day of drinkies.  Well that same friend is standing me to another day of drinkies today, and there's another one of those beer festivals on - the Wetherspoons spring festival.  Can you believe this lavish interior is actually the inside of a British pub?  Well it is - The Hamilton Hall, at Liverpool Street station, London; it looks more like the Hermitage or something, paintings, ornate plaster mouldings, chandeliers, the works!  What an amazing place!  And I'm full of amazing ideas at the moment too, so I'm waiting for my mate to go so as to get on with a little writing (hope he leaves me with a bit of cash to buy a few more beers with!!). 
For what it's worth I've just changed the working title to THE SHAM CONJECTURE and my poor unfortunate hapless heroine has just had a damn good caning and has been fed a few squares of chocolate.
What is so bad about THAT?  I  hear you ask.  Well, you see, it all depends on your viewpoint, whether she actually LIKES chocolate and how hungry she is!. 
Presently she is having her waist length hair (spoiler alert - so now you know she hasn't had her head shaved) combed... With a nit comb.   
Hmmm, interesting possibilities! 
SHAM of course, in this usage (as well as obliquely referring to a plot device - of which more another time; if you're lucky) is an acronym developed from the initial letters of  Subjugation, Husbandry And Management (of wayward young women). 
Oh...  Just before you go.  Did I mention that comb is none too clean?  No?  Well it seems it's been through a few other heads first and not too well disinfected afterwards either - oh well!  And there is a shower cap involved - I can tell you that much. 
Now; on a different tack; I wonder if any of you ladies out there (and I KNOW there are some) can imagine horse hair knickers or perhaps polythene knickers with a woven horse hair lining worn under a coarse hessian prison dress?  Just an idea!           

Tuesday 10 March 2015

It’s All in the Eyes – It’s All in the Mind!

Yep I know British visitors (and probably others nowadays, now that TV programs get shipped around so much) will know immediately where this is from, that it is entirely innocuous and nothing at all to do with my little world.  But hey!  Don’t say anything and ruin the illusion.  

 Besides, there is nothing to say that particular uniform dress wouldn’t suit other roles – you just have to apply a little imagination.   

In fact a shop that was once situated in the Edgware Road, London (Near Marble Arch) used to sell a similar style aimed at privately employed nursery nurses and children’s nannies right up to the late 1980s.

Look up ‘GAROULDS OF LONDON’ (click) in the women’s workwear collection section of THE ORIGINAL INSTITUTE if you get the chance.  It is in the BEYOND THE BARRED WINDOW area or copy and paste the link below into your browser.

Not that there’ is much really going on in this particular picture either – to me it’s all in the facial expression (bolstered by the uniform to some degree – but not as much as you might think).  Sometimes you can come across a perfectly innocuous scene like this and read all sorts into it.  As an image, though, it would work well if illustrating some part of one of my later books, such as ALICE UNDER DISCIPLINE (either book one OR two - Garth Toyntanen, LULU Books) and it would work wonderfuly well along side the piece by 'Chris' I am currently edditing / embelishing in between working on my own new book.

Talking of reading.  For the first time in years I actually purchased something in my own genre (apparently) recently, off of Amazon.  I’d read the first part as a free sample and got all steamed up about it – it spawned a multitude of fantasises and putative story arcs in my head.  But I should have left it like that – all hanging questions, what ifs and ‘maybes’.  As it was I took the next step…  And was disappointed.  It only cost me £2.59 (inc VAT) so even I, in my fairly dire strait, am not actually weeping other the cost – and to be honest it was not THAT bad all things considered – it was just that it quickly ran out of steam ideas-wise, didn’t go where I’d hoped it would go and… Oh no – the heroine not only quickly grew to like her situation, She Came Out On Top (in a way, to a limited extent).  A real shame all in all.  Yeah there were one or two aberrations which niggled, such as the use of ‘an’ before a word beginning with a consonant (the word forms part of the title, so I won’t give it) and one or two plot devices which were contradictory (there is a part where the heroine is in something very akin to a straightjacket in the manner by which it immobilises her arms, but all of a sudden she is being ‘led by the hand’) but all in all it was quite well written.  As I say, the cost is so little as to mean nothing, it is just that reading it sort of robbed me of all those delicious mental possibilities I was enjoying so much. 

Which brings me back to the picture above.  Left as is, with perhaps just the hint of an outline, one can still tailor the tale to suit one’s self.  In fact it is for the latter reason that I decided to leave off anything that might define exactly who is being addressed, gender identity and so on.  Now you the onlooker are in charge of the journey.

Lastly – GOOGLE.  Yep!  Apparently the rumours were true:  I received the following email a few days back (which is why I’ve been inspired to update again – and go back to editing a contribution by Chris for future inclusion), but have not had time to post it up until now:  So this is what they say – it’s not exactly a climb-down in the way that it is worded; but you have to admit, the scenario they describe with blogs such as this one being labelled as ‘adult’ is errm…errm…errm…  Actually – can anyone see the difference?

Dear Blogger User,This week, you received an email telling you about some changes we were  making to the Blogger Content Policy. In that email, we announced a change  to Blogger's porn policy stating that blogs distributing sexually explicit  images or graphic nudity would be made private.We've received lots of feedback about making a policy change that affects  longstanding blogs, and the negative impact on individuals who post  sexually explicit content to express their identities.We appreciate the feedback. Instead of making this change, we will be  maintaining our existing policies ( this means for your blog:Commercial porn will continue to be prohibited.If you have pornographic or sexually explicit content on your blog, you  must turn on the adult content setting  ( so that a warning  will be shown.If you don't have sexually explicit content on your blog and you're  following the rest of the Blogger Content Policy  (, you don't need to make any changes to  your blog.Thank you for your continued feedback,The Blogger Team(c) 2015 Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA

Monday 2 March 2015

Google Bowling a Googly! Is this Bye-Bye to the Barred Window?

Very soon (as from March 23rd) the only way you, my loyal readership, will be able to access my blog with its extensive archive (reaching way back to Aug 2008) and hear about my new and upcoming work will be by being explicitly invited. And I guess the only way that is going to happen is by you making yourself known to me via email (

Obviously you can make up a alternative name for yourself if you want to keep your true identity hidden from me – and I have no problem with that; the best way is probably to start up an alternative Google or Yahoo account or whatever for yourself in a fictious name (as I have – Garth Toyntanen is not my real name). 

Alternatively I shall try to keep you updated via my Tumblr account and I shall endevour to transfer the entire Behind The Barred Window back catalogue to Wordpress and / or some section of The Original Institute website and carry on regardless there. 
Meanwhile, please feel free to mine and download as much of the archive as you want - and QUICKLY, before it's gone.  I ask only that you share it around a bit and pass on my alternative contact arrangements via your favourite form of social media.
Please believe me when I say non of this is of my making – see message reproduced below (sent me via email 23rd Feb) 

Dear Blogger User,

We're writing to tell you about an upcoming change to the Blogger Content Policy that may affect your account.

In the coming weeks, we'll no longer allow blogs that contain sexually explicit or graphic nude images or video. We'll still allow nudity presented in artistic, educational, documentary or scientific contexts, or where there are other substantial benefits to the public from not taking action on the content.

The new policy will take effect on 23 March 2015. After this policy comes into force, Google will restrict access to any blog identified as being in violation of our revised policy. No content will be deleted, but only blog authors and those with whom they have expressly shared the blog will be able to see the content that we've made private.

Our records indicate that your account may be affected by this policy change. Please refrain from creating new content that would violate this policy. We would also ask you to make any necessary changes to your existing blog to comply as soon as possible so that you won't experience any interruptions in service