Monday 1 November 2010

Popping-Up Pain

In response to 'Orage' and the many others who have contacted me by email to flag-up the problems that have been occurring while I have been away. Many thanks, chaps. I am aware of the problem but only became so on Saturday, when I last had the opportunity to get on the Internet. I am still on the isle of Wight and will be so for a couple more days due to unforeseen circumstances (Translation: the sun has come out!) The pop-up appearing on this blog is a real pain, isn't it? This is not the first time this as happened and it is beyond me while anyone running a blog should put in place such a measure when surely all the listing of their site in my blog-roll is likely to do is increase their visitor frequency / business turnover (assuming some sort of commercial setup). As soon as I work out which link it refers to I will remove it - and from previous experience, that should fix the problem. This is a temporary post forced on me by this issue and will be removed / replaced as soon as I have dealt with the problem, which may have to wait for my return home due to the limited access to the Internet I have while on my travels. While I'm at it, my thanks go to Allen for providing the Blushes letters pages scans I have been featuring recently and my apologies for referring to him as Anon when in fact he is one of the few who does not employ the appellation of anonymous.

Friday 22 October 2010

Blushes, Braces and Booze (And a Length of Pliant Malacca)

Boy, did or I have a skin-full yesterday: Green King Abbot Special Reserve no less (6.7% alcohol by volume, wowza!!!). It was not all oblivion though; I did get another chapter of the new book finished. I've just got to read through it and make one or two corrections are no longer to send off to my illustrator chum in the States to see what he thinks of it and whether or not it triggers off in him any ideas as regards art work. It's just a little something that involves the enforced wearing of leg braces, something encouraged by various devious means, partly psychological partly physical, the psychological domination of a young girl by her implacably strict governess, the application of a swishy Malacca cane across defenselessly-bared chubby teenage buttocks and plump adolescent curves squeezed into a charmingly-sweet one-piece sailor-suit-styled acetate sleep suit and experiencing for the first time the intimate slickness of a night spent encased by the waterproofed final lining of the humiliating garment’s lower section. Of course it goes without saying that there are shutters on the windows and padlocks, steel bars and security devices in profusion - one can't be too cautious in this day and age of rising burglary rates.

Now, as I said last time, I'm off to the Isle of Wight in a couple of days time and may not have Internet access so I thought I'd use this opportunity to paste up another of those letters page from Bushes scans that were kindly sent me some time ago (click to enlarge) and also a bit of art work that I came across in my searches and that I found inspired me.

Tuesday 19 October 2010

Sorry, but I have been too busy of late to do much with the blog. I'm still hard at work refining the new volume or volumes (I'm still undecided) aiming to get them out by Christmas (can we still say that? No? It offends who? Oh! Those - we mustn't offend those! OK - The Mid-Winter Festival then). I am off to the Isle of Wight for a week this coming Sunday and although I'll be taking my computer I doubt I'll get much done, judging from my trip last year, so that's another week gone! The illustrator I have been working with has come up with yet another nice illustration, but I can't say much about that at the moment for fear of giving too much away of the plot (for what there is of it at the moment).
I think that come Chris... I mean The Mid-Winter Festival... Yes, come the The Mid-Winter Festival anything not finished will have to remain that way as I am going to have to focus my energies on earning a decent crust. I am examining the idea of setting myself up in business as a personal trainer. I have a master's degree (M.Sc) in human nutrition from King's College, London and practically live in the gym (when not in the pub) and have done for more years than I care to think about. These days, for health and safety (and insurance) purposes one needs certain physical education qualifications but these can be acquired through a couple of short courses run by the YMCA among others
and in addition there is a specialised course to allow one to work with 'older people' (whatever they are - it's all relative, isn't it?) which I intend to undertake. That - along with nutritional advice and focus on improving body composition rather than on weight-loss per se - will be my USP (Unique Selling Point) in what is quite a competitive market. Basically my idea is to work with folk of around my own age or older, the advantage being that they can see what is possible and that they are not going to be asked to do anything that someone of their own vintage is not clearly capable of. In addition, having suffered most pitfalls and injuries over the years and come up against one or two age related limitations, I have an understanding of where the boundary lines exist and a good knowledge of working around those limitations. I'm sure you get the idea. So although I intend to make sure the illustrated version gets completed, any written material that doesn't make it in will just have to remain in limbo. One possibility I have been thinking about is handing over any incomplete work along with an outline sketch of the story direction I envisage to someone else to finish off - but we will just have to see how it goes for the time being.


Now, I for one was enjoying our anonymous contributor's running tale appearing in the comments section and it seems a shame that he is now going to be posting it elsewhere (the link you can find in the comments under my last posting) especially as he is no longer posting as anon. That was the only problem I had with it - too many folk all using the moniker 'anon' - it was all getting terribly confusing. Partly it was my fault: I had intended to gather together all the separate parts of 'Anon's' Natalie reform school tale up to that point and publish them as a single post in the main section for ease of reading but never got around to it. I probably still will in some spare moment at some point. Now, as for today, I thought I'd put up a couple more scans of those old letters pages from Blushes et al that inspired me so much in the early days - these kindly supplied by an anon contributor. (I have lost the original email somehow - but thanks... and have you got any more? What a cheeky git, you're probably thinking!). Just click to enlarge and read. There are plenty more - including some I have scanned myself from my own magazine collection - scattered throughout the blog archive, try clicking on the relevant tags or use the archive search facility over on the right situated near the top of the sidebar. The pic I just came upon and just like - and it seems to fit in somehow with the sentiment.

Wednesday 13 October 2010

An appeal to Sanity - Mine!

All sorts of shenanigans have been going on in the comments sections of this blog of late revolving around an ongoing serialized tale being posted by an anonymous contributor about a young girl who finds herself unjustly incarcerated in a reformatory. In-between there has been a whole plethora of comments, not all relevant in even the tiniest way to the subject matter; neither the threaded storyline nor the original posting as created by yours truly. Then another ‘anon’ contributor decides to continue a much earlier thread right in the middle of it all.

A continuing piece, posted right in the centre of another continuing serialized piece in itself should not be a problem – intermittent and sporadic posts are part and parceled of comments as a concept. Where the confusion arises is in this habit of so many using the nomenclature of ‘anonymous’ – the casual reader can be forgiven for having little idea of who’s ‘voice’ he is hearing under such circumstances.

Now: Orage has recently posted a comment indicating that he would like to read the continuing story of Natalie's tribulations (a nice piece sent in by an anonymous contributor, not myself) “without other characters surreptitiously edging their way in”. Madmonkey, commenting on the same subject asks: “… is this story about Natalie going to be continued in the comments section in a similar manner as to which the story about Judith has been continued?” Meanwhile the anonymous author of said tale (Natalie's tale not Judith’s tale – see how confusing it can all become) himself bemoans that he can no longer add additional material pertaining to his story, vis-a-vie the next chapter, to the comments section of my last posting which currently hosts an incredible 26 comments.

The latter problem is probably due to some sort of limit set by Blogger on the number of comments attached to any one posting, but that is only a guess. All the rest can and will be dealt with, as I have said before, by my collating all the sections of the Natalie / reform school tale into one or more sections and presenting them as main posting subjects and then deleting the fragmented parts from the comments, especially the multiply-duplicated fragments. To this end I have requested the author of this thread to cease posting as comments, as the more fragments that build up the harder it will become for me to sort out. Actually, what would be useful would be if the anon author would kindly send all the parts of his work to me as email attachments as this would save me a significant amount of time and effort in collating and sorting out all the various scattered fragments. One idea I have had, since the work seems to be blossoming into a near novel-length tale, is for me to create a dedicated folder / album for it attached to the blog.

The problem I have at present with all this is that right at this minute I am pretty much buried up to my neck with completing my own latest work while still deciding whether to re-organize and publish as one or two books. Thus if you do have any very long contributions to make and that you would like others to read through without interruption then please send direct to me via email.

Thursday 7 October 2010

A Tale to Come - Even if not one of Mine

A correspondent – Madmonkey - recently made the following comment referring to a story posted as a series of comments attached to my last post: “How about a description of the uniform itself? Perhaps also a bit about how the uniform she now wears compares to what she normally wears. Details make the story seem so much more real to the reader.“ To which I would add: my Sentiments exactly, old chap. That was one aspect that so often I found disappointingly lacking in the literature I used to buy through the 1980s and 90s and subsequently encountered 'on-line'. The absence detailed descriptions of suitably humiliating uniforms in spanking literature was one of several related frustrating and unsatisfying points that finally drove me to begin to writing my own stuff. Other sadly missing aspects included a lack of originality and imagination in the depiction of said uniforms - where some detail was discussed – a marked lack of imagination applied to the matter of punishment, with a near total neglect of psychological aspects and other subtle coercive methods, little thought given to the development of some sort of at least semi-plausible scenario (and even a casual perusal of near-history supplies plenty) and a tendency to escalating repetition when it came to an author's 'pet thing'. These are all aspects that I set out to correct in my own writing (to what extent I have so far succeeded I leave up to the reader to decide). Suffice it to say that there are quite detailed accounts of the design of the uniforms as worn both by those in authority and those in their charge within the pages of the first two volumes of the INSTITUTIONALISED series – there are even more detailed descriptions – both institutional and from the possibilities that open up within the domestic-discipline arena with a little imagination - peppering the pages of the upcoming volume. At the same time, in my writing I try to remain cognisant of the final point I made above – the danger of the accusation of repetitiveness, thus the comment I made in an earlier posting in these pages.

The story to which Mr Madmonkey was referring has been developing in installments – as I have said – as a series of comments, and so might be missed by some (I know that I don't always read the comments posted when visiting a blog). For that reason - and for improved clarity - I shall shortly be reposting the anonymous contributors work here, in one or two chunks depending on length, for all to see and appreciate.

While on the subject of repletion; in order to keep the comments section manageable, having gathered together all of the work of Mr Anonymous posted thus far and amalgamated it as a single post (or two) here in the main section I intend to then delete the duplicated sections that were apparently created due to some sort of communications error in the comments section.

I personally would love to read more of this chap's stuff and I think that if there is a fair amount more to come – and I for one hope there is – it might be easier if the writer could kindly send the sections direct to me via email. I'm easy to contact – and always up for a chat! My email is:

Cheers, folks!

Monday 4 October 2010

Punishment Dress: More Inspiration Taken from Blushes Reader’s Letters Pages

Hi folks! I'm a little pushed for the time at the moment as I'm struggling to get the new work out there and finished by Christmas and it may well end up published as two distinct volumes, with all the extra work that will entail (three, if one counts the planned illustrated version of one of the books). The rational behind spliting the tale into two distinct books is twofold: One: the total number of pages if presented in one book as it is at the moment would be colossal. Two: the storyline follows two distinct characters, both of whom you have met before, along two very distinct and very separate pathways. These paths only overlap to any extent to a very small degree.
On the other hand it may be possible to pare away certain areas where the commonality between the two timelines threatens to introduce too much repetitiveness. After all there is a limit to how many times even the most ardent uniform discipline aficionado, for example, would want to read a detailed description of an ultra strict, ultra restrictive, school uniform imposed on a petulant teenager (or is there? you tell me!).

The reason I would like to finish by Christmas is because - to put it bluntly - money is getting a little short this end; I get very little return financially from book sales and the amount that I've taken from my savings this year to support myself has already exceeded that which I had scheduled and is already threatening to eat into the funds that I had earmarked for next year for various projects. In short I shall need to set aside a little time to seek some form of supplementary income: vis-à-vis a job! You can get an idea of how serious the situation has become by the fact that I plan to forego my usual visits to the pub throughout the month of October and to limit my enjoyment to only two or three visits, at the very most, in the month of November (timed to catch the end of the Wetherspoon's beer festival with any luck).

As a change of subject: The above chatter over the imposition of strict, restrictive uniforms on recalcitrant young ladies brings to mind the notion that in the domestic or private institution scenario the dividing line between such dress discipline and what might be described as punishment dress can easily become blurred - a thought that came to mind when reading through a couple of the scanned reader's letters pages taken from that marvelous publication of the 1980s and early 90s: 'Blushes' in preperation for today's post. So without further ado here's a couple more of the pages sent in courtesy of our kind contributor 'Alan' (I just had to cut out and zoom in on that natty little drawing!). Needless to add that to read, just click on each page to enlarge. See Y'all!

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Blushes Reader's Letters Pages Inspiration

I've just been lucky enough to have received via email a whole series of scans taken from the reader's letters pages of that grand old institution, the Blushes, Whispers and New Uniform Girls magazine stable (many thanks Allen). Longer-standing readers of this blog will remember the letters pages scans I published taken from my own collection that I used to illustrate the type of thing that went to inspire my writing. As the contributor himself says: “Breast punishment and leering old men, you can't beat it, and this letter is also illustrated with a rather pretty girl”. Indeed, old chap! Indeed! I have to say I've had great fun reading through all these great old letters pages.

Most I have had in my collection at one time, but long, long ago, before I sold a few off and then gave away many of the rest. Why? Who knows? That was all long before I had ever thought about writing my own stuff of course, although the memory of the imagery conjured in my imagination when originally I'd leafed through those pages is still fresh enough in my mind to have informed some of the events presented in my publications - including the unfinished new one.

One other area that would crop up from time to time within those same pages and could always be counted on to generate a fascinating and imaginative discourse was that of institutional 'admission procedures', especially those dealing with the importance of the psychological implications behind the ritualistic nature and design of those procedures. Those letters that I could still locate in the remnants of my collection I have already scanned and shared with the readership of this blog - tagged with the term, 'inspirations' or something similar I believe, just in case any of you want to look them up in the blog archive. While I'm at it, I'd just like to point out that for your delectation and delight I have today added a link to a diapered girls blog – check out the blog listing in the sidebar on the right.