Sunday 19 October 2008

Dress Discipline Bulletin Board and Punishment Uniforms - see last few posts - An Extract (with apologies to the writer)

Too Old To Wear White Socks

(I'll probably add a few pics to this tomorrow or Tuesday - its a bit too text-dense at present)

As some of you may be having trouble finding the cached remnants of the bulletin board I have been speaking about recently (and that has done such a good job in distracting me from my own writing) I have taken the liberty of pinching a couple of the letters that were published on it for your interest, for the sake of posterity (Google doesn't cache stuff forever) and to give a something of a taste of its direction and the potential that has sadly been lost in its demise. If the writers object then I will, of course, remove it immediately: On the other hand should any of the original participants come across this site and wish to use it as a forum to continue their debate, please feel welcome - the floor is yours.

(Left - suitable for a 18 to 20 year old? You decide...for me, well, you know me, I just couldn't resist its inclusion - applied to that age group and under the right circumstances what interesting punitive arrangements are conjured forth ...)

Recently I have found the following link to work – so i'm not sure what happened to the links I posted earlier (click) Too Old To Wear White Socks

The following is a letter posted on a bulletin board recently by a twenty year old woman about her life with her aunt. It is not my work and I have had no input into its writing whatsoever, despite certain similarities some might perceive between the spirit of the thing and certain events depicted in INSTITUTIONALISED Vol 1. I have, however, taken the liberty of running the originals through my spell-check.

My Further Disciplining [by Judith]

My Aunt has instructed me as part of my punishment and as an example to others to explain my most recent misbehaviour, the punishment I received for it and the future restrictions I have received. I am aware that she indicated the nature of my offence to you a couple of weeks ago but I will begin by specifying this and the circumstances again. I am typing this into the system as a copy of the handwritten 5 side essay I had to complete as part of my disciplining. I am adding only an additional request which my Aunt has proscribed to the end of this message.

As you know from my earlier posting I was, following a 3 month period of punishment, being disciplined as part of an ongoing behavioural improvement plan by my Aunt. I was subject to several restrictions some of which were being removed over time as I demonstrated my ability to behave in an appropriate manner. The restrictions were:

No trousers to be worn in future. Only skirts/blouses and dresses longer than knee length and with long sleeves to be worn. Any additional clothing items to be cardigans, waistcoats and/or jumpers. My clothing to be specified by my Aunt and then to be allowed further independent choice with time. The items to be chosen from the limited wardrobe I now have. Items to be worn buttoned up at all times.

No jewellery or make-up to be worn by me.

Hair to be worn in a bun or ponytail at all times.

Initially to be grounded except when going to work. With good behaviour to be allowed freedom to be out of the house up to a curfew time of 8:00 PM Sun-Thurs and 7:00 PM Fri-Sat

I am to remain responsible for the foreseeable future for all housework.

To be allowed to watch approved TV programmes up to a limit with amount increasing based on good behaviour.

I will devote some of my spare time as decided by my Aunt to lessons she provides to me in dressmaking and knitting enabling me to produce my own clothes.

Just over 3 months into my behavioural improvement plan period. I was being allowed freedom to the new 8PM curfew on Mon-Thurs but was still grounded on Fri, Sat, Sun. On Saturdays I was still confined to my bedroom when not performing housework or on the occasions when my Aunt had sent me to stand against a wall/in a corner with my hands on my head as a reminder that I still had much work to do to earn myself full-time relief from schoolgirl type punishments. In my sewing and knitting lessons my Aunt had shown me basic techniques and had then got me to employ these to make in turn a green Gingham dress in my size and knit a pair of green woollen knickers and a brown woollen round neck cardigan. In all cases these activities were conducted in what otherwise would have been my own spare time. Of course as I obviously had no desire to wear these items my available wardrobe remained limited to the plain items provided to me at the start of my original punishment.

Just over two weeks ago on a Saturday I had been sent to my room. Both because it was warm and because of my own indiscipline and stupidity and with every knowledge I was breaking my Aunt’s rules I undid the top button of my grey blouse and unbuttoned my grey cardigan. My Aunt had been in my room only a few minutes earlier as part of her routine inspection process and I had as usual been made to stand whilst she ensured I was dressed appropriately my skirt seams straight, ankle socks pulled up and straight and of course all of my blouse and cardigan buttons correctly done up. I was also therefore guilty of assuming that I could do this and not be caught and punished – something which my Aunt noted when allocating my punishment. Anyway my Aunt returned to my room unexpectedly and observed me with my buttons undone. As stated unbuttoned clothing is not permitted according to the rules and her reaction was immediate. I was forced to take of my cardigan, and then my skirt and blouse so that all of my clothing including knickers and socks could be subject to inspection. She then instructed me to redress and to go downstairs to the dining room where I could be easily observed and stand facing the far corner of the room with my hands on my head. I was told to consider my actions and what should be done to me to punish my misbehaviour and prevent a repeat of such disobedience. It was clear to me that I was to be severely chastised. I then stood hands on head for about 2 hours before my Aunt arrived and told me to turn around, stand to attention, hands behind my back and ready to be disciplined. She told me that my behaviour was unacceptable and that although I may have thought this was a trivial issue I was about to find out that under the new conditions any failure in obedience would have severe consequences. I was being punished for failure of clothing inspection, disobedience and trying to avoid punishment. She asked me if I had anything to say for myself. I apologised and promised that I did not need any further punishment to be clear of the lessons to be learnt. She said this was not correct that I needed to learn how to be completely obedient and the consequences of failing to do so and proceeded to specify my punishments:

Wear a school uniform much of which I had made myself - green Gingham dress, green woollen knickers, white ankle socks and brown round necked woollen cardigan.

All my work clothing to be worn to be specified again by my Aunt.

Corner time every day including at all times on Saturday when I might previously have been sent to my room.

Frequent clothing inspection – including regular humiliation of being stripped to knickers and socks and further punishment to be applied for any failures no matter how small e.g. sock ribbing not being straight, etc..

Corporal punishment 4 strokes of the strap to each hand to be administered on Sunday afternoon at 3 PM so that I had time to suffer the discomfort of thinking about being strapped.

Grounded except for going to work – to be at home no later than 6:00PM.

No TV and no supper.

Bed time 8 PM

To stand to attention at all times when confined to my room to minimize potential for further uniform failures.

Punishment to last for two weeks.

With this I was send back upstairs where I stripped and dressed in my infant’s school uniform under my Aunt’s oversight. I then had to stand to attention in the centre of the room and was left there. It was still very warm and I quickly realised the discomfort of the woollen knickers I had been consigned to. The thick elastics I had inserted into the waist band and leg holes bit into my skin through the rough and irritating wool. Over the next two weeks I was to grow to understand their usefulness not just as a method of humiliation but also discomfort punishment. Eventually after making supper and doing some ironing I was sent to bed at 8 PM. The Sunday passed slowly and even the humiliation of being made to serve coffee to my Aunt and our next door neighbor in my uniform passed as I thought of the corporal punishment I was to receive. After lunch I was inspected by my Aunt, having to remove my cardigan and dress completely in the process. You really are left in no doubt of your place when dressed as a schoolgirl you are made obediently to take-off your uniform as instructed, having to return stood to attention after each activity and then having to respond obediently to questions and observations. I was then sent again to the corner of the dining room where I stood hands on head until 3 PM. My Aunt then entered carrying a short leather strap about1 cm thick. Her instructions followed and I choked back my fear as my strapping approached. I was ordered to remove my cardigan. I was directed to hold out my left hand palm-up and prepared to receive my assigned strapping. My Aunt reminded me of the rules for application of corporal punishment. 1) You will not move during punishment. 2) You will not squeal or cry loudly 3) You will count each stroke in the manner, one thank-you Maam, two thank-you Maam and so on. 4) When the strokes stop you will remain in the position you have been placed in until told to move, 5) When told the beating is complete you will thank your punisher in the manner, “I thoroughly deserved those [number of] strokes of the strap because of my misbehaviour. Thank-you Sir/Maam. Failure to comply with any of these will result in additional strokes and being placed on report for failure to accept punishment. Is that clear to you schoolgirl?” She then pushed my dress sleeve up my arm so that it was bare from finger tip to elbow and then promptly began the application.

“One thank-you Maam”, two thank-you Maam, three thank-you Maam, four thank-you Maam”. Next my right palm. She struck the full length of the target with the tails biting into the flesh of my arm just before the elbow. I winced as I counted the strokes. “Five thank-you Maam, six thank-you Maam, seven thank-you Maam, eight thank-you Maam.” I was told to stand both palms outstretched. Finally she said “Your strapping is complete girl”. “I thoroughly deserved those 8 strokes of the strap because of my unacceptable behaviour. Thank-you Maam”. I then spent 60 painful minutes with my throbbing hands on top of my head facing the corner in the hall and weeping quietly to myself.

The next two weeks were as humiliating and punishing as I am sure you can imagine from my predicament. This was made all the more so because I could have avoided this if I had obeyed the rules – something which my Aunt reminded me of constantly. The wearing of school uniform was deeply humiliating and as I came home from work every night I shuddered at the thought of how I was to have to dress myself. My Aunt was unforgiving in her choice of clothing for work frequently sending me in dress or skirt and blouse together with two cardigans to be worn all day and in addition my large arran woollen jacket to walk to work in. I spent many hours reflecting on my stupidity both stood to attention in my room and in room corners with my hands on my head. I may be 20 but I felt like I was 9 which is of course exactly what my punishment was made to do. After 14 days during which I did everything to be compliant I was made to stand before my Aunt again. She spent the first 30 minutes chastising me again for my misbehaviour and how she hoped that the punishment I had received would have been sufficient to deter any such future behaviour. I promised her that this was the case. She responded that she had heard this before and therefore she had decided that the terms of my behavioural improvement plan were to be amended both in terms of likely final point and conditions whilst I reached that point. The new aiming points were as follows:

No trousers. Only skirts/blouses and dresses - longer than knee length and with long sleeves. Always to be worn with a minimum of one cardigan at all times.

No jewellery or make-up.

Hair to be worn in a bun at all times.

Curfew at 7:30 PM Sun-Thurs, 7:00 PM Fri-Sat

All housework to be performed by me.

Limited TV (maximum of 3 hours total per week) and only with her approval of content.

All other spare time to be spent in my room dressmaking and knitting to enable me to produce a further complete infant’s school uniform set, a further complete Junior school uniform set and additional work clothing for myself. In addition following her reading of this I am to knit a pair of thumbless mitts.

Every other Saturday to be spent in school uniform as a reminder of the consequences of disobedience.

If I behave appropriately over the next 6 months then my Aunt says she will revise some aspects of this but clearly not all. She also told me I was to first hand write a document outlining misbehaviour, punishment and revised conditions which I would then have to type into the intranet for public display. I can assure you that as well as hopefully providing some information for others wishing to discipline poorly behaving girls that having to do this has been a very salutatory experience for myself. I ask you not to feel pity for me as I was stupid enough to fail to behave correctly and thoroughly deserve the resulting penances no matter how severe they are. I apologise to you all if this is a misuse of this area but in this case I must obey the instructions my Aunt has given me if anyone can suggest a more appropriate location to display my humiliation please let us know as my Aunt informs me that she would be happy to have to repeat this exercise. In addition my Aunt has warned me that if I again fail to behave in any way that even more severe consequences will follow including public display in school uniform as this appeared to be one of the most severe and effective punishments imposed on someone else who contributed to this site.

In addition my Aunt has proscribed that if anyone has additional punishments or humiliations which could be used as part of my current behavioural plan or of a future punishment please describe these and be assured that they will be considered.


Here is another posting from the same bulletin board:

From an Experienced Mother [about a letter entitled:Office juniors]

I remember when you described your two work colleagues who were office juniors back in the early ‘70’s. Those two young women would have been regarded as minors by their parents and would have not been allowed to exercise many of the legal rights that were available to those past the statutory school leaving age. You said the older of the two was wearing socks until she was almost 19, and had the added humiliation of seeing her younger colleague come to work in tights when she had attained the age of majority. Both these girls, especially the older one, could have been easily forced to remain in socks until they were 21, which was the age of majority until 1970 in the UK. If I had been the manager of either of these girls I would have probably kept them on the most junior grades in the office (with the lowest rates of pay), regardless of the quality of work they produced, and be more likely to promote staff who wore grown up work attire even if they were younger. To me the girls’ appearance would have indicated they were weak (as they could not persuade their own parents they should be treated as adults) and regarded as subordinates.

Some one else answers:

In the early 1970’s you didn’t have the Sex Discrimination or Equal Pay Acts so these two office juniors were probably on very little money, and would have likely had to hand over a significant amount of their earnings to their parents for board.

Were there other officer juniors under the age of 18 who could wear tights, and how did these two girls feel about having to wear socks? Do you think colleagues treated them differently because they were wearing socks? From my memories of the 1970’s it was quite common for young girls to wear shorter skirts than their mothers, and grown ups in general. How did their clothes compare to everyone else in the office? And finally when the older of the two girls turned 18, how long did the younger girl have to wait before she turned 18?

The parent’s must have been concerned that as their daughters were in an adult environment they would try grown up things like going to the pub, smoking or even getting into a relationship before they felt they were ready. How times have changed! I don’t know what the girls earned but it was likely a pittance and after paying their parents for housekeeping there would have been very little money left for clothes. They both always wore knee length dresses and skirts and granny-type blouses which seemed very conservative and old fashioned in the 1970s when nearly all young girls wore short mini skirts and skimpy tops. I suspect that their parents bought their clothes and the girls had no choice in the matter. I heard from a colleague that neither girl was allowed makeup and they certainly never wore any. They looked younger than their years and neither could have been served in a pub or been able to buy cigarettes which maybe were two of the reasons their parents dressed them this way. They both had to go straight home after work and were not allowed to stay out.

Interestingly there were two other female office juniors of a similar age who wore tights, high heels and make up and looked much older. This could not have gone unnoticed by the two girls in white knee socks who were never teased (we were all far too polite) but we ladies would often comment, sympathetically, on their appearance behind their backs. The older girl had to wait until she was almost 19 before she was allowed tights while her colleague who was six months younger was allowed them on her 18th birthday so the older one remained in white socks for about four months longer which must have added to her discomfiture.

Saturday 18 October 2008

A Short Update

Just a quick not to anyone interested in the sources for the garments I depicted a couple of entries ago - latex and plastic knickers etc...I neglected to put in the relevant credits and contact details for the pics concerned...I am working away from home this weekend but on Monday I'll go back and add links and references to all the relevant companies and sources. Also the next complete update will probably be late Monday night or Tuesday as I have to go in for an eye checkup on Mon Morning...Meanwhile, isn't it a shame that the bulletin board I told you about closed down (see last few entries). It is possible though that the original postings may still exist as cached pages on Google. Try typing in this: Too old to wear white socks to school (it was the original thread title), then read what you find (if it still exists) and think about other keywords to use to track down any other entries. If there is enough interest and if none is found cached I may try to further recreate the gist of the discussion in precis form (with a bit of illustration if I can).

Even better is to type into Google: Too old to wear white socks to school +worsted (don't forget to select the cached page - but you won't be able to follow on to more directly from that page - you will have to find the cached follow on by clever use of keywords).

Friday 17 October 2008

Volume 2 Chapter Outline and Blog Updates

I have just discovered that the links to the dress discipline bulletin-board I have been discussing for the last few posts no longer work; I guess it has been taken down. Therefore I have removed the links from my posts but have left my discussion in place.
Yesterday night I went back over the previous two posts to this one and added a series of illustrative images - so it might well be worth looking back. Incidentally the photo at the top of the last article came from my collection of scans taken from New Uniform Girls and dates to the late 1990s (probably sometime between 1997 and 1998 but let me know if you know different) as do those on this page. I couldn't resist posting more of this series. There are many reasons but one is because it is so different from the usual schoolgirl attire depicted (yes it is basically a gymslip - but the cross-over style of its bodice is what makes it interesting) and therefore eminently suitable for the purposes of those message board correspondents I've been banging on about. Then there is the unusual colour scheme, with the girl wearing a maroon blouse, highly conspicuous and therefore attention drawing - this particular shot I find exceptionally exciting; it is the way she is tinkering with her hair and her deliciously glum expression. One is driven to the impression that perhaps only a short while ago those locks had been much longer - I would hope that we are seeing an intermediate stage here and that she is shortly to be summoned back to the hairdresser's chair, having had the bulk of the length dealt with, to complete its metamorphose to the regulation style. In fact, despite the lack of overt evidence of haircutting in the photograph nevertheless it is one of the images that helped form my interest in the imposition of regulation hairstyles as part of a disciplinary regime. Ordinarily hair styling is a personal thing, it reflects a girl's whole personality -that freedom is an element that can be taken away, and to devastating effect.

From that statement one might imagine that one of the earliest procedures that a girl might undergo upon entering the hospital psychiatric unit’s clinical trial section outlined in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 would be to receive the regulation institutional hairstyle. But it is because of that very effect that, as we see with Susan in volume 1, it is not imposed until a substantial amount of time has already passed in isolated incarceration and after having passed through many other stages of depersonalisation - it is kept back as the final straw to break the camel’s back as it were. Immediately afterwards and before she can regain any semblance of equilibrium she experiences the kiss of the cane for the first time; that too has been held back upon. And of course it all has the desired affect - she signs what she is given to sign, agrees to continue on with, to even restart and extend in actual fact, her tenure as a psychiatric clinical trial subject; and this despite the fact that she is already fast approaching the end of her originally agreed period of stay.

Similarly with diet and exercise; to exercise or not, to gain weight or two lose weight, these are all choices taken for granted - but that element of control too can be taken away as a certain character learns in volume 2.

Now just to go back to that uniform again: I think that the school badge is a nice addition but it should always be properly embroidered directly onto the fabric, never sewn on as a patch and definitely not attached, as here, pinned on like a brooch (it shows good styling and attention to detail – such care can only serve to underline the importance placed on discipline).

Today it's being a bit difficult to concentrate - my head is itching like mad where I have received my transplanted grafts. Nevertheless I am going to be working on a chapter of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 that I have provisionally entitled Police, Camera, Action (a bit cheesy I know - but I am sure it will come to be called something else by the time it is published). This chapter has been a sticking point for some time now and if I get past this (and a little part of the introductory section) the thing will be pretty much complete as a book.

Basically, the premise is this: rumours have been abounding, missing persons have been reported, ethical concerns have been raised and, worse, apparently the police have been called in and, in their wake, the dreaded ethics committee. One of our young ladies finds herself placed in a standard hospital examination gown, whisked into the hospital proper she is hurriedly shoved back into her home clothes whereupon she is handed into the protective custody of two female police officers - having first been warned to say nothing about her time in the unit. She is questioned and then taken to be interviewed, in their company, by a panel made up of three elderly male psychiatrists: obviously her ordeal is over - but first they wish to ascertain her suitability and reliability as a witness and to assess whether she has been damaged in any way by her experience.

On the surface it all seems a happy resolution to her story, but is it all as it seems? The questions are probing - and she doesn't seem to have all of the answers. She has been told to say nothing by the unit’s matron - but what hold can that woman have over at her now; surely she is free of her? Then there is that door at the back of the room, the door through which the three doctors arrived … she is not restrained in any way, she is free now, but she feels afraid, uncomfortable with all the questioning - should she just dash past them, through that door and out into the sunlight beyond and presumably the waiting arms of the press?
And finally: It has come to my attention that the link to Art by Carlo no longer works (the site has been taken down). I have therefore removed the link until I can relocate the site.

Thursday 16 October 2008

Still More Babblings Inspired By That Dress And Domestic Discipline Discussion Board

Moving on from my last post and still regarding the points made on the discussion board that I provided links to there: There is much talk of girls being taught to sew and knit that they might, under strict guidance and supervision it goes about saying, make their own uniforms. This would seem a wise decision on many levels: Remember we are dealing with the late teens or even early twenties here and the local school outfitters are unlikely to stock much that might be persuaded to conform to the filled-out developed maturity of these girl’s forms - something made all the more improbable when one takes into account the fast-food plumpness typical of today's modern miss. Even where larger sizes are accommodated the styling and cut of the cloth are unlikely to be such as to correctly follow the flowing lines of the burgeoning and curvaceous female form in a way that might please the critical eye of the more fastidious and appreciative governess stepmother or guardian. Nor would such a size range be likely to encompass the more junior style ranges that many would apparently prefer to see their charge dressed in. Besides, if we read between the lines it becomes clear that few if any school uniforms from be current era, despite their resurgence of late, would really be deemed strict or restrictive enough for the tastes of most and the criticism could be levied that such modern styling fails to sufficiently differentiate the uniform from more everyday wear. A more anachronistic approach to design, then, would seem likely to address many of these issues; the result would certainly be suitably strict and restrictive and the sheer anachronism inherent in the styling would alone be enough to ensure that it be sufficiently unusual so as to encompass the all-important element of humiliation, to single out the wearer as one kept on a short rein and, even more importantly some might say, to be unmistakable as anything other than a uniform - and a very juvenile-looking school uniform at that. Once again, though, we are lucky to be living in the Internet age: one or two suitable or adaptable products are commercially available - of which the dress on the left is a remarkably imaginative example in my humble opinion.

So, things are looking up for our discussion group here; gingham dresses are knocked-up under strict supervision and doubtless made along the lines suggesting a suitably humiliating level of immaturity and woollen and knickers are duly knitted. But surely here is the perfect opportunity to introduce all sorts of unusual features that might further make conspicuous both the garment's identity as part of a uniform and the wearer as one under discipline. And there is the point - she should feel uniformed, she should feel under discipline, but more importantly she should be kept constantly aware that all who lay eyes on her can plainly see that she is kept in a uniform and under discipline. All around her she will see her peers running in and out of all those high street fashion outlets with their gangs of giggling friends or hand-in-hand with their boyfriends and dressed in the latest clubbing styles - just as she once did, when she had been free.

But she is not free: she has no need of shopping malls - her clothing is chosen for her and besides, she is allowed no money of her own, not a penny, nor is she allowed to go out to work to earn a little independence. In any case she has nowhere to go she might need to dress up for: she has long ago lost track of all her old friends - letters, texts, e-mails, even phone calls having all gone unanswered it is hardly surprising. Her boyfriend is long gone (he had been deemed unsuitable but it had taken quite a few cuts of her new governess's cane to persuade her likewise).

University is out of the question for her. She is thought to be too immature, a view encouraged by her appearance and the childish uniform she is constantly kept in, an innovation of her governess; the true reason has a lot more to do with her guardian wanting her kept under close supervision. Her future is mapped out for her, it has been agreed that in time she be allowed some form of employment but she knows that will only be allowed if she should work for her guardian's company. If she has ever contemplated developing any form of career then that ambition has already been crushed; she has already been told that she shall be employed in the most junior of positions and each day be required to wear a suitable uniform of her guardian’s own devising and designed specifically for her. Deep down she knows that no matter how well she works, how great her potential, it will be ensured that she never rises above that junior role, absolute rock bottom in his organisation, and that in time she will be taking orders from, and being subservient to, girls many years her junior.

This is how I would see the situation, the uniform the girl presently wears she might well have been obliged to make herself and it might well consists basically of the sort of gingham dress that the correspondents suggest. Then there are those little details that the opportunity suggests could be incorporated - all the more to the chagrin of the young lady concerned. For example; shoulders can be exaggeratedly puffed, long sleeves can be terminated in long white cuffs fastened by a row of three buttons much in the style of a Victorian dress. The neck can be high-buttoning and incorporate an overlarge white collar. The bodice can be cut so as to be closely fitted to her figure, the latter enhanced perhaps by old-fashioned ‘stays’ - perhaps a nice boned corset with high-lifted bust cups having the sort of conical profile typical the 1950s. The waste can be self belted, a belt formed of the same fabric as the dress and buttoning with two buttons to the front, as this is a feature seen little outside of the world of uniforms and workwear. A school badge would be prominently embroidered on the breast pocket to leave onlookers in no doubt that what the girl is dressed in is, in actuality, some form of school uniform. To see the principal at work here you have to fix in your imagination a childishly juvenile frock, but one whose design has, mixed in, features designed to show off the maturity of the wearer's figure - but not in anyway that the young woman might be proud of.

Once again this one of those unfinished posts but I have to rush out. I will return and put up some suitable illustrations and further discussion of that particular message board. There are some great ideas developing there are much mileage to be had.

Wednesday 15 October 2008

A Return To The Dress Discipline Site

Yesterday was mostly spent lying on my back – I was having a hair transplant (part of my ongoing programme of self improvement). It was just a bit of filling in at the front ~ 1000 grafts in total, but boy did it take a long time, talk about boring. But with nothing else to do my mind first turned to finishing off volume two and came up with one or two inventive ideas that lead nicely into volume three while knitting together the remaining loose ends and I shall be putting all my efforts into that goal for the next few days (I’ll have little distraction as I’m barred from heavy exercise for ten days because of the surgery, so no gym visits and no drinking…and no sex).

Then my mind moved on to the ‘dress discipline discussion board I had been looking at the day before (I took another look last night – the latest stuff can be found at: Link removed ( the links to the dress discipline bulletin-board I have been discussing no longer work - it has been taken down) there are somewhere in the order of 10 pages of discussion there, ostensibly following a thread regarding the advisability or otherwise of retaining knee socks on young ladies in their late teens / early twenties if still under parental or other guardianship. But here and there the discussion has digressed to encompass quite long and detailed descriptions of various shame-dress / punishment-costumes as well as the concoction of carefully prescribed lists of rules, restrictions and impositions as a framework outline for a domestic discipline regime. Enthusiastic prose are generously lavished on the benefits of worsted pinafore dresses, bib-fronted and pleated-skirted. Thick woollen knickers irritate and abrade sensitive parts, fully buttoned round necked cardigans are over-hot yet must remain fully buttoned nonetheless and doubtless, school ties while stifling must remain tightly knotted.

Imaginative, certainly, yet I couldn't help thinking these folks are missing a trick or two here: what is wrong with some experimentation with different fabrics – latex or PVC for knickers rather than all that wool. and worsted material for example. If the intention is to instill shame and a sense of discipline what could be better suited than a pair of short-legged or medium-legged bloomer-style knickers manufactured in a suitably practical material – even if of nylon or a nice thin glossy acetate, closely fitted. And its not as if suitable, or at least adaptable, commercial products are not freely available. A quick perusal of the Internet brought up several useful examples within a few moments. Notable was this fetching rubber example by Honour:
But then there are plastic pants, frilled latex pants and even locking pants. And if you go to the foot of this page there are a couple of complete 'looks' that may be achieved with commercially available products.

Particularly intriguing in terms of possibilities is the all-in-one plastic style on the left - imagine that adapted to incorporate an integral sprung steel locking waistband!!!

Such a choice of underwear would I think have a particularly interesting effect if it were teamed with a subtle shortening of her skirt’s hemline – nothing too drastic you understand, she should be allowed to appear decent when in public (as long as she should remain standing of course). At home is a different situation entirely of course. A pinafore dress as described by the various correspondents is fine - but I’d imagine it as mini-skirted affair with an attached bib-like bodice to front and rear held up by shoulder straps, each fastening at the girl’s shoulder with a neat little row of three buttons, and with its mid thigh hanging circular knife-pleated skirt, those pleats being nicely stiffened, producing a most eye-pleasing swing around and about latex, PVC or nylon sheaved thighs.

And then again while she is at home, perhaps under the supervision of a stern stepmother, or if she is to live tied to the apron strings of a strict governess or, better still, confined to some sort of institution, there seems little reason on benefit to be derived from our limiting our pallet to that of the traditional school uniform colours nor our choice of fabric to serge, cotton or even nylon / polyester. If one is to retain the school uniform theme, perhaps for the purposes of instilling a heightened sense of restriction and of discipline, for which purposes it is admirably suited, then one is free to embellish each garment accordingly with such features as braided edging and piping and of course a school badge. Even a school tie may be incorporated into the design but of course in all these features and other forms of decoration, should ‘unorthodox’ colours and/or fabrics be chosen then that must be taken into account if the correct image is still to be achieved. Details such as button holes and pockets may be picked out and edged with contrasting stitching to enhance the look and feel of the garment as being part of a uniform (or printed and or embossed if latex or PVC are used) . Of course it goes without saying that pockets should only ever of use as a stylistic device and be of no real utility – our young miss is not to be trusted with her own money nor troubled by the possession and carriage of combs and other personal effects.

I like to envisage a soft pastel pink for the dress under such circumstances with a school badge embroidered in pale powder-blue and gold thread over the left breast and repeated at a jaunty angle at its skirt’s hem. The knickers would be lent a pinkness to their hue, despite being their being in actuality white, by the soft flesh beneath. The dress I can imagine as being fabricated in overall-weight nylon (practical and washable - if somewhat sticky in warm weather) but could just as easily be of a suitable fabric so as to match the knickers, be they latex, PVC or what ever and would be worn over a nylon school blouse of pastel pink and powder-blue stripe having a high-buttoning stiff collar neatened by a traditional looking school tie but in pink with powder-blue and gold diagonal stripes.

Her hair – corn gold of course – would be kept tightly French plated and brought down to either side as a pair of little stubby pigtails, each tied in a bow of broad pink and blue striped nylon ribbon to match her uniform. Finally the whole confection would be topped off with a traditional school straw boater adorned around its crown by a ribbon matching those in her hair that hangs down to at the rear as two tails to her mid back.

Imagine the scene if you will – all of this, the sharp pleats of that little skirt stiffened and running down and out from the tight trim little waistband at 45 degrees to swing stiffly at mid thigh, well out from the fullness of her thighs. Glimpse beneath that abbreviated hemline the bewitching sight of taught fleshy globes. Her well rounded bottom cheeks sheaved as closely as to have completely lost the thickened latex or PVC seam deep within the cleft between to only emerge at the front at the very top of the deeply defined and detailed declivity outlining her femininity there. And if she should have recently tasted the cane then what could better display and detail those swollen wheals then thin skin-tight white rubber. Then below, long coltish legs flow down to meet little pink anklets, their frilled and lace decorated tops prettily turned down, a little bow in contrasting powder-blue decorating each to the rear. Then at last our eyes come to rest upon the shoes: Mary Janes in a shiny patent light blue or pink plastic (never leather).

To return to the correspondence on that particular message board for a moment; it can not be said, I think, that any of the aspects of the design I would advocate and the characteristics lauded by those correspondents are necessarily mutually exclusive. In answer to the case put for the wearing of coarse woollen knickers for example I would point out the endless possibilities inherent with the provision of interchangeable knickers-liners which could in principle be of any manufacture one might desire while retaining the special advantages of the latex or PVC outer garment. Besides, in an institutional environment, depending on the type of institution wherein the young lady is being detained, it is easy to envisage that the regulation knickers she would be provided with might well be likely to incorporate internally some system or other designed to secure an absorbent pad or towel in place.

Designed to deal with the needs of patients to whom incontinence has for one reason or another become troublesome, for example, the securing straps or bands within such an undergarment could equally be pressed into service to hold in place a wide variety of pads and towels having an almost infinite set of different textures and other characteristics. Every thing from the intolerably-pleasant caress of a lover's velvet tongue to the equally intolerable yet infinitely more diabolical prickle of coarse velvet could thus be made available for her to experience – imagine, if you will, a towel having the surface qualities of glass-fibre roof insulating material for example. Should she have been unlucky enough as to have found herself somehow or other and by some twist of fate consigned to a place habitually used to dealing with the disturbed, unstable or otherwise handicapped she might well find that the same locking waistband mechanism that safeguards those poor souls from their unknowing tampering is just as efficient at preventing tampering with the rather special punitive measures applied to her. Imagine, then, the truly fiendish torture that I would call the unscratchable itch – best kept to such a institutional scenario this one, a place wherein the proper medical restraint measures can be put in place and applied in conjunction. A few thousand candida spores finding their way somehow into the perfect incubator that is the hot damp environs of a pair of rubber or latex incontinence bloomers and you have a case of thrush producing truly sanity-endangering irritation and discomfort. Yes, best kept for the caged-bed, humane restraints, the straitjacket, padded room and professional supervision.

Even if a girl has not been in such a way institutionally confined one can still imagine a governess under the right circumstances, perhaps an ex-psychiatric nurse and chosen for that fact, and having the girl under her roof with cart blanch over her, having access through old contacts and other channels to such resources. And perhaps to others too. I imagine a woman almost permanently garbed in the old-fashioned navy-blue uniform dress she once wore on the ward, at least when alone with her charge, a leather tawse hanging from her white Petersham ribbon belt with its ornate silver butterfly clasp.

Upstairs the girl's bedroom is as plain as anything a puritan might have imagined: an old hospital bed takes up most of the space. This having barred sides, one side presently lowered to the floor, the lockable hinged top, swung back and leaning against the plain white wall. The white plastic mattress has strewn upon it a well-worn assortment of medical restraints, ankle cuffs at the bottom, a broad abdomen strap crossing at the centre and having attached wrist cuffs to either side and a strap to secure the forehead lies across the pillow. At this end of the bed the one object that might seem to lighten the mood,taken in the context of its usual late teen occupant only deepens the foreboding, asking more questions than it is willing to give answers. A curving metal bracket holds a child's mobile, a simple circle of sparkling silver stars – illuminated by two small strobe lamps, these mounted on the bars of the bed end, one to either side, it shimmers and flickers and holds the eyes with jaw-dropping fascination as it turns.

Just beyond the bed's foot thick 'blackout' drapes have already been drawn across a small window, whitewashed in any case lest the girl should waste her time sky-gazing and daydreaming when she should be turning her attention to her impositions and protected by vertical steel bars, both inside and out, lest she should feel the least bit insecure. This is where a somewhat over-plump girl is presently easing herself into her night attire, rolling skin-tight latex over curving hips. Folded neatly on the the only other pieces of furniture present, a child's combined school desk and bench seat, is an abbreviated and juvenile little green and white school dress.

It is just coming up to two o'clock in the afternoon and most of her old friends would now be on their way back to work from lunch, those not presently at university that is – for her, though, it is time for her afternoon nap. Her governess, looking as implacable as ever in her hospital uniform, is standing impatiently by the bed, is all that is needed, the command needs no words, not after so many months in charge of the girl. not with the help of her little toy glittering away so soothingly, her little secret as she calls it, not to mention the promised kiss of her tawse – and the girl has felt that once today already.

Monday 13 October 2008

More on Dress Discipline

Not much time today but as dress discipline in its various forms features so majorly in the INSTITUTIONALISED series, what with the nurses in their uniforms and their unfortunate charges in theirs and of course not forgetting the various flavours of school uniform that some of our young ladies find themselves placed in at home or at the hands of a governess I thought you might like to check out this little site if the discussion of dress discipline and the imposition of humiliating punishment uniforms appeals to you.

Link removed ( the links to the dress discipline bulletin-board I have been discussing no longer work - it has been taken down)

And don't just settle back to read the stuff...contribute. (Well you can't now, see above - but you can still post your thoughts here if such stuff is your bag)

Saturday 11 October 2008

Dress Discipline

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