Showing posts with label school uniform. Show all posts
Showing posts with label school uniform. Show all posts

Thursday 8 August 2024

The Girl With No Name...

 ...An experiment in memory corruption and false memory implantation (1)

Tuesday 9 July 2024

Heiress Punished For Entertainment

 Yes, her aunt is still trying to get her hands on what should one day be the girl's inheritence...

By the way - I'm presently working on girls in school uniforms in orthopedic postural correction braces  ensuring they stand with shoulders well back and chests out or sit bolt upright at their desks at all times...Anyone got any thoughts, opinions or ideas?

Friday 23 September 2011

A Back-to-School Adult - An Anonymously Penned Tale

Hi chaps and chapesses ! Well, I finally finished the piece I was especially commissioned to write, at least in so far as I could take it under the present circumstances. Who knows, some part of it may someday see the light of day in book form as a short novelette, although I very much doubt it. I have become a little disillusioned when it comes to publishing – at least as far as publishing through LULU goes! I have plenty of unfinished, part-written fragments, though, that might be of interest to some and which in due course (perhaps with a little additional 'polishing') I will be putting out on here.
Meanwhile an anonymous contributor sent in the following piece, inspired by the tabloid appearance of one Christine Bleakly, a UK television celebrity, back in school uniform. Originally appended as a comment to my last posting I decided to give it an airing here as not everybody reads through the comments added to blog entries (I know I often don't on other people's). Consequently I have deleted the corresponding comment to avoid duplication. I have also done a little judicious editing to make it clear it is a work of fiction based on a fictional character and merely inspired by the antics of the well-known newsreader – one cane never be too careful and it doesn't do to blatantly refer to a living character directly by name, not even in an obviously fictional context! They often don't take to kindly to it.
And if you are wondering what all the fuss is about here are a couple of the pics that are currently bouncing around all over the blogasphere – and now on with Mr (or Miss, Mrs, Ms) Anonymous’ tale of sting-in-the-bum delectation. But where should it go from here? Why not add your suggestions? There's plenty of inspirational potential in those shots, I think. Perhaps our anonymous might then incorporate the best into the next part (I hope there is a next part!).



Christine – now 'Chrissie' blushed slightly under the Headmaster’s appraising stare, rolling her eyes up and smiling in that special way she had before straightening her tie and folding her hands behind her back.
The Headmaster’s eyes twinkled as he watched the anxious schoolgirl “polish” the front of her left shoe on the back of her right calf. Three weeks before Christine had sat with her producer in this very office. In her smart red dress Christine had been the very picture of professional self-assurance: poised, confident, and in control.
In contrast, the nervous schoolgirl fidgeting in front of his desk looked like the gangly and awkward teenage daughter of the young woman who had arranged her visit.
The Headmaster smiled. Poor Chrissie! She had been so confident, so cocky! And now she was just another teenager, trying to look her best for uniform inspection!
“Your uniform is acceptable,” he said stiffly, secretly relishing the chance to grade the once self-assured ex-celebrity as if she were one of his pupils. “Assuming of course you don’t rub shoe polish onto the back of your socks!”
Chrissie froze, horrified at the thought, and the Headmaster’s chiding. She frantically twisted her to look at the back of her sock, afraid of what she might find, almost falling over in the process.
Pleased to have knocked her off balance, the Headmaster quickly issued his next command as he turned to finish mixing his drink. “For goodness sake, sit down before you break something. The last thing I need is another clumsy schoolgirl busting a lamp!”
Christine looked around the massive study for somewhere to sit. She was standing next to the incredibly comfortable and leather wingchair. But somehow, it didn’t seem right…
Much to the Headmaster’s surprise, when he turned around he found that Chrissie had selected the simple Windsor chair he kept against the wall, moving it across the room so that she could face him as they talked. It was a simple but sturdy low backed wooden chair, unpadded, with wooden spokes and a hard wooden seat. Clearly a relic of years gone by, somehow it seemed appropriate.
Chrissie squirmed awkwardly in her chair, clearly uncomfortable at the way the unbending seat was pressing into her tender bottom. The Headmaster considered offering her the other chair, but decided instead to simply sit back and enjoy the sight of her wiggling on the hard wooden seat.
“Rather uncomfortable, isn't it?” he said, chuckling in amusement as she fruitlessly attempted to shift her weight to one of the large armrests. “It’s the “naughty girl” chair. Of course in your day, girls usually used it for kneeling, not sitting!”
Seeing her puzzled look, the Headmaster crossed the room and opened the cupboard door. the one-time celebrity’s jaw dropped as the Headmaster revealed a razor strap and cane hanging on the inside door.
“You still have those?” she gasped.
“No, but I keep them here, on display, so that pupils know they are present. Scares the heck out of the little devils, even if they’re only for show, and to keep the little miscreants in line."
“It certainly kept ME in line!” Chrissie admitted, swallowing as she stared up in awe at the naughty schoolgirl’s nightmare. “The whole time I was here, I was terrified I was going to be caned! Fortunately, I was clever enough never to get caught.”
“Or lucky enough,” the Headmaster said, bristling at Chrissie’s absurd suggestion that somehow she had repeatedly outsmarted him. Chrissie grinned back at him, flashing him her best “cat-that-ate the canary” grin.
The Headmaster did not return her smile. Christine was a visitor, but she was also a student, even if it was only for the day. As a condition of her return she had cheerfully promised “to obey all of the rules” and there were certainly rules about impertinence and disrespect.
There was a certain cheekiness about this TV favourite, an impudence in her manner and tone, that suggested the need for an old-fashioned correction…

Monday 18 April 2011

For When She's Put to Work

Having one's charge committed to an institution or kept ensconced under strict scholastic discipline or otherwise incarcerated is all well and good - and we have discussed regimes and the provision of a suitable uniform under such circumstances, But what if she is to be placed in service? Well, what do you think?

What suddenly got me around to this line of thinking was coming across this pic just now while researching something entirely different - as is so often the case - and the dress struck me as a great jumping off point to exercise one's imagination along those lines. It is good to see something of the good old fashioned work dress persisting in this day and age but I'd have to make changes - long sleeves with tight buttoned cuffs to keep her mind on her appearance as she works, having to take care not to mark or dirty those cuffs, and perhaps a rounded collar butting at the throat rather than the open neck. What are your thoughts?

By the way I have just added two more blogs to the blog list (right hand sidebar): Spankee which claims to be “The UK's No1 spanking contact website” and The blog of one Leia-Ann Woods, a “submissive spanking enthusiast”. Just click either title to be transported straight there or check out my blog listing. I hope to see you a little later today with something about the new book - then I am off to Spain, flying early tomorrow morning. Bye!

Tuesday 15 March 2011

Happy Birthday Poly

Happy Birthday Poly? Now, what can that be about? I hear you ask. Well, apparently it is the 70th anniversary of the production of polyester, along with nylon the mainstay of women's uniforms and workwear design throughout the 60s and 70s and even 80s (and still today in one form or another, usually as a mixed fibre -but is not the same, is it?). I know this because I had the BBC on the radio yesterday in the morning and it was a whole feature on Radio Four here in the UK extolling the virtues of polyester in those shiny houseboats, overalls and uniforms I am sure many here can remember. Imagine my amazement on hearing a woman on the radio going on about the 'sensual feel' (if slightly sweaty and static ridden) and sound of polyester and how many housecoat and so on from that golden era she owns - it was almost fetishistic.

Now as you may have guessed, I have been focusing my energies mainly on getting the book finished - presently hovering around the 450 page mark and with a little more to finish and go in, I really now do envisage it being released into parts in some manner, the first of which may be ready as early as the week after next. The trouble is that now, along with my dodgy knee and my rather painful foot - that as you may remember some idiot ran over in his car - I now have a touch of severe man-flu (i.e. what my other half describes as a mild cold - but I know different). I have recruited a kind soul (or rather he has offered his help) who is presently aiding me with editing and proofreading some sections (as well as contributing some fresh ideas).

Despite these various pressures I have been able to put aside a little time to play with the blog. Last night, following on from the aforementioned radio show I lavished a considerable time chasing links to stuff about polyester in the hope of dredging up suitable imagery for today's blog entry. Strangely it all got sidetracked and although I found precious little suitable on polyester I did somehow stumble upon a series of French language blogs and a couple of other resources which I thought about showcasing today. But first of all I set out to tackle a couple of comments that had been appended during the past week to the last posting I made why back last Sunday. It all got a little carried away so I thought I'd include my ramblings here... so...

Referring back to the comments left on my last post: I think 'Anonymous' has hit the nail on the head when he (or she - I've learned my lesson, ha ha) says "a uniform has to be something that stands out as being shameful to wear" and that "the 'girl' should look childish, silly and not have a thread of modesty" - although I would personally substitute 'self-esteem' or 'self-confidence' for the word 'modestly'. 'Orage' also has a point when she reiterates that "females regard the most bizarre outfits as normal". If this were the 1950s or 60s or perhaps even the 1970s then this subject would not be quite so problematic and fraught with complication. It is instructive to note that many of the writers I admire and that work in the genre I'm interested in tend to set their tales in the Victorian era, turn-of-the-century (19th /20th) or the 1930s. Indeed when I first set out I myself was tempted to set the scene in the 1930s and 1950s.
One only has to read this edited extract (below) taken from 'The Family Doctor' 1898 (apparently) to grasp the problem.

“Sir, I had long intended to bring to your notice just how the system of keeping girls in short frocks as long as possible is an excellent one. There is no particular hurry needful in the dressing of girls as women and I'm sure that the mere fact of wearing a short frock and with having her hair kept unsophisticatedly coiffured is enough to keep the silly thoughts and inclinations of many girls of sixteen or so in check. There is something about the delicate combination of the dress of a young girl of thirteen or fourteen with the rather slender yet womanly figure and confined waist of a young lady of perhaps seventeen or eighteen - a woman in her own right - or even one approaching her early twenties that makes for a rare and rather lovely picture. I would argue that one can have no hesitation in punishing a girl dressed in this manner by means of the rod or whip, while I would suggest that one would hesitate in caning a young lady if her true age was clear and her appearance appropriately adult.
Two girls of my acquaintance are much marked upon on account of their short frocks and young appearance. Should it be desired to retain some extra element of modestly, then silk knickerbockers of a suitable colour may be worn reaching almost to the knee but the frock should be kept short enough to allow the trimming of the drawers to peep out. The latter perhaps might be decorated around the cuffs with ribbon bows so as to soften the severity of the costume while retaining the necessary formality so important in instilling good discipline. Despite the childish brevity of the skirt, there is no reason why a girl's neck and arms should be left to the ravages of the sun and the frock should therefore be high in the neck, long in the sleeves and may be quite constricting in both the thus discouraging any unladylike extravagance of movement and instead encouraging passivity and a sweet, submissive demeanour.
Although of nearly seventeen summers their stepmother is very careful of their looks in spite of their schoolroom dress. They are fair, each possessing a splendid mass of light brown hair falling over their shoulders and are generally dressed in blue, their skirts reaching two or three inches above their knees, displaying legs encased in black stockings. Their figures are invariably enclosed in regular rather closely-laced corsets which as many people used to say gives the promise of very slim tightly laced figures. Their hands and complexions are always carefully protected from injury from the sun or air”.

I don't doubt taking such an approach would have been efficacious at the time - but in the present era? But then the other 'Anonymous' (or is it the same one - that's the problem with being anonymous!) Talks about "old fashion school clothing like gym slips worn with a boater" and a whole new world opens up. Even if we satisfy ourselves with such styling as it actually would have appeared at the time there is much mileage to be had - even though a young lady dressed in that manner no matter her age, up to appoint at least, would not have raised an eyebrow in the relevant era. If we start playing with that concept a little, however - stretching the boundaries between what would have been expected in what would have seemed unusual even then, perhaps playing with different and perhaps inappropriate fabrics, incorporating unusual colours or extreme details of styling - then the scope becomes wide indeed. For example, if we're talking about developing a school uniform suitable for the intractable late teen continuing her education at home, under the tutelage of a strict governess or some other suitable personage, we have no need to limit ourselves to the usual muted school colours. 'Ware_simon' suggested in connection with the dress depicted in my last blog entry that it might benefit from being "in [a] pink candystripe", he also suggests the style be modified to allow for buttoning down the back (which of course with a little thought can be made most awkward the young lady concerned) and the addition of "a white satin sash tied at the back in a bow". And why not? (Thanks for the kind comment regarding the site by the way, Simon). I can imagine pillaging from a whole swathe of school uniform designs, perhaps even spread a couple of decades or so, cribbing from the best, or rather the most restrictive, oppressive and, yes, eye-catching, the most outstanding or unusual features - from a disciplinary standpoint.

And we don't even have to restrict our palate to school uniforms as such inspiration, for example if one takes the traditional school blazer then why not substitute it with a short cape based on the style that nurses used to wear but restricted to waist length - along with a short pleated skirt, white cotton gloves, a boater on the head, hair in pigtails and ribbons and her long coltish legs bare down to the little white ankle socks, their frilled turnover-tops threaded through with ribbon of a suitable colour and tied in a bow, it makes for a pretty picture of contrite shy embarrassment. Now factor in the discomfort of traditional full-bodied cotton interlock school knickers but manufactured with a layer of latex or PVC sandwiched between the inner and outer cotton (or why not nylon or polyester) layers, a tightly buttoned high stiff Eton style collar that barely lets her lower her chin tied around by a firmly knotted diagonally striped school tie, rubberised girdle and high-cupped longline bra or stiff longline corsellete. Perhaps underneath it all one might choose instead to put her in the traditional liberty bodice suspenders and black lisle stockings, a flat fronted candy striped school shirt blouse worn under a particularly shapeless gymslip and her breasts suitably restrained and flattened so that she doesn't even have the allure of her developing adult silhouette to fall back on, perhaps braces fitted on her teeth with or not she needs them. Then we have the possibilities inherent in the tightly belted gabardine school raincoat of old.

Then we have those "school dresses featured in the Australian soaps" mentioned by 'Cloudelover'. I'm sure that if the guardian or governess given control over a recalcitrant young Miss were to trace back the evolution of that styling a few decades or so he or she would come up trumps, with a little thought and imagination. Incidentally, thanks for the link, 'Cloudlover' - for those interested several entire galleries of examples of Australian soap opera school uniform dresses can be found in the Yahoo groups: Neighbours Uniform Babes 1 and Neighbours Uniform Babes 2. Although there hasn't been much activity for a couple of years on these two groups I think the galleries are still intact and perhaps a few of you out there might consider contributing a few pics of your own as I don't think either is limited to soap opera content necessary and a little activity might just get the ball rolling again on what at one point appeared to be a promising pair of groups (just click group titles or the picture top left or go to the Yahoo group listing on the right-hand sidebar). And all this brings me back to polyester again. Surely 100% polyester is the most obvious fabric choice for a practical, functional and hard wearing school summer dress such as might be envisaged.

By the way, anyone know of the magazine a couple of whose covers appear above. I came across them on one of the french blogs I mentioned but can't remember which - I'll get it sorted before next time. Translating from the French (or rather, having Google do it for me) it seems the author found them in a box in his house someplace and they date back to the 1970s / 80s (there are other examples on the blog) - but I thought I'd pretty much seen every spanking mag there is and has been and I have never seen or heard of that one!

To end: I feel I can safely say that all our thoughts go out to all those out there in Japan at the moment who are suffering. It has been one hell of a shock watching the news pictures over the weekend and a humbling experience for all of us, even those of us safely watching on TV, the way that nature can wipe entire towns off the face of the map in little more than a blink of an eye, despite all of mankind's much-vaunted technology and I wish them well.

Wednesday 7 July 2010

Leg-braces, Hysterical Paralysis, Spaghetti Plots and Vintage Shots

Hi there, folks. It’s been a while again, I know, but I thought that if I got something out today then at least it will have been less than a week this time. How it is the new book knowing, you're probably asking?

Well, the truth is that it's all been a little in the doldrums last week or so. Perhaps the doldrums is not entirely accurate; it's more that it has become bogged down in a spaghetti tangle of plot that even I find confusing its present form - and I wrote it! In terms of actual writing there are only a few more scenes to work through, although I still have one or two ideas that I'd like to weave into the back-story at some point. For example of the use of leg callipers or braces to restrict or curb an over exuberant teenage spirit seems self explanatory and of course their continued wearing can always be enforced by the judicious application of the cane or the strap or even by the use of straps and buckles secured by padlocks, if in an institutional setting. But how much more delicious if the young lady concerned - against her naturally rebellious nature and despite the measure being entirely unnecessary from a physical standpoint - can be persuaded to compliantly don her ugly restrictive leg callipers each day without having the supervising figure of her guardian or governess or whatever standing over her and flexing her cane?

The question then becomes of course; how might one bring about that situation? What powers of persuasion might be brought to bear to so dominate the young lady's will that eventually she comes to accept this humiliating restriction along with the juvenile uniform and all the other points of discipline she must now live under? The angle I'm presently working from involves - without giving too much away, I hope - the concept of hysterical paralysis or semi-paralysis and muscle weakness; I can say no more than that for now.

As for the hideously tangled plot - I have to keep reminding myself that I have been through this stage before and come out the other side. It is partly the outcome of the way I work - in stops and starts and the creation of vignettes as and when the ideas come - but mostly it is a legacy of the style-path I set out along when creating INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1. It's a case of sitting down and reorganising the various chunks of writing into a logical stream of consciousness, even if having to tie in flashbacks and the like. Once I have worked my way through this current book, the way will be left open for me to tackle subsequent works such as the true volume 3 and whatever might follow that in a simple beginning-middle-and-end linear fashion (which is how I should have set out initially, not being a professional writer). Ambition has its costs - and boy, have I been ambitious with this one!

In truth, today's blog entry - other than the above ramble - has pretty much written itself. Some kind soul anonymously sent me these vintage shots last night. I would imagine that they originated with the old Spick and Span magazines but the source of the scans is pretty obvious as it is emblazoned right across one of the photos. This of course led me to investigate and thus I came across Vintagescans.blogspot (click top left pic to visit). Vintage Scans features “mid-century advertising, strumpetry & design”. These are large images scanned from vintage publications owned by the blog author - and very good they are too! Indeed, many have been scanned from magazines that I had no prior knowledge of. “Stocking-clad ladies are well represented”. but the collection is not limited to the blatantly erotic; there are many fashion plates, underwear adverts, sections on food and drink, technology and transport, health and beauty and the like covering the period between the 1930s and the late 1960s. For example, I was able to add to my burgeoning collection of vintage corsellete and girdle pics . Talking of which; I have managed to dig out a couple of old women’s magazines of the period at boot / antique fairs of late which very soon I shall start scanning to a new PicasaWeb album which I plan to create.

While on the subject of PicasaWeb: I now know what part of this site was deleted (no - censored) by PicasaWeb - as reported a while back by yours truly. Two of my carefully crafted PicasaWeb albums have vanished: that containing the work of Thorn / Hobbs (I'm not going to get into that controversy again) and that containing the work of Mr Roger Benson. I can understand why the Thorn / Hobbs stuff was targeted as one or two of the more up-to-date illustrations taken from online adult comics were a little, shall we say, gross. But I can't understand the deletion of Roger Benson's work. I daren't reinstate either, through fear of the blog being closed down completely, but I shall endeavour to provide links to other sources of their work in the fullness of time. Meanwhile: who can give me at least four reasons - other than you just feel like it or the fact she is clearly a strumpet - why this young lady should be given a long hard caning. I'll give you a clue: they're all uniform related.

Sunday 15 November 2009

Of London Parrots and Nurse-Spanked Schoolgirls

As you know I Don't usually make an entry on a weekend - especially if away from home, as I am this weekend. Not that I am very far from home geographically, just a couple of miles or so north and staying in an area called 'Bounds Green' - an area largely filled with late-Edwardian housing and a million miles away culturally from the crime-ridden grimness of Woodgreen and Turnpike Lane, perhaps a brisk 20 - 25 minutes walk away. Anyway, the 'other half' does a bit of teaching (fashion marketing and journalism and that sort of thing) and is bogged down marking student assignments which will take a couple of hours or so. There is not long enough to do much - though I should just have time enough to integrate some of the stuff I have written in the past week into the main body of the new book and perhaps do a little initial proof-reading / rewriting of some of the early sections if I do not spend too long here.

But having booted up my old trusty laptop - that I keep stashed here for just such opportunities - I thought I'd have a quick look at the blog and a read through of my email. Having spotted the record of my past fortnight's correspondence with Lulu (through whom I publish) and irritated by their lack of response to my latest email to them as regards the option to purchase my work as an electronic download being so obscure on their redesigned site (click here to read my previous gripes), I decided to try to do something about it myself. Accordingly I have just reconfigured the sidebar links to INSTITUTIONALISED volumes 1 and 2 (click for vol 2) on Lulu so as to take the potential reader straight to the electronic download page whereupon the volume concerned may be purchased for £3.75 - rather than the £8.95 plus postage they charge for a print copy.

I also thought I'd take this opportunity to share with you a few of the latest pics sent me from the 'Regulation Knickers' site (currently my only affiliated account - I have to pay the rent somehow) - mostly because the set looks right up my street but also because it fits in so well with the storyline developing in the new volume - the majority of which takes place before the events outlined in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1. It's also nice not only to see a woman in a nurse's uniform (or governess?) in an authoritative position but also to see a school uniform in brown, as an alternative to the hackneyed navy-blue. It's as if they could read my mind!

On a completely different tack: While walking in Trent Park (Cockfosters - North London) this morning I heard - and on one occasion saw - several ring-necked parakeets. Now, I know that South-West London is chock full of the things (as was Kensington Gardens / Hyde Park, in the vicinity of the Serpentine, the last time I visited in late summer) and there are increasing numbers on Hampstead Heath in the Kenwood House area. But this is the furthest north I have come across them in London. I just wondered just how wide-spread these birds have become in if you live in London (or elsewhere in the UK - I know there are communities around Margate and also in the Midlands, but where else are they?) and have come across what is apparently the world's most widely-distributed parrot please let me know. Now for a bit of real work - see y,all later.

Thursday 15 October 2009

Keeping Grown Women in School Uniform and the Search for a Suitable Governess Role Model

Those wonderful people at Aristasia - the folk behind that fine female disciplinary manual that I featured a while back - have made their television Documentary film, A Weekend at Miss Martindale's, available on Utube. Part 2 is particularly appropriate if good old fashioned classroom discipline is your thing - and I've kindly provided a link (just clic on the pic to the right-hand side above. Seeing an obviously quite mature woman treated as a naughty school child and meekly accepting it as if a matter of course got me to thinking yet again as to how appearances can influence behaviour, both directly and also indirectly - by affecting the way the individual is viewed and treated by others. For example 18-year-old Jessica here (right) is very much kept in school uniform by her guardian, full-time, seven days a week, 365 days a year. In many areas of the world she would be old enough to vote or even marry; but as seen here, in her school summer dress, or if you were to come across her in the winter months in her gymslip, starched white blouse, striped tie and blazer and with her hair tied up in pigtails, ask yourself this - would you be prepared to hand her any sort of responsibility? Would you treat her, as I'm sure she would prefer, as an adult or would you more likely be incline to have her stand in the corner with her hands on her head or sit her at a school desk and have her lovingly copy from the pages of some long-winded and tediously mind-numbing tome. Similarly, it would seem the most natural thing in the world to lecture this group on the left, but I know for a fact (because it's a scene from a new movie) that the young lady closest to us is 22 years of age. I recall once reading a magazine interview with one of the actresses that had played a schoolgirl in the film The prime of Miss Jean Brodie in which she told of how the various members of the movie company on the set and the canteen staff etc began to treat them differently when they were in the school uniforms they were required to wear and how they themselves had gradually subconsciously begun to fall into role as a result.

A similar argument can be put forward regarding the other side of the d/s relationship coin of course. A professional bearing and stern no-nonsense attitude is one thing and all well and good, but couple this with an appropriately authoritative manner of dress and a whole new dimension is opened up. This is one of the areas I've been researching on the Internet of late with regard to the events I have planned for INSTITUTIONALISED volume 3, when I eventually get round to writing it. My two young heroines, in the company of two other young women of similar age, are going to be under the care of a governess and a children's nurse or nanny for several months over the summer and although I have pretty much decided on the whole Victorian thing I've yet to decide exactly how these two women should appear. I've been hunting around for suitable images to use as a sort of role model so to speak. I came across this Gene Bilbrew drawing (right) which is one possible source of inspiration even if not in a Victorian mode.
But then again perhaps a governess should wear a uniform of some sort and certainly the nursery nurse must. Within the walls of a secure institution nothing could be more appropriate than a suitably authoritative and professional looking medical uniform (left) - perhaps that of the traditional ward sister or hospital matron; either would seem to endow the situation with a certain degree of legitimacy. One cannot overestimate the psychological effect and the impact produced. Can you imagine our Jessica, above, standing up to either of these two women?
One can almost hear the words forming on their lips: “If you dare to disobey, expect punishment. From this moment on you are never to speak to me, unless I ask a question. Now, come hither young lady - drape yourself across my lap this instant, skirt up and knickers down! "

Thursday 13 August 2009

A comment, a Reply and a Good Excuse for a Few Magazine Scans from My Collection

A comment was left on the last post I made saying: “Why does it seem like the girls in all these uniform specialist sites don't wear a uniform...uniform? They have multiple girls in the same scenes that are all supposed to go to the same school, yet they wear radically different uniforms.”
This got me to thinking – and to rummaging around in my collection of magazine scans (see later) as on the face of it, that's a good point. In this particular case I like to think of it as being a more of a 'domestic' scenario - two girls too old to be likely to be actually at school living with some guardian or relative and under the control of the strict governess she has hired to curb them. The uniforms I imagine as having been procured from some local charity shop (thrift / second hand shop with the sole intention of introducing an additional aspect of humiliation into the regime - perhaps as a stop-gap, the intention being to have a suitably imaginative, juvenile and shaming uniform made to measure to their own specification at a later stage once the girls have thoroughly resigned themselves to wearing what they have been given now. But it's not true of all their films / photo sets in any case and definitely is not true of those wonderful East European film makers I mentioned before. Meanwhile, as with written work, I am always on the lookout for work that more completely matches my – and I guess, your – interests and predilections; it is the main reason I started writing my own stuff, after all!As you will know if you are a regular follower of this blog; I’m always on the lookout for perfection and so often, even with the best, it is those little things that mar the result; the school blouse with the collar and or sleeve cuff buttons left unfastened, perhaps the school tie left loose in a slovenly fashion. Then there is always the cane-wielding nurse, house-matron or governess, the cuffs of her long-sleeved uniform dress left flapping in the breeze or who’s elastic webbing nurse’s belt hangs slack around her waist or – worse still – is wearing trainers or even (and I have seen this - a very good example can be seen here and that belt will never do either - such a shame as the girl is perfect) knee-high fashion boots when of course to maximise the psychological effect on her charge those cuffs should be buttoned and stiffly starched to boot, that belt should cinch her waist in such away as to enhance the imposing effect of her well-tailored and fitted uniform dress and her feet shod in laced-up and well-polished ‘sensible’ shoes or medium-heeled courts, depending on the situation. I have even seen such a figure with bare legs when as a minimum standard the hem of her uniform dress should softly sigh and swish against nylon stockings as she moves, but preferably she should be wearing old fashioned ‘fully-fashioned stockings of course.
See you all soon - for now I am off to Clacton on the East Coast for a few days, cycling around and hopefully doing a bit of writing. As for a bit of news: recently I have been playing around with the extended title of volume 2 in the hope of making it more visible to search engines. In part I seem to have succeeded as the hit rate on Lulu, the publisher's site, has gone through the roof but on the other hand, now no one seems to be buying it; I am left with the conclusion that perhaps i have made it now appear too 'hard core' which of couse it isn't... oh well!

Tuesday 21 July 2009

Matron's School Uniform Inspection Enforced by her Leather Paddle Discipline

I'm off to London Zoo in a moment with the kids (the cost is positively ruinous - but the cost of not doing so is even more so, albeit only in terms of my deteriorating mental health!). Meanwhile here are a couple of pics I came across while doing my scanning a while back and that I think open up all sorts of imaginative pathways in terms of story construction - have a go and see what you can come up with. The continuation of that knicker inspection spanking / caning set, that I mentioned last time, will have to wait until tomorrow or Thursday as it would take me longer than I have time to spare to load up the pics right now - sorry!

Wednesday 25 February 2009

Restrictive Clothing and Cramped School Desks

A while ago I received an emailed comment from an anonymous reader, to whom I must apologise for not getting to it sooner, regarding restrictive discipline clothing. As usual I have run it through the good old spell checker, but unusually I have also carried out a little bit of editing - not because there was anything wrong with it as it stood, but rather because I enjoyed the ideas presented and couldn't resist embellishing it a bit. Also it led me to think more about a prospective governess's thought processes if presenting her take on a school uniform suitable for a young lady continuing her education in somewhat private circumstances (see next post) read on...

"Dear Garth, I read your blog of February 16th with great pleasure. Restrictive clothing has always been a favorite of mine, underwear especially. What can be more restrictive than a tight corset? I am all for the inclusion of a long chapter with a number of girls in a classroom where the (stated) goal of the experiment is to study the influence of “proper dress” on learning. Of course the girls as they sit in the classroom cannot forget for a minute their appearance. Be it the tight constricting, lace-up oxford shoes; sized far too small and that hobble them, imprisoning their feet so tightly that nothing can move inside. Walking in these shoes is painful; sitting in the classroom is the only way to alleviate the pain. But then the corset takes over, as it has been equally carefully designed to dig into the pubic bone and under the arm when sitting. The back garters are positioned so that it is impossible not to sit on them and not leave their imprint on their skin - with time, angry red marks develop.

The stockings are support stockings or wool or maybe both just to keep warm in the winter or summer! The backboard, integral to their corsetry ensures that there can be no stooping in the classroom - or anywhere else for that matter. I like the idea of a smock or tunic, back buttoned and with a starched cotton blouse underneath and a high tight collar, also buttoned in the back; the girls can help each other dress up in the morning… I could go on and on, suffice it to say that the idea gets my vote."

Yes and yours would get mine too... Especially if they are crammed into the typical Victorian schoolroom desk-and-seat combo or some modern variant. The most interesting point about that type of design is actuality it is so poor when it comes adaptability. Even in its original for it was designed to accommodate comfortably only a narrow size range - and of course the pupil has no control over the relative positions of the desk and chair, there can be no slovenly swing back on the chair or twisting nonchalantly to one side or the other and facing outwards with legs crossed...or even crossing the legs under the desk if the design has been engineered correctly. In short it is that very lack of flexibility that makes the Victorian schoolroom desk so amenable to enforcing the standards required for the imposition of strict discipline - it represents a little more of the aspect of personal choice rested away from the governess's charge.
In the context of the above writer's ideas; the incorporation of such furnishings into the schoolroom when dealing with girls in their late teens or even early twenties, especially if scant regard has been paid to their physical maturity, would be the icing on the cake, so to speak. I have rustled up a couple of suitable pics (above) to illustrate what we are talking about here : if you imagine such a design having been realised in a tough white molded plastic, all smoothly-curving lines but otherwise just as restrictive (perhaps more so, having been especially put together for that very purpose) then you have something of the atmosphere of the schoolroom depicted in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1.
There is scope here for further refinement of course: for example the chair back (straight-backed of course) could be increased in height as far as the back of the girl's head to enforce a correctly alert and disciplined posture and restrain her from stretching and throwing back the head in an unladylike manner.
On the other hand the chair could be reduced to the dimensions of a narrow bench seat and her posture be maintained by discipline (and the fear of the cane) alone. But then, of course, one looses that cramped feeling of restraint - and I do think that the desk edge should fit snugly against the midriff at all times, with the girl's hands kept where the governess or schoolmistress can see them; above the desk and demurely clasped or kept flat with palms uppermost (my choice!) when not writing. I think that I would recommend a combination of aspects of the two approaches: a high straight back to the chair but the seat itself reduced to a narrow bench, little more than a perch, and a gap between the two sufficient for the swell of her bottom cheeks to protrude. Very uncomfortable, very humiliating.

Thursday 19 February 2009

Truth Stranger than Fiction: A House of Chastisement for Difficult Girls in Victorian Bristol -

It feels like I have neglected the blog for far too long this week. I have been staying at a mates place for a few days with no Internet access handy - the guy's some kind of modern Luddite I think...but he drinks well!

Its odd where inspiration can come from sometimes: For example I have previously mentioned the guarded references in Mozart's Magic Flute on this blog. Today I have been fitting the finishing touches to a section of volume 2 dealing with the description of a school uniform. I know that doesn't sound so galling, but I am something of a perfectionist and I ( in common with certain scheming behind-the-scenes plot-line characters) have a very specific view of what I am trying to achieve here. It has to suit an adult female form, yet seem juvenile enough to rob the wearer of any kind of credibility, both in her own eyes and those of others. It is not enough that it belittles the girl - it should also, by the very image it subconsciously inspires, encourage others, her betters if you will (even you and I if we were to come across her) to automatically treat her in the appropriate manner without thinking. And this should be so even if meeting her for the first time; even if one has not been briefed as to how to react one should find oneself taking an authoritative stance - it should seem quite natural to do so. This is what uniforms are supposed to do, depersonalise and underline a particular role and attitude to fulfil. In a similar way the uniforms that the nurses (and wardresses in volume 2) wear should subconsciously underline their authority and automatically place their charges, the girls, quite naturally on a submissive footing from the get go. Then the is the question of whether there should be any aspect to the design that might be thought 'sexy' in any way - personally I think that would be a mistake, although certain features might be incorporated that make use of the female form to titillate the onlooker, but always with the proviso tat it should not make the girl feel 'attractive' in any way. On the contrary - she should feel shame. In fact I came upon a view about some aspect of this while searching for the origin of the artwork I have used at the top of this post and that was sent to me anonymously (I hope the artist doesn't mind, it is a brilliant piece of work but if he or she objects obviously I will remove it instantly). Anyway, click on it to read a lovely discussion of school uniform discipline or CLICK HERE. Interestingly the writer bemoans having to wear rubber pants (Knickers), presumably rather than school knickers or possibly under them (it isn't clear) which she describes as 'degrading' but the goes on to say 'as it should be' - a sentiment with which I wholeheartedly agree! Going back to today's assignment: I think I would prefer to see some combination of the features of the underwear she describes - I am thinking along the lines of the 'crisp, sweaty bottle-green polyester' school knickers she so evocatively describes, so of a quite conventional, if old-fashioned, appearance externally, but lined with latex or perhaps having a removable rubber lining. I am not sure that they would need to be 'really big and baggy' as the writer suggests, but I am certain of the necessity of broad, tight leg elastics - with 17 hours a day spent crammed in a little cramped Victorian school desk and with toilet visits by necessity limited to specified times, there are bound to be one or two little accidents from time to time. Actually I think a case can be made for the diametrically opposite, ie of extreme and carefully engineered close fitting - but then again a more voluminous garment does lend itself to the inclusion of various additions, taking into account differing expediences, some features of which might well be adapted where it is felt that a little additional shame wouldn't go amiss. And to this point we haven't even began to discuss the outerwear - Skirt or pinafore / gymslip? Pleated or plain or should it be a dress? Long or short sleeved blouse? If long sleeved, puffed Victorian style shoulders and long stiff cuffs buttoned with three in-line buttons, high stiff starched shirt-style collar with school tie or something a little more feminine, childish, perhaps flouncy wit a 'peter pan' collar. Poplin, Crisp, sweaty nylon, or even crisper starched and stiff cotton. Stripped (my present favorite) or plain, white or coloured? The questions go on and on, but I am slowly narrowing down the design. Bear in mind that I am only talking about the design of the uniforms worn by the 5 or 6 girls housed in the institution's 'Schoolroom' wing and the imposition of an actual school uniform is something that the Powers-that-be have only just begun to consider (along with a considerable tightening up of the already very tight discipline). Maybe you'd prefer they be kept in the type of nylon dress-style overall that I have mainly concentrated on up until now, that you will have met in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 and that is basically supposed to approximate to a prison uniform. But I think this new aspect opens up some excitingly new disciplinary avenues to explore...what do you think? Views anyone?

Now the unexpected / truth stranger than fiction bit. While doing the above research and having chucked 'high buttoning stiff collared blouses - or some such combination of search terms - into google, by a kind of tortuous route I came across a nice little piece of writing about an admission procedure and a young girl incarcerated in a strict woman's prison (this is not the truth etc bit - this is the unexpected bit) CLICK HERE to read.

Then, on Flickr of all places (The Truth is Stranger than Fiction bit) I came across a piece, purporting to be true, about a house of chastisement for difficult girls in Victorian Bristol. I do remember reading something similar, reported and elaborated upon at some length it must be said, in Janus many, many moons ago. To read it CLICK HERE (the Flickr version that is - if I find that old copy of Janus I'll scan it in for you lucky folks). To quote from the article:

"Taking the birch, I measure my distance and, standing at the side, I proceed to strike slowly but firmly’ Mrs Walter explained. ‘By moving gently forward, each stroke is differently placed and six strokes may well be enough if given with full force. If the fault has been such as to need severe correction, then I begin on the other side and work back again. For screams, increased strokes must be given. If a girl tries very hard to bear it bravely, then perhaps I give 10 instead of 12" Blimey O'reily!!!
And apparently she used to dress in a nurse's uniform too!!! Most probably exactly for the point I made earlier; and to aid legitimacy of course

Finally: talking of uniforms and their character-defining effect, I couldn't resist quickly knocking up this little confection (left). a little something I entitle: "Just Three Strokes Today Dear". But it has a serious purpose also - it serves as a nice illustration of a 'Tippet' (the little cape worn by the nurse in the foreground); it is something I think mention in INSTITUTIONALISED Volume 1 but I definitely do in volume 2. So now you know what it is, if you didn't already - it all helps picture the scene in your head.

Wednesday 3 December 2008

New Album Opened, Future Blog Plans and a Couple of Pics

Having run out of hand-written work to dictate into the computer, by far the most efficient way for me to work, volume 2 is very much on the backburner today. I don't have a lot of time today but what I do have is going to be dedicated to improving and updating the blog layout. I've made a start by creating an album dedicated to spanking magazine covers (see the sidebar).

A lot of these I've actually pinched from an online second-hand sales site where somebody is apparently selling off their entire 40 years worth of collecting, but quite a few I have in my collection and so it has saved me a hell of a lot of time scanning them myself. In terms of the covers shown so far I don't think I have anything in my collection that is not displayed. However I do have quite a few issues of Blushes, Whispers, New Uniform Girls, Strictly Uniforms and Uniforms International in my collection, as well as quite a few books, not yet shown but that I will be scanning and uploading at a later date.

This sort of thing I see as conserving for posterity as these old magazines and books are becoming rarer and rarer and so the more people that download and save them to their hard drives and other places the less chance there is of them disappearing forever - the seems little in the modern world that comes up to their standard, particularly when it comes to their often very imaginative and inspired letters pages. When ever I go to antiques fairs or boot fairs I am forever searching for old magazines and even newspaper articles pertaining to our interest.

It doesn't even stop there, my first working incarnation was as an electronics engineer and I have interests in amateur radio and vintage equipment so I have quite a few old radio and television magazines lined up ready to be scanned in. For example, I have some television and radio enthusiast magazines that amongst other things outline how to build your own equipment and that date back to the 1930s, almost to the dawn of television itself. Obviously these are destined for another blog and/or website.

Going back to this blog for a moment, I'm going to split up the resource list in the sidebar to provide for a separate list of interesting and relevant Yahoo! groups that I've come across in my travels - a good example is one that I found only yesterday and that deals with impositions and the writing of lines as a form of discipline. Unfortunately the latter requires certain profile information and a few lines about why one wishes to join the group (I really hate that sort of thing, why do they bother). I have a couple of profiles that I use and I inadvertently entered the wrong one, so I'm probably going to be rejected. But the groups out there are not restricted simply to spanking / caning; they can be quite imaginative and eclectic while still being relevant to the stuff I write and the general issue of discipline, with little thought anyway.

I intend to list them by name and / or content rather than the full URL as I think that is more informative and useful and one only has to click on the link to go straight to the YahooGroup concerned in any case.

The picture at the top left is a something that I picked up from the blog that I outlined yesterday; you will have seen it before from a different angle (from one on my magazine scans in fact) but what I love here is the little school desk and the suitably browbeaten expression that the young lady wears – as well she might given her age juxtaposed with the way she is dressed and obviously treated (that little desk says it all - clearly sweated over through many, many hours of tedious and repetitive line writing).

As regards to the designs of physical exercise school leotards that I was discussing a right about yesterday; some kind contributor (who wants to remain anonymous) has send me the picture on the right. One had to exercise a little imagination but I think you can understand the advantages of adapting this to the design of a leotard gusset - the problem lies in retaining the otherwise modest styling of the rest of the garment. I envisage the thing as being absolutely traditional, give or take the use of modern fibre types perhaps, other than that single feature (it is that juxtaposition between modesty and exposure that I think makes it so exciting – and humiliating to the wearer). Therein, of course, lies the problem; if the whole thing was devised as some sort of fetish wear and manufactured in perhaps PVC or latex in its entirety it will be self solving but as envisaged one has to deal with the problem of combining the qualities of these materials (or others with these same qualities) with more traditional fabrics - it comes down to the problem of bonding one material to another but I have at least one solution in mind I can't tell you much more without giving away too much of the plot.

Tomorrow I will be back to work in on completing volume 2 of INSTITUTIONALISED; hopefully the day will be as sunny as today is (we have clear blue skies in London at the moment) and I intend to visit several hostelries (pubs), pint, notebook and pen in hand - I'm hoping to fit in the Spaniards in,, in Hampstead at some point; it is wood panelled and historic and conducive to the imagination.

Friday 21 November 2008

More E-Discipline: Let's Call Her My Little Supplicant. Also New Thorn Art Added

I am just putting together a new post and doing some general work on the blog. I have been writing today, working on a section that is destined to eventually become part of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 3 and that I have provisionally entitled 'drip, drip, drip'. Not to give too much away it involves a pretty, late teenage, girl (whom you may or may not have already met in volume 1, I'm not saying, but will learn more about in volume 2 in the company of her governess) a pitch black hospital room, medical restraints and a 'malfunctioning', leaking intravenous drip-feed. I know I should get volume 2 finished first but when these ideas come to me I like to get them down as soon as possible before I lose them (I would have liked to have supplied a suitable pic, something teasing, but couldn't find anything that really worked in the time I have available today).
Talking of chastisement: I can't help thinking that Little Supplicant seems a good a title as any to apply to my little discipline disciple corespondent, to whom I have referred before in previous postings. Actually, come to think about it It is a name that seems as naturally suited to her, reading between the lines, as does the school uniform here– it is easily my favourite of those in my collection from the period and one that I would have no compunction whatsoever to putting her in, despite her maturity - the combination of the striped blazer and striped hat-ribbon should make it suitably conspicuous in public, and the girl (for that is how I perceive her, despite her years) suitably self-conscious in it. And if it didn't fit… well, I'd make it fit! That little problem would simply have to be addressed by appropriately restrictive foundation wear…or she would have to be dieted into it at the encouragement of the cane. It is an image that I would suggest we all hold in our collective imaginations when we read of her correspondence and of her completion of her various impositions - a middle aged woman squeezed into a pleated skirted gymslip and squirming to ease the sting of a throbbing freshly-caned behind. Perhaps she can let us know how it feels, after her husband canes her this weekend.

Monday 17 November 2008

Some Uniform Regulations

As an addendum to the posting before last; I have come across while researching for the final outstanding parts of volume 2 of INSTITUTIONALISED a list of uniform regulations which I thought some of you might be interested in. It is actually quite useful to visit the site if you are likely to read vol 2 or 3 as there are illustrations of a couple of anachronistic garments that many of you won''t as yet be familiar with and that may have their part to play in some form or other in our heroines lives at some point - wait and see. I have also added Mr Whacker's blog to the blog list - lots of stories and pics from Janus, whispers, Blushes et al and some writing by Richard Manton.

Uniform regulations

School liberty bodice

School undervest

Mr Whacker

In my view one of Richard Manton's finest reformatory works - taken from Janus but here on Mr Whacker's blog: The man with the Goldern Rod

Tuesday 21 October 2008

School Uniform For the Recalcitrant 18-Plus Miss of Today? – Probably the Best Summer Dress Ever Pictured...

...But that's just my opinion - what's yours?

Taken from Strictly Uniforms magazine and published in the late 1990s, this series of pictures fits in nicely with the bulletin board discussions I came across recently, and that I have reported upon fairly extensively in previous posts. Some debate has raged whether or not school uniform should be retained for girls in their late teens (or even early 20s) still living at home, or a least under the supervision of some responsible older adult, despite in actuality having left school. In particular it has been related how one or two such young ladies have been trained in the art of knitting and sewing so that they might manufacture their own gingham dress - school summer dresses being considered difficult to obtain in the larger sizes. Well, clearly they are available, such an example is pictured here and to my mind, as such it is absolutely perfect for the job. Little details like the puffed shoulders, the high buttoned collar all serve to project the correct and much sought-after image of discipline and control - and it even incorporates a belt of the same material, neatly fastening at the front with a white plastic buckle, so, so nearly perfect, what else could you want?

Well...I guess...Perhaps long sleeves with buttoned cuffs would perfect the look, together with a little bit of white piping added here and there (perhaps around the edging of the cuffs, collar and breast pocket if there is one? Ensuring that it stays clean is something guaranteed to keep her mind concentrated on her appearance, you see. Makes one consider incorporating completely white collar and cuffs doesn't it?) and the provision of a breast pocket with some sort of school badge and motto boldly embroidered upon it.

The more observant of you have noticed that in actuality the thing is in a fetching vertical green and white striped material rather than gingham - ring a bell? Think about the institutional uniforms that the clinical-trial volunteers find themselves being put once having entered the experimental psychology department of that lovely little private and secure hospital depicted in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1.

Here is,then, one half of that inspiration - albeit if realised in some practical hardwearing fabric such as nylon or polyester - the other half was furnished by those wonderful 1960s nylon dress-style ladies' overalls. To understand the institutional version that I envisage, you have to form something of an amalgam in your mind's eye of the two. Then we come to the lady holding the cane - in my mind at the time I first saw these I immediately saw her as being a governess - of course in the employ of their cruel stepmother; that's always been my way, but that's another story ( incidentally that was nothing like the actual storyline - but I have always tended to conjure my own , which I guess is why I'm sitting here doing what I'm doing today). No, not wanking, writing...I'm bloody writing - ok?

Friday 19 September 2008

Inspiration is Where You Find It (2): Mind Control, Phone Boxes, Catalogues, Friends Reunited (And Another Bit of Penny's Punishments Too (From Janus)

My eyes are still a little problematic so for a while text will be a bit sparse, but as I have said in the last few posts; I will go over these posts again with updated text, labels and explanations etc once my vision settles down and will then post links to the updated pages. So for now mostly pics. First I thought I ought to post the rest of the pics from that classic photo-story, Penny's Punishments, that I scanned from Janus. I had intended to do so, partly for the sake of completeness and partially to provide some sort of pictorial content while writing was being such a strain. In so doing it occurred to me that there is another tale to tell, unwritten yet embedded within these pictures - to my mind there is a tale within a tale here if one looks deeply enough. Now that I'm thinking about it I do remember it occurring to me at the time and that it was something that fired my imagination ; as it does so still now, looking at them again through fresh eyes.

On the surface, for the time it was a fairly standard Janus spanking / caning / discipline photo story ( click on the link above or here to read more of the outline), but I like to feel that there is a more sinister undercurrent. Particularly in the pyjamas scene, but also to some extent in the following two pictures, the girl has this strangely emotionless look about her, expressionless, blank; even at the time, being relatively youthful and largely unaware of the mind control story genre, I thought she looked sort of...well, hypnotized, for want of any better description.

The impression I received was that, although not eluded to in the text, her guardians had more of a hold over her than might be explainable by the threat of a caning from time to time...Soon after, I came across the works of Victor Bruno wherein, at least in his 'private boarding ' reform school' tales, the use of hypnosis (and even brainwashing) was alluded to -although sadly, never elaborated on beyond expounding on the various benefits in keeping the hapless inmates of his various institutions under control.

And there you have it; notwithstanding one or two other influences that I will discuss at a later date, my interest in mind control, especially in the use of hypnosis, was born. What with my frustration at the lack of detail included in the Victor Bruno novels and then having later come across, first the Erotic Mind Control Story Archive ( click to visit) and then story ideas put out on various newsgroups by Acid Tony (under more than one name I think - click to read) you can, I'm sure, understand the strong element of psychological control and punishment, of various forms and levels of subtlety, that weaves its way through INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1. I have never viewed this element as any replacement for good old-fashioned corporal punishment but rather as an adjunct to it - much like Acid Tony, I see each being in support of the other.


While on the subject of hidden meaning and inspiration here are a few scans of a couple of pages from a very mainstream 1980s fashion catalogue (below). At the time I thought of her as the perfect mistress figure, a couple of steps up from the governess so to speak, perhaps the haughty guardian of some hapless browbeaten girl. Later she was to become (as part of an amalgam of characters, along with certain other influential models and pictures) the model for the character of Lady Madison Daisy Bartlet as appears in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 (click to read extract on this site).

More hidden content: At one point in my life I worked as a cycle dispatch rider in the West End of London and would often throughout the day have occasion to visit a phone box or two. There were always plenty of cards advertising various 'personal services' and from time to time one would catch my eye. This example led me to search for and explore all sorts of medical fetish literature that I didn't know even existed at the time; I wanted to know just what these procedures might consist of. More importantly I wondered just how such procedures might be applied to the young ladies that by then populated the stories and fantasies that, in the absence of suitably imaginative published literature, I was beginning to concoct for my own amusement by this point. These tales existed only as bare bone fragments of ideas that this stage, but as I learnt more about this new world new storylines evolved and necessarily became more complex in order to incorporate techniques and procedures that I was learning about. All sorts of devilish torments came and went in my imaginary tableaux - the ideas that would one day grow into the INSTITUTIONALISED series were beginning to take root. Incidently, a nice collection of such cards can be viewed at Mike's Spanking Booth (click to visit).