Friday 14 October 2016

Of Disappearing Blogs - And a Bit of Photo Art to Keep You Amused

Another blog has disappeared - back up your blog content now, lest yours is next! Yep! I just discovered Alec Leamus's blog - Beyond The Magic Box - ( has been removed!!!  Another one bites the dust.  For myself: A while back I backed up a lot of this blog to a Word Press blog of the same name, although I have to admit I'm not up to date with my backups - but on the other hand I haven't been posting to this blog as frequently as I once did because it is somewhat more time consuming compared to posting on Tumblr or Pinterest, say... Oh well. fingers crossed! 
Another day in the Dept. of Applied Experimental Behavioural Psychology's Secure Residential Unit
The dress is originaly from a 1960s women's workwear catalogue - the woman's face is another of my composit constructions, which I think (I hope) I'm slowly getting better at.  The figure was originaly holding a pair of glasses which overlaped the dress and so I had to do a bit of reconstruction work, which to be honest hasn't quite come off as well as I would have hoped  - perhaps I'll have another crack at some future date (the hand holding the mug and cane needs a re-think too; it creates the illusion of too many fingers as it is at present)... Ok, so I've had another shot at getting that hand right (or at least improving it) - see below (scroll down).

The background and the coloured area on the mug she is holding were originaly a different colour.  The badge I have tried to make look as if embroidered on the dress itself rather than a pin-on type of thing.  It doesn't really fit in with my novels since it is more like the kind of thing which I describe as being worn in the workroom / sweatshop in which my heroine is put to work, but it just caught my imagination for some reason.


  1. Speaking of disappearances, what happened to the links of interesting tumbler sites?

  2. Hi Anon! Well, you see; that was an ides which seemed good at the time; but that was before I realised how Tumblr worked, how easy it was to knock up a blog compared to Blogger and how this Tumblr culture of 're-bloging' operated. After a few entries it quickly became obvious I'd soon fill lord knows how many pages worth of sidebar space and also that such a blog list is not the best way to navigate Tumblr. I mean: for example I presently follow hundreds of Tumblr blogs and I myself have currently 840 following. When you go on your account Tumblr quickly ascertains the kind of thing you follow or have visited and suggests others (and unlike Pinterest, it mostly makes SENSIBLE suggestions and connections)

  3. Kind of looks like Sarah Palin. Sarah Palin with a cane? Pardon me...I need some private time.

    1. Sarah Palin! OMG! Oh well - whatever (who ever) floats your boat (swings your hockey stick?) man. But I really MUST revisit this one - that hand needs fixing and I think the cane should be hanging on her wrist. Any preferences anybody out there?

  4. Hi,
    your last post at the tumblr website about the White Ward, suggested me an idea.
    Painful muscular cramps could happen during orgasm. I wonder if some treatments could cause severe cramps just before orgasm, every time!

    1. Hi there Paulopost. Not heard from you for a while. That's a very interesting idea, an interesting twist on the negative reinforcement / aversion therapy approach to developing a sort of psychological chastity belt. I really don't know if it could be done - at least in any way which would retain at least a whiff of plausibility. I don't think it would be controllable enenoug to be used therapeuticly for starters. Trouble is, I don't even know for sure what causes cramp - and I have MSc in human nutrition. I'm pretty certain it isn't a lack of magnesium as is often mooted.

  5. Well, maybe we could split the job in two steps:
    1) how to make muscular cramps at will( electrical stimulations? injections? some chemical imbalance?)
    2) how to "activate" the cramps when her body shows clear signs of an impeding orgasm.

    Obviously those cramps will end only after a long, embarassing procedure that can't be perfomed by herself! ;-)
