Thursday 27 October 2016

Institutuional Discipline...

...But what KIND of institution?  You decide!

Hi folks.  Every now and then somebody sends me a picture or piece of writing which inspires me and demands to be adapted and perhaps extended in some way.  It might be something entirely innocent but which nevertheless can be interpreted - or be able to be interpreted - in an entirely different way.  And such was the case with the image I received in my email yesterday (many thanks for that, Robin!).  As always we must assume all are of marriageable age (I hate that term, but one has to use it, as I often do in my discipline / corporal punishment / spanking writing, to avoid the unwanted attentions of Plod).  Click to enlarge (obviously)

Now changing the colour of an object or item of clothing, say - which was the original request in this case; changing the colour of the gymslips from navy blue to bottle green - is usually the easy bit. Although yesterday's thing turned out to suffer all manner of complications, because of all those bright highlights and deep shadowing.  And the are limits. 

For example, when I took it a stage further for my own amusement, added a nurse figure (which you'll have seen before) and rearranged things, although I was happy enough initially I then decided I wanted to make the nurse's dress navy blue.  But try as I may I couldn't get it the blessed thing dark enough without all manner of defects becoming visible.  The dress was originally a sort of light sea green and the image came from a catalogue which I scanned a good few years back. The colour change was partly to disguise the source - I have navy blue versions I could have used directly.  I suspect the defects which become visible are likely artifacts from the scanning process, some kind of aliasing caused by moire patterning due to an interaction between the scanning and the fine detail in the fabric itself. 

I am not sure why exactly why - something you might like to discuss perhaps - but I would definitely have preferred navy blue if I had been able to achieve it. I would like her to look a little older too, but still attractive (that seems to be important, too). That's not the model's original face of course.  It's an amalgam of three different faces and hair using features of each.  And the cap has been changed too. It originally had a straight flat top.  One approach I could have tried - and has worked in the past - is to desaturate the image to black and white monochrome first, and then colourise it.  I might give that a try at some point, but for now it's back to the writing.  

I have discovered a really cheap but quiet and well kept pub down the road a ways in Tottenham.  Called 'The Elbow Room', one can get a pint of fine hand-pulled real ale there for a thoroughly reasonable £2.10 (£1.95 on Tuesdays).  AND they have a loyalty car
d scheme: buy 6 pints and get the next FREE!!!  So that's where I'm off to in a mo, to sit and write on my trusty laptop.  See Y'all!


  1. Have you tried the selective color mixer? That mixed with the shadow/highlights adjustment might give you the results you want.

    You can also try creating a duplicate layer of it and manipulating the color there and then and then erasing anything that isn't supposed to be that color (buttons, lapels, arms, etc...) to reveal the original image underneath. Adding a color overlay in navy blue, then lowering the opacity some to reveal details also sometimes works.

    You can take it a step further by making two duplicates, changing the opacity on the one you change and then merging it with the second and then overlaying that over the original so you can alter the colors and brightness and saturation and shadows even more efficiently.

    1. Sorry I neglected to answer sooner; I've been a little sidetracked of late, not to mention suffering internet connection problems (AGAIN!). Thanks for the advice but yep, have tried all of that. My latest aproach is to completely desaturate the area of the image I am intersted in first and then recolour from scratch

  2. Is this site still used? Many years ago I had my misbehaving niece Judith post her discipline here as part of her punishment and as I found with the side benefit of others suggesting additional appropriate forms of discipline. She has recently misbehaved again and she is about to receive a further period of discipline as a school girl and I was hoping again to find a location where to add to her humiliation she would have to describe her punishment to others. I would be grateful to know if this site is till usable and this type of posting would be OK.

    1. Yep! Still alive - but see answer above. All contributions greatfuly received

  3. My name is Judith and my Aunt has instructed me to display the punishment I have had applied following misbehaviour by me. I have posted here previously several years ago when I was being disciplined for severe misbehaviour and failure to accept discipline.

    Today I accept that I deserved to be disciplined for what I have done wrong and accept that the public humiliation of sharing my punishment is also deserved. I would also ask that you send suggestions for additional punishments which you believe may be appropriate as my Aunt has said part of my punishment is that I will have to accept punishments imposed by people I do not even know.

    I am being punished for drinking alcohol, not being timely in attending at Church to perform commitments I had made, not dressing as I have agreed to and lying about my behaviour to attempt to avoid discipline.

    I am now to dress in school uniform of large green elasticated knickers, green knee socks, wool vest, grey shirt, green and maroon school tie, maroon pinafore dress and green school cardigan at all times when I am not at work for the next 3 months. At work I may remove my school tie.

    At home I will do housework and when not doing this do cornertime and serve detention doing written punishments. I will receive no supper be in bed at 8pm on week nights and 7pm at weekends. I will be confined to a grey wool nightgown when sent to bed. My mouth will be soaped every night before bed.

    On Tuesday for the first time in over two years I was caned receiving 12 strokes to my bare behind. I will be regularly spanked or slippered as required over the next 3 months to punish and discipline me.

    I will have no access to TV, music or magazines.

    I will have to explain my misbehaviour and punishment to visitors to the house and members of our Church congregation.

    I deserve to be punished and will be doing everything to comply so that I do not merit further punishment beyond the next 3 months.

    I ask you not to feel sorry for me as I misbehaved and ask you, at my Aunt's request, to suggest any further sanctions you may feel are appropriate.


  4. Today has been a shocking reminder to me of the humiliation I am to endure, as I have some years ago, as a result of my stupid behaviour and how sill I have been to place myself again in the position where I require such discipline.

    This morning before we went to communion my Aunt told me I was to remember my place and speak only when spoken to and then answer succinctly and always using Sir and Miss as appropriate. I had to dress in my school uniform - green elasticated knickers, wool vest, green knee socks, grey shirt, green and maroon school tie, maroon pinafore dress, green school cardigan together with a knee length maroon cardigan jacket with a school badge, maroon wool beret and green mittens. She also told me I would be apologising to Mrs Simpson and Mrs. Jones who I was supposed to be helping when I arrived late at the Church because I had been to the pub. I was slippered before we set-off so I was in an even more submissive state than I had already taken having accepted my need to be punished.

    My predicament was clear to other members of the congregation and it was humiliating to hear them discuss my punishment with my Aunt whilst I had to stand silently with my hands in mittens neatly folded and my head bowed.

    The worst piece was having to apologise which my Aunt ensured I did in public. I apologised and told them how I was being punished and of course asked if they would like to suggest any additional discipline for me as my Aunt had said she would apply this. Mrs Simpson said they would discuss that with my Aunt and said I should go and stand against the wall which to my complete humiliation my Aunt agreed I should. To my complete humiliation I had to spend 15 minutes facing the wall with my hands folded behind my back whilst they discussed me and others could see me suffering the childish humiliation of public corner time. When I was told to return I was in tears and my Aunt said she was pleased that I was learning my lesson. My Aunt said that Mrs Simpson will be coming to our house on Christmas Eve to see me given a thorough spanking in her presence.

    This afternoon I have spent my time ironing and writing lines, "I deserve to wear school girl uniform for the next 12 weeks because of my immature misbehaviour." I now have to put on my wool nightgown and have my mouth soaped before being sent to bed at 6 pm.

    As I hope you can see I am being punished for my misbehaviour as I deserve and ask you, at my Aunt's request, to suggest any further sanctions you may feel are appropriate.


  5. Today is going to be awful. I have already done two hours in detention writing the line, "I deserve to wear school girl uniform and be spanked in front of Mrs. Simpson because of my lazy and deceitful behaviour" 250 times. I am going to work this morning but then must come home, missing the office celebration, for my disciplining in front of Mrs. Simpson, Later this afternoon I am helping at the Church children's Christmas party which will be another public humiliation for me in my school uniform.

    I am then on leave until New Year so full time in full school uniform and punishment which is of course what I deserve.


  6. This afternoon's spanking was the most humiliating I have ever experienced. It was not the most severe (but harsh enough) and I have had many spankings in front of others as part of my previous disciplining during my early 20s. Now age 27 it was an horrendous experience.

    My Aunt had me in the corner with my hands on my head when Mrs. Simpson arrived. After ten minutes I was made to stand in front of her wearing my full school uniform hands folded in front of me and my head bowed and apologise again for my behaviour.

    After this my Aunt had me undo my school cardigan and then took me over her knee. She raised the skirt of my pinafore. Mrs. Simpson was shocked to see my old fashioned school knickers which in fact I wear at all times. My Aunt then lowered my knickers to my knees and spanked me by hand until I was crying with pain and humiliation. She then made me stand hands on head and lectured me again before to my horror she invited Mrs. Simpson who is only 4 or 5 years older than me if she would like to continue my spanking as I needed further punishment. After some discussion she agreed she would but not by hand so I was allowed to pull up my knickers and sent to fetch my wooden hairbrush.

    Back in the sitting room I presented Mrs. Simpson with the hairbrush and with my Aunt's guidance she took me over her knee lowered my knickers to my ankles and delivered a hard and long spanking to my legs and behind. By the end I was weeping like a baby and was made to stand crying with my nose running and hands on my head. My Aunt pinned up my pinafore and cardigan so my behind and legs were bare to be seen and I thanked Mrs. Simpson for spanking me. My Aunt asked me if I would be lying or lazy again, slapping my behind as she did so, to which I confirmed I would not. She asked Mrs. Simpson to share my disciplining with others as that was also part of my punishment. I was then sent to the corner with my knickers around my ankles to reflect on my silliness.

    After 30 minutes I was then sent to get my wool school cardigan jacket, mittens and beret. I was then taken on the walk to the Church Hall to help with the Church Children's Christmas party supervised by Mrs. Simpson - it was so embarrassing to be told what to by someone almost the same age as me.

    After clearing up after the Party she brought me home having made my schoolgirl status very clear to the other helpers by inspecting my uniform in front of them. My Aunt then sent me straight to write this as a further sanction.

    I know I may well be spanked in front of family or friends again over the next week and it is mortifying given my experience today. However I know not to comply will result in further sanctions and I must accept my punishment.

    As always my Aunt would be pleased to receive other suggestions for my further disciplining.

    I am to be spared attendance at Midnight Service as my Aunt says it is not appropriate for a child due to it's lateness.

    Instead having written this I have to get into my woollen nightgown, have my outh soaped and then I will be sent to bed early.


  7. I have to report that I have misbehaved again and was reported by my younger cousin for not having my school cardigan buttoned up, speaking to her without permission, not using Miss when addressing her and trying to avoid punishment for no compliance. Rachel is 3 years younger than me and when visiting came to my detention room and discovered my misbehaviour.

    She is now a Doctor having worked much harder then I and being a lot smarter than me. She took me downstairs and told my guardians of my offences in front of her parents. My punishments were assigned immediately .

    I have had a school green wool waistcoat and a school green wool round neck cardigan added to my uniform. I am to wear thumbless mittens at night. My mouth will be soaped after breakfast and lunch as well as before bed. I will have my hands slippered every day. I will walk to Church on Sundays with my hands on my head. I had to apologise to my cousin. I received six strokes of the cane across my bare behind. After serving corner time in front of all of our guests I had to ask Rachel to spank me and then she gave me a thorough application with my hairbrush. It was a degrading and horrible experience.

    My Aunt told me that this misbehaviour will be considered at my monthly review. It is very clear that I must apply myself assiduously if my 3 month punishment is not to become even more humiliating or longer or both.

    As ever my Aunt would be pleased to have your ideas to enhance and improve my discipline.


  8. Judith

    I think your auntie should consider adding punitive ironing tasks as a none corporal punishment.

    She should buy from charity shops a range of second hand school uniforms and underwear.

    These would be kept in acwahing basket in a small box room or cellar with no window and just an ironing board and iron, nothing to sit on.

    As a punishment you would be sent to the washing machine with the basket.

    You would be dressed in a long black maid overall in heavy nylon.

    Underwear is cotton vest, directories knickers and knee socks, all in white

    A heavy started white pinafore is tied on cross over style.

    As the load washes you would stand in the corner hands on head

    Once the load is done you put it in a washing basket and take it to the ironing room, here your aunt locks you in, you are required to iron and fold each garment.

    Then place it in the basket for your aunt to inspect, you wait in the corner hands on head until she arrives to inspect.

    If she finds fault with any garment the whole process starts again until achieved and so on and so on


  9. 8pm bedtime seems reasonable.
    What about plastic pants to bed ?
    Potty time in the hall or living room ?

  10. Bruno and June many thanks for your suggestions. Judith will be getting her first monthly review on Sunday. I have checked with her employer and her performance appears to be satisfactory, will be checking how she has been performing her Church duties and of course her behaviour at home has not met the required standards as you have seen. Additional discipline therefore will be required.

    If others have additional suggestions I would of course be grateful to receive them.

    Judith's Aunt

  11. I have had my first monthly review performed this afternoon.

    As you are aware I have required punishment at home for misbehaviour in front of my cousin Rachel. In addition my Aunt informed me that the three of the ladies at Church had said that I was doing my Church work but only just enough and avoiding tasks which made me appear more publically in my school uniform.

    I have therefore quite correctly been allocated further discipline.

    a) My punishment period is extended by one mon the to 4 months.
    b) This afternoon I have written a personal letter of apology to Mrs. Simpson, Mrs. Jones, Miss Blenkinsop and my cousin Rachel apologising for my misbehaviour, telling them of my additional punishments and inviting them each to administer to me a spanking either in their homes, at my Aunt's house or in the Parish rooms. In addition they should feel free to allocate me discipline if they fell my behaviour is ever sub-optimal immediately in addition to placing me on report.
    c) I have received 8 strokes of the cane to my bare behind this afternoon followed by corner time.
    d) I am to wear plastic pants to bed for the next month.

    I would like to thank anyone who suggested punishments to improve my behaviour and as ever my Aunt would be happy to receive further suggestions.

    I must try to improve my behaviour over the next month.


  12. I am now really regretting my misbehaviour as the weeks of confinement to school uniform drag on. Even though I do not have to wear a school tie to work my position is now known to all of the staff and they are treating me accordingly. It is what I deserve bot very humiliating. I will receive the final one of the personal spankings I was allocated at my monthly review today.

    My cousin Rachel is coming this afternoon. In addition my Aunt and Uncle are going our for the evening and I am to be supervised by Rachel. My Aunt did not spare me the embarrassment of telling me how because of my immature behaviour it was necessary for me to have a baby sitter and that I must do everything I am told to do by Rachel.

    My detention this morning was to write the line, "I deserve to have my bottom younger cousin because of my lazy, disrespectful and childish behaviour." Writing something 300 times means you do not forget it quickly.

    My Aunt has already told me I must write a description of my punishment spanking today for public reading and use. I am to ask you to aid my humiliation by sharing this with others.


  13. And what about nappies and plastic pants to bed, plastic pants over panties during the day, having to ask to go potty to an adult, having panty inspections during the day, Sunday nap especially when you have visitors, tights forbidden socks only.....

    1. I can see I'm going to have to come up with some captioned illustrations to go with this topic soon. What with Christmas, New Year and certain long term projects which are finaly comming to fruition I have neglected this blog for quite some time (although I have updated Tumblr and Pinterest from time to time - but they're quicker and easier to do). But all that is about to change come Febuary 1st (this coming Wednesday) from which I will be updating this blog twice per week.

  14. I was in the corner in the hall with my hands on my head when my cousin arrived thinking about the humiliation I was to receive of having her spank me yesterday afternoon. After 20 minutes I was summoned by her into the lounge and told top fetch my hairbrush. She then took me over her knee lowered my knickers and then spanked first by hand and then with my hairbrush until I was crying and my every stroke was painful. She then pinned up my pinafore and cardigans and sent me to the corner with my hands on my head.

    It was then that my Aunt told me that I was to be supervised by Rachel not only for the rest of Saturday but until this afternoon.

    I have to report that under her supervision I committed the following offences:
    1) Not completing a set of lines both in terms of their number or the required quality
    2) Button undone on my school waistcoat.
    3) Two buttons undone on my school V-neck cardigan.
    4) Not putting my hands on my head to walk back from Church when told to do so this morning.
    5) Speaking without permission and questioning my punishment.
    6) Poor attitude in my supervision by my cousin.

    She caned and spanked me for these offences at the time of their occurrence band of course quite rightly reported me to my Aunt on her return. She has decided I will receive my punishments for these tomorrow but had my cousin apply twelve strokes of the strap to my bare behind before she had to leave.

    I know I am to receive quite deservedly a set of very severe punishments in both length and severity. I know I deserve this and will of course by severely humiliated in front of my cousin for my ill discipline and immature behaviour.


  15. I have started to serve my punishment for my multiple misbehaviour last weekend when I was being supervised by Rachel.

    1) I have to wear my green and maroon school uniform including waistcoat and two cardigans and my school tie to work.
    2) At home I have to wear a long brown wool cardigan dress, front buttoning grey worsted pinafore, brown woollen with yellow trim school waistcoat, V-neck cardigan and crew neck cardigan and brown wool knee socks and garters.
    3) I wear thick plastics knickers at all times.
    4) I have to walk to and from Church at all times with my hands on my head.
    5) My mouth is soaped three times per day.
    6) I am getting no supper. For breakfast I am eating porridge and for lunch bread and butter.
    7) I have written a formal letter of apology to my cousin.
    8) I received 12 strokes of the strap to my bare behind.
    9) I am to be spanked at least once per day wherever possible in front of others.
    10) I will receive 6 strokes of the cane every Sunday before Church.
    11) I must ask permission to go to the toilet.
    12) This punishment will last 12 weeks. My overall punishment is extended from 4 to 7 months.
    13) In a few weeks my cousin will supervise me full time for a week and decide how I should be punished during that time for my childish and insolent behaviour to her.

    As you can see I am paying an appropriate price for my stupidity with these additional sanctions. In addition I have suffered consequences at work because of this which I can report should anyone be interested to hear.

  16. My my you have been a very naughty girl again Judith. It looks like you are heading back to home schooling again.

    It would be appropriate for you to tell us all what the consequences have been at work of being made to wear your schoolgirl uniform.


  17. When I arrived at work in my full school uniform the Head of HR was waiting for me as my Aunt is close friends with owner of the office where I work. I had to attend a meeting with the Head of HR, the owner and my supervisor. I had to confirm that I would have to dress in full school uniform for three months at least.

    Unsurprisingly they decided that someone dressed in this embarrassing and immature way could not be someone interacting with customers. They said if it had been for short period they would have coped with this but three months was too long. I confirmed I did want to stay with the firm as otherwise my Aunt said I would be going to full time schooling whilst I looked for another job.

    I have there been demoted from Secretary to junior admin clerk. This means I have no customer interactions and spend my day doing photocopying and filing and general errands such as making tea and coffee for other members of staff. My salary has been cut such that I am now on the minimum wage.

    The outcome of my disciplinary hearing will remain on my record but I can be considered for promotion in future based on my performance. Obviously this cannot occur whilst I remain confined to my school pinafore, knee socks, shirt, school tie and school cardigans.

    Suffice to say my new supervisor who at what time worked for me is ensuring I am not spared being made to understand my new place in the office hierarchy. Yet a further deserved lesson to me of my ill discipline.


  18. My Aunt has told me that my cousin Rachel will be coming to supervise me from March 16-25 whilst my Uncle and her go on holiday. I am to take leave as well so that I can take maximum benefit and punishment from her supervision. She has told me that I am to obey my cousin absolutely and that she will punish me and discipline me as she sees fit.

    She told me that Rachel has decided I would benefit from some more childish treatment to reflect my behaviour during her last visit when I misbehaved.

    I am therefore asking for anyone who has ideas as to how I could be punished in an even more childish manner than currently to post these and they will be considered by my cousin for application.


  19. Nappies, potty training, dummy, pretty girly clothing, plenty of walks in the park holding your cousins hand and spanking in public for any even minor misdemeanour...I am sure there are others that other folks will suggest

  20. Oh Judith I am sure your cousin Rachel will make you regret your disrespect at your last visit. I think some traditional knitted infant clothing would be just the trick and if I remember from your previous posts your Aunt has given you plenty of practice knitting your cardigans and making your dresses. I am sure Rachel could get you on it straight away so that in a few days you could have made yourself a lovely wool dress, matching cardigan. mittens and bonnet which you could wear to Church. I would also suggest that you must wear a bib when eating and perhaps be spoon fed. Nice early bed times and your bottom kept nice and red by regular spanking will I am sure make your week an unforgettable experience. I look forward to hearing what else you will be made to deservedly endure.


  21. dear Judith, this is so great to see you 're back and we can follow your punishments, thank you for that.
    Although it 's a shame of course to hear your behavior is still so bad! After so many punishment, do you really never learn?
    As I believe in corner time punishments I'll start to do some suggestions on this part of your punishments.
    + All corner time should be done with your hands on top of your head, fingers laced.
    + In periods of intensive punishments you should do daily corner time.
    + In the past you sometimes had extended corner time, like 2 or even 3 hours.
    This can be brought back, maybe in weekends when you were very naughty.
    + When behavior stays bad in spite of all your punishments more difficult positions to maintain can be introduced:
    e.g. stand against a wall or wooden panel with nose and toes touching the wall ; I would also like to see kneeling corner time introduced, always hands on head of course. Also here you can make it more difficult by nose and knees touching the wall. For very severe punishments kneeling could be made more painful, like kneeling on a wooden bench with only knees touching the bench, kneel on peas, rice, washboard ... Make sure you don't make it too long not to harm your knees.
    + For very long corner time a punishment chair could be used, on the chair for instance bottle caps or something similar can be fixed with the sharper side up where you would sit on with your red, punished bottom ; this position I'm sure you can maintain for a whole afternoon or evening, hands on head.
    + Maybe your Aunt can make a special corner time outfit ?
    + More public humiliation to increase better behavior can be useful. The walking to and from church with hands on head is a great idea. If we continue on that idea, an effective punishment could be making you kneel in front of the church during the whole celebration, hands on head ; there could be a moment that you ask publicly for forgiveness for your misdeeds in the microphone. At the end of the celebration an acolyte can come and get you where you are kneeling and lead you to the back of the church, passing all the people watching you, hands on your head. Once at the back you face the front and the people, waiting until your family passes to take you home.
    + Don't know if you have a big garden ? As punishment you could walk for a period of time around the garden with your hands on your head. Corner time could also be done in the garden, on the porch, ... Also some PT exercises can be done in the garden.
    Hope some of the punishments can be useful, Judith, if so, I try to think of more in future.
    Why don't you create your own blog ?
    Kind regards,

  22. I saw you asked for mor childish punishment for when your cousin Rachel comes to supervise you. Well, have to think a bit for that but for corner time you can you use a pacifier, diapers for when extended corner time, more childish uniform, pigtails ..

  23. Many thanks for these contributions please make further suggestions. I know Rachel is very focussed on ensuring that Judith does not forget the time she will spend under her supervision.

    Judith's Aunt

  24. At Church yesterday I saw a girl wearing a very traditional sailor's dress in green rather than navy. She was 12/13 but even then she did stand out and when I talked to her grandparent's they said she was not pleased to wear it but they thought it very smart. She was not being punished.

    I am sure that under your cousin's supervision you could make yourself a sailor's dress which would make you appear very childish when worn in public. The girl also wore a matching green cardigan when they left. I know you have many wool cardigans which you could match to such a dress if you did not have time to knit a new one.


  25. Some extra suggestions for Rachel. Judith may be deprived from internet, computer, music etc. and other things she does during her spare time and instead made to play with her toys she used to play when she was a child.
    If it's not clear that's part of her punishment maybe she can wear a sign or label she's punished, has been a naughty girl.
    She can make that sign herself.
    A scene I have from an old story I always liked: if she is still punished and 'cornered' during meal time, than she can be fed in the corner by Rachel like a toddler, not being permitted to remove her hands from her head. Humiliation can be enhanced by putting a bib on, of course extra punishment comes if she spoils to much food or makes it a mess.
    Kind regards.

  26. I would recommend your cousin not to spare you a few very public spankings. My daughters were always embarrassed if I lifted their skirts and administered a few slaps to their bare legs or when necessary took them over my knee and lowered their knickers to spank their bare behinds. I am sure this would have the same effect on you.

    I am sure that having to carry a nice skipping rope and a woollen dolly would help you understand your position.


  27. I would like to thank all of those who have made suggestions for my cousin as to how I can be punished in childish ways whilst I am under her supervision. At my Aunt's instruction I have listed these below so it easy for her to select any she feels appropriate given my misbehaviour.

    1) Nappies
    2) Potty training
    3) Dummy or pacifier
    4) Wearing pretty girly clothing
    5) Walks in the park holding my cousin's hand
    5) Spanking in public to my bare legs or behind for even minor misdemeanours
    6) Knit myself a wool dress, matching cardigan. mittens and bonnet and wear these to Church
    7) Wear a bib when eating and be spoon fed
    8) Early bed times
    9) Regular bottom spankings to maintain my behind in a red and sore state at all times
    10) All corner time to be done with my hands on top of my head, fingers laced.
    11) Daily corner time of up to 2 to 3 hours as deserved
    12 Corner time positions to be made more uncomfortable to maintain can as deserved
    e.g. stand against a wall or wooden panel with nose and toes touching the wall; kneeling corner time always hands on head of course. Further harshening to be imposed if deserved by nose and knees touching the wall or kneeling on a wooden bench with only knees touching the bench, kneel on peas, rice, washboard
    13)For very long corner time a punishment chair could be used, on the chair for instance bottle caps or something similar can be fixed with the sharper side up where which I would sit on with my red, punished bottom, hands on head.
    14) I should kneel in front of the church during the whole celebration, hands on head ; ask publicly for forgiveness for my misdeeds in the microphone. At the end of the celebration an acolyte can come and get me and lead you to the back of the church, passing all the people watching me, hands on your head. Once at the back I would face the front and the people, waiting until my cousin passes to collect me.
    15) Walk for a period of time around the garden with my hands on my head
    16) Serve corner time in the garden or on the porch
    17) Perform PT exercises in the garden.
    18) Wear more childish uniform
    19) Wear my hair in pigtails
    20 Make myself a sailor's dress and knit a matching cardigan and wear them in public.
    21) Play with my toys from when I was a child.
    22) Write and wear a sign or label that I am being punished because I have been a naughty girl.
    23) Be fed in the corner by Rachel like a toddler, not being permitted to remove my hands from my head and wearing a bib
    24) Carry a skipping rope and a woollen dolly in public

    I am sure that my cousin will make good use of your many suggestions. If you have any further suggestions please post these as my punishment under my cousin's supervision does not commence until Thursday evening.

    I thank you for helping ensuring my disciplining is severe and humiliating as I deserve for my repeated and disrespectful misbehaviour.


  28. Wonderful!

    If you want, you can add these:
    25) For longer corner time no permission to go to the bathroom ; if you need to go,
    you ask in a polite manner if you please can wear diapers ; your cousin will put them on while you stay in the corner.
    26) Wearing diapers at other times your cousin decides you can not go to the bathroom, eg when doing chores, writing lines, ...
    26) Spanked with the hairbrush when diapers didn't stay clean.
    27) Writing lines on an office desk for children ; if you don't have one, one will be bought from your own savings, you go with your cousin to a shop where you will explain to the shopkeeper why you are there and will try out the office desk at the shop.
    28) Writing an amount of lines your cousin determines during a period of time, minimum of 2 hours ;
    if you finished before the time put your hands on your head until time is finished, if you didn't finish your lines within time you get spanked for every line you didn't write.
    29) Receiving 5 from the slipper for each line that was sloppy or for every mistake when punished with writing lines.
    30) Mouth soaping when being verbally rude.
    31) A caning of minimum 5 strokes and lengthy corner time after every mouth soaping.

  29. It is excellent to see Judith that your Aunt has you collate the plans for your very deserved punishment. Here are some others to add:

    32) Attend an infants Sunday School class - even if only to have to stand in the corner with your hands on your head
    33) Castor oil every night to remind you to mind your mouth and keep you regular with your toilet needs
    34) Have your hairbrush on a ribbon around your neck when in public so that is always available should you need spanked and so that you have to explain your misbehaviour which has required this implement to be available at all times

    I am sure your cousin will help you learn a lot from her disciplining of you.


  30. Hi this is Rachel. Sorry I have not had Judith update you on her disciplining but I have been keeping her very busy complying with her new regime which includes many of the great ideas I was very pleased to receive from you all.

    I will have her provide a more formal update but just so you are aware that she is being punished appropriately here is a quick note of how she has spent the time since Thursday evening.

    Whilst my Aunt and Uncle were still here I had Judith into her new more infantile dress. She is when being schooled wearing white nylon knickers, a white vest. green gingham dress, white ankle socks, brown buckled sandals and a grey cardigan with a green trim and school badge on. I put her hair in bunches tied with green ribbon and have cut and shaved her fringe back so that she has a nice bald forehead. I made clear to her that she is to address me at all times as "Nanny Rachel" including in public.

    After a sound bare bottom spanking she went to bed at 6:30pm in a turquoise girls ankle length nightie. I gave her a large tablespoon of Castor Oil too.

    Friday morning was spent with her learning to ask permission to go to the toilet correctly. It took many repetitions of, "Please Nanny Rachel may Judith go wee wee" or "Please Nanny Rachel may Judith go poo poo" with her knickers down and her behind the regular receiver of the slipper and paddle for her to learn. She now must always ask permission to use the toilet and I am to observe her use at all times including outside the house.

    Friday afternoon was spent doing lines and learning to have her meals spoon fed to her which will be the norm. She has to sit with her hands on her head on the floor cross legged and wear a bib.

    Saturday morning was spent starting to make her sailor dress and in the afternoon I took her to the park in her school uniform and carrying a nice pink skipping rope. I am spanking her at least 6-7 times per day if her behaviour is exemplary so she did take a spanking in the park which was seen by others. She was very embarrassed particularly when other mothers said it was correct when I had her explain her naughtiness.

    This morning we went to Church and she wore a yellow woollen knitted dress with a pleated skirt and buttons with a knitted green trim on the cuffs and dress bottom. She also wore green wool knee socks, a matching green wool cardigan jacket with yellow trim, yellow mittens and beret. I had these knitted in advance and my Aunt said Judith will pay for them.

    As you can imagine this made her very much a centre of attention. I also had her spend 20 minutes facing the wall whilst I spoke to other members of the congregation.

    Until we went to lunch at the neighbours her behaviour has been excellent. Unfortunately there she obviously needed to go to the toilet but did not want to ask. In the end I forced her to do so. I spanked her at the neighbours and caned her on our return to the house. She is now doing corner time with her toes and nose to the wall whilst I decide her punishment.

    As ever an suggestions welcome and I will update you again at some point. Many thanks for you support. I think she is getting a real lesson from her more infantile regime.



  31. Hi Judith has been too busy to write a post and at the moment it would be a bit grown up for someone who has to be treated as an infant. She has been using a potty since her misbehaviour on Sunday at her neighbours. I am giving her a hard spanking pre and post use and she has to sit on it with her hands on her head until she has done her business. She is also having to carry it with her in a bag when I take her out of the house. She appears to have been very humbled by the experience. Anyway more later



  32. Well tomorrow is Judith's last day under my supervision. She has been quite good today. She has been dressed in her infant school uniform all day. After using her potty this morning she finished her very childish maroon sailor dress which she will be wearing to Church tomorrow. Then she did her school work which was reading nursery rhymes sat cross legged on the floor. After feeding her lunch of liquidised boiled turnip and cabbage we walked to one of our old school friends' houses. To minimise any chance of her misbehaving I made her keep her hands on her head and put a dummy in her mouth. I put her hairbrush on a ribbon around her neck and resting on her front where it could easily be seen on her grey school cardigan.

    Whilst we talked at the house and had coffee Judith stood in the corner with her behind which I had just spanked severely on display. I had her use her potty in front of our friend which she found, as you would expect, very humiliating and she was weeping as she sat in front of us with her hands on her head, legs apart and a dummy in her mouth. Our friend kindly agreed to spank Judith with her Judith's hairbrush to complete her lesson.

    After walking home I gave her another severe spanking before sending her to bed at 5 o'clock.

    I have already told her she will be sitting at the front of the Church tomorrow with her hands on her head throughout the whole service and (with agreement from one of my Aunt's friends)attending Sunday School. She will be wearing the maroon sailor suit she has made with a thick arran wool grey cardigan and matching beret and mittens. She also knows she will be taking her potty with her.

    I am sure she is lying upstairs in her nightie and baby mittens worrying about tomorrow where as I am enjoying Ant & Dec and a glass of wine. Hopefully this week will help her in the long term.



  33. Judith was naughty this morning. Before going to Church she begged me, albeit politely, not to have to take her potty to Church. I did of course deal with her insolence by giving her 12 strokes of the cane and a thorough mouth washing. I did however give her some hope by first telling her that she was not going to have to carry her potty into Church. Then I aid however since she was not allowed to use the big girl's toilet she would be wearing a nappy; her face was a picture. I also told her that if she questioned this at all she would be wearing a sign around her neck to Church saying she was a naughty girl and was wearing a nappy. Suffice to say although she wept at her predicament she was forced to accept it. I used a thick towelling nappy but it was not obvious beneath her sailor dress and cardigan. I did however make her have a dummy in her mouth for the walks to and from Church to ensure she was silent.

    I did have to tell the Sunday School teacher she was not permitted to go to the toilet, which I had mentioned earlier in the week, but that she did not have her potty but was wearing a nappy - which made it easier in fact for the teacher. Judith was more regretful and childish in her manner than I have seen before which is obviously good.

    Anyway I have decided to keep her in her nappy until my Aunt and Uncle return. She is currently skipping in the garden - it is a lovely sunny day - in her Sunday best. I think will give her another sound spanking on the legs and get her ready for bed so that she is in her nappy, nighties and mittens when they get back with her bib on and pacifier in. They can then decide how she should be punished moving forward.

    As ever I am sure my Aunt would be pleased to here the thoughts of others.

    All the best,


  34. My guardians were very impressed with how my cousin had supervised and disciplined me including the additional discipline she applied for my two sets of misbehaviour. The deserved consequence for me is that my ongoing punishment has been amended to include these more effective measures and as a punishment for my insolence last week.

    My confinement to full school girl uniform to go to work remains but at home I am now confined to the more infantile regime imposed my cousin. This means I am wearing a Gingham school dress and school cardigan, I am using a potty with no access to the big girl's toilet, I have my meals spoon fed to me, I am doing childish school work, I am making myself more childish items to wear when going to Church, I am being taken out in public in my infants school clothing, my bed times are even earlier and at latest 5 pm at weekends, I am made to use a dummy frequently and I am being spanked more regularly. I am also going to have to wear a nappy when we go to Church as I did last week. I am to remain under this regime for the next 4 weeks.

    I have been taken to the park to go skipping this morning and was slapped across my bare legs whilst there for a lack of effort; this was in addition to being spanked both before and after the trip.

    As you can imagine I am feeling very meek and obedient. I am dreading being taken to Church tomorrow dressed like an infant and wearing a nappy with of course my hands on my head. I do not know if I will be sent to Sunday School again.

    As ever if you have further suggestions to improve my disciplining my Aunt would be pleased to both receive and apply these.


  35. Judith,

    Did you have to use your nappy last Sunday or were you spared this humiliation? If so perhaps your Aunt would apply the full indignity tomorrow or at least ensure you are suitably hydrated so that during your Church attendance everyone will be able to see your focus on bladder control. Of course being made to drink water from a baby bottle for all to see would also be appropriate for an infant.


  36. My disciplining continues under the even more humiliating regime started by my cousin.

    This morning when I was woken up I was desperate to relieve myself and asked my Aunt to use my potty. She spanked me then allowed me to use my potty. She lifted my nightie up and lowered my knickers and then had me sit on my potty with my hands, still in mittens, on my head. She then started the clock and I was allowed 2 minutes to go wee wee and caca. At the end of the time I had to stand and bend over and she cleaned me with hard toilet paper I am made to use.

    After this I was allowed to dress in my Gingham school dress and cardigan and clean out my potty. After this I had me breakfast which was cold watery porridge. I had to sit with my hands on my head and wearing a bib whilst this was spoon fed to me by my Aunt. Following this I did two hours of school work sat on a low stool. I had to write out the story of Palm Sunday from The Bible.

    I was then put in a towelling nappy and dressed for Church. I had to, and still am, wear(ing)a wool vest, maroon sailor dress, grey wool knee socks, brown strapped shoes, grey wool waistcoat and cardigan and a thick white arran cardigan jacket. To Church I had to wear a matching maroon bonnet and mittens. I was given a severe spanking with my hairbrush before we set off. I had to walk to Church with my hands on my head and speak only when spoken to. I am sure you can imagine the humiliation was horrendous. I was spared Sunday School attendance but my Aunt had me stand facing the wall for ten minutes at one point.

    After walking home I helped make lunch. I had my nappy removed and was allowed to wee wee on my potty under supervision. Of course I was spoon fed mine by my Aunt with my hands on my head and wearing a bib. It was cold mashed carrots and turnip. Whilst my Aunt and Uncle ate I had to stand in the corner with my fingertips on my shoulders. I did the washing up and was then told to post this to make my humiliation public.

    The vicar and his wife and daughters will be coming for tea at 3 pm and I am to be spanked in front of them in my childish Sunday best clothing. My Aunt has told me I will then be sent to get ready for bed after some corner time and then sent to bed whilst they are still here. This means I will be in bed by 4:30 pm.

    As you can see I am being thoroughly disciplined for my inadequate behaviour. It will be relief to go to work tomorrow even though I will be wearing my school uniform.


  37. Judith it would be very good to hear how you were dressed for Church on Easter Sunday and whether you have had to make use of your nappy.


  38. Still no report five days later after Edith asked for it.
    Shouldn't Judith be punished for that ?

  39. Dear S,

    I will have Judith respond tomorrow. She has been wearing mittens all week (except for when at work) as punishment for picking her nose when at Church last week. This means she cannot type amongst other things. She has had to have her knickers taken down for her and her bottom wiped for her after using her potty as well as serving lots of corner time and being made to sit cross legged on the floor in her Gingham dress and school cardigans with her mitted hands on her head since she has not been able to complete written punishments.

    Judith's Aunt

  40. As you have heard due to my disgusting behaviour at Church last Sunday I have been subject to further deserved discipline this week. There was no excuse for me picking my nose and of course this underlines the need for me to be disciplined in a childish manner as befits my behaviour.

    When I did this last Sunday my Aunt disciplined me immediately by raising my yellow woollen dress and spanking me across my legs and knickers in front of those present. When we got home I was told my additional sanctions which have been applied during the week. Twelve strokes of the cane to my bare behind which were applied immediately. Four strokes of the strap to the back and palm of each hand every day before bed. Hands to be in thumbless mittens at all times when not at work. This means I have had to ask to have my knickers lowered and my bottom wiped when using my potty. Extra corner time with hands on head and knickers lowered to allow regular slapping of my behind and legs.

    In addition I had to keep my hands on my head throughout Church this morning, I had my hairbrush around my neck on a pink ribbon and after the service my Aunt had me keep a dummy in my mouth. She also gave me the deserved humiliation of wiping my nose for me in front of others like a 3 year old. I was dressed in the yellow wool dress my cousin had made for me together with green wool waistcoat, two cardigans and the green wool jacket with yellow piping my cousin had made for me. I wore a matching wool beret and pink wool thumbless mittens so my status was clear to all. I continue to have to wear a nappy for Church attendance but have not yet had to use it. My Aunt has made clear that if I offend again during my infant punishment I will lose the privilege of potty access.

    My infant punishment has been extended by a further week and my overall punishment from 7 to 8 months.

    As you can see my behaviour has not met the standards required and I am being deservedly punished further as a result.


  41. Judith,

    I am pleased to see your disciplining continues and that your Aunt dealt with your disgusting nose picking.

    Although this meant you were unable to reply to my request in a timely manner from my perspective this was your fault for picking your nose. I would therefore ask your Aunt to punish you for not replying promptly to requests concerning your punishment.

    I would expect corporal punishment, sentence lengthening and other sanctions to be applied. I would be happy to specify these or have other contributors do so if your Aunt wished.

    You must take the full consequences of all of your indiscretions if you are ever to be treated as an adult rather than a school child.


  42. Edith,

    Many thanks for your message. I believe your understanding to be correct and that Judith should be punished for her slow response. This indicates non-acceptance of her punishment and trying to avoid the necessary and deserved humiliation of detailing her discipline to others.

    I would therefore ask you (and others who read this and wish to) to specify what punishment you believe would be appropriate for Judith in addition to her current sanctions.

    Many thanks,

    Judith's Aunt

  43. Dear Judith's Aunt,

    Many thanks for your message and invite for suggestions to discipline Judith for her slow response.

    Given her long term poor behaviour I see no case for lenience in fact any offence should be punished with the utmost severity.

    I would recommend.

    a) Eight strokes of the strap to her bare behind and then three strokes of the tawse to the palm and back of each hand every day.
    b) Since she cannot behave well as a child I would suggest you have her drink two full bottles of water before going to Church and then make her use her nappy for the rest of Sunday ideally changing her in front of visitors
    c) Full woollen outfit on Sundays
    d) Nappy wearing to be full time although still permitted to use her potty except on Sundays.
    e) Punishment to last two weeks

    Of course her existing punishment should be extended by at least two weeks and longer if you feel appropriate. I hope you find these recommendations useful and that others might addother suggestions.


  44. Dear Judith's Aunt - have you had your errant niece in her woollens and nappy or suffering alternative punishment for her misbehaviour?


  45. Some time nothing heard from Judith.
    How are holidays ?
    Is she in punishment ?

  46. Thankfully I learned from my punishment and have managed to behave acceptably for several years now firstly under my Aunt's continuing supervision and for the last few months working now at my cousin rachel's home. She has married and both her husband and her have busy jobs. My Aunt decided it was better if I became a full time housekeeper rather than continuing to struggle with my office assistant role. My cousin is ensuring I have a busy time with menial work at her home, the local Church and at the home of one of her friends. I am still subject to close supervision, plain dress and hard work with discipline if my behaviour necessitates it. I have got used to the appropriateness of my plain and modest clothing and much prefer it to being confined to school uniform which is what happens if I misbehave.

