to the way artists, illustrators and photographers in the past showed their views on erotica and erotica related to spanking, masochistic erotica and fetishes" and that can be found hidden away in the 'Useful Resources' section of the right hand sidebar... 'Nuff said! The pics are a good representation of all three... but I can't remember which came from where! Meanwhile: Five am UK time Sunday should see me jetting off to a Greek island from London Airport, Gatwick - no, I can't remember the name! I'll be there ten days or so but hope to post on the move as I'm taking the faithful netbook with me, so I'll let you'll know where and when. Rest assured, though, that the work on the new book continues and my aim is that by the time I return to the UK the majority of the writing phase will have been completed; the other half likes little better than to lie by the pool all day meaning that I shall have little to distract me for ten days or so - not even booze!
How annoying that new pop-up demanding identity and password...and disappearing meekly when clicked shut!
Why go to Greece to lie by the pool and type away without booze, same as in the UK? I call that a waste of money.
And don't say I'm envious...I truly am!
Sorry about the pop-up, Orage and others. I have no idea what it is about but it seems related to my having put up a link to a certain site. I would have thought it was doing the folks concerned a favor, as pasting a link will increase traffic to their site, most of which appears to be free in any case. Well... Bollocks to them, that's what I say! I'll remove the link and all should then return to normality.
As for the holiday; the weird thing is I don't drink on holiday so in a way it is the complete inverse of most peoples break. Indeed, I hope to lose some weight; I have been down to 5% body fat in the past and will be again - I hope! I'll post the pics to prove it at some point, taken just before my 50th!
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