Well, that's how I see it! I have been
forced to remove the links to the site / sites featuring the vintage content I referred to last time. The reason was the sudden and unexpected appearance of a 'pop-up' window associated with the links I had posted. The mind fairly boggles: surely the whole point of a blog / site is to be noticed. Well, as I said in the comment I appended to my last posting: bollocks to them - and I mean that quite sincerely folks, as an old TV celeb here in the UK used to say. 'Ladywriter', or whatever her real moniker. has a great site and yet apparently wants to dissuade people from visiting it, or at least from advertising its existence - does that make sense? Not to me it don't!
Yes, that is bad grammar but what the fuck - I'm truly pissed off! As it is we live in a world of nation-nanny paranoia over here in the UK. For example; one of my two 'other halves' works as an exponent of pediatric dietetics but can't mention that former part of he job description for fear that the 'pedo' bit be misunderstood. Yes it is that bad over here - our government as was (Labour) liked to call it 'multi-culturalism'; I call it repressive, outmoded and redundant medieval views imposed by bully-boy tactics by bearded men that wear dresses and that then force their women folk to squint through letter-box slits out the world outside. All I have to say is that the English pronunciation of the name of the capital of Pakistan says it all – think about it! As for the pics: This is where I am – my home away from home, if you will. Yet it is neither free, nor is it a house. The street views should say the rest: I don't know what you have seen / heard / read of London, but this is the truth of it! No wonder I'm off to the Greek islands! The other thing is my beloved synth-thing – for all those that love Moog: it isn't! This is a modular system from a German company called Doepher (or something like that) – quite modern!
May Day Dance of the Rising Dong
7 years ago
I can understand you rant, we are becoming subject to more and more scrutiny by the government but not I believe by your “bearded men who wear dresses…..” that is just a symptom of the “special relationship” perpetuated by the previous “George and Tony show”. The US wants England, my England to fall in line with their paranoiac view of the world since 9 / 11. It isn’t Islamabad that is at fault but like all fundamentalists a small vocal minority who pretend to speak for the “silent majority”. As one of the bearded chaps, whom I hasten to add is English (not British) born, bred and proud of it; we are not all fundamentalists who treat their wives in that fashion, can’t quite see my wife dressed that way. Ramadan Mubarak to all.
And here a new brand of psychiatrists for children and teenagers appeared a few years back and their official name is "pédopsychiatre". It gives me a jolt whenever I hear the word as I can't help thinking of a pedophile psychiatrist.
Well I see you are on Turnpike Lane...not sure of the point about the pics, looks fairly normal to me. Years ago I lived around the corner from Golborne Rd and it was pretty wild, I think its more upmarket now. Of course back then we did not have internet and making contact with other spankos was not easy. There were always cards in phone boxes and newsagents' windows but who wants that...
Anyway enjoy the Greek Islands. Encourage 'em to get off their duffs and work while you're there..
Apropos...canot believe this..the verification word I am about to type is pedlycen
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