By necessity (as much as I like to ramble) I Have to keep things brief today - I have been talked into doing a little desk research for my deadline-panicked fashionista-journalist partner. Friday and part of Saturday was spent piecing together the various completed chapters of INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 (
INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 here) into book form (interrupted on Sat by a little 'mystery-shopper' activity). I am pleased to say that, so far, it all seems to be coming together in a nice logical order. It is only at this stage that continuity errors start to show up in the story telling and inconsistencies start to show up but so far it has only been necessary to make a couple of little chronological rearrangements to the way the proceedings flow (quite minor). I have identified a few areas requiring a bit of further writing but so far this seems restricted to a couple of paragraphs here and there and a bit of descriptive work
vis-a-vie the girl's uniforms (deliberately left to this point - its the dangling carrot you see; well that and the massive piss-up I've promised myself at the end of all this).Meanwhile: I have just added links to another 7 or so YahooGroups that I think are worth visiting (of course you have to be signed up for yahoo groups or willing to sign up, but its worth it - there are some great resources there). The pic here, in fact, came from one of these (Da Chief's Spanking Zone). Look to the right hand side-bar for the links (just below my blog list).Oh...and a nice little comment has been posted to the entry, A Well Deserved regime, (click to read post and comment). Many thanks go to the contributor - very nice...if somewhat harsh (not that there is anything wrong with a good, harsh regime of course).Finally: Shortly I shall be creating a section in the sidebar with a list of links to the introduction to INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 and also to all the snippets I have posted from that volume and also from the upcoming volume 2 and that have now disappeared into the mists of the early archived posts from this blog - and are thus are probably being entirely missed by most new visitors.By for now and thanks for coming by,Garth
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