Wednesday 3 July 2024


 I tride to make a sort of school badge. It was supposed to be embroidered on her blouse but I couldn't make it  work: It just wouldn't show up, so I put a small version on her tie.  It would show up on a gymslip or summer dress bodice though...Trust me! I'm working on it

The reason her hair looks so hacked about is that the disciplinarian hired to care for her never like the girl's waist-length hair in the first place, was jealous of it and now uses it as a form of discipline in addition to the strap and the cane, hacking a bit more off each time the girl steps out of line in the slightest possible way

Friday 28 June 2024

Time For A Restyling Session...

Hey, I finally got some mittens sorted out. This was inspired by that Caroline Blake Lady2Maid storyline again of course, which is what I'll be employing those mitts for. I only put them in this pic because the AI, in its wisdom, created the girl without proper hands and I didn't want her to be disabled, poor thing...Of course with those mitts permanently on her she effectively IS disabled: She can't even wipe her own bottom, the poor thing (that sort of thing is something I think the writer might have made more of). Although there is some haircutting in the story it is more of a restyling job...I think here it is likely to be something a little more drastic. I'm quite enamoured with the idea of a short boyish cut with a side parting. I'm not sure why - it only works for me if a girl starts out with really long hair, the longer the better. This pic has parts taken from from 3 different AI runs plus quite a bit of stuff scraped from the internet.

It pretty much took all day, so please do tell me what you think, even if you hate it!


Tuesday 25 June 2024

Monday 24 June 2024

The Education and Rehabilitation of Miss Caroline Continues...

...although I guess at an early stage (pluss, I like to think locked away somewhere with some other young ladies) Yep! Some more stuff inspiered by that wondreful Lady2Maid Blogspot tale: 'The Education and Rehabilitation of Miss Caroline...


The AI does do a nice school uniform when it puts its mind to it but it's a shame I can rarely get the same uniform twice