Sunday 30 July 2023

Even MORE Mind Controll Stuff...(SCOLL DOWN FOR NEW PICS) seems I've gotten a little obsessed with these images... My chum - Angella Fox - who created the original AI -generated girl pointed out some flaws to do with the positioning of the pendant amd also suggested a simpler looking diamond pendant be used. I tried it but it still didn't look quite right but I found having the pendant dagling from someone's hand gave a better impression of it being swung to and fro in front of the girl's face (who I decided is called Susan by the way - and I've no idea why. Any other name suggestions?). I also noticed, while examing the images on my phone in the pub yesterday, that she has a diamond stud earing so THAT had to go because there is just no way her captor or captors would allow that, just as they wouldn't supply cosmetics. Our three detainees are being kept under a regime of very strict disciplne. School uniforms during the day and straitjackets in caged beds at night...Talking of their school uniforms: I imagine they have on oldfashioned longline girdles under their gymslips (suggested in a comment to an earlier post) and I might try and produce such an image as an experiment.  Another thing I noticed is that by comparison with the whites of her eyes her teeth appered a little off-white so I've brightened her teeth, changed her gaze ever so slightly and changed the annotation a fair ammount so in addition to reinforcing and deepening Susan's resonses to the post-hynotic trigger phrases which can be used to control her behaviour such as 'pretty pendant' used during the hypnotic induction, although not mentioned in the annotaion on the actual images, there is for exmaple 'who's a sleepy head?'spoken softly at bed time which triggers all three girls to yawn in unison and - together with the effects of a nice strong seditive, administered by way of a pre-bedtime enema, results in three pairs of eyelids drooping. I'd imagine pretty heavy sedation at night as an extra security precaution, despite the straitjackets and locked caged beds  which also has the advantage of ensuring there can be no chattter between them

 So who thinks Susan should be put in teeth braces? Will their captors have put the girls in teeth braces  do you think, perhaps as a method of safeguarding against chatter?  A tongue piercing attached by surgical wire to the rear of braces fitted to the lower teeth would still allow for eating and drinking but would render her speech almost unintelligable and even as if she were retarded in some way. Speech then becomes a laboured and deeply humiliating thing to be avoided as much as possible. Of course their captors must be refferd to as 'miss' if female and 'sir' if male, but I like to think they're female since another woman would more likely know which buttons to press to topple a young woman's self confidence. I think there maybe four in the group. One is clearly a very skilled psycologist and I think another might be a nurse or might have been a nurse at some stage and it is she who administers the enemas twice per day, performs the regular 'female hygene' inspections and hands out the thick oldfashioned sanitary towles when the young women have their periods. I think it might well be her who administers the cane or the strap when that is deemed nessesary, which I'd imagine would not be all that infrequent due to the massive list of petty rules and stipulations these three young women have to live by. I think she might even wear her old uniform, partly to bring some sort of an air of legitimacy to the proceedings, but also to provide her with an air of authority. I think it is she who passes out the seditive pills in the morning. Very mild, just enough to ensure our trio of detainees are always ever so slighly woolly's an interesting drug: Mild but very addictive...


By the way: I have a feeling that at some point in the future, although they have absolutly no contact with the outside world, a newspaper might rather carelessly be left on show with the headline screaming out about how three girls, once believed to have been kidnapped, were now beleived to be dead and that police were giving up the search!  Nonsense of course ,but I think the effect on our detainees will be interesting   


Friday 28 July 2023


 So...I returned to the picture I posted yesterday, reworded it and created another version so that the two taken together begin in themselves to tell a story BUT - where does it go next?

Wednesday 26 July 2023



I’ve been playing around with this image for some time now and I think I've pushed it about as far as it will go, especially as regards extracting a storyline from it . There are two versions here: One version has a slight glint to the pendant, the other hasn’t. Please let me know which you think is best – or does it make no difference? The girl is made up from parts of three different AI generated figures provided me by one Angela Fox which I’ve then photo-manipulated together to form a sort of pleasantly busty chimera girl. Then I’ve bunged some headphones on her and so on. The hypnosis idea just came to me because of the way some of these AI generated figures have a strangely blank look or / a strangely mindless-looking smile – all very odd, but capable of yielding some interesting things.   


 The storyline which for some reason suggested itself to me as I worked is that there has been a multiple kidnapping – three girls from different families and even different parts of the country. I like the idea that the girl thinks her family are refusing to pay.... that concept actually developed from something an online friend said.  I like the idea that all three young women are in the same boat but are not allowed to talk to each other so they know nothing or very little of each other’s backgrounds and circumstances, a very strict rule enforced by the cane and the strap.


Obviously they can have no contact with the outside world to ensure they can be kept in secure captivity with no risk to their captors but I also imagine they have been kept entirely isolated from the outside world in terms of having no access to TV, radio or newspapers etc so. they have no idea about what is going on beyond what they are being told, and a lot of that is largely to manipulate their young minds. All three are feeling completely crushed since they firmly believe they have been let down by their respective families who have refused to pay a ransom, although it has been paid a long time since.


There are no clocks or watches and thus after eighteen months incarceration they have completely lost track of time and have little or no idea how long they have been in captivity. They have had everything taken from them when they were captured - all personal belongings, watches, phones (obviously), even clothing, the latter replaced by being supplied with drab, rather childish and old-fashioned  school uniforms. They are kept occupied, day-in, day-out, by tedious repetitive written impositions sitting in total silence and caned or spanked for the slightest infraction.


I suppose the questions requiring tackling are: Why is all this happening to them, why haven’t their captor / captors released them, since all three ransoms have long since been paid? How long do you think the girls are going to remain incarcerated, what effect is all this having on them and what kind of condition will they be in when (or even, if) they are returned to their families? 


I can't help but think the deliberate induction of agoraphobia to be an excellent method of keeping a once-rebellious or arrogant uppity teen under lock and key. It is not as ‘science fiction’ as some might think. Existing phobias can become linked and associated with new circumstances or objects creating a new phobia and, as incredible as it may seem, studies have been carried out, albeit in the distant past, exploring exactly that, and not in a particularly ethical way either!  But as always I worry about plausibility: Could something such as decision making eventually become phobic through various treatments.


Perhaps a young woman is presented with several rows of buttons and told to 'choose now'  and if she doesn't 'choose now' she receives an electric shock so she has to make a choice and press a button...Sometimes she’ll be greeted by some little reward as a result. At other times there might be a mild electric shock and at the same time she is presented with an image of a particularly nasty-looking spider. Now I’d imagine all this to be pretty much random, so as our attractive young  lab rat can't learn the pattern of which buttons are safe to press and which are not…hmmm!…


Come to think about it...Maybe she is allowed to learn the pattern and then every so often it is suddenly changed. Or perhaps a button pressed twice in a session might provide a reward on the first occasion and a shock on the second occasion. It might even transpire that a reward might be provided on two - or even three occasions - and then suddenly that same button pressed yet again provides a shock. Over time she comes to associate having to make a choice or decision with something nasty happening, and particularly with her pre-existing phobia... And this idea might be then be reinforced during one-to-one therapy sessions through discussions with a therapist under the guise of helping her, or maybe hypnosis and – especially, I feel -  by means of encouraging false memories to develop…perhaps some imaginary childhood event wherein her chronic indecisiveness led to something horribly unpleasant happening  to her.

Saturday 20 May 2023

Martha Dressed In some Of Her Eighteenth Birthday Presents

 At an age when her peers are all considering themselves as having entered adulthood Martha, a quiet, bookish girl in any case, finds herself, as an eighteenth birthday present, provided with a governess and a somewhat anachronistc school uniform and traveling back into childhood. By the way, I've temporarily removed the need for comments to be moderated but will reinstate moderated comments at the first sign of spamming

Friday 19 May 2023

I'm back yet again

"Hi everyone, I'm back, again!  To help me going forward I would love to hear from everyone what it is that you like most about this blog, the pictures, my books, my website etc.  What are your favourite things, what do you like seeing - basically what turns you on?

What you say in the 'Comments' section below will influence the direction I next move in! 

At the.moment.the.comments section is set to moderated. I'm trying to lift this restriction but for some reason I'm struggling a bit. Meanwhile, please.leave a comment and I'll moderate it so that it pops up on the blog.
Thank you! 


Tuesday 22 November 2022

Hi Folks I'm Back!

I'll explain where I've been at a later date but for now I'd like to dip my toe back in the water with this little offering: I've been messing around with colourising some images from the world in which the INSTITUTIONALISED books were set - whch basicaly could beany time between the late 1950s and the early 1970s (you can largely make up your own mind)  - and awful lot of the best originaly being in black and white (strictly speaking, grey scale). The rationale is simply because my next publication shall largly be pictorial. There will be SOME text, to set the scene and / or explain what is going on, when there might be some ambiguity and I'm trying to put over a specific idea, but on the whole it will largely be left up to the reader's / viewer's imagination to interpret, which I think can br quite enjoyable. The work will be in two parts: The first part will be roughly as linear as I can make it. The second part will be a collection of various manipulations I have created over the years, including a body of work I did with, and for, Roger Benson. Some of these you will have seen before on here, a good few you will not have: Either way it will be the first time an entire collection of my manipulations will have been available all in one place.

Wednesday 5 February 2020

2020 - Looking To The Future Through Rosey-Tinted Specs

 ...And at equaly Roesy bottoms one is to hope! Ha ha ha ha1

Hi Again psycho-sado fans and spankologists - and a happy new year to you; may the outbreak stay far from your door! Am I the only one who feels as if living through one of those bio-disaster movies wherein everyone is carrying on as usual while in the background the man on the tele is reporting ever-growing - exponentially growing - rates of infection, rapidly mutating contagion evading all attempts at vaccination and empty city streets?... And then the newscaster himself begins coughing....

Oh dear! Anyway - yep! This is indeed my first posting of 2020 - and I feel unaccountably positive for some strange reason; it's like: '2020 is the year it all changes' (the writer turns from the computer, glances over shoulder: 'Please do try stop coughing dear!' Said with an edge of irritability. Pauses to wipe the trickle of blood from his left nostril with his right hand - the action unconscious and apparently not noticed: he coughs himself, and carries on regardless).

So - what do we have coming up for you this year??? ('stop that coughing back there for God's sake - will you!!!')  Well for a start: at long last my first illustrated work is coming to a close.  Started as long ago as 2010 as a collaboratory project with Angela Fox and more as a test of concept than anything else, I am now...roll of drums... delighted to present the front cover!!! (see above)  YAYYYYY!!!  

Well, to be honest, it is sort of a prospective front cover at the moment: In the fullness of time (not too much time I am hoping - I want to get the thing published while there's still a few of you left alive out there to buy the thing!) I'll be getting back to you with some alternative versions and asking for  your collective opinion.

Talking of the latter (obtaining your collective opinion): Right now I am, in addition to finishing off my own projects - did I ever mention I am also halfway through a fem-dom story with a male protagonist? - I am also beginning work on finishing off one of  Robin Stone's projects which he has been putting together in collaboration with the aforementioned Ms Angela Fox for quite some time and which long ago I too had some input.  Exciting times!!!  
Anyway: One of the illustrations Robin Stone is considering using (see immediately above) you might have seen before (and a version features in my new work too - but in a very different context). It is an amalgam of a room scene by Angela Fox with figures and various additions and adaptations by yours truly. Now: Robin Stone asked me to change the gymslip on the hanger from it's original navy blue to bottle green (and therein lies a question in itself: Which do you prefer? navy blues or bottle green - or does it not matter to you?).  While doing this (it took mere seconds) I took the opportunity to change the colour of the nurse's dress (the observant - and relatively elderly - among you will have spotted it is actually a past-times staff uniform from a well known UK high street shop 'back in the day'). See below. 
 So - the questions I'd like to pose are: Which do you prefer? Or perhaps you don't like either version - in which case what else would you rather see?  How do you see this scenario playing out - and does it excite you at all; and if so, why? (I should point out at this juncture that neither of these two versions represents the full picture and both are cropped versions so as to close in on what I see as the salient features for the purposes of this post).  

OK - that's it for now. Please don't forget to send up your comments - they won't appear immediately because I have to validate each one before it is published due to certain individuals who had been spamming a while back, but they will appear! Cheers! See you next time!