Showing posts with label Enforced PE. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Enforced PE. Show all posts

Friday 26 February 2010

Gym Suits, Punishment PT (see lower down entry) and an Update (see top of entry)

Hi folks I'm back on the air again. I performed the necessary transplant two nights ago - in fact just a few hours after posting up my last entry - and and I'm glad to be able to report that the replacement power unit is performing well and that no damage had occurred to any other part of the computer. I should qualify the latter, however, by saying that where I mention 'damage' I am referring to hardware damage and although MS Windows XP did not fret too much over having been 'unexpectedly shut down' - it is much better than earlier versions of MS Windows in that respect - it did completely mess up the way that I had my pair of monitors configured and also the way that the icons and folders etc were organised across the desktop. In addition the BIOS had reverted to its default settings; before the problem I had the CPU overclocked by around 30%. These are minor considerations of course. I'm grateful nothing worse had occurred and as for the latter clock speed issue; that the weight, for now it is not that important. For the culprit, see the above picture. No, the power unit case wasn't blown apart, I merely dismantled it to look for reassuring evidence that it was indeed the cause (or at least a symptom) - and found it in the form of signs of burning around the base of the two capacitors in the foreground (the contents of one of which had been distributed around the inside of the case in the form of a finely-powdered fallout) and charring to the circuit board in the centre, which admittedly cannot be seen from the photograph (below, left).

Yesterday was largely swallowed up by gym work, my driving lesson and family obligations although I did fit in three coffee bar breaks through the day during which a managed a little work on my 'netbook' computer. The day before, the day after the repair, after ascertaining that all was now running correctly I dealt with the issue regarding my printer/ scanner which had been ongoing since the problem I encountered earlier in the year with one of the computer's cooling fans (or drooling fans, as my voice recognition software package would have it; ha ha!). That particular incident also involved MS Windows being unexpectedly shut down (several times) and as the aforementioned peripheral had not been switched on at the time I hadn't suspected any hardware complication. And so it turned out; simply reloading the 'drivers' solved the problem. So there you have it -In short; I am now fully operational again, in all respects.
Gym Suits, Punishment PT and Restrictive School Uniforms
Today I expect to mostly spend, after posting up this update, catching up on dictating the body of hand written work that has built up although a part of me wants to get back to the scanning project I had running in the background. Part of the reason for this is that the day before yesterday, the day after the repair, I spent a little time poking, prodding and probing around some of the more obscure nooks and crannies of the Internet looking for inspiration for a piece involving punishment PT (or enforced physical exercise, or whatever) that I am working on for the new book and of course Janus magazine famously published a nice little series dealing with just that, back in the 80s as well as one or two other photo series that ran along similar lines (such as one involving ballerinas in training I seem to remember). I realise that by now many of these pictures may be available elsewhere on the net but as I haven't come across many myself and as I hope to elicit inspiration and ideas from those that read this blog, I am keen to get a few pics pasted up. As regards my writing, though, I have been (and am) looking for ideas as an alternative to the well worn and hackneyed leotard or the concept of naked PE - the latter, as appealing as it might be, I don't think fits in with the spirit of the series story arc. Consequently I'm looking for the unusual and as always I have been pillaging from the past. One thing I've come up with is the concept of the 'gym suit'; I just think that it fits in nicely with the idea of anachronistic and extraordinarily restrictive school uniforms, petty stipulations, 'no talking' rules and all the rest. One has to take into account that, unlike previous periods in history, the modern miss is not universally that reluctant to disrobe to a lesser or greater degree and that exposure, in itself, is no longer necessarily that shaming. One also has to take into account that in such an institution as laid out in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 and INSTITUTIONALISED volume 2 or indeed in any situation in which the young lady concerned is effectively isolated from her peers - perhaps subject to home-schooling with private tutors and the like and either alone or with others being similarly trained - the usual conventions of society as regards dress need no longer apply. One can fully exercise one's imagination; and the more unusual the outcome the better as regards the effects on the young lady or ladies.

If one takes the gym suit (above right) as it stands as being just a basic template, then one can start to visualise the effects of incorporating certain features and choice of fabrics. For example, even as it stands, although it is true that the bottom is well covered, the bloomer-style legs allow scope for leaving the back of the thighs available, allowing the young woman to be encouraged in her exertions by the application of the palm of the hand or the riding crop. Then there is possibly a humiliating element already inherent in the design of the garment in that it has a passing resemblance to a childish romper suit and perhaps more could be made of this aspect - for example as it stands is plenty of room to allow for the inclusion of a diaper and plastic pants beneath - although personally I would concentrate on enhancing the snugness of fit. Finally although, as admitted, the buttocks are modestly covered and therefore protected to some degree, this protection could be ameliorated to some degree by an imaginative choice of fabric or a tweaking of the design while still maintaining that element of modesty that, juxtaposed with the situation within which the garment is worn, ironically adds to the element of humiliation.

Well, there you have it, the bare bones of an idea. Now, anyone out there suitably inspired to flesh out those bones? Or do you envisage your young ladies bending and jumping and sweating in sheer close fitting leotards or as naked as the day they were born? Don't be shy in letting me know your thoughts, ideas and criticisms; it is what this blog is supposed all about.

Tuesday 2 December 2008

Enforced Physical Education, School Leotards, Spanking Magazine Covers and a New Blog to Check Out

Today before starting writing I have been doing a little research, looking for material on traditional school leotards, enforced exercise regimes and the like. As usual I have gotten sidetracked from time to time and although I am being strict with myself today I feel can alocate a small amount of time to following up leads if they look promising. One such led to a new Blog find: called The Aproved school, Uniform Discipline, Spanking and Caning. The content all seems to have originated from a magazine called Strictly Uniforms or one of its sisters from the mid to late 1990s so I can't help wondering if there is perhaps some connection with the publishers (click title to go take a look or peruse the blog list in the sidebar) - top left is an example cover for any that have not come across this title. Talking of magazine covers; I shall shortly be adding an album of scans of the covers of magazines I have in my collection, or have had in the past, and some I have come across in my travels across the web.

As for today's bit of research; well, so far it is a spanking magazine cover that has proved the most inspiring - this nice little offering from Janus (see right)...very atmospheric...very evocative, one wonders what strict training awaits her in that room. Then there were the training pics I found on the above mentioned blog. Lovely PE kit (see left) but the outdoor setting smacks of too much freedom, I prefer to envisage a somewhat more secure setting - away from prying eyes and well-meaning intervention. What I am really after now right now are some examples of the more traditional PE kit, that from that lost golden age of strict private boarding schools and reformatories, to guide my descriptive work.

Victor Bruno describes a suitable leotard-based PE uniform in his novel; Madame Vorge's Finishing School. It works, for me at least, so much better than straight nudity - nude PE undoubtedly has its place but will tend to desensitise the young lady to exposure, when what we are after, what we want to play on, is shame. We need to build on her natural reluctance to expose herself, encourage shyness - we are not trying to create a blatant exhibitionist here, proud to show off her body, quite the opposite. She should feel shame - and in spades. I am thinking along the lines of the traditional school leotard, quite conservative in its way; the sheer fabric I would select would do little to ameliorate the sting of an encouraging cane stroke across the full swell of the buttocks and of course there is nothing like a riding crop applied across the back of the thighs to discourage slacking (I always think the riding crop equates better to enforced PE than the cane or the strap, don't you?).


However, saying that, I am investigating the plausibility of a transparent or semi-transparent gusset panel - the question is whether a suitable fabric combination would be realistic. A polythene gusset in a pair of PVC or rubber knickers or bloomers is realisable (as in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1) but seems unlikely in the context of the type of fabric likely to be encountered in the traditional goes on, I'll keep you posted. Meanwhile, how about some thoughts and ideas?