Sorry there have not been any posts of late: (1) my very sick computer finally died on me (I am using my laptop at a friends place) (2) I then went down myself with a flu-like virus which has really knocked the stuffing out of me. I am on the road to recovery but am about to go away for Christmas / New Year so unfortunately there will not be any more posts until after the holidays when I fix the main computer (it needs a new power supply). The second volume is now very near completion although much of what I've written recently (most of the outstanding final parts) only exists in pen on paper form at the moment and will have to wait for the main machine to be up and running to be transcribed into the printed form - the voice recognition software that I use won't run on my Linux-based laptop. Christmas will be spent at a hotel in Windsor (overlooking the castle) and I hope to get the last stuff for volume 2 written out as a first draft over the holidays. Tomorrow afternoon I hope to spend in the Spaniards Inn, Hampstead, London (if I feel well enough) doing a bit of writing so say hello if you are there (I'm easily recognized) - they have all the Christmas trimmings and a log fire to boot!
PS: The Christmas tree belongs to my wife and I (our prezzys can be seen underneath) and resides in our lounge. I have no idea how the spooky lighting effect occurred - I just shot it on the other half's camera without flash and it just came out this way.
Merry Christmas and a happy and prosperous new year to all. Remember: spanking the wife relieves tension; spank her this Christmas - because you're worth it.
Happy Christmas, Garth -- enjoy the holidays and I look forward to you returning to the blog soon!
A merry Christmas to you as well, Garth.
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