Showing posts with label reformatory. Show all posts
Showing posts with label reformatory. Show all posts

Thursday 25 March 2010

Ideal Homes and Punishment Dress

Thanks go out to 'Orage' for pointing out to me that one of the blogs that I feature in my blog list (see side bar) - namely, 'The Beauty and The Birch' – has posted a most excellent article on punishment-dress taken from an old spanking magazine that I used to read way-back-when, entitled 'Phoenix'. Absolutely classic. I actually have that edition somewhere in the depths of my collection but I hadn't seen it for years, until today. It highlights that other function of punishment dress besides and beyond the humiliation aspect that I usually focus on in my writing – that being the facilitation and augmentation of corporal punishment. Probably the best example of this aspect was the photo set published in Blushes (or was it Whispers) many years ago that involved a reform-school caning applied over skin-tight, thin close-fitting shorts - the intimate fit further benefiting from a cord pulled taut between the girl's bottom cheeks and tied off at the waist band. A saturating deluge of water from a suitably institutional-looking white enamel jug then added that all-important je ne sais quoi. I'm sure most of you know where I'm coming from with this – I have pasted a pic from this set on this blog in the past – but to check out the Phoenix article, click here. I have the full Blushes / Whispers set in my collection and would have chucked in a couple of scanned pics here, but I am in a pub in Palmers Green (North London) using my 'Net book' and don't have access to my full files.

Yesterday I attended the 'Ideal Home Exhibition' in Earls Court, London – the (only) highlight of which was a demonstration of 3D television. It was apparently the 102nd such exhibition, which led me to wonder what innovations would have been on offer in the first few, a golden era when the concept of 'labor-saving devices' probably included girls in service, maids and the like – I shall have to investigate.
Since posting this (last night) I have come across the photo I spoke of above (see above left - obviously). I have the rest of the set in a magazine somewhere - I'll dig it out, scan and post it up if there is sufficient interest. Otherwise I shall be getting on with writing the new volume.

Wednesday 14 January 2009

Addendum to my Last Post - A Link to More Roger Benson Art

Yes I know I still have to complete my last posting, but I still have some computer issues, relationship problems (mostly in my own head - I think I'm going slightly mad...must keep off the booze...have to keep of the booze........ok then, just one more pint). Most of all I am trying to motivate myself to get volume 2 finished (so near, but so far).

The Botox ideas that were sent in got the juices flowing again...but then I had another (possibly alcohol-induced) emotional crash. Yesterday I again got going, albeit transcribing from notes that I had already written but in so doing I started to slowly get back into it. Until I really get going I am going to concentrate on the book. Once I have built up a bit of momentum / enthusiasm I will be able to put more energy into this site. I have promised myself not to drink until I get Volume 2 onto Lulu at least, so I have some impetus to get it done, even if initially it might have a temporary cover so as to save time. I have to do the cover art (if you can call it that) myself and as I can't afford to buy royalty-free images and I have to be aware of copyright restrictions, I have to build up the images from my own photographs and stuff I can create myself - and I can't afford to employ a model, to get that all-important erotic aspect to the imagery. Any one have any ideas how I can get the final cover to look exciting (in terms of its likely readership) and illustrate something of the ideas within?

And now for the real reason for this post:

An anonymous contributor added this comment to my last post which you might have missed so I thought I'd flag it up here:

"There is a defunct Yahoo group called "BaredAffair-Archive1" that contains a PDF that purports to be the story that accompanies these picture. The PDF file contains the pictures. Go to URL and look for the file ArtOfSpanking_byRogerBenson.pdf."

I know it involves the hastle of signing up for yet another yahoo group but it is well worth the trouble - let me know if you have any trouble getting to it and I'll fix up a proper link. The story the correspondent refers to is pretty good and it is surprising how many parallels there are to some of the events in INSTITUTIONALISED volume 1 (especial as regards the school desks, some will notice) even though I have never seen it before and so doubt its authenticity / purported antiquity somewhat. I was particularly pleased to to see the amount of effort and importance placed on dealing with admission procedures (complete with illustrations) which is an area often missed by many authors. I would liked to have seen a bit more by way of descriptive prose as regards the cutting of their hair etc but overall, give or take one or two inconsistencies (the girls are in the reformatory for a couple of months, yet somehow their hair grows back), the only real disappointment was the brevity of their sentences. As regards to the latter; I would like to have seen a year, minimum. At one stage the judge that has sentenced them visits them in the reform school towards the end of their sentence (they haven't been told the length, which is a very nice touch) and I was getting all excited imagining that he was just about to extend / restart their sentence under some pretext. I remember reading a similar thing once (in Blushes I think ) where the sentence (unofficial of course, nothing to do with the real legal system) was at least a year, but with no maximum tariff, ie it could, and would, be extended on a whim.

Monday 12 January 2009

Roger Benson Links ( to be completed later)

Some of my favorite reform school images by Roger Benson.

He illustrates step by step an entire admittance procedure in this set. Click on left hand pic to view the set on K.Taia's excellent spanking art site and then click on reform school when you get there.

Friday 24 October 2008

Back to the Reformatory and Some Suitable Story Links (more text to be added later)

I think its time to get back on track, as it were…
Today’s subject is the reformatory and all the scope for imaginative discipline that conjures up once a young lady has been successfully detained behind its walls…particularly if the establishment should be remote, discreet, suitably secure and privately owned and run. The subject is best viewed in that way in my humble opinion – The detainee need not commit any crime, her sentence need not breach guidelines nor come with the possibility of repeal or even be of any set length. Nor need there be any particular end in mind to justify the means…for some, the fact that she has been denied her freedom, is being held under the strictest discipline and under the constant threat of punishment simply on a whim is an end in itself.

The pics are two scans fro my collect and taken from an early 90s Blushes (Although it could be Whispers or The New Supplement).

I’m going to be adding more to this post tomorrow, hopefully…Watch this space
I have found a site full of BDSM and discipline stories. You will have to dig through them when you get there to find something matching your particular taste but its an eclectic mix including enemas, mouth soaping, strict governesses and nurses and all sorts…you name it and its probably there somewhere…and all for free, too

Main Library

Experimental prison wing urethral stimulation

Classroom enema and dormitory anal abuse
Incidentally the following passage, taken from the above story, is probably the best I have ever read of its type in the way that it subtly captures the effects that the disciplinary regime she is being kept been under is having on the girl herself - one of my interests in such literature, it must be said. Its all in that part where she folds her arms into the small of her back. She is about to be abused anally - a humiliation that is unlikely to leave any young woman without her fair share of mental scaring - and yet no command needs be uttered and no rope or other restraint brought forth...her hands are restrained by the sheer weight of the subjugation and the domination of her will.
...Then the whisper of cotton as her night smock was rucked up beyond her waist. Without being told Angela drew up her her knees at either side until she adopted the frog position. Her hands automatically gravitated to the small of her back, where she folded them in submission. Hips lifted as a pillow was positioned beneath her belly. Her warm mouth accepted the bit she was to bite on. The lid popping on a jar of lubricant. The creak of springs at an increased load...