...albeit with a bit of help from the ol' Toyntanen imagination aided and abbeted by my ol' mate: The Gimp! So - to cut a long story short - I'd written some prompts (instructions to the AI art image generator) involving hypnotic patterns and devices (still persuing the ol' MC thread
I've become fond of over the years) and late teen girls in schol uniforms in various situations, such as private secure psychiatric instituitions and various dubious - and likely corrupt - 'care' homes and so on....and all of a sudden, amongst the dross, weird stuff involving multiple limbs and so on and total failiors out pops this charming little study. I mean, apart for the fact you can just make out the white 'V' of her knickers under the tiny skirt, it's an absolutly innoculous scene...But what of all those hamburgers??? hmmmm???? What, well...MIGHT be going on??? I mean to say: She doesn't seem the sort to be wanting to stuff her face with all that grub! but perhaps...just PERHAPS...she has no, or very little, choice in the matter? Well, that's just how the ol' Toyntanen grey cells seem to work.

Usualy when the AI throws up something NOT like a photographic image and looking instead as if drawn or painted I pretty much bin it straight away, but not so in this case - there was just something...I dunno...just sort of...charming about it. Ideal starting fodder for to work on using my favorite photo manip package, namely the afformention programe The Gimp! The storyline, to me at least, was obvious. To be honest I fondly imagined I'd put something together around this as a starting point in a few hours, an evening at worst. It ended up sort of evolving through very many itterations and the result you see here is the result of around two and a half days near continuous work as each idea I managed to succesfully realsise led to the next idea and challange.
By the way:I just
HAD to put in the, now obligatory, barred window. The idea of an element of some sort of imprisonment or control - whether physical, psychological or both (I've become more and more interested in the potential of psychological manipulation / coercion alone over the years) - seems essential to me in any such storyline.
Please DO let me know what you think..whether positive or negative (come on, folks, I can take it!...Probably!)
Before I go...Here is another spurious image the AI spewed out - this one only today, just a few hours ago - and once again, having very little to do with the type and subject matter of the images I was asking for. Actualy, I'd wager that if I tried actualy prompting for an image such as this the AI would flag up a 'safety issue' ans ask me to modify the prompt accordingly. I might not have been deliberatly trying for this image but now that it's here, let's not waste it!
Two questions...What is going through your mind right now as you look at it? And what would you add in order to embelish it - or would you just leave well alone? (Or do you just instantly hate it (some will, I know) becasuse - perhaps - it implies mental health issues?)