Tuesday 5 September 2023

Private Prison Diciplne...An AI Aproach

 I can't say much today...Too little time...But I'll write some stuff later as a comment


  1. These ladies appear to be in the summer version of the uniform dress without sleeves. Personally I prefer the long sleeved version, but to each (wardress, not prisoner) her own preference!

    They also look a bit grumpy and surly to me. I think a prison wardress would want to brighten up their attitude a bit, perhaps by ordering ice cold showers or a good session of floor scrubbing every time an inmate fails to smile and be positive whenever one of her kind and loving guardians comes to greet her. Or all the time if she's on CCTV.

    Nothing like a happy smile to brighten everyone's day and boost team morale!


    1. It's been such a pain! My internet is down, as of yesterday morning... I've been able to continue experimenting with the AI platform I've been using via my phone and have managed to make some headway getting the girls pictured as if through bars and have some of the results saved to my phone... Yeah I have had problems getting the AI to do long sleeves, but had some success with that yesterday too. I also started having some success getting a couple kneeling. In a cell.....

  2. These girls look so fed up and surly that you have to wonder whether they’re worth keeping.

  3. The girls are obviously being fed too much - more gruel and fewer doughnuts should help.

  4. This kind of green color for the outfits od perfect!


  5. I think those ladies need a nice walk in circles around a prison yard for an hour or two. The wardresses should pick a nice autumn day for this, not too cold but chilly enough to be a little uncomfortable for them. Strictly no talking and hands cuffed behind backs of course. This would be much healthier than having them sitting around!


    1. Hm nice idea but I prefer hands on top of their heads, fingers nicely interlaced

  6. This great blog’s gone quiet again - any idea why?

  7. my instagram is girlinstitutionalized for whoever is interested.

  8. Hi again folks! Well, as incredible as it may seem I still don't have internet and won't have untill Oct 2nd at the earliest. I do like the idea of enforcing a bright attitude to any visitors and have always held the view a girl should every now and then sit down and write a detailed account of whether she has been obedient or not and the punishments she's received and how well she's responding to 'treatment and how greatfull she is for her stay being paid for and for the behaviour.mofifficstion, obedience training and Pavlovian conditioning that is helping her to become s better person and how she now no longer has to worry about when to go to the toilet because she now uses her nappy to pee whenever na bell rings...

  9. ... continued... The problem with the exercise yard as I see it is that would a - necessarily - small private prison or other institution actually have one? Total isolation from the outside world should mean exactly that.... I'll say more on this subject in a later comment...Or perhaps Nurse X might be around and have some views an make some suggestions especially as to non-physical punishment

  10. I suppose a reasonably large unfurnished room with a barred window to the outside would suffice for exercise purposes if the institution wishes to remain discreet. Just so long as the ladies get the kiss of the cold winter breeze through their uniform dresses.

    The only real problem with the private prison scenario is the great extent to which public humiliation is helpful and salutary for young ladies who have fallen below the standards of behaviour expected of them by society. Being publicly exhibited in uniforms and cuffs is an essential part of the remodelling of the psychology of the female delinquent. The goal, after all, is to break their pride and replace it with a joy in submission. Obviously this procedure would be undertaken under the stern eyes of wardresses who would prevent any physical harm coming to their charges.


    1. Hi, Roberta. I enjoy reading your comments in here. Especially your choice of words at some of them. I would like to discuss some stuff with you. I guess it would improve my description skills on admission procedures etc. within the roleplays or stories I make. Would you be interested? My discord nick is: myrce.

      Regards, M.

  11. Even after many years I find the humiliation of being publicly disciplined and having to appear dressed in my dowdy uniform or even worse school uniform if I have misbehaved a very humbling and severe lesson. It reminds me of my place and the need to comply and behave well.

    1. We did not hear from you for a while Judith. Are you still in punishment or is it finished? It is a bit unrespectful not to inform as dear! The same for Rachel! S.

  12. Has this blog gone to sleep again? It’s been quiet for well over 2 months now …

  13. I now finally have fibre broadband working ok and had planned on publishing on the blog over this weekend but I had a gig to go to yesterday (Saturday) and today I'm down the coast celebrating my youngest daughter's 21st

  14. Great, good to know BTBW will be back in action soon!

  15. M - I have sent you a Discord friend request, since you may also be interested in chatting to me. Rare but welcome to see people interested in these scenarios on the newer platform!

    1. Unfortunately I don't see any request. There is something wrong. Myrce or myrce. with a dot. I thought the nick od unique.

    2. *was unique. (I hate when phone fixes where I don't need it)

  16. When their be new pictures and comments on this site???

  17. Hello any news on this site is it a still be used by Toynton

  18. Garth has been quiet over the holidays — hopefully he will wake up soon, but I don’t know. If anyone knows anything more please say!

  19. Garth, where are you? Please reply!


  21. Replies
    1. Nope! I've been working on some computer art stuff and hope to be publishing here soon

  22. Great news

  23. Looking forward to a new book
