Monday 4 September 2023

More AI Image Experiments...Prison Girls

 I had been experimenting with generating more adult school uniforms and gave the AI a little more free rein and it suddenly generated this...And my first thought was "hmm...that looks more like it might be a prison uniform" And of course that concept wouldn't nessesarily be at odds with the kidnapped young women theme I've been playing around with of late. This might be a much later stage and in a different part of the building wherein  a small private prison has been constructed now that it has been decided not to send them back to their families at all. I'd imagine perhaps four small windowless cells, a work room, which is where they are here, learning the prison rules, but usualy they'd be engaged in making bespoke hand made prom dresses and so on - just like they might once have worn - and a medical room furnished with all the equpment nessesary to ensure plenty of deep red faces...There's even a woman wearing a prison wardress uniform to help ensure the girls are completly immersed in their new lives...I don't know what it is but I just love how frumpy those uniform dresses are...I also like the idea that now that they can't say, or even remember, their own names they have become just numbers. I imagine that by this point they have seen the fake newspaper with the headline saying that the police were no longer searching for them since they are presumed dead and that has pretty much broken their spirits

Actualy this image is the best parts of three similar, but faulty, images the AI produced all photomanipulated together


  1. Oh wow, those uniforms are absolutely wonderful! Exactly the kind of thing I imagine would be the ideal outfits for women in a prison/reformatory context.

    There's something about the white collars and cuffs, which I hope would be properly starched, that reminds me of Edwardian maids. Perhaps it's also a kind of subtle, psychological and feminine version of being in chains; the collars and cuffs don't need to be made of steel or chained together because the wearer dare not remove or loosen them. One could almost imagine a nurse or wardress symbolically fastening a new inmate into her dress as a way of claiming her for the institution. A welcome, perhaps, or a degradation? She has lost her freedom but now she will be cared for. Powerful stuff.


    1. Do you know what? That was exactly my mindset when the AI started going down that route

  2. Dear Sir, I can advise from my own bitter and in part ongoing experience that being confined to an unfashionable and thick uniform dress is very corrective to behaviour. I would also suggest that addition of knitted plain coloured e.g. grey, navy, brown wool cardigans adds to the lesson. Particularly when made to wear the same cardigans for months unwashed they stink and look awful. Judith

  3. I like the cardigan thing, but I do think that everything in a women's prison should be spotlessly clean at all times, to maintain a cold and clinical atmosphere.


    1. I've always liked a sort of combinational approach. .. A prison dress based on one off those nylon frock style heavyweight nylon overalls from the 1960s can be sponged clean on the outside and thus look smart and pristine all the time but would never be actually washed and that nylon quickly becomes quite sweaty...

  4. ... continued... In a similar vein is the question of fresh knickers are swapped over between them every day and when each girl has worn each of the other girls' knickers they are allowed to wash them out... So with 4 girls in a cell that means that at some point each of them is obliged to slip on a pair of knickers previously worn by 3 other girls

  5. I have been confined to thick elasticated traditional school knickers or even worse knitted woollen knickers and vests for years now as part of my disciplining and now everyday uniform. Being made to wear the same underwear for days (day and night)with no change is a very unpleasant punishment particularly when you are performing any physical tasks and/or in hot weather.

  6. There's a nice "team feel" to sharing garments with other women and wearing their aroma about one's person. Makes a lady feel part of a greater thing somehow :-)


  7. I would love to be made to wear baggy cotton panties, plastic panties on top, pantyhose (and get my ass blistered for any runs in them), a wool dress and socks and...can anyone else think of anything to add to my discomfort?

  8. Autumn, I can suggest that a few knitted wool cardigans, thumbless wool mittens and a wool beret would not only add to your discomfort but make you an immature laughing stock when made to appear in public or even at home in front of family.

  9. A few wool cardigans? Not just one? Sounds a bit excessive. ;)

  10. Judith, are you allowed to use Instagram? Please follow me if so. girlinstitutionalized

  11. Autumn, I can assume you that confinement to multiple wool cardigans is indeed uncomfortable and humiliating as any punishment is designed to be. Unfortunately I am not permitted use of Instagram Ma'am.

  12. That's more than I can handle. I would die of heat and the itchiness is too much.

  13. Autumn, This is a punishment and one has no choice but must accept the assigned consequences of your actions from whoever is supervising you.

  14. 2 wool cardigans? Buttoned up all the way?

  15. Autumn, I have been confined to more than two layers of wool as punishment. I have endured woollen underwear, woollen dresses and skirts and multiple woollen cardigans as punishment and as part of my ongoing discipline. They are a humiliating, dowdy and physically uncomfortable form of punishment for a grown woman. If a young woman needs to be disciplined I can tell you from my own experience they are a very severe lesson and in public a lesson for all those seeing another dressed like this. I am sure I have been taught many lessons myself but served as an example to other young women of the consequences of misbehaviour. I am still wearing a wool cardigan at all times as part fo my work uniform.

  16. I assume they are buttoned up all the way? Do you still wear rubber panties? Might I suggest adding pantyhose on top? How is your hair cut? Can you do an update on your current restrictions/outfits/etc?

  17. Ma'am, I wear a plain longer than knee length, long sleeved grey cotton twill work dress which buttons from neck to waist and has a collar, grey knee socks together with a long plain grey knitted crew neck wool cardigan at all times except for attendance at Church services. For those I wear a below knee brown thick worsted dress with a pleated skirt, long sleeves and a collar, below knee length brown knitted wool cardigan, grey knee socks and a knitted brown wool head scarf tied beneath my chin. My dress and cardigans are buttoned unless I have permission to undo them for some reason. I wear a grey wool vest and old fashioned elasticated large grey knickers. I wear my hair in a bun at all times. I work full time as a domestic servant in my cousin's house and that of one of her friends doing menial domestic duties. I have the privilege of doing similar domestic duties for our Church.

  18. You must very old fashioned dressed in this manner. I assume from your reference to how you dress for Church that you are a full time live in domestic? Even so the clothing must be very uncomfortable to wear (particularly if you have to do any physical work) and I am sure make very clear your status in the household to anyone seeing you but I assume that is the point.

  19. You sound like a very well cared for girl, Judith. I hope you feel grateful to your benefactors for clothing you and providing you with work that is suitable to your ability. You should be proud of your uniform as it reflects your status, particularly when you are on public show.

    I am certain that many young ladies who are resident in institutions funded by the public or by charity would be most envious of your position and the relative comfort and freedom it affords. As a matron in such an institution, I would urge you to be obedient to your social betters at all times. It makes me very sad when I am forced to apply disciplinary measures to a young woman who fails to understand her position in society, and you can be assured it would be most unfortunate for you if you were ever to fall under my care.

  20. I am grateful to my cousin for my position as a domestic servant and for the privileges although few it provides to me. I am subject to a well ordered and disciplined existence which is suited for me. I can assure you I am not spared punishment if I fail to follow the deserved rules set for me or fail to meet the work standards set for me in my domestic duties, my general behaviour or my Church work.

  21. To the matron in the comments: What sort of institution and what sorts of punishments?

  22. I have just read some of your earlier postings from many years ago Judith. You have a disgraceful record of misbehaviour and sin which you should have made clearer. You are very fortunate to have what now appears to be a rather comfortable existence for someone of such low obedience and capabilities. I would also point out that you should address your elders and betters as Sir/Ma'am no matter what the forum.

  23. I am sure Judith that your Aunt would have been most disappointed by your impolite and disrespectful posts here and would have dealt with you accordingly. I hope very much that whoever is in charge of you now will ensure your misbehaviour is punished and corrected as necessary. Edith

  24. Thank you Edith,

    I think Judith is a very simple minded girl and her numerous errors are therefore understandable. Were she to be brought into my institution for retraining, I would subject her to the gentlest possible regime. However, on account of her obvious fragility, I would be concerned that even this would create excessive stress to her wellbeing. It is therefore imperative that her cousin and the Church do their utmost to keep her out of my establishment so she may continue to enjoy her current comfortable and pampered existence.

    Signed, The Matron.

  25. I think if you read some of the previous entries that Judith has needed and been subject to severe punishment by what she was allowed to wear, enforced activities and physical chastisement some of it in public. I am sure if her Aunt is still supervising her she would welcome any thoughts you may have for Judith's disciplining. she must be in her late 20s now I imagine so should not be spared severity. Edith

  26. I am not sure what the Matron will be able to offer but it sounds like this girl is in need of a firm reminder of the privileges she has been given. I am sure a good strapping, haircut short above the ears and confinement to a towelling nappy, plastic incontinence knickers, hessian gown, straight jacket and gag or bit will soon sort her attitude out. A few days like this with her legs shackled and secured to the floor of a cold damp cell will enable her to reflect on her need to improve and beg to be back in her nice warm dress and cardigan doing her menial chores.

  27. I normally leave such details to the nurses who work under me. Typically, a new arrival would be cared for by the junior staff, although I fear the enthusiasm with which the younger nurses carry out their duties would be a little overwhelming for a delicate creature such as Judith. They are used to dealing with the rough girls from the workhouse, after all.

    Instead, I would give Judith to one of the more experienced nurses. Someone who understands her patients well enough to administer both suffering and tenderness with surgical precision to deliver complete control and prepare her for a life of grateful servitude. While keeping her on a very tight leash, naturally.

    Signed, The Matron.

  28. I must apologise for Judith's misbehaviour on this site whilst misusing her privilege of limited internet access. I wish I had discovered her impudent, self-serving and disobedient behaviour sooner and for that I apologise. I can assure you that she will not be troubling you again other than to apologise for her acts misbehaviour and inform you of the punishments which I will be assigning to her immediately.


  29. Dear Sir/Madam,

    I am writing to apologise for my unacceptable, rude, thoughtless and disobedient acts of misbehaviour having been granted the privilege to use this site. My cousin has assigned my punishments for the following acts of misbehaviour.

    a) Failing to disclose my long history of selfish, childish and ungodly behaviour which has necessitated my close supervision, punishment and ongoing need for a disciplined regime.
    b) Failure to explain the full nature of my current role and the many ongoing restrictions and limitations applied to me due to my limited intellectual capabilities, ..
    c) Attempting to limit the humiliation I suffer by hiding the above facts.
    d) Failure to address others in the appropriate and respectful manner required by my lowly status.
    e) Misusing the privilege of limited internet access I had earned.
    e) Failure to disclose my offences so as to avoid the required punishment I deserve.

    I am serving the following punishments which have been made longer and more severe due to the multiple acts of misbehaviour I have performed and my failure to disclose these to my cousin.

    a) I have had all of my earned privileges removed which means no internet access and no books to read except my prayer book and The Bible. Privileges will have to be re-earned again by prolonged periods of exemplary behaviour.
    b) I must wear a second V-neck knitted woollen cardigan at all times as part of my uniform.
    c) I must wear a knitted grey woollen ankle-length nightgown to bed.
    d) I must wear school uniform on Sunday including for attendance at Church. This will be chosen by my cousin and consist of as a minimum, school pinafore, school shirt, school tie, two wool school cardigans and a matching wool beret. This will make clear to everyone my immature and selfish misbehaviour.
    e) When in schoolgirl uniform my hair will be worn in pigtails to make clear my infantile status to those seeing me.
    f) I will be locked in my room at night without access to a toilet and with a bucket for my use and to be slopped out each morning.
    g) I will be permitted only one supervised cold shower per week.
    h) I am to muck out the horses at the barn every morning starting at 04:15 before starting my regular duties
    i) My workload will be increased so as to ensure I am focussed on my menial tasks.
    j) I will be given more frequent physical chastisement to ensure I am focussed on my work.
    k) I will serve a minimum of one hour of corner time every day to allow me to reflect on my misbehaviour and the punishments I am deservedly having applied to me.
    l) I will do without supper.
    m) I will do written punishments under school detention conditions on Sunday afternoon to remind me that if I behave like a naughty little girl that I will be treated as one.
    n) I will be spanked across my bare behind at least once per day as a minimum and on every occasion before being permitted to appear in public to ensure I am mindful of my status.
    o) I have received five strokes of the strap across the back and palm of each of my hands and twelve strokes of the cane across my bare behind in front of wider members of my family yesterday.

    My punishments will last a minimum of four weeks after which my behaviour will be reviewed to determine if a longer period is required. When I have completed my punishment my ongoing discipline and rules will be reviewed to determine if they need to be made more stringent and severe on an ongoing basis.

    As with my Aunt, my cousin requests that anyone reading this who believes I need more severe or additional punishments should propose these on this site and she will consider adding them to my punishments. This will be a further lesson for me to receive punishment from strangers for my misbehaviour.

    I thank you for spending your valuable time to read of my unforgivable, immature, disobedient, disrespectful and selfish misbehaviour and I hope you can see I am suffering the deserved consequences. I apologise once more for my unacceptable misbehaviour.

    Yours faithfully,


  30. Hi Judith,

    Might I suggest plastic panties (over regular panties), a plastic bra, and pantyhose to be worn at all times (excluding bed time)? And you can get spanked for runs in your pantyhose? I also hope your cardigans are buttoned up all the way.

  31. Rachel, Whilst I am pleased to see your charge is being punished I must say that I find the sanctions to be somewhat lenient for someone guilty of six offences, some of them in public. I would suggest that since she has lied I would expect regular mouth soaping to be added perhaps after every spanking to help ensure she is mindful not to lie again before she goes in public. You might also consider her having a sign hung around her neck making clear her status and current punishments - this would be very shaming but fitting given Judith's attempt to hide her menial position. As an aside I would also suggest putting her in a chastity belt to prevent unnecessary distractions stopping her focussing her limited abilities on her duties. I think four weeks is far too short a punishment as well I think something closr to four months for so many acts of misbehaviour. This would also ensure she remains in deserved penance over the festive period when I am sure you could have her attending multiple Church events in her schoolgirl uniform. You could also perhaps consider giving her a short period of hard labour and confinement with minimal privileges - a short sharp shock may do her good. I hope these suggestions are useful. Edith

  32. I would agree with Edith that this girl's punishments are too lenient and far too short. I say having gone back in time on this site and read at least some of what her Aunt imposed upon her to get her to behave in an acceptable way whilst finding her useful work. I would suggest six months in fetters and manacles, dressed in a worn set of wool gown and cardigan, confined and securely shackled in a cell at night and hard physical labour for at least 12 hours per day - preferably where her punishment for her shameful behaviour can be seen by others. At the end of this I would suggest the sanctions you are proposing as punishment should become the norm i.e. regular time in schoolgirl uniform, daily physical chastisement and of course confinement to the multiple cardigans she hates. I hope you will consider these sanctions more suitable compared to the lenient punishments you have allocated.

  33. Many thanks for your comments. Whilst I understand your desire to see Judith punished more severely I can assure you that she is finding her new regime hard work and humiliating. Her shame as she stood outside Church last Sunday with her head bowed and hands folded neatly in front of her as the congregation passed her by dressed in her school uniform was clear to see. Of course wearing grey knee socks, grey shirt, maroon and blue school tie, grey school pinafore and two maroon knitted wool school cardigans would be shaming for anyone more than thirty years old wouldn't it. Her frequent spankings are also a constant reminder to her of her even more reduced status. I shall however bare your comments in mind at the end of her four weeks of initial punishment. As you suggest even exemplary behaviour during this period should not mean she is spared from further ongoing consequences over the festive period. I would be happy to receive further suggestions you may of course. Rachel

  34. Rachel, I am pleased to read that Judith was ashamed, as a grown woman would be, at having to appear at Sunday service dressed in a school uniform and I hope that she was similarly humiliated again last Sunday. I do feel however the regime is too lenient and so as well as thinking of future extension I would suggest that perhaps you could make her Sunday more severe by giving her a public spanking after the Service and sending her to a junior Sunday School class to reinforce her position and make an example of her so others may learn not to misbehave as Judith has.

    I wonder also rachel if your reluctance to punish Judith more severely is because you recognise your own failure in having allowed her to misbehave so publicly and for so long on this site before you took action. I would suggest that perhaps you should ask your Aunt (and Judith's) to review the punishments you have allocated to Judith and at the same time perhaps your own supervisory mistakes. Edith

  35. I agree that even with the lenient sanctions applied there are opportunities both to enhance Judith's punishment and learning and maximise the opportunity to make an example of her so that other young women may learn the consequences of misbehaviour. I would suggest to Church you have her wear some nice thick woollen mittens, make her keep her hands on her head, hang a sign around her neck on which she can write her offences for all to see, make her keep a dummy in her mouth and hang her hairbrush on a ribbon around her neck which can be used to give her a thorough spanking both before and after the Service. Ideally after the Service this spanking should be followed by public corner time with her very red bottom on display.

  36. Rachel, Following Edith's comment I should say, although you have a responsible job and are supervising Judith, that being younger than your cousin means you too are not too old to be corrected, chastised and if appropriate punished by your Aunt or Mother as they see fit. I hope you will ensure that you are honest in making them aware of your failures in this matter which provided Judith with the opportunity to misbehave repeatedly and in public. It is very important that those supervising errant young women like Judith are not themselves failing to meet the required standards.

  37. Thank-you for your feedback. Judith's Aunt (and mine) together with my mother will review Judith's behaviour and the punishments I have assigned and advise me as necessary of any further action they believe to be necessary. They will be visiting this weekend. Rachel

  38. Edith I would like to thank-you for making Rachel aware of her failure to punish Judith adequately and her own failings in this matter. Rachel's mother and myself have discussed this matter. As a result Judith will be spending the festive period under my supervision which will mean she will back in school uniform at all times, closely supervised with school work to complete as well as chores and with a suitably childish regime both in private and in public as well as increased corporal punishment. I hope that a "short sharp shock" will punish her and ensure no future repeat of her misbehaviour. We told Rachel that as penance for her failings she would have to do her own housework over the festive season but she was unfortunately unaccepting of this. She will therefore be spending her Christmas holiday under her Mother's supervision under the punishment regime she had assigned to Judith. This mean servant's dress and cardigan and a full time regime of chores both at her own home and that of her friend where Judith also performs domestic duties. The only sanction she will be spared is having to attend Church events in school uniform although she will dress in this manner in the house on Sundays. Her mother is going to find some suitably unfashionable charity shop clothes for her to wear to Church. I am sure she will find a dowdy uniform, long days of hard work and regular spankings a severe lesson and remind her that no young woman is beyond discipline. I hope this assures you that this unfortunate matter is being dealt with appropriately. Both Rachel's Mother and myself would of course be pleased to receive any further thoughts as to how optimise the disciplining of both Judith and Rachel.

    Judith's Aunt

  39. Judith, I am delighted to see that both of your nieces will be receiving severe punishment for their ill discipline. Whilst I am sure Rachel has been doing an adequate job supervising Judith she has failed to appreciate that Judith should not be given rewards for doing as she is told no matter how long she is compliant for or how hard she works. The most she should have is somewhere dry to sleep, plain but meagre food to eat and dowdy and humiliating clothes to wear. I am sure a period under your direct tutelage will remind Judith of the childish and humiliating consequences of her failings. I am sure being dressed like a ten year old schoolgirl, her every move under close supervision and her bottom maintained in a sore and red state by infantile spankings as well as from the cane and strap will remedy her misbehaviour. As for Rachel I am surprised she was not immediately made to serve the lenient sanctions she had applied to Judith in full. Perhaps her mother will increase the severity of her two weeks of seasonal discipline such that she is well punished and humiliated. She is I believe younger than Judith so should still be subjected to her mother's discipline in full. Edith

  40. Edith, Both Judith and Rachel are now suffering the consequences of their respsective acts of misbehaviour. Judith is currently standing in the corner with her woollen knickers around her ankles, long woollen nightgown pinned up, hands in her thumbless wool mittens on top of her head which is covered by a woollen bonnet secured under her chin. Her bottom is very red having just received a long and hard hairbrush spanking whilst she was hanging over my knees. In addition to the spanking and canning she received before Church attendance at my local Church this morning, she has had two further spankings and the strap across her hands during the course of the day. One of these spankings was performed in front of visitors this afternoon with her in the schoolgirl uniform she has been made to wear all day. She was very meek dressed in her grey woollen vest, knickers, knee socks, grey shirt, brown and green striped school tie, long brown school pinafore dress, bottle green V-neck knitted wool school cardigan, crew neck bottle green knitted wool school cardigan, knee length bottle green knee length wool jacket, bottle green wool beret and grey wool thumbless mittens as we walked to Sunday Service this morning. I had her keep her hands on her head for the whole of the walk and until we were seated in our pew. I reinforced her position by having her stand in the corner once again with her hands on her head whilst I had coffee in the Parish rooms with other members of the congregation. She has spent the rest of the day copying out Leviticus or writing it as I dictated it to her. She will be going to bed shortly after having her mouth soaped, a further spanking and having said her prayers under my supervision. She will be sleeping on the hard wooden floor with a single wool blanket to help her appreciate the privilege of her knitted wool nightgown, bonnet and mittens. She will be locked in the room with lights off and a bucket for any toilet requirements she may have. I understand Rachel has had a very chastening start too to her punishment including Church attendance in some palin second hand clothes her mother acquired for her. Judith's Aunt

  41. It is very reassuring to hear of an adult taking their responsibility for ensuring their young female charges are being trained and disciplined adequately. Judith is in clear need of minimal freedoms and maximal ongoing correction in all possible forms at all times let alone when she has misbehaved. In addition to the many sanctions you are now rightly applying to her over the Christmas period may I suggest that she should use a pacifier at all times including in public, she should ask permission to toilet and that she should wear a sign around her neck making clear to anyone seeing her of her endless and childish misbehaviour and deserved punishments. I hope Rachel's mother will provide us with an update on her deserved punishment. I am sure for such an apparently intelligent and proud girl this will be a horrible and difficult experience but that is what she deserves. Perhaps to drive home the learning Rachel should be made to publicly detail her punishments - I know you used this as an additional sanction previously for Judith. Do you think it will be possible to resume responsibility for Judith once more or do you think that both Rachel and Judith will require stricter supervision and ongoing conditions? Edith

  42. It sounds to me as if Rachel needs to be assigned the same level of punishment as her cousin at least with immediate effect. I notice from posts several years ago how Rachel was very firm if confining Judith to infantile woollen clothing and conditions e.g. nappy wearing. Perhaps this would be the short sharp shock Rachel needs if these items of clothing she made for Judith are still available that would be an even more humiliating lesson for her - having to wear items she made but now for her own punishment and humiliation. If it were not for Rachel's work I would suggest that perhaps letting her join Judith as a domestic servant under strict supervision for six months would be the minimum period of further restriction her misbehaviour requires.

  43. Hi Roberta,

    I love your posts and I love the idea of being fastened into a uniform in an institutional setting. I love the white cuffs snugly against my wrists and neck, it would feel very uncomfortable for a long period of time. Add to that the buttons up to the neck and a belt and I would be perfectly fastened in and controlled. I love this kind of treatment. Plus long line underwear, plastic panties and pantyhose over top. Tell me how you would deal with me if I were in your care.

  44. I agree that it appears Rachel needs to very much be taught her place after her failure to supervise Judith adequately. I do not think the fact that she has a responsible job should be used to prevent her from being punished as any young woman should be when failing to uphold the required standards. In fact some humiliation in front of her colleagues may bring her to her senses more promptly. I assume she will be serving Christmas dinner for family on Monday as well as attending Church so plenty of opportunity to share her punishment clothing with others and I would suggest spank her publicly if she is still failing to address adults respectfully. Unless she has improved dramatically since Judith's Aunt's last post post then I feel some ongoing sanctions will be required for a prolonged period in the New Year.

  45. Judith is very much learning the consequences of her immature status as a schoolgirl. I have just put her to bed with a freshly soaped mouth and thoroughly spanked behind and legs. She has been very meek and well behaved today dressed in her pinafore dress and school cardigan. She spent six hours this morning writing the line, "I deserve to be dressed like a 1960s junior schoolgirl, have my bottom spanked frequently, spend my day completing written punishments in detention and have to ask permission to go to the toilet because I am a disobedient, rude, disrespectful, lazy and naughty little girl' two hundred and fifty times. This afternoon she has copied out the nativity story sat on her sore behind which was spanked again whilst she ate her bread and water lunch. She has a long day tomorrow as she will be spanked and caned before going to Sunday service. She will be in full schoolgirl uniform with a peg on her tongue and hands on her head unless holding her hymn book or praying. I will be giving her some public corner time as well. After this we will be going to Rachel's house by train so she will have the humiliation of being seen by many people in her schoolgirl uniform. She will not be attending Midnight service tomorrow, as this is not for children let along naughty ones. She will be taken to Service on Christmas morning and after that she will be spending the rest of the day, confined to a room, completing more written punishments and receiving further spankings. She will be caned before Church attendance, in front of the rest of the family, to ensure she behaves well. Rachel's behaviour has not been exemplary so her mother says she has purchased some even less desirable second hand clothes for Rachel to wear both to midnight service and Christmas Da morning service as a further sanction and she too is to be caned before each in front of the rest of the family. Rachel will have the ignominy of having to make and serve Christmas lunch for the whole family dressed in her servant's dress and cardigans. Judith's Aunt

  46. I am pleased to hear that Judith will be experiencing a very humiliating, painful and excruciatingly childish Christmas. I assume she will be dressed, in addition to her school pinafore and school cardigans, in wool mittens, beret and a further wool cardigan jacket for your trip to Rachel's. May I suggest you have her stand with her hands on her head in the aisle next to you so as to maximise her public humiliation as well as save a seat for someone more worthy of the luxury. Do you intend to spank her both tomorrow at Church and on Christmas Day? It would seem unnecessarily lenient to spare her this experience, opportunity for further learning and to make an example of her to such a large audience of other girls and young women. It sounds as if Rachel is not accepting her deserved punishments at all but I am sure that you will be able to advise your sister on the necessary increases in punishment required to bring her to heel and punish her further for her continuing ill discipline. I am sure you will ensure Rachel's Christmas and New Year is not one she will forget. Edith

  47. Edith, Judith will only be spanked at Church if her behaviour is not exemplary. Of course for any misbehaviour no matter how minor she will be bent over my knee and spanked whatever the location. I hope that Rachel will behave well at midnight service tomorrow otherwise I will be recommending to my sister that she joins Judith in old fashioned schoolgirl uniform for morning service on Christmas Day and her overall punishment increased in content, length and severity. Rachel was well disciplined when younger and it is in part I am sure why she did so well academically. She spent many weeks of vacation in school uniform doing extra study until she achieved the required marks. I would hope she would therefore understand the necessity for her to serve her penance and learn from it although currently this does not seem to be the case. Perhaps seeing Judith in her multiple cardigans, punishment hairstyle, mittens and with a peg on her tongue will help her to see what will happen if she does not improve her behaviour and compliance immediately. Judith's Aunt

  48. I am sure a period of reschooling will correct any errant young woman if it involves confinement to school uniform, loss of all decision making, plenty of laborious schoolwork and living by strict school rules with early bedtimes, no privileges and generous application of spankings or corporal punishment. I look forward to hearing of Rachel's re-education and wish yur family a Happy Christmas. Edith

  49. If it is not too late then perhaps you could have Judith and Rachel spend this evening touring your area carol singing dressed in their schoolgirl and domestic servant uniforms respectively. This would be a useful local activity and display them publicly to a wider set of people. Any donations received could be donated to charity. If it is too late for this then I know there are always places putting on shelter and food for the homeless over this period who would be delighted to have some additional free labour. Rachel and Judith could do public duties like serving food or be confined to domestic duties like cleaning floors and toilets, doing laundry, etc. which would be useful activity for your local area and penance for the two of them. I hope they both improve their behaviour to spare you and your sister the further requirement of supervising misbehaved girls.

  50. Judith is already confined to the unheated windowless room where she will be spending most of the next two days. She will be spending the rest of today until her early bedtime writing out the nativity story from the children's book borrowed from the library. She behaved very well on the train not least since I spanked her thoroughly before we set-off and she has had a further allocation before confinement to her new location. Rachel has not started well with me by calling me by name rather than addressing me as Ma'am. I spanked her immediately at her mother's request and she will of course be getting further punishment later for what appears to have become a repeated pattern of disrespectful behaviour and failure to recognise her place. Thank-you for the additional suggestions for disciplining Judith and Rachel which I will consider and as always I will be pleased to receive further suggestions which will punish, deter and make an example of these naughty young women. Judith's Aunt

  51. After morning service on Christmas Day which Judith attended in green school pinafore, shirt, tie, V-neck maroon wool school cardigan, maroon round neck school cardigan, kneel length wool green cardigan jacket, green wool beret and green wool mittens, she spent the rest of the day confined to her windowless cell wearing nothing but her chastity belt and a pair of thumbless wool mittens. She spent the time either on her knees with her hands on her head reciting from The Bible or stood with her arms folded behind her back singing Christmas carols. She had two slices of bread and water for lunch and was permitted to toilet once on the bucket in her cell under my supervision. She was caned in front of family before Church Service and I administered three further spankings by hand, hairbrush during the course of the day. She was obedient and meek and understands that she will be punished severely for her wrongdoings on this site. Rachel was caned in front of family before Church and attended dressed in a shabby grey dress, mustard wool waistcoat, baggy grey V-neck cardigan and a long brown wool jacket which her mother had bought from the Charity shop. She spent the rest of the day doing her domestic duties in her servants dress and two grey wool cardigans. Her attitude is poor and she is not accepting of her punishments. Judith's Aunt

  52. Judith will be spending Boxing Day wearing only her chastity belt, confined to cold cell writing lines on her knees, bread and water to eat and limited to toilet on her bucket under supervision. I am sure this will punish her for acts of misbehaviour and make her thankful for the privilege of wearing her woollen underwear and schoolgirl uniform tomorrow and being able to spend her time in the normal classroom. Rachel is doing her domestic duties but remains very recalcitrant in her attitude. Her mother has told her to bow her head whenever addressing one of her betters to try and drive home her position to her. We are going to review her performance later and decide what to do with her. I have spanked already today which she made a crying fuss about which only earned her extra treatment with her hairbrush. I am afraid she is in need of some additional punishment and discipline. Judith's Aunt

  53. Judith, I am sure both your sister and you must be sick of having to deal with Rachel and Judith. They should both be able to behave appropriately as polite and hard working young women particularly having both been disciplined a necessary when younger. I think you are right to have had Judith locked in a cold dark cell for the last two days not only as punishment for herself but to minimise the effort required by you in supervising her when you are enjoying time with family and friends. As for Rachel, I think as I observed a few days ago, she is in need of a sharp shock and not necessarily a short one. Perhaps she would benefit from a few days in a secure cell with meagre food to reflect on her wrongdoings such that she understands and accepts her need for punishment and I would suggest ongoing discipline. Alternatively, embarrassing and humiliating though it would be for her, perhaps the time has come for her to attend Church in schoolgirl uniform as befits her immature and selfish behaviour. Edith

  54. Both Rachel and Judith will be returning home with me this afternoon on the train. I have agreed with Rachel's mother that she should spend the next eleven days experiencing exactly the same regime as Judith i.e. dressed in schoolgirl uniform, full time in school detention doing written exercises except for occasional housework, public appearance for Church events in schoolgirl uniform, early bedtimes in a wool nightgown and thumbless mittens, must ask permission to go to the toilet, no speaking without permission and regular spankings. The only thing I have agreed to spare her is application of a punishment hairstyle but she will have to wear it in a childish style of my choosing. I am sure she will find having two long red bunches appearing from beneath her grey wool beret as she stands with her hands on her head on the train humiliating anyway. For Judith this will continue the punishment she had already been allocated for her misbehaviour on this site. Judith's Aunt

  55. Judith's Aunt, I am delighted to hear that Rachel is to be made to serve the harsher conditions assigned to Judith for her misbehaviour rather than the strict but more lenient sanctions she has been serving somewhat poorly it appears. I am sure standing on the train dressed as a schoolgirl will have an immediate effect in making her recognising she will be bearing the full ad deserved consequences for her poor supervision of Judith. I know you are very strict with Judith so I would suggest that a dose of the strap for both of them across their hands and bare behinds will be a good starting lesson for Rachel. I am sure the pair of them in their school uniforms, hands in mittens on their heads, pegs on their tongues and tearstained from being spanked will be a sight bringing them a lot of humiliating attention when you take them to Church. Edith

  56. Edith and anyone else who may be interested, Both Rachel and Judith have been in detention since 6 am dressed in full schoolgirl uniform including two school cardigans. They are writing the line, "I have behaved like a naughty schoolgirl and should be treated, dressed and punished like one." They have to have written the line at least 800 times by lunchtime. Rachel has committed her first offence by having a button undone on her school cardigan. She found being immediately made to unbutton her cardigans, bend over my desk, having her pinafore dress and cardigans placed over her back, knickers stripped to her ankles and being told to count out the strokes of the cane and say thank-you a bit of a shock. Anyway twelve strokes seemed to make her more attentive and she has had the extra discomfort of standing with her cardigans and dress pinned up whilst writing her lines. She will of course get further punishment for her offence later probably an extra cardigan to wear, an hour of drill and inspection outside every morning in her knickers and vest and six strokes of the tawse across the palm and back of each of her hands. I think I may trim her fringe back as well to increase how infantile she looks with her hair in bunches. As always I would be pleased to hear of further ideas to improve and punish these miscreants. Judith's Aunt

  57. Judith's Aunt, I am sure you may already being doing this but I would suggest that you should treat Rachel and Judith as a pair of naughty sisters (not a big leap as they are cousins) and use this to further their childish humiliation. You should have them dressed in the same clothes at all times, make them hold hands when taking them anywhere, make them wear each others unwashed clothes including vests and knickers, exercise them together e.g. skipping or star jumps together either in the garden or in public, make them do public cleaning chores together and punish them both for any offence one of them commits. This will be a further reason for them to understand the complete loss of control of their own that their misbehaviour has caused. This will I am sure be a particularly nasty lesson for Rachel.

  58. Rachel and Judith have spent their Sunday together. They were both given 18 strokes of the cane this morning before we went to Church because of Rachel's continuing complaining. In addition they both had their mouths soaped and then walked holding hands to Church with their free mittened hand held to the lips of the other to prevent any further unnecessary talking. They looked very nice together in yellow shirts, school ties, bottle green worsted pinafores, brown knee socks and two wool brown school cardigans. I had them both stand facing the wall in the Parish rooms after the Service and when Rachel complained they both ended doing this with their bottoms on display after a public spanking. They have now also got further additional sanctions for the rest of this week. Judith's Aunt

  59. Rachel and Judith will complete their punishments tomorrow after attendance at Sunday service dressed in their school uniforms. Over the period Rachel's behaviour has finally become more of the required standard and Judith has been punished as she deserved for her misbehaviour with her posts on this site.

    There will however be changes for both of them moving forward based on their misbehaviour. Judith will no longer be supervised by Judith but by Rachel's friend for whom Judith also carried out domestic duties. Judith has already had the privileges she had earned e.g. occasional internet use, reading material other than The Bible and her prayer book removed. In addition she will continue to wear two grey wool cardigans when performing her domestic duties, she will attend Sunday Service in schoolgirl uniform, she will be caned 12 times every Sunday and she will seek permission before using the toilet at all times except when using the bucket in her room during the night. These additional sanctions will remain in place for at least six months.

    Rachel will no longer be permitted to supervise Judith. In addition except for attendance at work she will be grounded and be permitted only to leave the house with her husband, her mother or another family member. She will wear a long skirt or dress at all times including to work. Outside of work she will wear a long wool cardigan at all times. Out of work she will wear her hair in a ponytail or bun. She will attend Bible Class every week and she will join the rota for weekly cleaning duties at the Church. She will receive a minimum of one maintenance spanking per week dressed in schoolgirl uniform with accompanying corner time. These conditions will remain in place for a minimum of 3 months after which they will be reviewed by Rachel's mother and myself.

    Thank you again for ensuring that the misbehaviour of these two girls was pointed out and I hope you can see that they have been punished and are now being disciplined as necessary moving forward.

    Judith's Aunt

  60. Dear Judith's Aunt,

    Thank-you very much for the update. I can see that Judith has quite correctly been very much put back in her place with multiple cardigans and weekly appearances in public in school uniform and a weekly caning. I hope very much her new supervisor will be making clear her new strict regime with a daily spanking as well.

    As for Rachel I understand the desire to coax her back into the required polite, respectful and demur behaviour which a young wife should display but think perhaps an approach more like the one you have taken with Judith over many years may be appropriate. I appreciate that there are some limitations if Rachel is to continue with her employment as a Doctor. Nonetheless I would suggestion there is nothing stopping her from wearing an old long baggy cardigan at all times and for that matter a similar itchy wool dress. She is obviously very proud of her long red locks so if you are unwilling to cut them as with Judith may I suggest that they be dyed a plain brown colour and kept in childish braids. As well i would suggest at least 3-4 maintenance spankings per week, a caning on Sunday and even if not for Church, schoolgirl uniform and written punishments to fill her time on Sunday.


  61. I just love this exchange of thoughts!!!

    1. It would be great as online roleplay or a full story!

  62. Hi Judith's Aunt,

    What are your thoughts on making the girls wear baggy panties (with a pad inside), rubber panties, and pantyhose on top of that?

  63. At this stage Rachel is permitted to wear underwear which is comfortable provided it is plain. Judith has to wear traditional school knickers at all times. Judith uses thick sanitary pads at her time of the month, she is not permitted new items such as tampons.

    Judith has had to wear rubber incontinence knickers in the past as part of her punishments so this option always remains available.

    Many thanks for your suggestions it is always helpful to receive new ideas to help improve the behaviour of these young women.

    Judith's Aunt

  64. How about rubber panties on top all the time and pantyhose and they get spanked for runs in their pantyhose? Pads inside 24/7. Wool dresses and two cardigans securely buttoned up all the way. Discomfort and security all the time.

  65. Dear Aunt, so good to hear you are back here and thank you for letting us read the progress in education and punishments of Judith and now also Rachel. There behaviour must have been miserable as they are punished so long and severely. Your punishments are perfect, so for the moment I can only suggest some intensifying when necessary. For instance length of corner time could be increased or made more painful by kneeling, kneeling on a hard floor, on rice or dried peas, … of course all with hands nicely laced on top of their heads. As I am a fan of hands on head as punishment position, maybe on occasion of special or intensified punishment they can be asked to put hands on head in public to emphasise they are in punishment, of course already be clear by their childish uniform? Or, when on a complete punishment day, their hands have to stay mainly on their head when not doing chores, lines, … or whatever assignment? Or introducing a public hands on head punishment walk? Answering politely questions from passengers when they do, staying in this punishment position? Only some suggestions to your exquisite education regime. Kind regards, S.

  66. Yesterday I wore pantyhose under skin tight jeans, two sets of underwear, and a thick tight belt around my waist at home. I felt so controlled and like an inmate being put in place. Who dares me to go in public like this?

    1. Well... Young lady. Nurse Helga here. I need to tell you such unhinged girl like yourself cannot be trusted with a "thick tight belt". And as a responsible nurse I need to take it away. There are two dangerous sharp prongs in the buckle. You could hurt someone's eyes out. Put your hands on your head young lady.

  67. What if it's a thick belt with snap on buttons? And yes, m'am, absolutely. How do you feel about the rest of the outfit, m'am?

  68. I am visiting Rachel's home this weekend to review her behaviour in response to the restrictions put in place following her inadequate behaviour at Christmas. I have also had the opportunity to check on Judith with Rachel's friend whom has taken over her supervision.

    I am pleased to find that Judith's behaviour has been exemplary following her misbehaviour and she will therefore be continuing with her new tighter restrictions for at least a further year. This means no return of the privileges she had earned e.g. occasional internet use, reading material other than The Bible and her prayer book. She will continue to wear two grey wool cardigans when performing her domestic duties, she will attend as a matter of routine Sunday Service in schoolgirl uniform, she will continue to be caned 12 times every Sunday and she will continue to seek permission before using the toilet at all times except when using the bucket in her room during the night. These additional childish punishments and regular corporal punishment appear to have brought her back to be obedient and demur.

    Rachel however is only, according to her mother although I too can see it too, begrudgingly excepted her additional discipline and is clearly expecting it will end after Easter when 3 months is complete. I am however recommending to her mother that a further 3 months under more restrictions even those she has been required to serve would be for the best in the long run.

    I have suggested the following. She will remain grounded and be permitted only to leave the house with her husband, her mother or another family member. She will wear a long skirt or dress at all times together with at least one long wool cardigan at all times. Out of work she will wear her hair in a ponytail or bun and I have taken an suggestion made here that unless she is to have her hair cut much shorter she must tie it a mousy brown-grey colour. She must continue to attend Bible Class every week as well as being on the rota for weekly cleaning duties at the Church. She will receive a minimum of three maintenance spankings per week dressed in schoolgirl uniform with accompanying corner time followed by two hours of written punishments. She should be caned 12 times across her bare behind in front of other family members for her failure to accept and complete her current punishmentsThese conditions to remain in place for a minimum of 3 months after which they will be reviewed by Rachel's mother and myself.

    Anyway Rachel's Mother and I will discuss further over the weekend before deciding her future sanctions.

  69. Great to read you are back here, thank you for posting it to us. Stephane

  70. Great to hear about Rachel, thank you for that dear Judith, and how are you doing?? Stephane
