Thursday 17 August 2023

Writing Home...

 ...or just further mind training for our three captive young women?


  1. Oh my God!!

    Garth Toyntanen. You're back!
    My favourite ever writer and blogger
    I've missed you so much.
    We used to correspond quite a lot if you remember?
    So good to see you back and in such fine form

    Hope everything is ok with you?

    My new email is if you feel like a chat.

    Best Regards


  2. My Aunt used to make me write punishment lines like this to drive make me remember my unacceptable misbehaviour and suffer the consequences of it. As here I was given corporal punishment for failures in my spelling or presentation as well as for being too slow and made to repeat the exercise from the beginning. In addition I was assigned further punishment for my failure to complete the punishment. Sitting or standing for hours writing the same humiliating line hundreds of times was very corrective. Judith

  3. Hi, beautiful idea, but is not complete with teh "girls punishment manual". A loong list of sins and their punishments. Punitive writing, whip, diaper, castor oil and enemas!
